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Constitution of American Marketing Association at NCSU

Article l – Name and Purpose of the Organization

Section 1: Name
The American Marketing Association is an organization that focuses on the teachings and practices of all
aspects of marketing. The AMA is world renowned, globally recognized and currently holds title as the
largest marketing association in North America. The AMA at NCSU is a collegiate chapter of the
American Marketing Association and is connected with a network of thousands of collegiate members.

Section 2: Purpose
Our chapter goal is to help members prepare for their business careers by polishing resumes, learning how
to build an appropriate professional wardrobe, understanding the finer points of business etiquette, and
preparing for interviews. We put all this knowledge to the test at our annual Meet the Pros networking
event where students have the opportunity to mingle with professionals in the industry to find internships
and jobs.

Section 3: Non-Discrimination Policy

The AMA at NCSU complies with the NC State Non-Discrimination Policy. Discrimination based upon race,
color, religion, creed, sex, national origin, age, disability, veteran status, or sexual orientation is in violation of
federal and state law and North Carolina State University policy, and will not be tolerated.

Article II – Membership: Qualifications and Categories of Membership

Section 1: Definition of Membership
Membership in AMA begins when the appropriate paperwork and payment of $75 is given to a board member
or faculty advisor of the NC State AMA. After these steps have been taken, a student can reap the benefits
which AMA at NC State offers: discounted access to the Triangle chapter AMA, free access to all professional
development events and workshops, and opportunities to connect with employers and advance their careers.

Section 2: Procedures for Becoming a Member

Any college student of NC State can join the AMA chapter. The dues total $75; $49 to the national chapter and
$26 to the NC State chapter. These dues must be paid annually to remain an active member. Any member who
does not pay their dues within 30 days of the due date will become an inactive member.

Article III – Organization Leadership: Titles, Terms, and Duties of the

The President Elect is selected by the faculty advisor and the current President. Once the President Elect
accepts his/her position, the President Elect and the current President review the executive board
applications and select the new executive board. This selection process is done in March.

As the chief executive officer of the collegiate chapter, the president provides leadership and overall
direction. Working with the faculty advisor, he/she performs all duties required by the AMA constitution and

Specific Responsibilities

1. Prepares and submits a preliminary budget to the VP of finance within two weeks of assuming office and
works with the VP of finance in presenting the annual budget to the board of directors for approval.

2. Serves as a liaison to the chapter and faculty advisor.

3. Conducts member meetings and leader meetings.

4. Effectively communicates with the board of directors and chapter members.

5. Determines whether the objectives and strategies contribute to the long-range interest of the chapter and
analyzes the extent to which the needs of all members are served.

6. Makes collegiate chapter policy decisions in consultation with the faculty advisor and board of directors.

7. Appoints committee chairpersons. May call for the resignation of ineffective chairpersons with the majority
approval of the board of directors.

8. Prepares and submits a chapter plan and the annual report with input from the board of directors for final
delivery to AMA International Headquarters.

9. Prior to the completion of his/her term reviews all files with the president-elect and prepares a final report,
including budget estimates and recommendations for the next year.

The success of the collegiate chapter depends to a large extent on the president’s skill as a manager. Planning should
begin immediately following the election of chapter officers. Plans should include membership goals, special
projects, budget estimates and officer transition for the following year.

Vice President of Administration

The vice president of administration maintains the historical records of the chapter and collaborates with
the executive vice president to select committee size and members.

Specific Responsibilities

1. Maintains all collegiate chapter files.

2. Records the attendance of each meeting.

3. Prepares and maintains the minutes of all member meetings and leader meetings.

4. Responsible for keeping track of the points system for members.

5. Responsible for keeping track of leaders attendance at meetings and events (leaders can not miss more than
3 meetings total or they will be terminated from their position).

6. Maintains an the AMA Master Contact list google doc of all business contacts for leaders to use (contacts
from fundraisers, networking events, Meet the Pros, community service events, any event or person AMA comes in
contact with this needs to be logged into the Google doc)

7. Maintains the collegiate chapter’s constitution and bylaws.

8. Prepares and submits relevant information for use in the chapter plan and annual report.

9. Prepares a final report of the year’s activities, including budget estimates and recommendations for the next

Vice President of Advertising & Promotion

The vice president of advertising and promotion maintains communication with chapter members and the
public with the goal of communicating the chapter’s events and meetings. He/she will also be responsible for
creating any print material such as flyers/posters.

