1934-09-25 (Tribune) - People Denounces Cabarets (Trove)

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News' uu '.1. I
&om fSe Provinces 1 -

Woman's Club Has New President AID SOUGHT PROPOSEUSE 1
Music Demonstration Successful 1
Batangas Treasurer Orders Mu Agusan High School Needs Bulacan Municipal Presidents Bataan Chinese Ends It All

nicipal Officials to Go After P738 to Operate Until End Approve Move at Recent When Girl Gives Him
Delinquents Of This Year Convention Round-Around
Special to the TRIBUNE FORTUNATO Special to the to the TRIBUNE
Bauan, Batangas. Sept. 19, — De 18. — Malolos,
Butuan, Agusan, September Bulacan, Sept. 18. -The By DOMINGO L. GONZALES,
linquency in the payment of land The local provincial board at its ! use of tear gas by the municipal Balanga, Bataan, Sept, 24. — The
taxes in this province has reach recent session an to be utilized
requested insular police, for emergen- body of a man, later identified as
ed such a state of affairs that the of I purposes, was a Chinese .
aid P738.00 from the bureau of cy among the prob- that of named Co-Ho,
provincial treasurer has ordered all in lems taken
Non-Christian tribes order to up and approved by mu- 27, photographer and residing at
his municipal subordinates to 1 at a
wage enable the Agusan high school to nicipal presidents convention. Pilar, this province, was last Fri
a more vigorous and effective cam end ; held at the office of the provincial
function until the of this year. day found by some fishermen float-
paign in tax collection, and to en governor in which Gov. Santos pre- on
The above amount covers the de nig Manila bay within the ju
force, if necessary, the provisions from sided. of
ficit of the estimated income risdiction the municipality of
of the new assessment law. Several
ituition fees for the fiscal year. resolution
tending to 1m- Abucay.
1?rom at 1
data obtained the Of prove the best
of preserving means At the conducted
According to
superinten division investigation
fice of the provincial treasurer, it peace order and and in the bv the authorities, it was disclos
dent of schools, Archer B. Parham, province
is revealed that on Dec. 31, 1933 the necessity of cam ed that the celestial had been miss
the actual enrolment in the Agu conducting
there still remains an uncollected paign against gambling and other three from the house
san high school on July 1st, 1934, ing days
balance of P'14, 306.57 in land taxes . forms of vice were also passed in where he used to live.
was only 265 instead of 306 as es :
alone. This excludes the uncollect convention. same
thus the today's On the day that the body
timated, reducing income
ed balance for 1034. There is also Gov. Cirilo B. Santos was some Chinese
from tuition fees from P5, 508.00 to called at found, arrived
a decided slump in the cedula tax tention to the here from Manila. to
P4, 770.00, or a decrease of P738.00. necessity of taking According
collection as there are 9,593 persons measures in view of them, received letters from
Hence, the increase of the tuition precautionary they
who have not paid their cedulas for Shown above are ' the of the radical ele the deceased in which Co-Ho told
Mrs. Paz Re Paz Reyes Cuerpocruz, president; fee from P18.00 to P21, was recom reported plan
1934. de first ments to create trouble. The needs of his to commit suicide.
yes Cuerpocruz and Miss Jovl- | Mrs. Maria Villano Sanchez, mended by the division plan Due
The total real taxes col superinten
property ta Sanchez, and Mrs. Cal- of preparation on the part of the to this declaration and to the fact
incoming outgoing ; vice-president; Amparo dent of schools to the provincial
lected from January 1 to June 30, police officers and offi that the authorities who
presidents, respectively, of the Ca- deron Sanchez, second vice-presid board as a remedial measure be municipal examiqed
1034 is P152, 991.10, or 42.30 cent cials is at present.
per loocan Women's Club. The instal ent; Miss Noeral Vargas, secret cause highly necessary the body found no signs of violence
the amount available will
of the total tax collectible for the of He also mentioned the rampant ex- indicative of a foul con
lation the club's newly elected ary; Miss Carmen Herrera, social not be sufficient far the play, all
When this with operation
year. is compared ! istence
petty robberies of which cluded that Co Ho drowned
I officers took place last Sunday, secretary; Mrs. Victorina L. Alma- of the high school until December him
the collections for last year for a I was the object of many complaints self.
September 23, at meeting held in rio, treasurer; and Miss Rosario 1934.
a decrease of Si, filed with his office munic
the same period, the home of Mrs, Pilar Sanchez. Mendiola, I against In an investigation conducted
auditor. by
P10.630.32 is revealed. The provincial board, acting up ipal presidents and police for their
Atty. Ricardo Robles presided over ! The club will hold its next meet- the TVT man, it was gathered that
In this connection, Vicente Avila, ' on the recommendation, sought an inability to remedy the situation. Co Ho became
the installation. ing at the home of the president desperate when on
treasurer of Ba insular aid instead because accord
acting provincial The following compose the new I on Rizal street, Maypajo, Saturday, In connection wltfi tfie use of tear two occasions the girl of his love
tangas, declared that the collection ing to Provincial Governor Jose A. to be insincere.
executive board of the club: Mrs. I October 27. gag in every municipality, Alfredo proved It is alleg
of land
taxes in the for Rosales who sponsored the resolu
province Cruz, municipal president of Ca- ed that on one occasion, the celes
the past few years has been very tion, an increase in the tuition
lumpit, declared that the municipal tial caught the girl one summer
bu, and
all the
to the
parents who
are at

