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Module 2| First Quarter
August 9 - 13, 2021

Subsidiarity and Solidarity:
Complementary Principles for
Common Good

Economic Society: From
Exclusive to Inclusive Economic

When we pray, there is a need for us to lift our minds, hearts, and whole being to God in every moment of our lives.
We need God’s presence every day and our life is nothing without Him. All prayers in the Church nourish our journey to
its final end the goal that is the Kingdom of God. Prayer as a means of communication with God, needs an absolute effort
to fight against ourselves and the wiles of the tempter. To be at prayer is a challenge to our spiritual life. We need to be in
constant prayer because the battle of prayer and battle to live in a real Christian life is inseparable. As a believer of the
Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, prayer is somewhat instilled in us.
You will understand clearly that prayer is an essential aspect of the life of the faithful that needs a strong faith,
humility, trust in God, and perseverance in prayer. You will be able to connect how prayer is essential in our existence as
a person who is belong in the society – a society where solidarity and subsidiarity are complementary for achieving
common good.
We cannot deny the fact that suffering is a common experience to those who are in the last, least, and the lost. They
automatically get their courage and trust to God to all the hindrances and suffering these people experienced. In this case,
principle of subsidiarity and solidarity will be consider. People from those in the privileged group will extend their help
and concern to those who are underprivileged. Through this principle, common good will be achieved in the society.

Grade Level Standards:

The learners demonstrate understanding of concepts about society and Christian human work as a calling from
God and take actions for the right course or occupation that is meaningful and significant for integral human formation
and social transformation.


Lesson Title:
LESSON 3: Subsidiarity and Solidarity: Complementary Principles for Textbook Pages:

Common Good
LESSON 4: Economic Society: From Exclusive to Inclusive Economic
Pages 38 – 49

Focus Skills:
Lesson Objectives:
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to:
 Explain and identify obstacles
 Explain subsidiarity and solidarity as complementary principles for the common and challenges in prayers.
good.  Pray wholeheartedly to
 Explain Pope Francis vision of an inclusive global economic system that protects overcome trials and suffering.
and upholds the dignity and welfare of the lost, the least, and the last, and  Engage in the community in a
promotes for sustainable prosperity. liturgical celebration that
Morals affirms the Christian values
Participate in building Christian community for the improvement of life in the that promote common good.
society and country especially in eradicating or alleviating poverty that dehumanizes
the poor and the powerless.

Engage in the community in a liturgical celebration that affirms the Christian values
that promote common good.

Opening prayer:

Loving Father, Free My Mind And Heart From Any Worries As I Start This New
Day. Lord, Give Me The Grace To Hold On To My Faith And Keep Me Away from
Any Kind Of Temptation. As I am Doing This Activity, Make Me Aware That It Is
Only Through My Faith That I Will Truly Have A Meaningful Life. I Ask All Of
These Through Christ The Lord, Amen.

My beloved student, before starting the lesson, kindly use the given prayer above for your opening prayer and
meditation. Afterwards, reflect on the given pictures below. Make a short description about the pictures and how prayer is
expressed in the said pictures.



Kindly proceed to FIRM UP and read with comprehension the transition statement.


When something bad happens to us, we commonly think that God abandoned us and that he does not love us
anymore. It takes time for man to realize the goodness of situation from a moral evil. Yet with God’s grace, we will
come to see and understand better why these bad things happen to us. Like in the story of Job, after having been richly
blessed all his life, he is brought down to utmost misery by the death of his loved ones, personal poverty, and sickness.
Job thought that God had totally abandoned him. But because of Job’s faith in God and Divine Providence, God lifted
him up and showed him his constant love and presence.
Hence, the Church reminds us that God’s providence does not abolish all evil and suffering from the world. But
it does offer the believing Christian the spiritual strength and hope needed to face these evils and to refuse to be
overcome by them. And so we pray: “But deliver us from evil. Amen.” (Mt 6:13)
God reminds us to have faith in Him in spite of different obstacles and difficulties in life that might test the faith
we have. The same as during prayers, we might encounter different temptations and difficulties in our prayer life. But
God wants us to love Him because this is the only way that we could get rid from this temptations and loving entails
faith, perseverance, and focus which would free us from different kind of destructions and temptations during prayers.
My dear student, we are not yet done in deepening the concept about prayer in the midst of suffering. The brief
explanation on the Firm Up part of this module is just a small picture of what prayer really means in the midst of
suffering. For you to discover the bigger picture about this lesson, kindly read with comprehension the pages 41 – 45 of
your textbook.

Before start answering the next activities, I want you to read and understand the additional discussion for this
lesson below. Let’s go deeper and discover more.

Are you ready? Let’s move on!

