2nd Quarter Business Math

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Division of Agusan del Sur

Bunawan National High School

Business Mathematics

Name: ____________________________________________Score: _____________________

Section: BURGOS

I. Encircle the letter of the best answer.

1. By definition, it refers to the amount by which the cost of product is increased in order
to derive the selling price.
a. margin b. markdown c. markup d. cancellation
2. An item costs P1, 000. Assume an original selling price of P1, 300. The selling price was
raised to P1, 40. How much is the mark on?
a. P300 b. P400 c. P500 d. P700
3. The list price is P2,500 and the discount rate is 12.5%. Find the net invoice price.
a. P312.50 b. P1,207.50 c. P2,087.50 d. P2,187.50
4. A television set was bought for P3,825 net of discount. The selling price was listed at
P4,500. Compute the discount rate.
a. 5% b. 10% c. 12.5% d. 15%
5. The net invoice price of the clock is P300. If the discount granted was 2%, find the list
a. P300 b. P325 c. P350 d. P375
6. An electric mixer was granted a series of discounts 15%, 10%, and 5%, resulting in a
net invoice price of P2,180.25. Compute the list price.
a. P2,500 b. P3,000 c. P3,500 d. P4,000
7. This refers to earnings of employees paid on monthly or annual basis.
a. benefit b. compensation c. salary d. services
8. Tammy is paid on a per-piece basis at the rate of 1.20 per piece. If he finishes 360
pieces a week, how much is his total earnings?
a. P360 b. P396 c. P432 d. P540
9. Rociano has a total production of 750 pieces. Find his gross earnings at P0.98 per piece.
a. P695 b. P735 c. P750 d. P825
10. At P5.50 per piece, how much will be earned for 200 pieces?
a. P900 b. P1,000 c. P1,100 d. P1,200
11. Missy is working in a factory that pays on a piece- rate basis. If the rate is P125 per 100
pieces, how much is her gross earning if she finished 500 pieces?
a. P500 b. P625 c. P725 d. P900
12. Benjie has a total production of 300 pieces. Find his gross earnings at P2.25 per piece.
a. P25 b. P675 c. P725d. P850
13. If an employee earns P12,000 per month, his monthly expenses include food- P3,000,
light and water-P800 and other expenses-P2,000. How much is his net earnings?
a. P6,200 b. P7,200 c. P7,800 d. P8,200
14. Rembrandt has a total production of 1,500 pieces. Find his gross earnings at P1.225/pc
for the first 500, P1.525/pc for the next 300 and P2.05/pc for all others.
a. P2,153.50 b. P2,340.25 c. P2,352.50 d. P2375.50
15. Aubrey produced 800 pieces of a certain product. Find her gross earnings at this
condition: less than 300 at P0.98/pc, 300-400 at P1.02/pc, 401-500 at P1.10/pc,
501-600 at P1.15/pc, over 600 at P1.25/pc.
a. P791.4 b. P851.04 c. P871.04 d. P921.04
16. E. Razon is a waiter at the Kalye Kan-anan. His rest day is Wednesday. He is paid
overtime in excess of 40 hours a week. His hourly rate is P15.75. For the week, he
worked for 48 hours excluding the 7 ½ hours he rendered on Wednesday. Compute his
gross earnings.
a. P936.19 b. P976.19 c. P1,026.19 d. P1,106.19
17. It refers to the intermediate earnings before all expenses are included.
a. business income c. investment income
b.gross income d. net income
18. Benefit as to the case of teachers that is received during year-ends or midyear.
a. allowance b. benefit c. bonus d. commission
19. The following are allowances that an employee may avail as part of his benefit EXCEPT
a. clothing allowance c. meal allowance
b.daily allowance d. transportation allowance
20. This refers to payment for productivity such as commission, overrides, profit sharing or
a. hourly payment c. overtime payment
b.incentive payment d. salary
21. Payment made for working beyond the required number of hours.
a. commission b. overtime c. salary d. wage
22. This article of the Labor Code enunciates that the normal hours of work of any employee