are not
in a posi
Co became
a letter.

suspicious and
The inquisi

of the suf sent suffering from acute financial

municipalities province and that the necessity of equipping there and then implored,
fer- great deficits. Mr. Afila aver depression, especially with the
red that while he is convinced the IN TOWN 7 IN MONTERAID sence of locusts and the prevailing
pre- the
could be
glance on
the unusual neatness of
please just have a

cause of land
delinquencies is
he be
the jCABARETS low
is believed
of commercial
unless the
was later agreed that only those

shows participants
Baliuag, September
in the

under the
auspices of
her penmanship. But the girl, who
present stringency, municipalities which can afford to keeps secret even to her parents,
lieves that some municipal treasur San Pedro, Laguna, Complain I Constabulary in P&ngasinan (amount of P738.00 is secured, the buy and acquire to purchase the
school officials. Ramon Permato was the demonstration teacher icith
turned down
| music flatly the plea and
have been lax in their Agusan school will have to so. Rfiss Mercedes Disini, supervising. Those
supervisor, in the pic-
ers dealings Dance Halls — Chi high ! material may do ! resented his
Against ; Active in Anti-Gambling I ! ture are Miss Mercedes Miss
Disini, Cru r, supervising
intrusion on such a
with taxpayers. Another reason j be closed at the end of this month. Apolinario
Capt. Zacarlas K. Imperial, I solemn occasion. This unexpected
advanced by Mr. Avila is the be nese Meszito Clubbed Campaign in Province I pro- teacher of Baliuag district; Concordia Samson, principal of the Ba turn of event made him the more
| vincial, commander, spoke on the liuag Elementary school; Miss Margarita Martin of the
lief of many taxpayers that a bill t principal suspicious of his in her heart.
handicap being encountered place
in the legislature would soon pass Special to the TRIBIJNK
| Special to TRIBUNE
Job Hunters Given present San Rafael Elementary school; Ramon Permato, Margarita Binu- A few days before he committed,
— :by the constabulary in connection
and allow the condonation of taxes. San Pedro, Laguna, Sept. 20. San Quintin, Pangasinan, Sept. ya, Milagros Tapang, Flora Gonzales, Leonora E. Veleria, C. Di-
I suicide, it was further learned that
| with the campaign against gam-
As a part, therefore, of the policy Since last Sunday when Fortunato
24. — With the relentless fight I
Rousing Send-Off He declared that most town
nio , F . Rivera , G. R, Trinidad, Alejandro C. Cruz, Marccla Cruz , Photographer Co again came to
of the treasurer in wag Chua, a Chinese mestizo, was club still In i j bling. Jose fa Sandra, Juana Perez, Emilio G-uillerma I.
provincial against gambling full-swing i police have themselves in Cruz, Salvador, her not to talk of the strikers but
ing an intensive campaign for the bed by an unknown thug in Le- (in the province, seven monte i the TRIBUNE Fajardo, Casiano Alejo, Eemesia Almazar, G. de Leon, D.
play- fipccial to efficient to eradicate petty vices. Tapang, to invited her to a walk (which is
collection of back taxes especially gaspi's cabaret here at about 4:30 i ers were nabbed on the night of Enrique Saclolo, J, Mendoza, Nioanor Santos, Tomas
I Villasis, Pangasinan, September iTnspite of the voluminous work of j Ochoa, Adda an honor) for a picture taking,
for 1932 '5n the these of en 22 at about 2:00 ' Inductivo, B.
those and previous years, morning, places Sept. o'clock p. m, 24. — When young men here decide the constabulary, he further de ! Marcelo Tar/alay and Antonut Javier which will sarve as a memory
hi' hat; circularized all municipal tertainment established by the in the house of Victoriana Badua,
; to go to Manila to look for jobs, clared, the insular police are forced when they are dead. The girl, who
treasurers of the province enjoin road side within the poblacion have maintainer. i ; to conduct raids violators cannot be
j they give parties and hold picnics against wooed
and by a won
ing them to enforce rigidly and to been the subject of criticism by They gave their names as fol to which numerous friends are in
I of
municipal ordinances, which un- Child Health Day Is simple matter picture oftaking.
the letter the provisions of the the people of San Pedro. lows: Victoriana Badua, maintain
vited. jder ordinary condition, could be Successfully I
, for the second time disappointed
new assessment law. He suggests In San Pedro there are two dance er, Venancio Orina, banker, Grego town
A local photographer was being | handled by Capt. Im-
police. Co To. So poignant was It that
halls each
a method
to prepare a
of the
Re rio Bello,
Gonzales, Porfirio
regarding | perial concluded

by his ; | cooperation of
by requesting
municipal officials
Observed Throughout Oriental Nesros Co decided to end it all.

list of taxpayers, some ed filed a with the se Crespo !

