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Full names: Morales Mendoza Bertholi Kenyo

Date:Sunday 14th January 2024
A. Cross out the odd word.

1. arm foot nose court

2. stadium plastic bookstore swimming pool
3. golf hockey ball track and field
4. Geography Math Degree Physics

B. Complete with the words in the box.

have fun tired crowded married trouble stadium

1. There were a lot of people at the mall. It was crowded .

2. Let’s go to the stadium . There’s a game tonight.
3. Did everybody have fun at the party yesterday?
4. Oh no! I broke the window! I’m in big trouble !
5. Our grandparents got married in 1952.
6. Ronald is tired because he didn’t sleep well last night.

Complete the dialogue with the sentences.

a. He had an accident last night.

b. Because I came home to get some things for him.

c. The lights went out, he fell and broke his arm.

d. Why are you so upset?

A: (1) Why are you so upset?

B: My brother is in the hospital.
A: What happened to him?
B: (2) He had an accident last night.
A: How did it happen?
B: (3) The lights went out, he fell and broke his arm.
A: Why aren’t you with him?
B: (4) Because I came home to get some things for him

Copyright © 2011 MM Publications


A. Complete with the Past Simple of the verbs in parentheses.

1. A: Did Sheila buy (buy) a dress?

B: No, she didn’t, but she bought (buy) a skirt.
2. The famous tennis player won (win) the match.
3. Yesterday evening my friend Helen visited (visit) me but we
didn’t play (not play) video games. We watched
(watch) TV.
4. A: Where did you go (go)
B: To a party, but Julie didn’t come (not come) with me.

B. Complete the sentences with was/wasn’t/were/weren’t.

1. The race wasn’t exciting. Everybody left.

2. Phil and Grace were really tired after shopping all day.
3. A: were you at the mall yesterday?
B: No, we weren't .
4. A: was Mike interested in Math in college?
B: No, he didn’t like it.

C. Circle the correct words.

1. A: When do / did you usually play volleyball?

B: On Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:00, but yesterday we play / played at 6:00.
2. Last night, they go / went to bed at 3 a.m.
3. Every day we walk / walked to school but two days ago we take / took the bus.

Copyright © 2011 MM Publications


Read the blog entry and write T for True or F for False.


Hi! I’m Jim and I’m 21. I live in Portland and I’m a waiter. I had an awful night, last night. On
my way home from work, I had an accident. I fell off my motorcycle in the middle of the road.
Luckily, a car didn’t hit me, but my motorcycle went flying across the road and crashed into a
tree. I hit my arm badly and it hurt a lot. So, I called my sister, and she drove me to the hospital.
And guess what? I broke my arm and now it’s in a cast! It’s terrible! But that’s not all. I can’t
go to work or play football for two months. What a nightmare!

posted by Jim Brown 3:46p.m.

1. Jim had an accident at work. F

2. Jim crashed his car into a tree. F
3. Jim’s sister took him to the hospital. T
4. Jim broke his arm and can’t go to work. T

Write a short paragraph about what you did last weekend.

Last weekend, I was in a unique work experience while doing fieldwork and monitoring

in Conchucos, from interviews with residents to the collection of water, air and noise

data. After that we returned to Huaraz taking the route of Conchucos, Pallasta,

Chimbote and Ai arrive in Huaraz, arriving after 15 hours

Total score

Copyright © 2011 MM Publications

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