LCPC Indicators Guide With MOVs

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LCPC Assessment Form 001-A

(For Barangay)
Barangay Council for the Protection of Children (BCPC)
Means of Verification (MOVs)
Indicator - MOVs 1.00 MOVs 3.00 MOVs 5.00 MOVs
BCPC Organization BCPC is not organized Organized BCPC in Executive Order or Local
accordance with DILG Ordinance
MC through an EO or
Local Ordinance
Child Representation in the No Child Representative Child Representative is Any of the following: Child Representative is Any of the following: Child Representative Any of the following:
BCPC in the BCPC appointed/ designated • Executive Order or Local selected through • Executive Order or Local from different sectors • Executive Order or Local
Ordinance Children’s congress Ordinance [inclusivity] Ordinance
• Resolution declaring the • Resolution declaring the • Resolution declaring the
LCPC's child representative/s LCPC's child LCPC's child
representative/s representative/s

Note: To get the highest

score of 5, the BCPC
should have a child
representative selected
through Children’s congress
plus one (1) or more
sectoral child

No quarterly meeting Less than four quarterly • Agenda of the Meetings Four quarterly meetings • Agenda of the Meetings Conducted four quarterly • Agenda of the Meetings
conducted meetings conducted with • Attendance Sheets of the conducted with • Attendance Sheets of the meetings and special • Attendance Sheets of the
the ff agenda: Meetings aforementioned agenda Meetings meeting/s Meetings
- planning • Minutes of the Meetings • Minutes of the Meetings • Minutes of the Meetings
- implementation review
Meetings - monitoring and status of
action points from previous

Less than 50% of the • Agenda of the Meetings 50-70% of the issues • Agenda of the Meetings 71-90% of the issues • Agenda of the Meetings 91-100% of the issues • Agenda of the Meetings
Less identified in the Attendance Sheets of the
50% member identifiedmember
50-70% in the profiling Attendance Sheets of the identifiedmember
71-90% in the identified in
Attendance Sheets of the 91-100% the profiling/
member Attendance Sheets of the
Capacity building for BCPC No /SitAn
capacity in all
building Meetings /SitAn discussed
50-70% of BCPC and
in all meetings Meetings profiling/of
71-90% SitAn
in all
BCPC Meetings SitAn discussed
91-100% of in all and
BCPC Meetings
members discussed and resulted
[plan] resulted into
members a Resolution/
trained or (Annually) discussedtrained
members and resulted
or (Annually) resulted into
members a
trained or (Annually)
received at least 1 • Must present a copy of the received at least 1 • Must present a copy of the received at least 1 • Must present a copy of the
capacity development Attendance Sheet or capacity development Attendance Sheet or capacity development Attendance Sheet or
training Certificate of Participation training Certificate of Participation training Certificate of Participation
and any of the following: and any of the following: and any of the following:

 Post Activity Report or  Post Activity Report or  Post Activity Report or

Feedback Report for the Feedback Report for the Feedback Report for the
capacity building activity capacity building activity capacity building activity
attended attended attended
 Photo Documentation  Photo Documentation  Photo Documentation
 Capacity Building Plan  Capacity Building Plan  Capacity Building Plan


