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SBI PO - Prelims - 2022 – English Language – MB – 1

Directions (1-9): Reading Comprehension
Food inflation has soared across much of the developing world since Russia’s invasion of
Ukraine and has trapped several richer countries in a cycle of rising prices, a report by the World
Bank has found. The Washington-based development organisation said the war in eastern Europe
would hit many countries with an increase in food bills worth more than 1% of their annual national
income (GDP), while others would fail to contain the impact and be plunged into a full-blown debt
crisis. Lebanon was the worst-hit, the World Bank said, after a food grain store explosion in Beirut two
years ago crippled the Mediterranean country’s ability to hold and distribute maize and wheat to its
6.8 million people. Food inflation there hit 332% in the year to June, ahead of Zimbabwe’s 255%
increase and Venezuela’s 155%. Turkey was fourth with a food inflation rate of 94%. The gap between
Lebanon’s food inflation and general inflation – which produces a “real food inflation” figure – was
lower, at 122%, but remained the worst rate in the world, mainly because spiralling energy costs
pushed Lebanon’s general inflation rate above 150%. A deal of retreat last month between Ukraine
and Russia, brokered by Turkey and the United Nations, to allow container ships carrying cereals to
leave Ukrainian ports helped bring commodity prices down. World Bank figures showed a dramatic
reversal of cereal prices on global markets since June and a steep fall in the price of other agricultural
products to lows close to those seen last year. On Monday, the Sierra Leone-flagged cargo ship Razoni
left the Ukrainian port of Odesa carrying more than 26,000 tons of corn destined for Lebanon.

Rice has increased in cost over recent months, but from a low level during the pandemic that
bucked the trend of historically high price levels for wheat, barley and maize. Last week Bangladesh
called on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for financial support after an increase in the cost of
imported food and energy threatened to undermine the south Asian countries finances. Bangladesh is
understood to need about $4.5bn (£3.6bn), though only $1bn-$1.5bn is available under current IMF
arrangements. Sri Lanka has already asked for a bailout from the Washington-based fund after
running out of cash to buy vital imports, while a deal with Pakistan for a $6bn IMF loan was revived in
June. Low food prices have ________ global growth in recent decades, offsetting the high cost to
developing countries of servicing their debts and imports of fuel. However, the World Bank said the
shock increase in food prices over recent months was affecting most economies, including those with
relatively high incomes. “The share of high-income countries with high inflation has also increased
sharply, with about 78.6% experiencing high food price inflation. “The most-affected countries are in
Africa, North America, Latin America, South Asia, Europe, and central Asia,” it said. It also warned that
large producers of grain, including France, Spain and Italy, would need to adjust to rising
temperatures and uncertain weather patterns driven by the climate crisis to maintain high levels of

1. Fill in the blanks with a suitable answer.

a. Escalated
b. Tumult
c. Rectified
d. Underpinned
e. Accoladed

2. Choose the right synonym of the word ‘Plunged”.

a. Divine
b. Lowered
c. Jump
d. Tortured
e. Slimfiled

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3. Choose the right antonym of the word ‘Pushed’.

a. Adocity
b. Tangled
c. Retiring
d. Longitude
e. Pull back

4. According to the World Bank, which country has the

highest rise in food prices?
a. Zimbawebay
b. Lebanon
c. Sri Lanka
d. Pakistan
e. Korea

5. How much does Bangladesh will receive through IMF funding?

a. $4bn - $4.5bn
b. £3.6bn - £3.9bn
c. £1bn - £1.5bn
d. $1.5bn - $2.5bn
e. $1bn - $1.5bn

6. Identify the true statement from the below given sentences.

a. A food grain store explosion in Beirut two years ago crippled the south pacific country.
b. Turkey was fifth with a food inflation rate of 94%.
c. There was a vast difference between Lebanon’s food inflation and the general inflation of the world.
d. Rice has increased in cost over recent months, but from a low level during the recession.
e. None of the above.

7. Identify the false statement from the below given sentences.

a. A deal has paved the way to ship movement between Russia and Ukraine.
b. The World Bank said the shock increase in food prices over recent months was affecting most of the
c. The share of high-income countries with high inflation has also increased sharply, with about 78.6%
experiencing high food price inflation.
d. Bangladesh called on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for financial support after a decrease
in the cost of imported food and energy.
e. None of the above.