Specific Responsibilities

1. Post weekly (minimum) on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn to notify members/prospective members of

current events. Included but not limited to: Meeting locations/times/speakers, scholarships, networking events, and
internship/employee opportunities.

2. Updates all avenues of communication with chapter members and public including AMA website.

3. Responsible for creating flyers for fundraisers and other events the chapter puts on to be displayed on the
bulletin board and to be passed out to students.

4. Sends flyers to president and advisors to be approved.

5. Prints and distributes flyers.

6. Responsible for working with other organizations to promote their events including IRC’s glow run or any
other organization we are partnering with for an event.

7. Maintains the bulletin board and keeps it up to date with monthly calendar, chapter information and event

8. Responsible for corresponding with Anna Rzewnicki ( in the Poole College
about any events AMA is putting on that need to be put on the TVs in Nelson and on the Poole website.

9. Send Meet the pros info to Brian Newton to put on epack, (

10. Attend all member/leader board meetings and AMA events.

Vice President of Communications

The vice president of communications maintains communication with chapter members and the public with
the goal of clearly communicating the chapter’s goals and initiatives. He/she will also be responsible for
correspondence with AMA International Headquarters.

Specific Responsibilities

1. Emails members with meeting updates and details, and informs members of upcoming events.

2. Distributes all meeting announcements to board members, officers, faculty, and current and prospective

3. Attends all chapter meetings and board meetings.

4. Reports any changes in the collegiate chapter’s constitution and bylaws to AMA International
5. Sends chapter mailings to AMA International Headquarters.

6. Prepares a final report of the year’s activities, including budget estimates and recommendations for the next

Vice President of Finance

The vice president of finance is responsible for receiving and disbursing funds and managing the financial
affairs of the collegiate chapter.

Specific Responsibilities

1. Prepares a preliminary budget for the collegiate chapter based on the estimates provided by the board of
directors and committee chairpersons.

2. Secures signature cards and necessary papers for changing signatures at the bank after officer elections.

3. In cooperation with the vice president of membership, maintains a complete record of chapter membership
and dues.

4. With the vice president of membership, submits AMA membership applications and funds to AMA
International Headquarters.

5. Completes a budget for the coming year to be included in the Chapter Plan.

6. Prepares a monthly statement of the chapter’s financial condition, which includes preliminary and actual
expenditures by category. Submits copies to the president, VP of communications and advisor.

7. Monitors the disbursement of funds related to specific budgeted uses throughout the year and prepares
periodic reports.

8. Prepares a year-end report of the year’s financials including recommendations for the next year.

9. Attends all chapter and board meetings.

10. Communicates with the board of directors on all matters relating to chapter finances.

Vice President of Membership

Collegiate chapters prosper through new members, especially freshman and sophomore students, who will
be committed to the development of the chapter for the next few years. The vice president of membership will be
responsible for recruitment of new members, and ensuring participation of current members.

* Take attendance of ALL events. Member meetings, leader meetings, recruitment events, any event in general.
Record who is present. Thank participants for their participation (via email) and for nonmembers—send them easy-
to follow instructions for becoming members. Continue to follow up with people and form relationships.
o Make sure new nonmembers’ and new member’s email addresses get added to the AMA email blasts (VP of

Specific Responsibilities

1. Prepares and submits a preliminary membership budget to the vice president of finance within two weeks of
assuming office.
a. Pretty self-explanatory. For membership the major costs include

i. Printing and packaging for membership packets (will be discussed later)

ii. Recruitment “goodies:” anything that will be handed out at recruitment events

iii. Leaders’ name tags and polos

iv. Member t-shirts

v. Any other promotional expenses that you plan to incur

2. Conducts an active recruiting program to accomplish the membership goals decided upon by the board of

i. Decide what the membership goals are and which recruitment events to participate in, how many
members and leaders you need, set-up supplies needed, recruitment goodies to hand out, etc.

ii. Historically, we have done Campus Connections, Packapalooza, the Brickyard Student
Involvement Fair, and NCSU Open House and ALL leaders participate in some way

3. Provides AMA collegiate membership applications to each new collegiate member and follows up on renewal
invoices for current members.

i. At the beginning of each semester, make a list of those members whose membership will expire
during that semester. (I suggest making an email group so its easy to keep up with). Email those members
throughout the semester, prior to their expiration date, with instructions to renew.