Database on children No data on children Presence of updated data • Availability of functional Consolidated data on • Summary of data or profile Updated barangay • Copy of updated profile of
on children, i.e. sex, age, database on children children of children, disaggregated profile and situational children
nutritional status, • Updated and maintained by age, sex, ethnicity, with analysis on children • Copy of updated
deworming, vitamin data on children on the period or with disabilities, OSCY, Situational Analysis on
supplementation, covered of the assessment, etc. Children
immunization, children disaggregated by age, sex,
enrolled in CDC/schools, ethnicity, with or with
etc. disabilities, OSCY, etc.
Local State of Children No LSCR LSCR prepared in • Copy of the updated and LSCR delivered in the • Copy of the updated and LSCR included in the • Copy of the updated and
Local (LSCR) Plan for No LDPC accordance
LDPC with the DILG
prepared •approved Local
Copy of the State ofLocal
prepared State of Barangay
Approved LDPC •approved
BarangayLocal State of
Resolution Barangay
LDPC Annual
integrated/ •approved Local
Copy of the State of
Children (LDPC) [or midterm template (MC
considering 2009-106)
other sectoral Children Report
Development Plan(LSCR)
for Address
to the Children
• Copy ofReport (LSCR)
the approved Accomplishment
mainstreamed in Report
the Children Report (LSCR)
Local Development Plan for
plan for 3 years] plans and approved by the Children (LDPC) [or midterm National Children's
Barangay Development Local Development Plan for and submitted to the
Barangay Development Children (LDPC) [or
Punong Barangay plan for 3 years] Council Children (LDPC) [or Plan (BDP) midterm plan for 3 years]
midterm plan for 3 years] • Copy of the Barangay
• Agenda meeting of the Development Plan (BDP)
Barangay Development

LDPC % accomplishment Below 50% • Copy of the approved 51-70% accomplishment • Copy of the approved Local 71-90% • Copy of the approved 91-100% • Copy of the approved
Annual Work and Financial accomplishment
No AWFPC Local Development Plan for Prepared AWFPC •Development Plan for BCPC
Copy of the prepared accomplishment
AWFPC prepared and •Local
CopyDevelopment Plan
of the prepared andfor accomplishment
AWFPC integrated in the Local Development Plan for
Plan for Children (AWFPC) Children (LDPC) [refer to ChildrenWork
Annual (LDPC)
and[refer to the
Financial approved by the Children (LDPC)
approved [refer to
BCPC Annual Local Annual Investment •Children
Copy of(LDPC) [refer to
the approved
the targets of the period targets
Plan forofChildren
the period covered
(AWFPC) Punong Barangay the targets
Work of the period
and Financial Plan for Program (AIP) the targets
BCPC of the
Annual Workperiod
Children (AWFPC) [budgeted] Financial Plan for Children
• Copy of the Annual
Investment Program (AIP)

AWFPC % accomplishment Below 50% • Copy of the approved 51-70% accomplishment • Copy of the approved BCPC 71-90% • Copy of the approved 91-100% • Copy of the approved
Formulation of Policy/ accomplishment
No policy/resolution BCPC Annual Work and Prepared at least two •Annual
Copy ofWork and Financial
prepared/approved accomplishment
Presented P/R/R to the •BCPC
Copy Annual
of Work and accomplishment
At least two P/R/R •BCPC
Copy Annual
of Work and
Resolution/ issuance Financial Plan for Children P/R/R based on identified Plan for Children (AWFPC) Local Sanggunian for
Policy/Resolution/ Financial Plan for Children
prepared/approved enacted within the term Financial Plan for Children
Recommendation (AWFPC) need of children Recommendation approval (AWFPC)
Policy/Resolution/ of the BCPC (AWFPC)
Recommendation Recommendation
Note: If the policies are
integrated in one resolution, Note: If the policies are Note: If the policies are
the counting is by the number integrated in one resolution, integrated in one resolution,
of issue/s the counting is by the the counting is by the
number of issue/s number of issue/s

Advocacy Actvities No advocacy activity At least 1 advocacy or • Post Activity Report or At least 2 advocacy or • Post Activity Report or At least 1 advocay • Post Activity Report or
undertaken dissemination
BUDGET activitiy Photo/Video
FOR THE BCPC (25%) Documentation dissemination activities Photo/Video Documentation activity based on the Photo/Video Documentation
BCPC Budget Allocation below 1% Any of the following: related to increasing related to increasing
1% for BCPC Any of the following: issues identified
Additional budgetinfor
thethe Any of the following:
• Appropriations Ordinance awareness on protection awareness on
strengthening available data on
• Appropriations Ordinance BCPC • Appropriations Ordinance
• Copy of the approved • Copy of the approved • Copy of the approved
Annual Work and Financial Annual Work and Financial Annual Work and Financial
Plan for Children (AWFPC) Plan for Children (AWFPC) Plan for Children (AWFPC)
• Certification issued by • Certification issued by • Certification issued by
Barangay Treasurer Barangay Treasurer Barangay Treasurer
• Copy of the Annual • Copy of the Annual • Copy of the Annual
Investment Program Investment Program Investment Program
• Budget Allocation and • Budget Allocation and • Budget Allocation and
Obligation Obligation Obligation

