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Mechanisms of Nicotine Addiction

Marina R. Picciotto1 and Paul J. Kenny2

Department of Psychiatry, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, Connecticut 06508, USA
Nash Family Department of Neuroscience, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York,
New York 10029, USA

Tobacco smoking results in more than five million deaths each year and accounts for ∼90%
of all deaths from lung cancer.3 Nicotine, the major reinforcing component of tobacco
smoke, acts in the brain through the neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs).
The nAChRs are allosterically regulated, ligand-gated ion channels consisting of five mem-
brane-spanning subunits. Twelve mammalian α subunits (α2–α10) and three β subunits (β2–
β4) have been cloned. The predominant nAChR subtypes in mammalian brain are those
containing α4 and β2 subunits (denoted as α4β2 nAChRs). The α4β2 nAChRs mediate
many behaviors related to nicotine addiction and are the primary targets for currently ap-
proved smoking cessation agents. Considering the large number of nAChR subunits in the
brain, it is likely that nAChRs containing subunits in addition to α4 and β2 also play a role in
tobacco smoking. Indeed, genetic variation in the CHRNA5–CHRNA3–CHRNB4 gene

cluster, encoding the α5, α3, and β4 nAChR subunits, respectively, has been shown to
increase vulnerability to tobacco dependence and smoking-associated diseases including
lung cancer. Moreover, mice, in which expression of α5 or β4 subunits has been genetically
modified, have profoundly altered patterns of nicotine consumption. In addition to the rein-
forcing properties of nicotine, the effects of nicotine on appetite, attention, and mood are also
thought to contribute to establishment and maintenance of the tobacco smoking habit. Here,
we review recent insights into the behavioral actions of nicotine, and the nAChR subtypes
involved, which likely contribute to the development of tobacco dependence in smokers.

NICOTINIC RECEPTOR SUBTYPES tegmental area (VTA) and its primary projec-
INVOLVED IN CONTROL OF THE tion area, the nucleus accumbens (NAc), greatly
MESOLIMBIC SYSTEM AND NICOTINE attenuate nicotine self-administration and the
REINFORCEMENT psychostimulant properties of nicotine (its abil-
ity to increase locomotion [Clarke et al. 1988;

T he mesolimbic dopamine (DA) system is a

central mediator of drug reward and rein-
forcement (Koob 1992). Lesions of the ventral
Corrigall et al. 1992, 1994]). A great deal of prog-
ress has been made in identifying the nicotinic
acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) subtypes ex-

This is an update to a previous article published in Cold Spring Harbor Perspectives in Medicine [Picciotto and Kenny (2013). Cold
Spring Harb Perspect Med 3: a012112. doi:10.1101/cshperspect.a012112].
Editors: R. Christopher Pierce, Ellen M. Unterwald, and Paul J. Kenny
Additional Perspectives on Addiction available at
Copyright © 2021 Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory Press; all rights reserved; doi: 10.1101/cshperspect.a039610
Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2021;11:a039610

M.R. Picciotto and P.J. Kenny

pressed in both the dopaminergic and GABA- Grady et al. 2001), nicotine-induced locomo-
ergic neurons of the VTA and on neuronal tor activation (King et al. 2004), nicotine self-
terminals in the NAc (Klink et al. 2001; Zoli administration (Picciotto et al. 1998; Maskos
et al. 2002). DA neurons express heteromeric et al. 2005), and nicotine place preference (Wal-
nAChRs containing the α4, α5, α6, β2, and β3 ters et al. 2006; Brunzell et al. 2009; Mineur et al.
subunits in various combinations, with the pre- 2009a). Similarly, knockout of the α4 subunit
dominant subtypes being α4/β2/α5 and α4/α6/ abolishes intracerebroventricular (i.c.v.) self-
β2/β3. The α6 subunit appears to be selectively administration of nicotine, consistent with evi-
expressed in DA neurons (Le Novere et al. dence that α4/β2 nAChRs are required for
1996; Drenan et al. 2008b), although there may depolarization of DA neurons in the VTA (Exley
be some effect of α6-containing receptors on et al. 2011; McGranahan et al. 2011). Converse-
GABA transmission in the VTA (Yang et al. ly, knockin of a hypersensitive α4 subunit shifts
2011). Gain-of-function studies of the α6 sub- the dose–response curve for nicotine-induced
unit, coupled with α4 subunit knockout show increases in DA neuron firing to the left, and
that the predominant receptor mediating DA results in nicotine place preference at very low
release from VTA neurons are of the α4/α6/ doses of the drug (Tapper et al. 2004). Similarly,
β2 subtype (Engle et al. 2013). In addition, α7 expression of a hypersensitive α6 subunit in a
homomeric nAChRs are expressed in DA neu- bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) trans-
rons (Klink et al. 2001), as well as on neuronal genic mouse line potentiates nicotine-induced
terminals on afferents to the VTA (Mansvelder burst firing in DA neurons, and potentiates nic-
et al. 2002; Wooltorton et al. 2003). otine place preference at low doses of nicotine
Electrophysiological studies have shown that (Drenan et al. 2008a, 2010).
nAChRs containing the β2 subunit are essential A series of studies have provided further sup-