*Note: expiration dates are pretty lax. As long as memberships get renewed, we’re good. We have NEVER
turned people away for not renewing on time.

*Renewed members must submit a new application form and dues of $75.

ii. Record EVERY SINGLE application that you receive—whether it’s from a new member or a
member renewing their membership.

-I suggest keeping a hard and soft copy record for yourself.

iii. Each application gets copied. The original copy is sent to the National AMA Office and the copy
is filed in the AMA Records box by last name.

iv. Annual Membership dues are $75. $47 is sent to National AMA. $28 is kept for our NCSU

- So when sending money to National AMA, it’s ($47 x # of applications) = total money to send

v. A student is NOT a member until both dues and application are in your hand. NO EXCEPTIONS.

vi. I typically review applications submitted and file according once a week, and I would send a
“packet” of memberships & National dues out at the end of each month. (more on that later...)

vii. Keep in mind that students can join at any point throughout the year, and memberships are valid
for 1 full year. (Ex: you join in February 2016, you are a member until February 2017)
4. With the executive vice president and vice president of administration, selects the appropriate committee size
and structure.

i. Determine the Chapter goals with the rest of the executive board, and assist with coordinating
members into appropriate “committees” or groups to accomplish tasks as necessary.

5. Officially welcomes all new collegiate chapter members.

i. Membership packets and t-shirts! A “membership packet” is basically some information on the
club, calendar of events, contact info, etc. (more later). All members get a membership packet at the beginning of
each semester. New members get one too as well as an AMA t-shirt (if the club has ordered them).

ii. Answer questions and make people feel welcome!

iii. Again, make sure they are on the AMA email list and know our social media pages, so they can
keep up with club info as well.

6. Informs the vice presidents of communications and finance of all new members and their addresses.

i. EXTREMELY IMPORTANT!!!! Every single time you update the roster, I suggest emailing it
out to the executive board (and advisors). Every. Single. Time. It keeps everybody in the loop and ensures that you
have done your part by providing real-time up to date information. And that no mistakes were made!

-Again, I suggest creating an email group for leaders & advisors, to ensure everyone gets your emails.

7. Submits completed applications, AMA membership dues and chapter dues to the vice president of finance.
Sends AMA membership applications with appropriate payment to AMA International Headquarters.

i. Communicate money coming in and going out to VP of Finance, President, and faculty advisors.

ii. Prepare “packets” to be sent to National AMA: cover letter listing attached member’s applications
& the original member applications themselves.

iii. The faculty advisor will ensure that the packet is actually sent, (but you are responsible for all of
the leg work).

iv. Faculty advisor will also transfer funds to National AMA account, just make sure you
communicate how much needs to be sent and when (which will be each time you make a submission).

v. Address the cover letter to (example later on):

Mr. Kyle Hernandez

Collegiate Chapters Manager

American Marketing Association

311 S. Wacker Drive Suite 5800

Chicago, IL 60606
8. Reviews chapter rosters from AMA Headquarters to ensure all members are listed correctly. Notifies AMA
International Headquarters of all corrections and changes.

i. Talk to:

Georgia Knapp

Chapters & Council Coordinator

American Marketing Association

311 S. Wacker Drive, Suite 5800

Chicago, IL 60606

P: +1.312.542. 9031

ii. Our chapter records should match National AMA records.

iii. Keep in mind that memberships are valid for a full year, but some students may
graduate before their membership is expired. In that case students may not want to be considered “on the roster,” but
per National AMA—they are still considered members until their membership is expired. Just keep this in mind.
Make lists to help yourself keep it all straight.

9. Prepares and submits relevant information for use in the chapter plan and annual report to the vice president of

i. See the membership chapter plan example later on.

ii. Also implement participant surveys to get information on the success and
satisfaction on AMA events. This information should be communicated to the President as well as the rest of the
exec board.

10. Attends all chapter and board meetings.

i. You are the attendance-taker, remember.

11. Prepares a final report of the year’s activities, including budget estimates and recommendations for the next

i. See the results from your surveys, VP of Administrations’ meeting minutes, group and personal

ii. Talk with group; leverage each other’s thoughts and experience to make the club better.