Budget Utilization Below 50% utilization Any of the following: 51-70% utilization rate Any of the following: 71-90% utilization rate Any of the following: 91-100% utilization rate Any of the following:
rate • Receipts and Expenditures • Receipts and Expenditures • Receipts and • Receipts and
• Certification issued by • Certification issued by Expenditures Expenditures
Barangay Treasurer Barangay Treasurer • Certification issued by • Certification issued by
• Financial Report on • Financial Report on Budget Barangay Treasurer Barangay Treasurer
Budget Allocation, Allocation, Obligation and • Financial Report on • Financial Report on
Obligation and Expenditure Expenditure Budget Allocation, Budget Allocation,
Obligation and Expenditure Obligation and Expenditure

Individualized folder of SERVICE DELIVERY MONITORING AND MANAGEMENT FOR CHILDREN (30%) Zero percentage of • Individualized folder of
violation of children’s cases
children’s cases
Referral System in place confidentiality
Functional referral Intake form/report
• Localized Flow Chart of
system for CNSP Referral System
Referral System in place

Less than 50% of CNSP • List of Children in Need of 51-70% of CNSP cases • List of Children in Need of 71-90% of CNSP cases • List of Children in Need of 91-100% of CNSP cases • List of Children in Need of
cases provided with Special Protection (CNSP) provided with Special Protection (CNSP) provided with Special Protection (CNSP) provided with services/ Special Protection (CNSP)
services/ referred to cases services/referred to cases services/referred to cases referred to appropriate cases
appropriate office • Availability of functional appropriate office • Availability of functional appropriate office • Availability of functional office • Availability of functional
database on children database on children database on children database on children
• Updated and maintained • Updated and maintained • Updated and maintained • Updated and maintained
data on children for the data on children for the data on children for the data on children for the
period covered by the period covered by the period covered by the period covered by the
assessment assessment assessment assessment
• Situationer/Situational • Situationer/Situational • Situationer/Situational • Situationer/Situational
Copy ofonJuvenile Justice
Children Analysis on Children •Analysis
Copy ofonJuvenile
ChildrenJustice •Analysis
Copy ofonJuvenile
and Welfare Council’s and Welfare Council’s and Welfare Council’s
Children at Risk (CAR) and Children at Risk (CAR) and Children at Risk (CAR) and
Children in Conflict with the •Children
Copy ofinComprehensive
Conflict with the •Children
Copy ofinComprehensive
Conflict with the
Less than 50% of CICL 51-70% of CICL cases 71-90% of CICL cases Barangay Juvenile 91-100% of CICL cases Barangay Juvenile
Activated CICL and CAR Law (CICL) registry Law (CICL) registry Law (CICL) registry
cases documented in documented in CICL • Copy of Juvenile Justice documented in CICL Intervention documented in CICL Intervention
Registry • Functional CICL and CAR • Functional CICL and CAR • Functional CICL and CAR
Diversion Program CICL
No Registryprogram
diversion Registry
Percentage of diversion •and Welfare
Copy Council’s
of Comprehensive Registry
Percentage of Program/diversion Registry
program Zero percentage of Program/diversion program
Registry Registry Registry
in-place proceedings conducted to Children atJuvenile
Barangay Risk (CAR) and successful diversion •• Progress/Status Report on reoffending of all •• Progress/Status Report on
• Situationer/Situational Situationer/Situational Situationer/Situational
all diversional cases by Children in Conflict with the
Intervention diversion program successful diversion diversion program
Analysis on Children Analysis on Children Analysis on Children
BCPC Program/diversion program programs
LCPC Assessment Form 001-B
(for City/Municipality)
City/Municipal C
Means of V
Indicator - MOVs
C/MCPC Organization C/MCPC is not organized

