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Second Quarter
September 13 – 18, 2021

Church as Temple of the Holy Spirit:

Empowered for Involvement and Volunteerism
The Holy Spirit is the teacher of the people about the Faith. The Holy Spirit guides the Church in her life of
prayer by preparing her people to meet God our Father. Since the beginning of the Church’s establishment, the Holy Spirit
was actively present and continuously guides its members, especially in their life of prayer. The Church’s Liturgy,
especially the Eucharist, is the primary prayer of God’s people expressing deep faith, which is particularly anchored in the
Scriptures. The Holy Spirit brings us to Christ that means, when we pray to the Father and to the Son, we definitely pray
to the Holy Spirit.
As a Church, we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. We are blessed and empowered by the gifts and fruits of the
Holy Spirit in order to exercise our self-actualization. By this, we are given a chance to live the life that God wants us to
live out and fulfil. God wants us to live and apply our purpose or end and that purpose is to follow His commandments
and be a person of involvement and volunteerism to the community where we are in.

Grade Level Standard:

The learner demonstrate understanding of concept about society and Christian human work as a calling from God
and take actions for the right course or occupation that is meaningful and significant for integral human formation and
social transformation.
Church as Temple of the Holy Spirit: Empowered for Involvement
9 15 - 25
and Volunteerism
Lesson Objectives Focus Skills
At the end of this lesson, you are expected to: At the end of this lesson, you
Doctrine are expected to:

 Analyze the life stories of young people and/ or young saints who selflessly  Pray wholeheartedly
committed themselves for the service of God and of country/ society.
 Explain why the Church should support people’s involvement and  Make an Infographic
volunteerism for the common good.
 Relate the importance of youth involvement and volunteerism to the
progress of citizens and the society.
 Participate actively in the school’s outreach activities with the partner
communities or barangays in responding to their needs
To come up with a class liturgy where each one is actively engaged in the
prayer and worship.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of
Your love. Send forth Your Spirit and they shall be created and You shall renew the
face of the earth. O God, who has taught the hearts of the faithful by the light of the
Holy Spirit, grant that by the gift of the same Spirit we may always be truly wise
and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.

My dear student, before starting today’s lesson, I want you to find a quiet place in your house where you can
pray and meditate. Use this song “When You Believe” as your opening prayer or recite the given prayer above.

When You Believe Song link:

Let’s Start!
Hip Hip Hooray! You are now in your lessons 9. Now to start, kindly read the story of the faith of Saint Pedro
Calungsod. He is an example of a young saint who fulfils his purpose by being a catechist. He was guided by the gifts and
fruits of the Holy Spirit to become a devoted Filipino believer. His love for God made him a martyr of the faith.

Saint Pedro Calungsod

Pedro Calungsod or Pedro Calonsor is a young Filipino Saint who came from the islands of the Visayas. He was a
migrant sacristan, and missionary catechist, who along with the Spanish Jesuit missionary, Diego Luis de San Vitores,
suffered religious persecution and martyrdom in Guam for their missionary work in 1672.
Calungsod preached Christianity to the Chamorro people through catechism at the risk and expense of being
persecuted and ventually murdered. He was beatified on March 5, 2000 by then Pope John Paul II. Calungsod was
canonized by Pope Benedict XVI at Saint Peter’s Basilica in Vatican City on October 21, 2012.

1. What particular virtue of Saint Pedro Calungsod would you like to imitate? Why?
2. Suppose you were one of the companions of Pedro Calungsod sent to that faraway land. You, too, face the threat
of being killed if you continued to spread the faith. Would you be willing to give up your life for the sake of your
faith? Why?

Gunayan, M. (2017). Our Way To God 10. The Phoenix Publishing House Inc. 927 Quezon Avenue, Quezon City. pp. 232.
Since the beginning of the Church’s establishment, the Holy Spirit was actively present and continuously guides its

members especially in their life of prayer.