12. Responsible for ordering club t-shirts, leader’s polos, and leader’s name tags.

i. T-shirts and polos can be ordered from:

Crissie Curtis

Proforma Promographix

ii. They have our info on file and we have used them in the past.

iii. Leader’s name tags can be ordered from:

Mort’s Trophy Shop, 919-828-2887, talk to Teressa

Vice President of Professional Development

The vice president of professional development has the responsibility of developing and implementing chapter
events that directly influence the chapter’s members professional development.

Specific Responsibilities

1. Determines the chapter’s speaker schedule for the year in conjunction with the president.

2. Selects program topics and speakers and prepares program calendar for the year with the president.

3. Arranges for all speaker commitments and coordinates the details of their appearances.

4. Selects the specific meeting sites and attends to the details of meetings including refreshments, room
requirements, room set up, etc.

5. Works with the president to plan and implement the bi-annual networking event, Meet the Pros.

6. Coordinates meeting announcements for each program with the vice presidents of communications and
advertising and promotion.

7. Arranges for appropriate recognition of speakers for their services to the chapter.

8. Attends all chapter and board meetings.

9. Prepares and submits relevant information for use in the Chapter Plan and Annual Report.

10. Prepares a final report of the year’s activities, including budget estimates and recommendations for the next

Vice President of Fundraising

The vice president of fundraising works with other board members to reach a strategic fundraising goal for the year.
Coordinates fundraising events with vice president of programs and explores new fundraising opportunities.

Specific Responsibilities

1. Explore fundraising opportunities to plan fundraising events.

2. Selects specific fundraising site and attend to the details of the fundraising event.

3. With vice president of communications and vice president of advertising and promotion, publicize
fundraising event to maximize attendance.

4. After fundraising event, report financial results to vice president of finance and deliver any money raised at
the event.
5. Prepare and submit relevant information for use in the Chapter Plan and Annual Report.

6. Prepare a final report of the year’s activities, including budget estimates and recommendations for the next

Vice President of Community Involvement

The vice president of community involvement works to implement community service activities for the chapter.
They also coordinate with the Triangle AMA chapter to put on events.

Specific Responsibilities

1. Explore community service activities to plan for the chapter

2. Selects community service activities and attends to the details of the event.

3. Works with the vice president of communications and vice president of advertising and promotion to
publicize community service events to maximize attendance

4. Works with Triangle AMA representative, Lauren Henderson ( to

coordinate events with them. If they have events going on then the vice president of community involvement must
let the vice president of communications know so they can tell the chapter

Article IV - Executive Committee (if needed) -N/A

Article V – Method of Removing Officers and Members
Section 1: Expectations of Members
General members are expected to pay their annual dues of $75 and to attend two general meetings per
semester. Appointed leaders are expected to attend all meetings, professional development events, and
service activities, and to pay their yearly dues of $75. They are also expected to portray the AMA in a positive
light on campus, and to actively promote the organization. In the event that a member or leader does not
meet those expectations, the president and faculty advisor are required to meet with the individual to
determine corrective procedures based on the situation.

Section 2: Procedures for Removal

If the individual does not comply with the requests given by the president and faculty advisor, he/she will be
asked to leave the organization, and membership will be revoked.

Article VI – Meetings of the Organization: Required Meetings and

All general members are required to attend two meetings per semester. Executive board members are
required to attend all meetings.

Article VII – Standing Committees (if needed) -N/A

Include the specific duties of each committee and their responsibilities to the organizational leadership,
Executive Committee, and general membership. These groups may be responsible for organizing certain
events, coordinating programs, etc.

Article VIII – Duties of Advisor

The duties of the faculty advisor are to ensure that the chapter president upholds all expectations for the
chapter. He/she aids in decision making and appoints the president for the next academic year. The faculty
advisor also works closely with the VP of Membership to ensure that all forms are sent to nationals in a timely

Article IX – Method of Amending the Constitution: Proposals, Notice, and

Voting Requirement
Proposed amendments should be in writing, should not be acted upon but read in the general meeting in
which they are proposed. Approval should require at least two-thirds of voting members present (and to
conduct any business an organization should have quorum present at a business meeting, which is at
minimum 50% + 1 of total organization members). The constitution should not be amended easily or

Article X – Method of Dissolution of Organization

Should dissolution of the chapter occur, all remaining procedures will be at the responsibility of the faculty
advisor. Remaining funds will be sent to the national AMA, and all forms of media will be removed from

Revised by President: 6/29/16

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