Child Representation in the No Child Representative in the

Meetings C/MCPC
No quarterly meeting conducted
Less than 50% of the issues • Agenda of the Meetings
identified in the profiling /SitAn • Minutes of the Meetings
discussed and resulted into a • BCPC Resolutions
Resolution/ Recommendation for

Less than 50% member Attendance Sheets of the

Capacity Building attendance
No capacityin all meetings
building [plan] for Meetings
C/MCPC members

No capacity building [plan] for

lower level LCPC [BCPCs]

Database on children No database on children

Local State of Children Report No LSCR


Local Development Plan for No LDPC

Children (LDPC) [or midterm
plan for 3 years]

LDPC % accomplishment Below 50% accomplishment • Copy of the approved Local

Annual Work and Financial Plan No AWFPC Development Plan for
for Children
% accomplishment Below 50% accomplishment Children
• Copy of(LDPC) [refer to the
the approved
Local Code for Children (LCC) No LCC targets of the period covered
Annual Work and Financial
Plan for Children (AWFPC)

Child Protection Policy (CPP) No CPP

Formulation of Policy/ No policy/resoulution issuance
Resolution/ Recommendation

Advocacy Actvities No advocacy activity undertaken

C/MCPC Budget Allocation below 1% Any of the following:

• Appropriations Ordinance
• Copy of the approved
Annual Work and Financial
Plan for Children (AWFPC)
• Certification issued by
City/Municipal Budget Officer
and City/Municipal Treasurer
• Copy of the Annual
Investment Program
• Budget Allocation and
Budget Utilization Below 50% utilization rate Any of the following:
Individualized folder of children’s
Referral System in place
Less than 50% of CNSP cases • List of Children in Need of
provided with services/ referred to Special Protection (CNSP)
appropriate office cases
• Availability of functional
database on children
• Updated and maintained
data on children for the period
covered by the assessment
•• Situationer/Situational
Copy of Juvenile Justice and
Analysis on Children
Welfare Council’s Children at
Risk (CAR) and Children in
Conflict with the Law (CICL)
Activated CICL and CAR
Less than 50% of CICL cases registry
documented in CICL Registry • Functional CICL and CAR
Diversion Program No diversion program in-place Registry
• Situationer/Situational
Assessed by: Analysis on Children
City/Municipal Council for the Protection of Children (C/MCPC)
Means of Verification (MOVs)
1.00 MOVs

Child Representative is appointed/ Any of the following:

Less than four quarterly meetings • Agenda of the Meetings
50-70% withissues
of the the ff agenda:
identified in • Agenda of the Meetings
the profiling /SitAn discussed and • Minutes of the Meetings
resulted into a Resolution/ • BCPC Resolutions
Recommendation for Action

51-70% member attendance in all Attendance Sheets of the

50-70% of C/MCPC members Meetings
trained or received at least 1
capacity development training
• Must present a copy of the
Attendance Sheet or Certificate
of Participation and any of the

 Post Activity Report or

Feedback Report for the
capacity building activity
 Photo Documentation
 Capacity Building Plan

50-70% of BCPCs trained or

received at least 1 capacity (Annually)
development training • Must present a copy of the
Attendance Sheet or Certificate
of Participation and any of the

 Post Activity Report or

Feedback Report for the
capacity building activity
 Photo Documentation
 Capacity Building Plan


Established consolidated • Availability of established and
database on children consolidated database on
children (summary of data or
profile of children on the period
covered of the assessment)

LSCR prepared in accordance • Copy of the updated and

with the DILG template (MC 2009- approved Local State of
106) Children Report (LSCR)

LDPC prepared considering (a) • Copy of the prepared Local

other sectoral plans, (b) Development Plan for Children
consultation with children, and (c) (LDPC) [or midterm plan for 3
a monitoring and evaluation years]
(M&E) plan