Saint Pedro Calungsod was guided by the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit to his self-actualization. He is a great
model of Christian faith who wants to become a servant of God through spreading the word of God and His good news of
Salvation. He used his talents and knowledge to proclaim the good news, he became a catechist. Saint Pedro Calungsod is
eventually a person who applies the virtue of involvement and volunteerism.

Read Acts 2:1-4 on pages 17 – 18 of your textbook. This will help you discover and learn more how the Holy Spirit
works powerfully to guide its believers of faith. The same with Saint Pedro Calungsod who was guided and inspired by the
Holy Spirit throughout his journey in serving God and His people.

Kindly ponder on the following questions below.

1. How did the Holy Spirit come in the midst of Jesus’ apostles?
2. What happened to the apostles when they were filled with the Holy Spirit?

To deepen your understanding about our lesson, kindly read with comprehension the Church’s tasks with the guidance
of the Holy Spirit to support people’s involvement and volunteerism for the attainment of the common good.

1. The Church today is faced with an immense task: to humanize and to Christianize this modern civilization of ours. The
continued development of this civilization, indeed its very survival, demand and insist that the Church do her part in
the world. That is why she claims the co-operation of her laity. In conducting their human affairs to the best of their
ability, they must recognize that they are doing a service to humanity, in intimate union with God through Christ, and
to God’s greater glory. And St. Paul insisted: “Whether you eat or drink, or whatsoever else you do, do all to the glory
of God.”

Mater et Magistra (“Mother and Teacher”), Pope John XXIII, 1961 #256.

2. In every age, the church carries the responsibility of reading the signs of the times and of interpreting them in the light
of the Gospel, if it is to carry out its task. In language intelligible to every generation, it should be able to answer the
ever recurring questions which people ask about the meaning of this present life and of the life to come, and how one is
related to the other.

Gaudium et Spes (“The Church in the Modern World”), Vatican II, 1965 #4.

3. The more the power of men and women increases the greater is their responsibility as individuals and as members of
the community. There is no question, then, of the Christian message inhibiting them from building up the world or
making them disinterested in the good of others: on the contrary it makes it a matter of stricter obligation.

Gaudium et Spes (“The Church in the Modern World”), Vatican II, 1965 #34.

4. Far from diminishing our concern to develop this earth, the expectation of a new earth should spur us on, for it is here
that the body of a new human family grows, foreshadowing in some way the age which is to come. That is why,
although we must be careful to distinguish earthly progress dearly from the increase of the kingdom of Christ, such
progress is of vital concern to the kingdom of God, insofar as it can contribute to the better ordering of human society.

Gaudium et Spes (“The Church in the Modern World”), Vatican II, 1965 #39.

5. The church, then, believes that through each of its members and its community as a whole it can help to make the
human family and its history still more human.

Gaudium et Spes (“The Church in the Modern World”), Vatican II, 1965 #40.

6. By their words and example and in union with religious and with the faithful, let them #WeCAREasOneIHMA
[the laity] show that the church
with all its gifts is, by its presence alone, an inexhaustible source of all those virtues of which the modern world stands
most in need. Let them prepare themselves by careful study to meet to enter into dialogue with the world and with
people of all shades of opinion.

Gaudium et Spes (“The Church in the Modern World”), Vatican II, 1965 #43.

7. Mindful of the words of the Lord: “By this all will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one
another”(Jn. 13:35), Christians can yearn for nothing more ardently than to serve the people of this age successfully
with increasing generosity. Holding loyally to the Gospel, enriched by its resources, and joining forces with all who
love and practice justice, they have shouldered a weighty task here on earth and they must render an account of it to
him who will judge all people on the last day.

Gaudium et Spes (“The Church in the Modern World”), Vatican II, 1965 #93.