delinquent complaint Veniegas. supplier from Manila, but he , toward the eradication of gam-
in —
cqpias or jnfrich to be posted cretary of interior against the op A criminal complaint for viola I couldn't be detained. He was twirl- .(bllng. mhl to
the TBIBUNg " Red Light -District
fcTonsptcvnupNtettr'' In the pobla- eration of the dance until 5:00 tion of Art. 95 Rev. Penal
Code is ' - )
! ing his hat around his hand and I "On the exe or my Dumaguete, Or. Negros, Septem have health yChildren because to
cloii and in the barrios. By this, o'clock in the morning The com filed In the Justice of the Peace
I showed every appearance of want- '
from office which is barely a month ber 15. — Great interest was aroused
rear healthy and vigorous children I Approved for Cebu
the taxpayers concerned are warn plaint was referred to fhe provin- Court of the town against the de In the health
! ing to be off. At long last, after !off," Gov. Santos declared, "I wish of school children as is as easy as if
within a number of 1 cial commander in who fendants. anything parents
ed that specific Laguna ! noticing his the to see that Ia result of the observance of Child to the TRIBUNE
impatience, sales peace and order in the only try to have their children live Special
days he has to come acrosB with his made the investigation. Captain B. Lt. Nicanor S. Velarde made Health -
j man from Manila asked his cus province is well preserved as it Day on Sept. 4. through lives Cebu, Cebu, Sept. 24. — In view of
accounts, and if said days have 'R. Sison recommended to the the raid with the aid of ten P. C. ' simple and have regular health
pro- tomer the why of his has been since I took over jout the province. Public school habits. increase of women of ill-
hurry. always the great
elapsed, without word of settlement ; per authorities to allow dancing soldiers. "We are holding a pionic for a the present administration." "What teachers and town officials cooper in this city, the municipal
his to a. m. so In La Libertad they had a unique repute
from the taxpayer, property only up 12:30 as not to Two of the accused, Gregorio and number of in j
| young men th« town . ever good that the present admin ated to make the day significant council has decided to establish a
may be forfeited and an order of way of celebrating Child Health
J molest the nearby residents. In Bello and Porfirio Romero are re 'who are to Manila to Took istration gets, the credit goes not and highly successful in of in order to se
going point Day. Besides the "red-light" district,
ejectment may be issued in accord j isptte of the recommendation of cidivists. A bond of P700 was re I only me having indispen
I for jobs,T' was the strange but to but also to each and ! attendance and the impression it women and as the "bad"
As sable program of songs, dances, gregate
ance with Sec. 39 of the New the provincial commander, an or quired from each. : every whose made on the
'funny reply. Perhaps Villasis re municipal president people who flocked to sure the protection of the public.
Law. this it dinance dance halls in The speech-making, and other exhibi
sessment By means, permitting case is still pending the Jua- and civic interest made itheir school
sidents wanted to give their Job- j cooperation respective grounds to
tions, the and teachers The project was sponsored by the
is hoped, that delinquencies may San Pedro to operate until 4:30 in tice of the Peace Court of San ! possible whatever the pupils pa
friends one last time success pres hear speeches, songs and see dan Cebu.
| hunting good raded around the town in. College of Medicine of
be reduced, the morning was passed. I Quintin. ent administration claim, ces exhibitions early
'or maybe one last square meal) may and of the healthy Police investigation revealed that
a the afternoon and by half-past
As consequence, both places Gov. Santos added. children school.