for the ability of nicotine to depolarize DA cell port for the involvement of α6 nAChRs in nic-
bodies in the VTA and to increase their firing rate otine self-administration. Mice lacking the α6
(Picciotto et al. 1998; Zhou et al. 2001). Although subunit do not acquire nicotine self-administra-
the predominant inward currents due to nicotine tion (Pons et al. 2008). Similarly, conotoxins
in these neurons involve β2 nAChRs, nicotine selective for α6/β2 nAChRs disrupt nicotine
can also modulate the presynaptic input to DA self-administration in the rat when infused into
neurons from GABAergic and glutamatergic ter- the VTA (Gotti et al. 2010) and following self-
minals impinging on them. In a slice prepara- administration training, these conotoxins de-
tion, nicotine can potentiate glutamate input to crease the motivation to lever press for nicotine
DA neurons through α7 nAChRs, resulting in on a progressive ratio schedule (Brunzell et al.
long-term potentiation of those inputs (Man- 2010). In contrast, in mice with constitutive
svelder and McGehee 2000). In addition, nico- knockout of the α6 subunit, intra-VTA self-
tine can desensitize β2 nAChRs on GABAergic administration of nicotine is not disrupted,
inputs to DA neurons, resulting in a shift from whereas α4 nAChRs are necessaryand sufficient
mixed excitation and inhibition of DA neurons for both intra-VTA self-administration, as well as
by nicotine, to a more unmixed stimulation of nicotine-induced increases in firing of DA neu-
nAChRs on presynaptic glutamatergic terminals rons (Exley et al. 2011; McGranahan et al. 2011).
(Mansvelder et al. 2002; Wooltorton et al. 2003). However, α4 and α6 subunits are both required
Evidence from mouse genetic models with for the ability of nicotine to gate DA transmission
knockout or mutations of nAChR subunits in the NAc, suggesting that nAChRs in NAc may
suggests that the postsynaptic depolarization of be more important in motivation to self-admin-
DA neurons is essential for behaviors related to ister nicotine (Brunzell et al. 2010; Exley et al.
nicotine reward and reinforcement such as 2011) and that this may affect acquisition of
nicotine place preference and self-administra- self-administration behavior (Pons et al. 2008;
tion. Knockout of the β2 subunit abolishes nic- Gotti et al. 2010), as well as nicotine-dependent
otine-mediated DA release (Picciotto et al. 1998; locomotor activation (Gotti et al. 2010).

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Nicotine Addiction

Despite its contribution to nicotine-depen- lateral (LHb) domains (Lecourtier and Kelly
dent plasticity in the VTA, knockout of the α7 2007; Hikosaka 2010). The MHb and LHb are
subunit in mice does not affect nicotine place anatomically, chemically, and functionally
preference (Walters et al. 2006) or acquisition distinct subnuclei, each with different comple-
of nicotine self-administration (Pons et al. ments of afferent and efferent connections. LHb
2008). However, antagonizing α7 type nAChRs receives afferent inputs from, and projects ex-
in the NAc or anterior cingulate cortex in the rat tensively to, midbrain and hindbrain sites. In
increases the motivation to self-administer nic- particular, the LHb projects densely to the
otine, whereas infusion of a selective α7 agonist rostromedial tegmental nucleus (RMTg) (Jhou
decreases motivation, as measured using a pro- et al. 2009), and has a well-established inhibitory
gressive ratio schedule (Brunzell and McIntosh effect on the firing of midbrain DA neurons
2012). α7-type nAChRs may modulate, rather (Lecourtier and Kelly 2007; Matsumoto and Hi-
than mediate, nicotine reinforcement and there- kosaka 2009; Hikosaka 2010; Bromberg-Martin
fore the effect of α7 knockout may be more and Hikosaka 2011). LHb neurons are excited
subtle than knockout of β2 nAChRs. by omission of anticipated rewards or expo-
An important role for nAChRs in the VTA sure to aversive stimuli (Lecourtier and Kelly
in nicotine reinforcement has been shown 2007; Matsumoto and Hikosaka 2009; Hikosaka
using both molecular genetic and pharmacolog- 2010; Bromberg-Martin and Hikosaka 2011).
ical techniques. Selective viral reexpression of This has prompted considerable interest in
β2 (Maskos et al. 2005; Pons et al. 2008) or the role for LHb neurons in encoding negative
α4 nAChRs in the VTA is sufficient to support motivational states. Unlike LHb, the MHb pro-
both intra-VTA (Maskos et al. 2005) and system- jects almost exclusively to the interpeduncular
ic nicotine self-administration (Pons et al. 2008), nucleus (IPN) via the fasciculus retroflexus (Fr)