shall not exceed eight (8) hours a day.
a. 83 b. 87 c. 93 d. 94
23. Article 93 of the Labor Code of the Philippines provides that work performed on any
special holiday shall be paid an additional compensation of at least ______ of the
regular wage.
a. 25% b. 30% c. 50% d. 100%
24. If the minimum daily wage rate is P400, how much is the overtime rate per hour for an
ordinary day?
a. P45 b. P55 c. P57.50 d. P62.50
25. If the regular hourly rate is P55 and an employee has an overtime of 2 hours, how is the
overtime rate per hour be computed if he/ she works on the Labor day?
a. P55 x 100% x 130% c. P55 x 200% x 130%
b.P55 x 150% x 130% d. P55 x 260% x 130%
26. An employee is paid at an hourly rate of P70.50. if she works on December 30 which
falls on his rest day, how is his regular hourly rate for that day be computed?
a. P70.50 x 200% c. P70.50 x 200% x 130%
b.P70.50 x 260% d. P70.50 x 260% x 130%
For items 26- 28, refer to the situation below.
Joselito is paid on an hourly basis. His regular rate is P125 per hour. For the week, he
has worked the following hours each day.
Monday- 8 hours Tuesday – 10 hours Wednesday – 8 hours
Thursday – 10 hours Friday – 9 hours.
27. Considering that 40 hours a week is his regular hours and anything in excess is
considered overtime, how much is his gross earnings?
a. P5, 893.25 b. P6,023.75 c. P6,093.75 d. P7,043.25
28. If Joselito is paid overtime on all hours in excess of 8 hours per day, how much is his
gross earnings?
a. P5, 781.25 b. P5, 971.25 c. P6, 201.50 d. 6,481.50
29. Suppose Tuesday is a regular holiday, compute for his gross earnings for the week.
a. P6, 808.50 b. P6, 945.75 c. P7,118.75 d. P7,138.75
30. Flora is an hourly wage earner of a private company earning P42.50 per hour. For the
week, she worked the hours below. She contributes P100 for PhilHealth.
Monday- 8 Tuesday – 8 Wednesday – 10 Thursday – 12 Friday – 8
Compute her net earnings for the week if overtime is computed in excess of 8 hours per
a. P1,918.75 b. P2,018.75 c. P2,118.75 d. P2,218.75
31. It refers to the factual information in raw or unorganized form.
a. data b. fact c. grouped data d. statistics
32. A chart that shows the data, grouped or ungrouped with corresponding frequencies. It
usually has columns and rows.
a. graph b. table c. text d. venn diagram.
33. It is a diagram showing the relation between variable quantities, typically two variables,
each measured along one pair of axes at right angles.
a. graph b. table c. text d. venn diagram
34. A graph that is used to compare the parts of a whole. It is divided into sections
representing certain quantities.
a. bar graph b. line graph c. pie graph d. pictograph
35. It shows information that is connected in some way. It plots the value of the variable
and then connects the dots in order to give an idea of the relationship of consecutive
a. bar graph b. line graph c. pie graph d. pictograph
For 36-38, refer to the given below.
Ages of Students in Section Kalinisan
Ages Frequency
13 2
14 2
15 3
16 12
17 3
36. What is the mean?
a. 15 b. 15.55 c. 15.75 d. 16
37. What is the median?
a. 14 b. 15 c. 16 d. 17
38. What is the mode?
a. 14 b. 15 c. 16 d. 17
For items 39-45, refer to the table below.
You were given the following grouped data for the time it took employees of the
Philippine College of Commerce to go to work:
Time of Travel to Frequency
1-10 7
11-20 15
21-30 12
31-40 10
41-50 8
51-60 5
39. Find the mean.
40-41. Find the median.
42-43.Find the mode.
44-45. What does the mean interpret?

II. Constructing a graph.

For items 46-50, refer to the problem:
Elaine earns P30, 000.00 a month. She spends 50% for rent, 18% for food, 12% for
clothing, 10% for utilities, 7% for savings, and 3% for transportation.

46-48. Prepare a pie chart.

49. How much does Elaine spend for each item?
50. For what does Elaine spend the most?

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