j before they started off on the of each three the paraders and townspeople the increase of the number of those
are frequented by thugs from Ma ! TAN JAY TEACHERS HONOR j usually-disappointing
endeavour of Those present at the convention Among the towns who effected ! on the women was due to an almost whole
VISITORS FROM applying for positions In the capi- were Gov. Cirilo B. Santos, member celebrations worthy of mention are the
in front of
sale immigration of women from
Chua sustained a fracture of the BAGU10 I t&l city.— H.C.C. Juan Suerte Felipe, Capt. Zacarlas Dumaguete, Tanjay, Bais, Guihl-
school building listen to
Leyte and th surrounding islands
the program. Toward the end of
skulls. He was rushed to the Gen
By M. RIVAS R. Imperial, Lt. Manuel T. Jimenez, ngan, Manjuyod, La Libertad, Lu-
the to the city of Cebu, where they
eral in serious condition. | Special to the TRIBUNE program the audience was all
A delightful was given re hospital zurriaga, and others. In the cele
the famous beach Tanjay, Neg., Sept. 4.— Rev |
I Or. PLANES LAND IN VICAN Lt. Pacillco Diva, Presidents Pere-
bration in the
excited with the selection of a "Miss can ply their trade more profitably
cently at Pug-os, Father Fernando Guer- grino Sauco of Baliuag; Miguel VI- Luzurriaga, people than in any other place in the Vi-
Mercado, erend and MTs. Carl B. Eschback i Child Health Day" in which a Sixth
resort of Cabuyao, by Julian So-
zon, Alberto Primi- I Uarica of Marilao; Andres Fernando had the rare opportunity of hearing
Attys. Reyes, from Mountain Spertal to tfaa TRIBUNE Grade pupil, Epifania del Corro sayas.
mera, supervising teacher, and Mrs. Baguio, Province, of Polo; Ciriaco de Leon of Bustos, Dr. Francisco Yatco, of the first
Singson, Mariano Alagar, Jose out a +
jtivo visited the Tanlav Elementarv Vigtan, l|ocoa Sur. Sept. 22. — , came victorious. Of course,
Somera, in honor of the new aca Francisco de los Santos, Bigaa; sanitary division, talk about the
Singson, Joaquin Laurel, Cami- on September Three of the ; consort had to be selected and M.
jF. School 4, in company planes Philippine
demic supervisor, Mr. Paguio. llo Formoso, Victorino Jimenea, Flo-
with Division Superintendent Wil Aerial Taxi Oo., arrived this after
Luis San Juan, Paombong; Adeo- importance of maintaining healthy
I Antipuesto
was chosen to bear her DEMONSTRATION HELD
Among those present were: Judge idato P. Lava, Bulacan; Agustin bodies by eating plenty of veget i . _
| ro Crisologo, Drs. S. Feliciano.
liam Hamme of Oriental noon at 8:10 o'clock, coming from j company as "Mr. Child Health
Pablo S. Rivera of the court of Negros. Morales, Sta. Maria; Cesario San- ables and fruits. He also pointed to the TRIBUNE
Vicente | Special
j Alejandro Arce, Verzosa, I Rev. Eschback is in charge of the Baguio, bringing D. C. Kneedler, Dr. Francisco Vio- iDay." The court was composed of
first instance, Capt. Manuel Ata-
| Manuel Lahoz, Bernardo Formoso, | diego, Quingua; out how important it is to have San Roque, Cavite, Sept. 20. —
! largest Church in Ba T. D. Montes, H. H. Searl, T. D.
nacio, Atty. Vicente Singson Pa Evangelical | lago, San Rafael, Fausto Aguirre, sanitary method of waste disposal. princesses of health who were Sa
Mariano Singson, Juan Sangco, Z. C. McPherson | Demonstration classes for grades
guio. The party was entertained Highsmlth and Malolos; He that
blo, Mr. and Mrs- Julian Somera, iPulilan; Ignacio Tapang, said it is not a luxury to rah Domen and Beatriz Ricarte. I and II teachers were held here
Singson, Engineers Aris- from Baguio.
Mr. and Mrs. Marino |Petronilo by the Glee Club of the school un Quirlco A. Villano, San Udefonso;
Rivas, i ton Jesus Encarnacion, j recently by the San Roque Elem
Florendo, der the of Mrs. j The party will be the guests of Na-
Misses Salvacion Motos, Oreta, So management Pa- | Cornelio Mercado, Gulguinto;
Candelario Verzosa, Filadelfo Ko- entary school. The occasion was
j trocinio Munoz. Governor tomorrow i zario Alfredo

