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DAILY Teacher
g Week


A. Content Standards 1. the three main categories of rocks 2. the origin and environment of formation of common minerals and rocks 3. geologic processes
that occur on the surface of the Earth such as weathering, erosion, mass wasting, and sedimentation (include the role of ocean basins
in the formation of sedimentary rocks) 4. geologic processes that occur within the Earth 5. the folding and faulting of rocks 6. plate
tectonics 7. how the planet Earth evolved in the last 4.6 billion years (including the age of the Earth, major geologic time subdivisions,
and marker fossils).
B. Performance Conduct a survey to assess the possible geologic/ hydrometeorological hazards that your community may experience.
C. Learning Explain how the movement of plates leads to the formation of folds and faults
Competencies/ Describe how layers of rocks (stratified rocks) are formed
Objectives Describe the different methods (relative and absolute dating) to determine the age of stratified rocks
II. CONTENT Earth's lithosphere, the movement of tectonic plates, and their interactions at plate boundaries.
main types of rocks (igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic) and their characteristics.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Pages
2. Learner’s Material Pages
3. Textbook Pages
4. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources
B. Other Learning
A. Reviewing Start the lesson by reviewing the Start the lesson by reviewing Start the lesson by reviewing the
basic concepts related to plate the basic concepts related to basic concepts related to rock
tectonics. Discuss the Earth's rock formation. Discuss the formation and the principles of
lithosphere, the movement of three main types of rocks stratigraphy. Discuss the
tectonic plates, and their (igneous, sedimentary, and importance of understanding the
interactions at plate boundaries. metamorphic) and their age of rocks in interpreting
Ask questions to gauge students' characteristics. Ask questions
understanding: to gauge students' Earth's history. Ask questions to
understanding: gauge students' understanding:
"What are tectonic plates?"
"How do tectonic plates move, "What are the different types of "Why is it important to know the
and what happens at plate rocks?" age of rocks?"
boundaries?" "How do sedimentary rocks "What are some methods you
differ from igneous and know for dating rocks?"
metamorphic rocks?"
B. Motivation Capture students' interest with Capture students' interest with
visuals or a short video on the visuals or a brief activity related Capture students' interest with
effects of plate movement: to stratified rocks: visuals or a brief activity related
to dating stratified rocks:
Show animations or real-time Show images or samples of
Show images of rock layers with
footage of tectonic plate well-defined layers in
different colors and patterns.
movement. sedimentary rocks.
Discuss the concept of time
Discuss famous geological Discuss the importance of capsules and how rocks can act
features like mountain ranges understanding rock layers in as geological time capsules.
and earthquakes. deciphering Earth's history. Ask questions like, "How do
Ask questions like, "What do you Ask questions like, "What do scientists determine the age of
think causes the Earth's crust to you think causes the formation these rock layers?"
deform?" of distinct layers in rocks?"
C. Learning Activities Introduction to Stratification: Introduction to Relative Dating:
Introduction to Plate Tectonics:
Define stratification as the Define relative dating as the
Provide an overview of plate process of forming distinct method of determining the
tectonics, discussing divergent, layers (strata) in sedimentary relative order of past events
convergent, and transform plate rocks. without determining the exact
boundaries. Discuss the importance of age.
Explain the different types of sedimentary rocks in Discuss principles of relative
dating, including the law of
plate movements, including preserving a record of Earth's
superposition, cross-cutting
subduction, spreading, and past environments.
relationships, and the principle of
lateral sliding. Formation of Sedimentary original horizontality.
Formation of Folds: Rocks: Methods of Relative Dating:
Discuss how compressional Explore the processes of Explore different methods of
forces at convergent plate sedimentation, compaction,
boundaries lead to the formation and cementation that lead to relative dating, such as
of folds in the Earth's crust. the formation of sedimentary stratigraphic correlation, fossil
Use diagrams and animations to rocks. succession, and the study of
illustrate the folding process, Discuss the role of different unconformities.
emphasizing anticlines and sediments (clay, silt, sand, Use diagrams and examples to
synclines. gravel) in creating distinct illustrate how these methods are
Formation of Faults: layers. applied to determine the relative
Types of Stratification: ages of rock layers.
Introduction to Absolute Dating:
Explore how shearing forces at
transform plate boundaries and Introduce different types of
Define absolute dating as the
compressional or tensional stratification, such as cross- method of determining the exact
forces at convergent boundaries bedding, graded bedding, and numerical age of a rock or fossil.
lead to the formation of faults. ripple marks. Introduce radiometric dating
Discuss the types of faults, Use diagrams and real-world methods, including carbon-14
including normal, reverse, and examples to illustrate each dating for younger rocks and
strike-slip faults. type. isotopic dating (such as uranium-
Interactive Activities: Interactive Activities - lead dating) for older rocks.
Sedimentation Model: Interactive Activities - Dating
Engage students in hands-on or Simulation:
virtual activities to simulate plate Engage students in a hands-on
movements and the resulting activity or virtual simulation to Engage students in a hands-on
formation of folds and faults. demonstrate the formation of activity or virtual simulation to
Use models or interactive layers in sedimentary rocks. simulate the processes of
software to demonstrate the Provide different sediment relative and absolute dating.
deformation of the Earth's crust. types and simulate the Use samples or images of rock
processes of deposition and layers and fossils for students to
compaction. practice applying dating
D. Applications Earthquake Preparedness: Geological Mapping Exercise: Geological History
Discuss the practical applications Discuss how geologists use
of understanding folds and faults stratification to interpret past Discuss how dating
in earthquake-prone regions. methods contribute to
environments and events.
Explore how knowledge of fault reconstructing Earth's
Assign students a project to geological history.
lines contributes to earthquake create a simplified geological
preparedness and risk Explore case studies
map that identifies different where relative and
assessment. rock layers in a specific absolute dating have
Resource Exploration: been used to interpret
region. geological events.
Discuss how the study of folds
Resource Exploration: Archaeological Dating:
and faults is essential for
resource exploration, including Discuss the practical Discuss how dating
oil and gas deposits. applications of understanding methods are applied in
Explore how geological features stratification in resource archaeology to determine
can indicate potential resource- exploration, including the the age of artifacts and
identification of sedimentary human remains.
rich areas.
rock formations that may Explore the
interdisciplinary nature of
contain valuable resources.
dating techniques.
E. Generalizations Conclude the lesson with
Summarize the processes Summarize the
Summarize the processes that involved in the formation of differences between
lead to the formation of folds and stratified rocks. relative and absolute
faults at different plate Discuss the significance of dating methods.
stratification in understanding Discuss the significance
of dating stratified rocks in
Discuss the role of plate Earth's geological history and
understanding the
tectonics in shaping the Earth's past environmental geological timeline.
crust and creating diverse conditions. Emphasize the
geological features. Emphasize how the study of interdisciplinary
Emphasize the practical rock layers contributes to applications of dating
applications of understanding various fields, including methods in various
folds and faults in geology, geology, paleontology, and scientific fields.
seismology, and resource resource exploration.
A. No. of learners who
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
require additional
activities for
remediation who
scored below 80%
C. Did the remedial
lesson work? No. of
learners who caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked
well? Why did these
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor
can help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did
I use/discover which I
wish to share with
other teachers?

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