identifying the nAChR subtypes necessary for (Lecourtier and Kelly 2007; Hikosaka 2010).
nicotine reinforcement, as well as showing the MHb is comprised of neurons that produce
importance of nAChRs within the VTA itself the neurotransmitters acetylcholine (ACh) or
for this behavior. This is consistent with previous substance P (Cuello et al. 1978; Eckenrode
studies suggesting that nAChRs within the VTA et al. 1987), and a small population that produce
are critical for nicotine reward, because local in- the cytokine interleukin-18 (IL-18) (Sugama
fusion of a nicotinic agonist into the VTA, but et al. 2002). However, it is believed that most
not the NAc, is sufficient for nicotine place pref- MHb neurons also produce and corelease gluta-
erence in the rat (Museo and Wise 1994). mate, with this excitatory neurotransmitter con-
Thus, molecular genetic studies support the sidered the major functional transmitter at the
idea that α4/α6/β2 nAChRs on DA neurons in MHb-IPN synapse (Mata et al. 1977; Vincent
the VTA are essential for nicotine reinforce- et al. 1980; Girod et al. 2000; Ren et al., 2011).
ment. These experiments in mice are supported The MHb contains some of the highest densities
by pharmacological studies in rats, and provide of nicotine-binding sites in brain (Mugnaini
a consistent molecular subtype and neuroana- et al. 2002). In particular, the highest densities
tomical locus for the rewarding and reinforcing of α5, α3, and α4 nAChR subunits expression in
effects of nicotine. brain are detected in MHb and/or IPN (De Biasi
and Salas 2008). Indeed, approximately 90%–
100% of MHb neurons express α3, α4, α5, β2,
NICOTINIC RECEPTORS AND CIRCUITS and β4 nAChR subunits (Sheffield et al. 2000),
and it is hypothesized that ∼20% of functional
nAChRs in rat MHb neurons that project to IPN
contain α5 subunits (Grady et al. 2009). Electro-
The habenula is a diencephalic structure located physiological studies have shown that, whereas
on the dorsomedial surface of the caudal thala- α3 and β4 nAChR subunit levels are strong
mus that is segregated into medial (MHb) and throughout the ventral MHb, α6, β2, β3, and

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M.R. Picciotto and P.J. Kenny

α4 subunits are selectively found in some, but recently shown that mice with null mutation in
not all of these neurons (Shih et al. 2014). this subunit intravenously self-administered far
The fact that the MHb-IPN pathway is en- more nicotine than their wild-type littermates
riched in α5, α3, and β4 nAChR subunits is of (Fowler et al. 2011). Interestingly, the knockout
particular interest in the context of recent hu- mice consumed more nicotine only when higher
man genetics findings. It has been shown that unit doses of the drug were available (Fowler
allelic variation in the α5/α3/β4 nAChR subunit et al. 2011). By using Fos immunoreactivity as a
gene cluster located in chromosome region measure of neuronal activation, it was shown
15q25 significantly increases risk of tobacco ad- that the MHb-IPN pathway of the knockout
diction (Saccone et al. 2007; Berrettini et al. mice was far less sensitive to nicotine-induced
2008; Lips et al. 2010). For example, a single- activation than wild-type mice (Fowler et al.
nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) in CHRNA5 2011). Interestingly, chronic nicotine exposure
(rs16969968), which is very common in those increases action potential firing and nicotine
of European descent (minor allele frequency = sensitivity of MHb and IPN neurons (Arvin
0.42), increases the risk of tobacco dependence et al. 2019). Chemical inactivation of the MHb or
by ∼30% in individuals carrying a single copy of the IPN using the local anesthetic lidocaine, or
the variant, and more than doubles the risk in disruption of N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)
those carrying two risk alleles (Bierut et al. receptor-mediated glutamatergic transmission
2008; Wang et al. 2009); this finding has been in these sites using the competitive antagonist
consistently replicated (Berrettini et al. 2008; LY2358959, increased nicotine self-administra-
Bierut et al. 2008; Grucza et al. 2008; Stevens tion behavior in rats in a manner similar to the
et al. 2008). The rs16969968 risk variant is as- α5 nAChR subunit knockout mice (Fowler et al.
sociated with heavy smoking (Berrettini et al. 2011). Virus-mediated reexpression of the α5