8. Listening to the cry of those who suffer violence and are oppressed by unjust systems and structures, and hearing the
appeal of a world that by its perversity contradicts the plan of its Creator, we have shared our awareness of the
Church’s vocation to be present in the heart of the world by proclaiming the Good News to the poor, freedom to the
oppressed, and joy to the afflicted. The hopes and forces which are moving the world in its very foundations are not

foreign to the dynamism of the Gospel, which through the power of the Holy Spirit frees people from personal sin and
from its consequences in social life.

Justicia in Mundo (“Justice in the World”), World Synod of Catholic Bishops, 1971 #5.

9. The Church has received from Christ the mission of preaching the Gospel message, which contains a call to people to
turn away from sin to the love of the Father, universal kinship and a consequent demand for justice in the world. This
is the reason why the Church has the right, indeed the duty, to proclaim justice on the social, national and
international level, and to denounce instances of injustice, when the fundamental rights of people and their very
salvation demand it.

Justicia in Mundo (“Justice in the World”), World Synod of Catholic Bishops, 1971 #36.

10. The members of the Church, as members of society, have the same right and duty to promote the common good as do
other citizens. Christians ought to fulfil their temporal obligations with fidelity and competence. They should act as a
leaven in the world, in their family, professional, social, cultural and political life.

Justicia in Mundo (“Justice in the World”), World Synod of Catholic Bishops, 1971 #38.

11. The Church directs her attention to those new “poor” — the handicapped and the maladjusted, the old, different
groups of those on the fringe of society, and so on — in order to recognize them, help them; defend their place and
dignity in a society hardened by competition and the attraction of success.

Octogesima Adveniens (“A Call to Action”), Pope Paul VI, 1971 #15.

12. The distinctive contribution of the Church flows from her religious nature and ministry. The Church is called to be, in
a unique way, the instrument of the kingdom of God in history. Since peace is one of the signs of that kingdom
present in the world, the Church fulfils part of her essential mission by making the peace of the kingdom more visible
in our time.

The Challenge of Peace: God’s Promise and Our Response, U.S. Catholic Bishops, 1983 #22.

13. As Catholics, we are heirs of a long tradition of thought and action on the moral dimensions of economic activity. The
life and words of Jesus and the teaching of his Church call us to serve those in need and to work actively for social
and economic justice. As a community of believers, we know that our faith is tested by the quality of justice among
us, that we can best measure our life together by how the poor and the vulnerable are treated.

Economic Justice for All, U.S. Catholic Bishops, 1986 #8.

14. The Church’s social teaching comprises a body of doctrine, which is articulated as the Church interprets events in the
course of history, with the assistance of the Holy Spirit, in the light of the whole of what has been revealed by Jesus

Catechism of the Catholic Church, The Vatican, 1992 Charity and Justice #2422.

15. Jesus, as “the physician of the body and of the spirit”, was sent by the Father to proclaim the good news to the poor
and to heal the brokenhearted (cf. Lk 4:18; Is 61:1). Later, when he sends his disciples into the world, he gives them a
mission, a mission in which healing the sick goes hand in hand with the proclamation of the Gospel: “And preach as
you go, saying, ‘The kingdom of heaven is at hand’. Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, cast out demons”
(Mt 10:7-8; cf. Mk 6:13; 16:18).

Evangelium Vitae (“The Gospel of Life” , Pope John Paul II, 1995 #47.

16. Every believer is called to serve “the least of these,” to “hunger and thirst for justice,” to be a “peacemaker.”
Catholics are called by God to protect human life, to promote human dignity, to defend the poor and to seek the
common good. This social mission of the Church belongs to all of us. It is an essential part of what it is to be a
Everyday Christianity: To Hunger and Thirst for Justice, U.S. Catholic Bishops, 1998.

To broaden your concept about the works of the Church guided by the Holy Spirit, kindly read pages 18 – 21 of your
textbook. Afterwards, answer the questions below for your self-assessment. This is the stage where you can practice and
evaluate your learning about the lesson. Try to identify the correct answer in the given statements. Write your answer in
the space provided before each question. God bless and Good luck!!!


