Week 3-Day1 English LP

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School San Nicolas Central Grade Level Two

Elementary School
Teacher Youmar T. Sumaya Learning Area English
Teaching Dates and Time WEEK 3 , DAY 1 Quarter Second
A. A. Content Standards: The learner demonstrates understanding of grade level
appropriate words used to communicate inter- and intrapersonal experiences, ideas,
thoughts, actions and feelings.
B. B. Performance Standards: The learner independently takes turn in sharing inter and
intra personal experiences, ideas, thoughts, actions and feelings using appropriate
C. C. Learning Competencies/Objectives :
a. COGNITIVE-Talk about topics of interest (likes and dislikes) EN2OL-IIc-d1.3.4
b. PSYCHOMOTOR- Participate in talking about topics of interest. EN2OL-IIc-d1.3.4.1
c. AFFECTIVE- Respect each other’s likes and dislikes. EN2OL-IIc-d1.3.4.2
A. A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages page 50
2. Learner’s Materials pages page 76
3. Textbook pages English 2 union Bank
4. Additional Materials from Learning Resource(LR) portal
B. B. Other Learning Resources
Teacher’ Activity Pupil’s
A.Reviewing previous lesson or 1. What can you say about the 1.fair, brown,
presenting the new lesson color of your hair? Skin? black
2. What are the foods you like
to eat? 2. Pupil have
B.Establishing a purpose for the Today, I am going to read a Who is the
lesson. poem for you. The title is “I am Filipino?
a Filipino” by Dali Soriano What makes a
What do you want know about Filipino?
the poem?
C.Presenting examples/ instances 1. Before I will read the poem, 1.
of the new lesson let us learn some new words Have the pupils
that are found in the poem. match the
Teacher prepares pictures for pictures with the
the following: correct word.
( you can refer to TG page 28)

2. Teacher reads the poem

aloud 2. Pupils listen.
I am a Filipino
By Dali Soriano
I am a Filipino
I am proud to be one.
My black hair and brown skin,
Perfectly baked by sun.

I live happily with my parents,

Brothers, sisters-we are one.
Lolo, Lola, uncles, and aunts,
On fiestas we have fun.

I play Filipino games-

Sipa, taguan, palosebo.
I love Filipino food,
My favorite is adobo.

I kiss the hand of my elders,

To say goodbye or hello.
This makes a Filipino,
Polite, respectful, and true.
3. Let the pupils
read together.
D.Discussing new concepts and Comprehension check-up. Let the pupils
practicing new skills #1 1.Who is the child in the answer the
poem? comprehension
2. What is the color of the check-up.
child’s hair?
3. What is the color of the
child’s skin?
4. Who is living with the child?
5. What does the child like to
What is the child’s favorite
6.How does the child show
respect to the elders? What
can you say about the child?
How do Filipinos show respect
to the elders?

E.Discussing new concepts and Have the pupils

practicing new skills #2 I am a Filipino. repeat the
My skin is ______(color of the sentences the
skin). teacher say.
My hair is______(color of the
I love to eat _______, ______,
and ________.
I like to play ______, _______,
and ______.
I live with my parents/
I help and respect them.
I am proud to be a Filipino.

F.Developing mastery (Leads to Let the pupils find a partner. Let each partner
formative assessment 3) Pair-Share Activity. complete the
Name of your partner

G.Finding practical applications of Call 5 pairs of volunteers to tell

concepts and skills in daily living about themselves in front of
the class.
H.Making generalizations and What can you say about a A Filipino child
abstractions about the lesson Filipino child? has _____ and
____ skin with
____ hair, loves
to play, helps
his/her _____
and respect the
I.Evaluating learning My name is_______________
I like to eat________________
I like to play ______________
I do not like to eat__________
I do not like to play_________
J.Additional activities for Draw the things you like to do.
application or remediation
A.No. of learners who earned 80% in the evaluation
B.No. of learners who require additional activities for
C.Did the remedial lesson work? No. of learners who have
caught up with the lesson
D.No. of learners who continue to require remediation
E.Which of my strategies work well? Why did this work?
F. What difficulties did I encounter which my principal or
G. What innovation or localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to share with other teachers?

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