2008; Bierut et al. 2008; Grucza et al. 2008; Ste- nAChR subunit in the MHb-IPN pathway of
vens et al. 2008), early onset of smoking behavior knockout mice abolished the increased nicotine
(Weiss et al. 2008), and with a “pleasurable buzz” intake seen at higher doses of nicotine (Fowler
from tobacco (Sherva et al. 2008). In addition, et al. 2011). Conversely, RNA interference-me-
the same genetic variability in CHRNA5 is also a diated knockdown of α5 nAChR subunits in the
major risk factor for lung cancer and chronic MHb-IPN pathway in rats resulted in increased
obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) in smok- nicotine intake at higher unit doses of the drug,
ers (Amos et al. 2008; Hung et al. 2008; Wang very similar to the same behavioral profile de-
et al. 2010), likely reflecting higher levels tected in the knockout mice (Fowler et al. 2011).
of tobacco dependence in individuals carrying Finally, knockdown of α5 nAChR subunits in
risk alleles and consequently greater exposure the MHb-IPN pathway in rats decreased their
to carcinogens and toxins contained in tobacco sensitivity to the reward-inhibiting (i.e., aver-
smoke (Le Marchand et al. 2008; Thorgeirsson sive) actions of higher nicotine doses compared
et al. 2008). In addition to the rs16969968 with control rats, as measured by nicotine-in-
SNP in CHRNA5, there is also increased risk duced elevations of intracranial self-stimulation
of tobacco dependence in individuals carrying (ICSS) reward thresholds (Fowler et al. 2011).
the rs6495308, rs578776, or rs1051730 SNPs in Taken together, these findings suggest that nic-
CHRNA3 (Berrettini et al. 2008; Saccone et al. otine activates the MHb-IPN pathway through
2009), and rs1948 in CHRNB4 (Schlaepfer et al. stimulatory effects on α5 nAChRs. Nicotine-
2008). induced activation of the MHb-IPN pathway
The above findings suggest that nAChRs results in a negative motivational signal that
containing α5, α3, and/or α4 nAChR sub- serves to limit further nicotine intake. Hence,
units, densely expressed in the MHb-IPN path- disruption of α5 nAChR signaling diminishes
way, regulate addiction-related actions of the stimulatory effects of nicotine on MHb-IPN
nicotine. Consistent with an important role for activity, and thereby permits consumption of
α5 nAChRs in regulating nicotine intake, it was greater quantities of nicotine.

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Nicotine Addiction

In addition to α5 nAChRs, evidence sug- concerning the role for nAChRs in the
gests that β4 nAChRs in the MHb-IPN pathway MHb-IPN tract in regulating affective aspects
also play an important role in regulating nico- of nicotine withdrawal, and in particular with-
tine consumption. Specifically, overexpression drawal-associated reward deficits that may mo-
of β4 nAChRs in mice using BAC transgenic tivate relapse during periods of abstinence in
technology resulted in greatly diminished sensi- human smokers.
tivity to the reinforcing properties of orally con- The above findings support a key role for
sumed nicotine solutions and far less consump- α5 and β4, and perhaps also α2 and α3
tion of the drug than wild-type mice (Frahm nAChRs, which are enriched in the MHb-IPN
et al. 2011). This finding suggests that, similar pathway in regulating nicotine reinforcement
to α5 nAChRs, β4 nAChRs in the MHb-IPN and the expression of the nicotine withdrawal
pathway also regulate sensitivity to the aversive syndrome in nicotine-dependent rodents. As
effects of nicotine that control the quantities of such, nAChRs containing these subunits may
the drug consumed. be important targets for the development of
Dependence on tobacco smoking depends novel therapeutics for smoking cessation.
not only on the balance between the rewarding In addition to the MHb-IPN pathway, α5,
and aversive action of nicotine described above, α3, and β4 nAChR subunits are densely
but also on escape from the aversive conse- expressed in the nucleus of the solitary tract
quences of nicotine withdrawal (Doherty et al. (NTS) in the hindbrain. The role of the NTS
1995; Kenny and Markou 2001). Indeed, with- in regulating nicotine intake was recently ex-
drawal duration and severity predict relapse in plored. It was shown that nicotine induces
abstinent human smokers (Piasecki et al. 1998, robust and dose-dependent increases in Fos
2000, 2003). The nicotine withdrawal syndrome immunoreactivity in NTS neurons, with this ef-