corro Arcebal, T. Agdepa, C. Pe- An impromptu Trillana, Hagonoy;
Manuel Singson, Dr. Antonio are back to , featured by discussion on construc-
morning. They going Calumpit; Timoteo Correa, !
iia, M. Igarta, N. Farinas, F, Uli- Jjas, iSamonte, Messrs. Rusell P.
program was given in their honor.
! five methods of teaching which
Taylor, Felicisimo a violin Baguio after lunch. An
bas. A. P. Lacuesta, Mrs. Manapol played Norzagaray; Crispulo Cruz, gat;
Paris, Vicente Bareng, Nicanor Florendo, was conducted by Eliseo Tayao,
solo while Miss Dolores Chiefs ol' Police Feliciano C. San- By H. C. CURRY
Cresencia Gaerlan, Lucas Torrano, Almazan, '
Jose Tongson Antonio Reyes, Ma terwards asked them to sing a Li- j academic supervisor. Included
Muni j another school played a tos, Gabriel Lindayag, Eugenio Vertical motor havet
Judge Cabanos, Dr. Sison, riano Ernesto de Leon, Ma- teacher, or two which | Eight cars ire no funds for municipal boun ! among those present were James
Donato, on the song they graciously Demetrio Bonifa 1 flooded
President and Messrs. piece piano. ; jarde, Bernardo, the Philippines; "Airflow"; arches, there at
cipal Dayoan, 'nolo Encarnacion, Leon Favis, Do- 1 consented. Reverend and Mrs. dary should least ! E. McCail, division superintendent
Mr. Hamme then introduced the cio Inocencio, Olimpio Venilla, Jose
"M. Somera, F. Savellano, V. Vera models are the rage of those who be arches for the boun schools, the school teachers and
l roteo Rosario, Gaudencio Filart. i Eschback delighted their small au Domingo provincial of
guests of honor to all the central Villano, Ramon Sandiego, can afford
Cruz, F. Pano, C. Rakedan, M. Teo- beautiful them; and Aparri is but! daries. i after which refreshments
j Jose Rojas Gregorio Itchon, dience with their singing. Pcfia, Justo Cruz, Laureano Sebas others,
M. and liar. i «:chool teachers. Mr. Hamme af- ' 'a day's run by automobile
Barut, Inis, Adajar i doro Carlos Teacher Artemio Sam- from; ; were served to the visitors,
Purruganan, Reyes, Principal tian, Aurelio Sarmiento, Jose Sama-
Manila. But in most barrios, the! Most believe that i The who conducted the
Baquiran, Mariano Gonza | people all teachers
Felipe j son showed the visitors some of i niego, Tomas-de Guzman, Bernardo
Mr. and Mrs. Alberto Reyes still holds sway and is the are
les. Eustaquio Fragante. Miguel Eslampador. Juan Florendo, Ma the classes. After recess Mr. I Ortega, Epifanio de la Rosa, Ruflno ; rotes dark-skinned. Many will : demonstrations were : Miss Felici-
gave a dinner dance last Wednes Ce- to gee the principal means of the poorer mass- be surprised to find quite a num- dad Bersola, Grade I teacher in
Aguinaldo, Ricardo Avila, Agosto riano Formoso. Pablo Filart, Hamme took them North Regalado, Daniel Tantoco and Ni
day at their home in honor of j 1 sario I es and those who live by the fruits ; ber of fair-skinned damsels and Arithmetic;
; Catanjal, Perfecto Sison, Eulogio Averia. other schools. canor de Leon. among Phonics, Reading
Judge Pablo S. Rivera of the court i of th'eir labor on the farms. the tribes of Mountain Province. and
1 — J in health education language,
of first I
instance. Among those pre And not a few of them are on Miss Felicidad Guinto. Miss Apo-

