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Section 7 (NCBN 3 PUM) October 15, 2020


1. According to Edwin Sutherland and Donald Cressey, Is criminology a science?

 Edwin Sutherland and Donald Cressey stated that Criminology is but a body
of knowledge and wisdom regarding crime as a social phenomenon. It is an
interdisciplinary field, and makes use of the knowledge and methods used by
sociologists. It includes in its limitations the processes of making laws as well
as breaking it, and of reaction toward the breaking of laws.

2. Identify the following: Sciences related to criminology

Psychiatry - the study of crime through forensic psychiatry, the study of criminal behavior
in terms of motives and drives.
Sociology - The study of crime focused on the group of people and society as a whole.
Psychology – studies the behavior and the mental processes of the criminal.

3. Enumerate the four (4) principal divisions of criminology

Penology or Correction –Study of the punishments and the treatments of criminals.

Criminal Etiology – The scientific analysis of the causes of crimes.
Sociology of Law – Study of the law and how it is applied.
Criminalistics – Study of the criminal things.


Enumerate and define the five (5) scopes in studying criminology.

 Criminal Etiology - It is the study of criminality in relation to special distribution in a
community or habitat. It refers to the scientific study of how and why people
commit crimes. Several reasons affect in conducting the crimes, which may be
internal or external and precisely for this the etiological studies deal with objective-
exogenous factors, which determine the phenomenon of criminality and other
antisocial and negative phenomena in society. Criminal Etiology is simply the
analysis of the causes of crimes.
 Criminal Epidemiology – the study of the relationship between environment and
criminality. It draws from both criminology and public health for its epistemological
foundation. It also involves the study of anything that affects the health of a society,
be it: crime, flu epidemics, global warming, human trafficking, substance abuse,
terrorism or HIV/AIDS.

 Criminological Research – It pertains to scientific studies done in relation to topics

on criminality, such as its causes or behaviors.

 Victimology – It is a branch of criminology that scientifically studies the relationship

between an injured party and an offender by examining the causes and the nature of
the consequent suffering. Specifically, victimology focuses on whether the
perpetrators were complete strangers, mere acquaintances, friends, family
members, or even intimates and why a particular person or place was targeted.
 Criminological Theories – the study of the different theories as the genesis of
criminal behavior. Following are the criminological theories:

o Social Disorganization Theory

o Self-Control Theory
o Social Construction Theory
o Criminal Justice Theories
o Routine Activities Theory
o Social Learning Theory
o Strain Theories
o Social Control Theory
o Biological Theories of Crime
o Labeling Theory and Symbolic Interaction Theory
o Cultural Transmission Theory
o Deterrence and Rational Choice Theory
o Psychological Theories of Crime

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