8. Choose the right antonym of the word ‘Retreat’.

a. Withdraw
b. Fill down
c. Move off
d. Let in
e. Advance

Assertion: Turkey and the United Nation brokered a retreat between Russia and Ukraine.
Reason: To allow ships and Cargo air ways for transportation between the war involving countries.
a. A and R are right, R is the right reason for A.

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b. A is correct but R is wrong.

c. A and R are correct, R is not the correct reason for A.
d. Both A and R are wrong.
e. A is wrong, R is correct.

Directions (10-14): Word Swapping: Identify the swapped words from the given sentence and
choose the correct option.
10. The food survivors (A) in the pockets are being served (B) to the filled (C) of the flood in the
monsoon (D) season.
a. A-B
b. B-C
c. A-C
d. Both A-B and C-D
e. No replacement

11. The people were volume (A) due to the high disturbed (B) of the ceremony (C) system kept in
the grand opening music (D) of the wills gate.
a. A-C
b. B-D
c. A-D
d. Both A-B and C-D
e. No replacement

12. Mr. Khan walked (A) eight kilometers in the sun (B) to bones (C) his strengthen (D) with
calcium and iron power.
a. A-B
b. B-C
c. C-D
d. Both A-B and C-D
e. No replacement

13. These changes (A) took place due to continental (B) drift and so the major calamity © occurred
and swept (D) away a large number of people in the name of Tsunami.
a. A-C
b. B-D
c. A-D
d. Both B-D and A-C
e. No replacement

14. The panchayat raj was introduced (A) in the beginning of massive (B) India and was a freedom
(C) hit among the states to get a surplus (D) fund from the local people.
a. A-B
b. B-C
c. C-D
d. Both A-B and C-D
e. No replacement

Directions (15-20): Cloze Test

The human body is divided into many different parts called organs. All of the parts are
controlled by an organ called the brain, which is located in the head. The brain weighs about 2. 75

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pounds, and has a whitish-pink appearance. The brain is made up of many cells, and is the control
centre of the body. The brain flashes messages out to all the other parts of the body. The messages
travel in very fine threads called nerves. The nerves and the brain make up a system somewhat like
telephone poles carrying wires across the city. This is called the nervous system. The nerves in the
body don't just send messages from the brain to the organs, but also send messages from the eyes,
ears, skin and other organs back to your brain. Some __________ (15) are linked directly to the brain.
Others have to reach the brain through a sort of power line down the back, called the spinal cord. The
brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. The brain doesn't just control your organs,
but also can think and __________(16) . That part of the brain is called the mind. Twenty-eight bones
make up the skull. Eight of these bones are ___________ (17) plates. These plates form the cranium. The
cranium provides maximum protection with minimum weight, the ideal combination. The other
twenty bones make up the face, jaw and other parts of the skull. Another way the brain keeps itself
safe is by keeping itself in liquid. Nearly one fifth of the blood ___________ (18) by the heart is sent to the
brain. The brain then sends the blood through an __________ (19) network of blood vessels to where the
blood is needed. Specialised blood vessels called choroid plexuses produce a protective cerebrospinal
fluid. This fluid is what the brain literally floats in. A third _________(20) measure taken by the brain is
called the blood brain barrier. This barrier consists of a network of unique capillaries. These
capillaries are filters for harmful chemicals carried by the blood, but do allow oxygen, water and
glucose to enter the brain.

a. Cells
b. Bones
c. Organism
d. Nerves
e. Microbial

a. Execute
b. Arise
c. Yell
d. Reciprocate
e. Remember

a. Blood
b. Interlocking
c. Ambiguous
d. Thick
e. Emotional

a. Pumped
b. Responding
c. Pinned
d. Surfaced
e. Resourced

a. Toxic
b. Pantomime

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c. Intricate
d. Polarised
e. Acute

a. Provocative
b. Pasteurized
c. Malnourished
d. Protective
e. Immunised

Directions (21-25): Sentence Rearrangements

A. Said the master of the chamber
B. While introducing Mr. Thang Lie
C. To his fellow member
D. He is from the United States of America
E. In the December meeting.