Judge Pablo
S. Rivera,
Celebrating Child Health Day in Calapan, Mindoro over
1 funds
the recent
are elated
the eyes, either. lonla
Fojas, Grade

and Mrs. Rojas, for the locust are There was a time long ago when Reading, while Miss Erfa Portacio
Capt Manuel Atanacio. Dr. Mar- ' — A.R.
now practically ready for release. Paete, Laguna, was famous for its in Language and Arithmetic.
ciano Crisologo, Dr. Pedro Alvara- Now donJt have to wood In the name
farmers worry carvings. fact,
Misses Rosario Lucia 1 of the town
do, Reyes, so much about the winged pests was derived from the
RefeB, Leonor de Leon. Leonora de
which always damage crops worth ; word paet, meaning chisel. Now NAB 4 CHINESE
Leon, Lourdes Josue, Concepclon I the town is known for the I —
thousands of pesos. mostly
Datoc. Genoveva Datoc, Consuelo ! lanzones grown in it. re- i Special to the TRIBUNE
Alagar, Attys. Mariano Alagar, Jose 1 sidents claim that the sweetest Cavite, Cavite, Sept. 20— Four
The excursion that was lan-
F. Baguio j
Singson, Victorino Jimenez. zones from the province are grown i Chinese were arrested by the cons-
organized by the Manila Railroad j
Floro Crisologo, Garcia, Dr. Ber in Paete. under the com-
a few weeks has prov j tabulary operatives
company ago
nardo Formoso, Mariano Singson, i 'mand of Lieuts. Ferreol and Ma-
Ri ed to be a big success. For the
Messrs. Vicente Filart, Marino ramba while playing Chinese jue-
sum of ten many who had Talking about some more build-
vas, Pablo Juan Florentino, pesos Martirez here
Filart, 1 as a health aside ; teng at Calle Trece
not seen Baguio before got a chance ing up resort,
Jose Tamayo, Juan Justiniano, Ma I from on Sept. 6. Complete parapherna
to do so at so little Round Tagaytay, Cavite, there is Ba-
riano Donato. President expense. amount of
Faypon, ! lete beach a short lia and money in the
with music, sight-seeing and in Batangas,
Atty. Mariano Florentino. Pahlo j trip, i P80.53 were confiscated as evid-
hotel accommodations for ten two-hour motor car drive from Ma
Kairuz. ence in a criminal complaint filed
is more than one can nila. The breeze is pleasant, the
ask for. It's like this that view is magnificent, and there is I with the justice of the peace court.
Teodoro bust things names
Donato, prominent than Those arrested gave their
will make the really "See no better fresh-water bathing
nessman and
of Hocos people Chin Can Chan
sportsman that in Taal lake. And talk about as Tun, Kwong,
the Philippines first."
Sur. celebrated his birthday on Pan Mon and Tan Giap.
the delicious fishes caught in the
September 11th as usual. The af