in abstinent smokers is comprised of “physical” fect restricted almost neurons that express the
or somatic components, and “affective” compo- neuropeptide glucagon-like peptide-1 (GLP-1)
nents. The most common somatic symptoms (Tuesta et al. 2017). Using a line of Chrna5-
include bradycardia, gastrointestinal discom- tdTomato reporter mice, GLP-1 neurons were
fort, and increased appetite. Affective symptoms shown to express α5 nAChR subunits (Tuesta
primarily include depressed mood including et al. 2017), suggesting that the stimulatory ef-
anhedonia, dysphoria, anxiety, irritability, diffi- fects of nicotine on GLP-1 neurons is mediated
culty concentrating, and craving (Parrott 1993; at least in part by α5 nAChRs. Systemic delivery
Doherty et al. 1995; Kenny and Markou 2001). of the GLP-1 receptor agonist exendin-4 (Ex4),
Similar to α5 subunits, α2 subunits are highly or the dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (DPP-4) inhibitor
enriched in the IPN (Grady et al. 2009). α5 and sitagliptin (to inhibit GLP-1 breakdown) de-
α2 subunit knockout mice that were dependent creased responding for nicotine infusions but
on nicotine (delivered through subcutaneously not food rewards in mice (Tuesta et al. 2017).
implanted osmotic minipumps) did not show Chemogenetic activation of GLP-1 neurons in
somatic signs of nicotine withdrawal when the NTS similarly decreased nicotine intake in
withdrawal was precipitated with the nAChR mice (Tuesta et al. 2017). Conversely, nicotine
antagonist mecamylamine (Salas et al. 2009). but not food intake was increased in GLP-1 re-
Moreover, direct infusion of mecamylamine ceptor knockout mice (Tuesta et al. 2017). No-
into the IPN, but not the VTA, of nicotine- tably, some of the highest densities of GLP-1
dependent wild-type mice precipitated the ex- receptor binding sites in the brain are detected
pression of somatic withdrawal signs (Salas in the IPN (Göke et al. 1995). This suggests that
et al. 2009). This suggests that α5 and α2 GLP-1 released from NTS neurons may regulate
nAChRs in the MHb-IPN pathway, and perhaps activity of the MHb-IPN pathway to control nic-
other nAChR subtypes enriched in this pathway, otine intake. Consistent with this possibility,
regulate the expression of somatic signs of GLP-1-immunoreactive fibers can be detected
nicotine withdrawal. However, little is known in the IPN of mice (Tuesta et al. 2017). Further-

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M.R. Picciotto and P.J. Kenny

more, when channelrhodopsin-2 is expressed in main of TCF7L2 was deleted using zinc finger
GLP-1 neurons in the NTS, optical stimulation nucleases it was shown that nicotine self-admin-
of GLP-1 terminals increased the frequency but istration behavior is markedly enhanced by
not the amplitude of postsynaptic currents TCF7L2 deficiency (Duncan et al. 2019). Inhi-
(oEPSCs) in IPN neurons (Tuesta et al. 2017). bition of TCF7L2 activity in the MHb, accom-
The IPN receives massive cholinergic innerva- plished in mice by CRISPR-Cas9 cleavage of
tion from MHb (Ren et al. 2011), with MHb Tcf7l2 DNA or in rats by local delivery of
cholinergic neurons coreleasing glutamate and short interfering RNAs to knock down Tcf7l2
providing the major source of glutamatergic in- transcripts, dramatically increases nicotine in-
put to the IPN (Ren et al. 2011). The GLP-1 take (Duncan et al. 2019). As described above,
agonist Ex-4 enhanced EPSCs in IPN neurons nAChRs in the MHb play a critical role in
optically evoked from the terminals of MHb regulating nicotine intake (Fowler et al. 2011).
cholinergic neurons. These findings suggest Using whole-cell recordings to assess pharma-
that GLP-1, released from NTS inputs to IPN, cologically isolated nAChR currents in MHb
stimulates the terminals of MHb cholinergic slices, it was shown that the amplitude of nico-
neurons to enhance excitatory transmission tine-evoked nAChR currents were similar in
onto IPN neurons to inhibit nicotine intake. wild-type and TCF7L2-deficent rats (Duncan et
Consistent with this hypothesis, RNA interfer- al. 2019). However, unlike nAChRs in the MHb
ence-mediated knockdown of GLP-1 receptor of wild-type rats, nAChRs failed to recover from
transcripts in MHb neurons increased nicotine nicotine-induced desensitization in TCF7L2-
intake in rats, particularly when higher unit deficent rats (Duncan et al. 2019). Taken togeth-
doses were available (Tuesta et al. 2017). This er, these observations suggest TCF7L2 acts
effect is similar to the increased nicotine intake downstream from GLP-1 receptor-mediated