A. Ranges from 0.01 seconds
B. To 3.05 seconds which normally
C. The subtitle for the film
D. Starts in 10 seconds and
E. Extends up to 30 seconds time


A. Energises you on your
B. The morning walk up to 5 miles
C. Way of living and it also
D. Per day provides you a healthy
E. Normal daily activities


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A. Send you a SMS One Time Password
B. Purchasing anything through online payment.
C. For verifying your transactions
D. The banking websites
E. When you make an online payment or


A. About him once he reaches
B. Want him to be covered
C. His destination because they
D. During this particular time only.
E. They will stop telling


Directions (26-30): Error Spotting

26. There were so many snakes (A)/ in the cooler places too and (B)/ its evident that they can survive
in those situations (C)/ whether it's a hard or soft living D)/ No error (E).
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E

27. Mr. Shan is much worried (A)/ about his grandfather that (B)/ he has eat only once a day (C)/ and
feels very sick in the late hours of the day.(D)/ No error (E).
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E

28. Mr. Ram is afraid that (A)/ he would eat the piece of pancake (B)/ that were tempting him from
the time (C)/ of his entry to the party hall. (D)/ No error (E).
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E

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29. The values of saving the money (A)/ and energy should be taught (B)/ to the children from their
school days (C)/ thus leading them to be a good citizen. (D)/ No error (E).
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E

30. Everyone in India expects (A)/ free rewards from the political parties (B)/ once they comes to
power after the election,(C)/ this should not be welcomed in the present scenario as it leads to
economic fall.(D)/ No error (E).
a. A
b. B
c. C
d. D
e. E


Directions (1-9):
1. d. Underpinned
Explanation: Underpinned - support, justify, or form the basis for.

2. c. Jump
Explanation: The word “Plunged” means “Jump or dive quickly and energetically”.

3. c. Retiring
Explanation: The word “Pushed” means “Compel or urge (someone) to do something, especially to
work hard”. So the appropriate antonym is “Retiring”.

4. b. Lebanon
Explanation: Lebanon was the worst-hit, the World Bank said, after a food grain store explosion in
Beirut two years ago crippled the Mediterranean country’s ability to hold and distribute maize and
wheat to its 6.8 million people.

5. e. $1bn - $1.5bn
Explanation: Bangladesh is understood to need about $4.5bn (£3.6bn), though only $1bn-$1.5bn is
available under current IMF arrangements.

6. e. None of the above.

Explanation: According to the passage all the above statements are wrong so option E is the right

7. d. Bangladesh called on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for financial support after a
decrease in the cost of imported food and energy.
Explanation: Bangladesh called on the International Monetary Fund (IMF) for financial support after
an increase in the cost of imported food and energy threatened to undermine the south Asian
countries finances.

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8. e. Advance
Explanation: The word “Retreat” means “(of an army) withdraw from enemy forces as a result of
their superior power or after a defeat”. So the appropriate antonym is “Advance”.

9. b. A is correct but R is wrong.

Explanation: A deal of retreat last month between Ukraine and Russia, brokered by Turkey and the
United Nations, to allow container ships carrying cereals to leave Ukrainian ports helped bring
commodity prices down.

Directions (10-14):
10. c. A-C
Sentence: The food filled in the pockets are being served to the survivors of the flood in the monsoon

11. d. Both A-B and C-D

Sentence: The people were disturbed due to the high volume of the music system kept in the grand
opening ceremony of the wills gate.

12. c. C-D
Sentence: Mr. Khan walked eight kilometers in the sun to strengthen his bones with calcium and iron

13. e. No replacement
Sentence: These changes took place due to continental drift and so the major calamity occurred and
swept away a large number of people in the name of Tsunami.

14. b. B-C
Sentence: The panchayat raj was introduced in the beginning of freedom India and was a massive hit
among the states to get a surplus fund from the local people.