A beautiful motor car ride is the lake— oooooh!
fair this year, however, was dif
Manila Atimonan, Ta- to about the only build
ferent of the one from to overflow,
from all of those pre would be
The cool palm-tree-lined Tarlac wouldn't be the im ings saved the provincial
vious years in that it was a stag yabas. j today
and high both of
dance roads are soothing to the body and; portant town that it is if it were capitol school,
luncheon instead of a di-nor hill.
A few hills break the mono-i for the dike that keeps the which stand on a fairly high
After the the . s were eyes. not
luncheon, the roads would be impassable.
tony of the fairly long spin and; town safe from the river. Every ;I And
entertained with a Sj.r.iish decla
then the Vogelgesang the months, the; ; cutting off from Manila all points
mation by Camiio Formoso, gorgeous zig-j year, during rainy
Atty. of Tarlac.
zag near Atimonan finally convinces j river swells and rises, and were it north
well known declaimer, who was
one that the trip was well worth!
accompanied on the piano by Car
the time and trouble. Beautiful
los Reyes, and the wisecracks of
Perez Park in Lucena, the view of
lA. Mercado that made everybody
the Pacific Ocean from Atimonan
roar with laughter. Those present
and bustling San Pablo are the
were: Judge Pablo S. Rivera.
Mons. high-lights of the run.
Bonifacio Brillantes, Super
intendent James A. Milling, Dean
i Tayabas is really the province
Agustin Alonzo, Provincial Treas
Child Health Day teas observed
Calapan , Mindoro, in in a, biy may. 1 here nas a parade, fallout <1 by a program in which the leading beautiful in Luzon. All the roads
urer Angel Llanes, Provincial Doc
Photo activities the shows and well-kept and there
tor Pedro Alvarado, Ex-Governot residents of the capital spoke , and a baby contest. depicts some of the held during dug. Top picture portion ; are nice
crowd which to to see the contest. Those seated an- members arches that show one the boun
Jose Villanueva. Capt. Manuel Ata of the flocked the municipal building baby of the municipal council and are
8 fm„ Oil Eucallptua 0.1 Em., Boric Acid
Formula; Menthol 0S tnn„ Camphor
board Bclotv: school children who in the Inset: Lilia Ascnsi, elected queen of the day, and her j daries of every town. Other
nacio, Municipal President Faypon, of the of judges. participated parade. prov-j S.o gm.. Oil I' in us Pupillo 0-1 Km.. Excipient to make 30 gm.
consort Encarnacion. were chosen as the hculticst children in Calapan . inces should follow suit. If there!
Lts. Francisco Sandiko and Jesus j , Benjamin They

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