Divine Providence
Divine Providence is described as God Himself in the world, continuously upholding the existence of His
creatures in view of the end. God constantly intervenes in the lives of the people by sustaining and governing us. As our
Creator, God knows us and our need more than anyone in the entire universe. He created us but willed a state of
journeying as He relentlessly guide all creation toward its perfection by Divine Providence (CCC 302). He protects and
directs all things well. He knows yesterday, today, and tomorrow. “Nothing is concealed from God; all lies bare and
exposed to the eyes of Him to whom we must render an account”.
Divine Providence shows a special concern for man who is the crown of God’s creation. God sustains man in
threefold ways. First physically. God preserves man by granting him all the necessary things he needs. God provides and
cares for man as Jesus taught his disciples “I tell you not to worry about your life… your Father knows that you need
them. Seek rather His Kingdom, and these things will be given to you as well.” Second morally, God bestows to us a
conscience to guide our actions and be mindful of the ways we conduct ourselves as we journey to the ultimate perfection
of life with Christ. Lastly, spiritually, God answers our human prayers. Before we open our lips to ask God for our needs,
He already knows them.

If God is good and powerful, why does He allow the existence of evil in the world?
God loves us and He knows what is good for us. The question now is, why is there evil in the world? Does God
allow all suffering to happen? Everything that is good comes from God. But God deemed to create the world in a “state of
journeying” (CCC 310). It means that it is not perfect, because man, with God’s Providence, is tasked to perfect His
Kingdom through Jesus Christ. God allows evil to happen because He respects man’s actions and brings us to the
realization by drawing something good out of evil. St. Augustine said, “God would never allow any evil if he could not
cause good to emerge from it”.
In spite of emergence of evil in the world, God still allows us to change ourselves and change our society for the
good of all through repentance and renewal. Because of that we are given the chance to be part of the community where in
Solidarity and Subsidiarity are complementary. These two concepts are one way or another for us achieve common good
as Church and a community where we are belong.

Kindly read the discussion below!

Common good, subsidiarity and solidarity; Pillars of Catholic Social Teachings

The church identifies three pillars of the dignity of the human person in a truly human society, namely: Common
good, Subsidiarity and Solidarity. These also form the principles of the Social teaching which the church uses as yardstick
in interpreting and evaluating relations between persons at all levels of society. What contribution do these principles
bring to society?

Common good, to share benefit and responsibility

Let us begin with the Principle of the Common Good. The fact that a human person lives in relation with others,
therefore the good of one person is in some way related to the common good, which is “the sum total of social conditions
which allow people…to reach their fulfilment more fully and more easily” (Catechism of the Catholic Church 1905-
1906). Thus, society will attain its goals when by its actions arrive to be at the service of the human being, that is, the
good of all people and of the whole person (Cf. Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church 165). This principle
obliges the government of any country to ensure that the national wealth benefits all citizens.

No wonder universal destination of goods is the first direct implication of the principle of Common good, which
is based on the understanding that “God gave the earth to whole human race for the sustenance of all its members, without
excluding or favouring anyone” (CSDC 171). Thus, it is a universal right of every person to have access to the goods of
the earth in order to live well in dignity. However, universal destination of goods does not mean that everything belongs
to all in the sense of communism or socialism. Rather, it develops moral awareness in people that goods of the earth are
ultimately meant for all and not just for the privileged few. The Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, in Libertatis
Conscientia, 90, 1987, p 594) clarifies by saying, the “…progress of some will no longer be an obstacle to the
development of others, nor a pretext for their enslavement.” A question may be posed: is the universal destination of
goods opposed to private property?

Not at all! In fact, the church acknowledges that “private property is an essential element of an authentically
social and democratic economic policy” (CSDC 176) as it allows any individual to own goods. Nevertheless, the right to
private property is subordinated to the right to common use (cf. CSDC 177). Hence, private property as a means of
applying the principle of universal destination of goods has implication of social responsibility. Morally, owners of goods
cannot leave them idle, they must use them or entrust them to those in need or capable of using them (cf. CSDC 178). It is
the same for technological know-how of the developed nations vis-à-vis developing ones.

Connected to the principle of Common good is the Principle of Subsidiarity which defends the right of every
person or group to contribute to the well-being of all. The church observes, “just as it is gravely wrong to take from
individual what they can accomplish by their own initiative and industry and give it#WeCAREasOneIHMA
to the community, so also it is
injustice and at the same time a grave evil and disturbance of right order to assign to a greater and high association what
lesser and subordinate organisations can do” (CSDC 186).

This principle protects “little people,” from being absorbed by much stronger ones. Every person has something
original to offer to the community, thus, they must be helped to fulfil their duties. This would include also avoiding
excessive centralisation and welfare assistance. Should the government step in to help, however, its intervention should
last only as long as is necessary.

The typical implication of subsidiarity is participation. Every citizen is given an enabling ground to contribute to
the community by means available to them; it is the cooperation of all people for the good of all. Such participation

somehow touches also the need to change political leaders so that positions in government do not become a prerogative of
just a few privileged people (cf. CSDC 189) like in the case of tribalism or nepotism where participation is denied to some
and made more accessible to others.