Directions (15-20):
15. d. Nerves
Explanation: Nerves - (in the body) a whitish fiber or bundle of fibers that transmits impulses
of sensation to the brain or spinal cord, and impulses from these to the muscles and organs
a. Cells - A small room in which a prisoner is locked up or in which a monk or nun sleeps.
b. Bones - Any of the pieces of hard whitish tissue making up the skeleton in humans and other
c. Organism - An individual animal, plant, or single-celled life form.
e. Microbial - Relating to or characteristic of a microorganism, especially a bacterium causing disease
or fermentation.

16. e. Remember
Explanation: Remember - Have in or be able to bring to one's mind an awareness of (someone
or something that one has seen, known, or experienced in the past).
a. Execute - Carry out or put into effect (a plan, order, or course of action).
b. Arise - (of a problem, opportunity, or situation) emerge; become apparent.
c. Yell - A loud, sharp cry, especially of pain, surprise, or delight; a shout.
d. Reciprocate - Respond to (a gesture or action) by making a corresponding one.

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17. b. Interlocking
Explanation: Interlocking - (of two or more things) having parts that overlap or fit together.
a. Blood - The red liquid that circulates in the arteries and veins of humans and other vertebrate
animals, carrying oxygen to and carbon dioxide from the tissues of the body.
c. Ambiguous - (of language) open to more than one interpretation; having a double meaning.
d. Thick - With opposite sides or surfaces that are a great or relatively great distance apart.
e. Emotional - relating to a person's emotions.

18. a. Pumped
Explanation: Pumped - (of an inflatable object) filled up with air, especially by using a pump.
b. Responding - Say something in reply.
c. Pinned - Attach or fasten with a pin or pins in a specified position.
d. Surfaced - Having an outside part or upper layer, especially of a specified kind.
e. Resourced - Provide (a person or organization) with materials, money, staff, and other assets
necessary for effective operation.

19. c. Intricate
Explanation: Intricate - Very complicated or detailed.
a. Toxic - Poisonous.
b. Pantomime - A dramatic entertainment, originating in Roman mime, in which performers express
meaning through gestures accompanied by music.
d. Polarised - Restrict the vibrations of (a transverse wave, especially light) wholly or partially to one
e. Acute - (of a bad, difficult, or unwelcome situation or phenomenon) present or experienced to a
severe or intense degree.

20.d. Protective
Explanation: Protective - Capable of or intended to protect someone or something.
a. Provocative - Causing annoyance, anger, or another strong reaction, especially deliberately.
b. Pasteurised - Subject (milk, wine, or other products) to a process of partial sterilisation, especially
one involving heat treatment or irradiation, thus making the product safe for consumption and
improving its keeping quality.
c. Malnourished - Not properly nourished; suffering from malnutrition.
e. Immunised - Make (a person or animal) resistant to a particular infectious disease or pathogen,
typically by vaccination.

Directions (21-25):
21. c. DABCE
Sentence: He is from the United States of America said the master of the chamber while introducing
Mr. Thang Lie to his fellow member in the December meeting.

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22. d. CABDE
Sentence: The subtitle for the film ranges from 0.01 seconds to 3.05 seconds which normally starts in
10 seconds and extends up to 30 seconds time.

23. c. BDCAE
Sentence: The morning walk up to 5 miles per day provides you a healthy way of living and it also
energises you on your normal daily activities.

24. b. DACEB
Sentence: The banking websites will send you a SMS One Time Password for verifying your
transactions when you make an online payment or purchasing anything through online payment.

25. d. EACBD
Sentence: They will stop telling about him once he reaches his destination because they want him to
be covered during this particular time only.

Directions (26-30):
26. c. C
Explanation: The use of possessive determiners ‘its’ is wrongly used and it should be ‘it is’.

27. c. C
Explanation: The verb usage is wrong, ‘has eat’ should be changed as ‘eats’ to correct the verb form.
"Eats" is the correct present tense form of the verb in this context.

28. c. C
Explanation: In the above sentence "were" should be changed to "has been" to make the verb tense
consistent with the time frame. The pancake has been tempting him since his entry into the party hall,
so it should be in the present perfect tense.

29. a. A
Explanation: The above sentence carries an article placed in a wrong way so ‘the money’ should be
changed as ‘money’.

30. c. C
Explanation: The plural usage of a verb is wrong in the above sentence so ‘comes’ should be changed
into ‘come’.

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