seen in rats after knockdown of Chrna5 tran- transmission to regulate the function of habenu-
scripts in the MHb (Fowler et al. 2011). Infusion lar nAChRs and thereby control nicotine intake.
of the GLP-1 receptor antagonist exendin-
(9-39)-amide (Ex-9) into the IPN similarly in-
creased nicotine intake in rats (Tuesta et al. NICOTINIC INVOLVEMENT IN BEHAVIORS
2017). Conversely, infusion of Ex-4 into the
IPN decreased nicotine intake in rats (Tuesta
et al. 2017). Taken together, these findings sug-
gest that nicotine stimulates GLP-1 neurons in Nicotine reinforcement and avoidance of the
NTS via a5 nAChRs, which in turn enhances aversive effects of nicotine withdrawal are clearly
the activity of the MHb-IPN pathway to inhibit fundamental for ongoing smoking, but a num-
nicotine intake. ber of other factors are also likely to contribute
GLP-1 receptors are Gs-coupled G-protein- to smoking behavior in humans. nAChRs are
coupled receptors that enhance the production expressed throughout the brain on both excit-
of cAMP. In pancreatic β cells, GLP-1-stimulat- atory and inhibitory neurons, with the ability to
ed increases in cAMP results in phosphorylation increase inhibition of circuits when excitation is
and nuclear translocation of β-catenin, which high and to increase excitation when circuits are
dimerizes with the transcription factor tran- less active (Picciotto 2003). The result of this
scription factor 7-like 2 (TCF7L2). TCF7L2 is circuit-level integration is that nicotine can
considered a core component of the GLP-1 sig- modulate behavioral function bidirectionally,
naling cascade (Yi et al. 2005; Liu and Habener acting as a stimulant and increasing anxiety un-
2008; Vazquez-Roque et al. 2011; Chiang et al. der some conditions and decreasing activity and
2012; Shao et al. 2013). Notably, TCF7L2 is anxiety in others (Picciotto 2003).
highly enriched in MHb neurons (Duncan Some individuals report that they smoke to
et al. 2019). Using a line of Tcf7l2 mutant improve attention (Rusted and Warburton
(Tcf7l2 mut) rats in which the DNA-binding do- 1992; Warburton et al. 1992), and the ability of

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Nicotine Addiction

smoking to improve attentional function in creases depression-like behavior in this model

individuals with schizophrenia (George et al. (Tizabi et al. 2000). In contrast, the nicotinic
2002) is likely to contribute to their extremely antagonist mecamylamine has antidepressant-
high rates of smoking. Similarly, a large propor- like effects in mice (Caldarone et al. 2004; Ra-
tion of smokers report that they smoke to benstein et al. 2006; Andreasen et al. 2009), and
control symptoms of anxiety and depression is effective as an add-on medication in de-
(Picciotto et al. 2002), and the rate of smoking pressed human subjects who are nonresponsive
in individuals with affective disorders is more to a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
than double the rate in the general population (George et al. 2008). Similarly, nicotinic partial
(Kalman et al. 2005). The idea that some indi- agonists, that would be expected to decrease ac-
viduals smoke to self-medicate psychiatric tivity of acetylcholine at endogenous nAChRs
symptoms is thought to underlie the high rate when cholinergic tone is high but increase ac-
of smoking in individuals with psychiatric ill- tivity of nAChRs when cholinergic tone is low,
ness, and some estimates suggest that ∼44% of are effective in mouse models of antidepressant
cigarettes are sold to individuals with a current efficacy (Mineur et al. 2007, 2009b, 2011a; Rol-
psychiatric condition (Lasser et al. 2000). lema et al. 2009; Caldarone et al. 2011) and in
human smokers (Philip et al. 2009). These data
suggest that inhibition of nAChRs in some neu-
Effects of nAChRs on Anxiety- and
ronal subtypes or brain areas and activation in
Depression-Like Behaviors
others may contribute to an antidepressant-like
Studies in mouse genetic models have helped effect of nicotinic drugs, so the cycles of nAChR
identify the nAChR subtypes involved in a activation and desensitization experienced by
number of behavioral effects of nicotine that smokers may result in fluctuations in depressive

may affect human smoking. Nicotine is known symptoms throughout the day. Both the antag-
to have both anxiolytic and anxiogenic effects in onist mecamylamine (Rabenstein et al. 2006)
rodents (File et al. 2000), and these effects are and the partial agonist sazetidine (Caldarone et
likely to depend on different nAChR subtypes. al. 2011), as well as the classical antidepressant
For example, chronic administration of nicotine amitriptyline (Caldarone et al. 2004), are inef-
increased anxiety-like behavior in female, but fective in mice lacking the β2 subunit and these
not male, mice (Caldarone et al. 2008), whereas knockout mice show decreased depression-like
knockout mice lacking the β4 subunit show less behavior at baseline, suggesting that β2
anxiety-like behaviors at baseline (Salas et al. nAChRs are critical for the antidepressant-like
2003) and no difference in anxiety-like behav- effects of nicotinic drugs. However, mice lacking
iors were seen at baseline or following nicotine the α7 subunit are also resistant to the antide-
administration in mice lacking the β2 subunit pressant-like effects of mecamylamine (Raben-
(Caldarone et al. 2008). Similarly, female, but stein et al. 2006), and the effects of the partial
not male, knockout mice lacking the α5 sub- agonist sazetidine could be blocked with meca-
unit showed reduced anxiety-like behavior, and mylamine (Caldarone et al. 2011), suggesting
this may be related to progesterone effects on α5 that other nAChR subtypes may also contribute
subunit expression (Gangitano et al. 2009). These to the antidepressant-like effects of nicotinic
data suggest that stimulation of α5β4 nAChRs is drugs, and that activation as well as inhibition
important for the anxiogenic effects of nicotine. of nAChRs can show antidepressant-like effects.
The effects of nicotine on depression-like Local knockdown studies have implicated
behavior are also complex. Studies in the Flin- different nAChR subtypes in stress-induced
ders-sensitive line of rats have shown that acute behaviors relevant to human anxiety and de-
nicotine administration is antidepressant-like in pression. Increasing acetylcholine signaling in
the forced swim test and that this effect can be the hippocampus via local knockdown of ace-
blocked by the nicotinic antagonist mecamyl- tylcholine esterase (AChE) results in increased
amine, suggesting that activation of nAChRs de- avoidance of anxiogenic environments, in-