The third principle is Solidarity, which is rooted in the intrinsic social nature of the human person who lives in
relations with others. Solidarity seeks to eliminate the “structures of sin” that dominate relationships between individuals
and peoples. In his Sollicitudo Rei Socialis, 38, John Paul II says: solidarity “is a firm and persevering determination to
commit oneself to the common good…because we are all responsible for all.” It is a commitment to the good of one’s
neighbour, thus, it is an aspect of social justice.

A catholic, called to live and apply this spirituality of the social teaching, has the duty to allow his relations with
other people be inspired by these principles of human social relationships, conscious that the goods of the earth are meant
for all. Thus, the rule of the jungle, where the weak get eaten while the fittest survive and keep going, just does not have a
place in a truly human society. We share common humanity and therefore we should be sensitive to the needs of others
and be ready to share the common heritage.

You are required to do a research on how each civil society responsibility performs its
function according to the gospel values of social justice; economic viability; people’s
TRANSFER 1 and care for the environment peace, gender equality and spirituality. This will be
(August 2- 6 2021) integrated in the mobile application of the computer subject.
Submit your output in our Schoology class in the Module 1 Transfer 1 Folder.
Using what you have researched in transfer 1, Identify the most essential and relevant
TRANSFER 2 virtue and values. This will be integrated in the mobile application of the computer
(August 9 – 13, 2021) subject.
Submit your output in our Schoolgy class in the Module 2 Transfer 2 Folder


Make a draft of your digital poster that contains values praying, sharing, healing, breaking
bread and loving one another. This will be displayed in the mobile application of your
TRANSFER 3 computer subject.
(August 16 - 20)
Submit your output in our Schoolgy class in the Module 3 Transfer 3 Folder
It is important that a person values praying, sharing, healing, breaking bread and loving
one another. Your GKK was chosen to promote these values. As a digital
Artist/Programmer you are chosen by the leader of your GKK to promote these values by
PERFORMANCE making a digital poster using photo shop, Canva, and the like, and to create a mobile
TASK application using Mobile App Inventor. Your output will be graded and evaluated
(August 23 – 27) according to the rubrics below.

Performance task must be submitted on or before August 23 – 27, 2021 in our


Rubrics for Performance Task

3 2 1
Criteria Excellence Satisfactory Needs improvement Score

Punctuality Submitted before the Submitted on time Missed the deadline

2x due date.
The poster and the The poster and the The poster and the
mobile application’s mobile application’s mobile application’s
layout, color layout, color layout, color
Creativity harmony, and harmony, and harmony, and
2x graphical user’s graphical user’s graphical user’s
interface exceeds interface meets the interface needs
expectation. expectation. improvement.

The poster and the The poster and the The poster and the
Relevance to the mobile application mobile application mobile application
theme are perfectly aligned are somewhat aligned are slightly aligned to
3x to the theme. to the theme. the theme.
The mobile The mobile The mobile
Functionality application exceeds application serves its application did not
3x expectation. purpose. function
Raw score:

Highest possible


Answer your summative test honestly. Try your very best because this is a recorded test. Please provide a concise answer
for each item.
1. Why do we find difficulties in the practice of prayer? (5 points)
2. Explain how prayer can overcome trials and suffering? (5 points)
3. How will you interpret this line, “We pray as we live, because we live as we pray.”? (5 points)
4. Explain subsidiarity and solidarity as complementary principles for the common good. (5 points)

You’ve made it! Congratulations for completing this lesson. Now to quickly assess what you’ve learned, kindly ponder
on the table below. Just provide brief responses each question. This is an assessment how much you learn in our lesson.
Thank you and God bless!

How prayer is important to When can we say that hindrances How will you explain the principle
unprivileged (least, lost, and the and suffering are blessings in of subsidiarity applying it to the
last)? disguise? least, lost, and the last?

God’s presence is always within us. We should change our wrong mind set of repenting and asking for
anything only in times of troubles and trials. God is always present, what we need is to recognize His divine presence
We cannot deny the fact that physical and emotional suffering and hindrances do exist especially to those
unprivileged one, but because of deep faith and solidarity among people, with the help of this principle of subsidiarity
those in the privilege one has given a chance to share their blessings and effort to those poor who are considered least,
lost, and the last.
Now, before we end this lesson I want you to pause for a while for the closing prayer. Read the prayer below.

Closing Prayer:

Our Lord and God, you have revealed yourself to me through understanding the value of prayer that is free
from any distraction and temptations. Strengthen my soul to avoid those temptations. I want to apologize for
my lapses, for forgetting you in times of happiness and only remembering you in times of trials and
challenges. Help me to be faithful to you and give me the grace to always follow your will. This I ask in the
name of Jesus, your Son, in unity with the Holy Spirit, one God for ever and ever. Amen.

1. Kenosis 9 Book, page 33

Prepared By:

Mr. Ray Cris A. Temario

Religious Education Teacher

Checked By:
Sr. Leticia B. Dotollo MIC
Religious Education Subject Coordinator


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