_____________1. It is the birthday of the Church.
_____________2. It is the most common invocation among the faithful offered to the Holy Spirit.
_____________3.He is the Saint who had a spiritual conversion after an experienced of battle in Pamplona.
_____________4. He was the founder of the Society of Jesus.
_____________5. It is the highest form of prayer.

HURRAY! Congratulations for completing the activity. Continue the lesson by doing the next tasks below. Good luck
and God bless!


You will be aware about our rights and responsibilities as human person and the laws that are
aligned with the Natural Moral Law and with the essence of the Church as the Body of Christ
TRANSFER 1 through our discussion. Afterwards, answer the question below.
As a believer and a Filipino Christian, how can you model self-service in response to
(August 31 – the shortage of supply in the market amidst pandemic. (5-10 sentences)
September 4, Your answer will be displayed in the mobile application of the computer subject.

Using what you have discovered and learned in TRANSFER 1, each member in the PT group will
choose one worker to research about. Afterwards, answer the following questions below:
 Why did you choose that worker?
TRANSFER 2  How will you relate yourself to the worker you have chosen?
 Can you foresee yourself as a successful person in the future? Why or why not?
(September 6 – 11,  How is “service” related to “success”?
Your responses will be displayed in the mobile application of the computer subject.

TRANSFER 3 Using what you have learned, make the final draft of your infographic of each chosen worker in
(September 13 –
18, 2021) This will be displayed in the mobile application of the computer subject.

Your LGU will be celebrating the National Labor Day. The program committee of your LGU
chooses your team to create a mobile application which showcases infographic about God’s love
SECOND in the lived realities of workers. Each one in your group is tasked to choose one worker to create
QUARTER an infographic about that worker. Your infographic should include the following: God’s love in
TASK lived realities of worker and its relationship to the cause and effect of the shortage and
surplus in the market. These infographic should be the content of your mobile application. Your
(September 20 – output will be assessed based on the following criteria: punctuality, relevance to the theme,
25, 2021) creativity, and functionality.

Answer your summative test honestly. Try your very best because this is a recorded test. Please provide a concise answer
for each item. Good luck and God bless. (5 points each)
1. What is the role of the Holy Spirit in the life of the Church for the attainment of the common good?
2. Explain why the Church should support people’s involvement and volunteerism for the common good.
3. As a youth, why it is important to be involved and be a volunteer to the progress of citizens and the society?

YOU DID A GREAT JOB! You completed the lessons. Now we are going to evaluate what you have discovered and
learned. Kindly provide brief responses to what is being asked in the table below.

As a youth, I want to be involved and be a volunteer … so that common good will be achieved.


Always remember that together with the works of Holy Spirit who is the Third Person of the Holy Trinity, we are
being guided to attain our purpose as a Church who continually upholds the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our best
way of preserving and upholding Jesus’ values and virtues is to be involved and become a volunteer towards achieving
common good in the society.
Furthermore, the guidance of the Holy Spirit sustains our existence as a member of the Church and brings forth life
in every creature on earth and leads each one to life everlasting.
I hope this lesson helps you to strengthen your relationship with God. May it encourage you to become a good
youth in the society and be a volunteer and a voice to spread His teachings and Good news.
Now, before we end this lesson, I want you to pause for a while for the closing prayer. Read the prayer below.

Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of Your faithful, and enkindle in them the fire of Your love. Send forth Your
Spirit and they shall be created and You shall renew the face of the earth. O God, who has taught the hearts
of the faithful by the light of the Holy Spirit, grant that by the gift of the same Spirit we may always be truly
wise and ever rejoice in His consolation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.



 Cordero, D. & Lagaya, R. (2014). KENOSIS: The Life-Giving Sacrifice of Jesus 9. Don Bosco Press.
Antonio Amaiz cor. Chino Roces Avenue, Makati City. pp. 88-94.
Prepared By:
Mr. Ray Cris A. Temario
Religious Education Teacher



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