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M.R. Picciotto and P.J. Kenny

creased immobility in response to inescapable tribute to encoding of both rewarding and aver-
stress, and decreased threshold for social defeat sive stimuli, suprathreshold increases in ACh
(Mineur et al. 2013). This mirrors the increased signaling, mediated by chronic stress or other
depressive symptoms observed in human sub- stimuli that can lead to depression, favor encod-
jects administered an AChE antagonist (Risch ing of aversive stimuli and lead to the type of
et al. 1981) and supports the idea that the ele- negative encoding bias observed in human sub-
vated ACh levels observed in human subjects jects with anxiety and depressive disorders
who are actively depressed contributes to the (Mineur and Picciotto 2019).
disorder (Saricicek et al. 2012; Hannestad et al.
2013). Local knockdown of the α7 nAChR sub-
Effects of nAChRs on Behaviors Related
unit in the hippocampus greatly attenuated the
to Attention
anxiogenic and social interaction phenotypes
induced by AChE blockade (Mineur et al. In addition to effects on anxiety and depression,
2018a), whereas 5HT1a serotonin receptors in nicotine and nicotinic drugs can improve atten-
hippocampus are required for antidepressant- tion in control subjects (Rusted and Warburton
like effects of nicotinic compounds (Mineur 1992) and individuals with schizophrenia (Sac-
et al. 2015), suggesting that ACh–serotonin in- co et al. 2004). Interestingly, after control sub-
teractions can contribute to dysphoric effects of jects quit smoking and transition past the acute
ACh signaling mediated through this structure. withdrawal period, their working memory func-
Although up-regulation of ACh signaling tion improves compared with when they were
induces anxiogenic and social interaction defi- smoking (George et al. 2002). In contrast, indi-
cits via nAChRs in the hippocampus, nAChR viduals with schizophrenia show impaired per-
subtypes regulate baseline activity of the baso- formance once they quit smoking (George et al.

lateral amygdala (BLA), and decreasing their 2002). Genetic and functional studies have im-
activity can induce resilience to stress, even in plicated α7 nAChRs in prepulse inhibition, a
animals with no manipulation of ACh activity. physiological marker associated with schizo-
Infusion of the broad nAChR antagonist meca- phrenia (Leonard et al. 2000; Freedman et al.
mylamine into the BLA decreases stress-in- 2003). Mice lacking the α7 subunit have been
duced immobility, and similarly, knockdown shown to have impaired trace eye-blink condi-
of either α7 or β2 nAChR subunits in BLA de- tioning (Brown et al. 2010). These data suggest
creases cFos immunoreactivity in the structure that optimal nAChR stimulation is achieved at
and attenuates avoidance of anxiogenic stimuli, baseline in control subjects or wild-type mice
immobility in response to inescapable stress, with normal α7 nAChR levels, whereas nicotine
and avoidance after social defeat (Mineur et al. from tobacco smoke can further improve atten-
2016). Expression of β2 nAChRs in the BLA is tion in individuals with schizophrenia.
necessary for the antidepressant-like effects of Studies using knockout mice with lentiviral-
the noradrenergic agonist guanfacine, suggest- mediated reexpression have shown that β2
ing that ACh–norepinephrine interactions are nAChRs in the prelimbic medial prefrontal cor-
important for regulation of BLA activity and tex (mPFC) are important for normal perfor-
associated stress-induced behaviors (Mineur mance of the 5-choice serial reaction time task
et al. 2018b). measuring visual attention. Similarly, rapid ace-
The observation that increased ACh signal- tylcholine transients in the mPFC are correlated
ing can lead to symptoms of depression and with attention to brief cues, and mice lacking the
anxiety in human subjects and mouse models β2, but not the α7, subunit show impaired per-
is at odds with the idea that nicotine can be formance in an attentional task (Parikh et al.
rewarding in smokers and vapers, and that 2007, 2008). Studies in rodents have also impli-
ACh signaling is most associated with increased cated nAChRs on glutamatergic thalamocortical
attention and learning (see below). One possi- neurons impinging on layer 5 pyramidal neu-
bility is that whereas optimal levels of ACh con- rons in the prefrontal cortex as an important site

8 Cite this article as Cold Spring Harb Perspect Med 2021;11:a039610

Nicotine Addiction

for nAChR control of attention (Lambe et al. body mass index than nonsmokers (Albanes
2005; Bailey et al. 2010). Overall, it appears et al. 1987). Similarly, nicotine decreases feeding
that nAChRs in thalamo-cortico-thalamic loops in animal models (Grunberg et al. 1987), sug-
are important for regulating glutamate release gesting that the nicotine in tobacco is impor-
in this circuit, and for mediating the effects of tant for the effects of smoking on appetite.
acetylcholine on attentional function (Heath Whereas β2α4α6 nAChRs are critical for nico-
and Picciotto 2009). tine reward and reinforcement, β4 nAChRs on
In addition to effects of nicotine on atten- proopiomelanocortin (POMC) neurons in the
tional function in adulthood, many studies arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus are neces-
have shown a role for nAChRs in maturation of sary for the appetite-suppressing effects of nic-
circuits important for attention during develop- otine (Mineur et al. 2011b). There are a number
ment (reviewed in Heath and Picciotto 2009). of nAChR subtypes expressed in the hypothala-
Mice administered nicotine during the adoles- mus (Jo et al. 2002, 2005), and nicotine can
cent period show deficits in the 5-choice serial stimulate the firing of both POMC neurons
reaction time task that are associated with de- that signal satiety, and neuropeptide Y (NPY)
creased expression of mGluR2 receptors, and neurons that stimulate food seeking (Parikh
that are rescued by administration of mGluR2 et al. 2007, 2008). Recent studies show that
agonists (Counotte et al. 2011). Similarly, α5/ both POMC and NPY neurons express almost
β2 nAChRs on layer 6 cortical glutamatergic all nAChR subunits and that deletion of the β4
projection neurons to the thalamus are essential nAChR subunit from either subtype is sufficient
in maturation of this circuit and for normal to attenuate nicotinic-induced decreases in food
adult performance in passive avoidance, a soma- intake (Calarco et al. 2018). Interestingly, in a
tosensory aversive learning task (King et al. 2003; slice preparation, the effects of nicotine on firing

Heath et al. 2010). Electrophysiological studies of POMC neurons persist longer than firing of
have shown that currents mediated through NPY neurons (Parikh et al. 2007, 2008), showing
α5/β2 nAChRs are maximal in the early post- that at the circuit level, stimulation of nAChRs
natal period (Kassam et al. 2008). Nicotine shifts the balance toward neuronal patterns that
administration during this same period alters signal satiety (Calarco and Picciotto 2020).
performance in the passive avoidance task in Although β4 nAChRs on POMC neurons
normal mice as well as in mice with expression can signal satiety, nAChRs in the mesolimbic
of β2 nAChRs exclusively in corticothalamic DA system may be more important for the mo-
neurons (Heath et al. 2010), suggesting that dis- tivation to work for food. The DA system is
rupting normal acetylcholine signaling through important for the hedonic value of both drugs
these nAChRs during a critical period has lasting of abuse, like nicotine, and palatable foods (Ken-
effects on the function of the corticothalamic ny 2011). Food or sugar intake can increase ace-
circuit in passive avoidance behavior. Interest- tylcholine release in the VTA (Hajnal et al. 1998;
ingly, modulation of nicotinic function through Rada et al. 2000), and withdrawal from binge
the lynx1 protein is also important for regulating eating increases acetylcholine release in the
the critical period for activity-dependent visual NAc (Avena et al. 2008). Interestingly, blocking
system development (Morishita et al. 2010). α7 nicotinic AChRs in the VTA can decrease
food seeking (Schilström et al. 1998). In con-
trast, previous nicotine exposure increases the
Effects of nAChRs on Food Intake
motivation of mice to work for food, and this
The anorexic effects of smoking have been well- is caused by non-β2 nAChRs (Brunzell et al.
documented in human subjects, and the princi- 2006). Taken together, these data show that, in
pal reason cited by female teenagers for why addition to its effects on satiety mediated
they smoke is weight control (Voorhees et al. through POMC neuron signaling, acetylcholine
2002). On average, smokers weigh ∼5 kg less in the mesolimbic system is also likely to effect
than nonsmokers and have significantly lower motivation to seek palatable foods and to

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M.R. Picciotto and P.J. Kenny

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