51-70% accomplishment • Copy of the approved Local

Prepared AWFPC and approved •Development Plan for Children
Copy of the prepared and
by the LCE
51-70% accomplishment (LDPC)
approved [refer to the targets
• Copy of the approved and
Annual Work Annualof
With exisiting and approved LCC the
Copyand covered
Plan for
of the of the
approved for
Code for (AWFPC)
Children (LCC)

Drafted and approved CPP • Copy of the approved Child

Protection Policy (CPP)
Prepared at least two P/R/R • Copy of prepared/approved
based on identified need of Policy/Resolution/
children Recommendation

Note: If the policies are

integrated in one resolution, the
counting is by the number of

At least 1 advocacy or • Post Activity Report or

activitiy related to
FOR THE Photo/Video
C/MCPC Documentation
increasing awareness on
protection and promotion of

51-70% utilization rate Any of the following:


51-70% of CNSP cases provided • List of Children in Need of

with services/referred to Special Protection (CNSP)
appropriate office cases
• Availability of functional
database on children
• Updated and maintained data
on children for the period
covered by the assessment
•• Situationer/Situational
Copy of Juvenile Justice and
Analysis on Children
Welfare Council’s Children at
Risk (CAR) and Children in
Conflict with the Law (CICL)
51-70% of CICL cases registry
documented in CICL Registry • Functional CICL and CAR
Percentage of diversion •Registry
Copy of Comprehensive
proceedings conducted to all Barangay Juvenile Intervention
• Situationer/Situational
diversional cases by BCPC Program/diversion
Analysis on Children program
dren (C/MCPC)

3.00 MOVs 5.00

Organized C/MCPC in
accordance with DILG MC
through an EO or Local Ordinance

Child Representative is selected Any of the following: Child Representative from

through Children’s
Four quarterly congress
meetings • Agenda of the Meetings different
Conducted sectors [inclusivity]
four quarterly
71-90% withissues
of the aforementioned
identified in • Agenda of the Meetings meetings of
91-100% with
issues identified in
the profiling/ SitAn discussed and • Minutes of the Meetings agenda
the plus two
profiling/ SitAnCFLGA meetings
discussed and
resulted into a Resolution/ • BCPC Resolutions resulted into a Resolution/
Recommendation for Action Recommendation for Action

71-90% member attendance in all Attendance Sheets of the 91-100% member attendance in
71-90% of C/MCPC members Meetings all meetings
91-100% of C/MCPC members
trained or received at least 1 trained or received at least 1
capacity development training capacity development training
• Must present a copy of the
Attendance Sheet or
Certificate of Participation and
any of the following:

 Post Activity Report or

Feedback Report for the
capacity building activity
 Photo Documentation
 Capacity Building Plan

71-90% of BCPCs trained or 91-100% of BCPCs trained or

received at least 1 capacity (Annually) received at least 1 capacity
development training • Must present a copy of the development training
Attendance Sheet or
Certificate of Participation and
any of the following:

 Post Activity Report or

Feedback Report for the
capacity building activity
 Photo Documentation
 Capacity Building Plan

Established consolidated and • Availability of established, Established disaggregated
disaggregated database on consolidated, and database with situational analysis
children disaggregated database on of children
children (summary of data or
profile of children on the
period covered of the

LSCR delivered in the State of • Copy of the updated and LSCR included in the C/MLGU
City/Municipal Address (SOCA/ approved Local State of Annual Accomplishment Report
SOMA)/ National Children's Month Children Report (LSCR) and submitted to higher LCPC
(NCM) • Report on the conduct of [PCPC]

LDPC presented and approved by • Copy of the approved Local LDPC integrated/ mainstreamed
the Local Sanggunian Development Plan for in the Comprehensive
Children (LDPC) [or midterm Development Plan (CDP)
plan for 3 years]
• Agenda meeting of the Local

71-90% accomplishment • Copy of the approved Local 91-100% accomplishment

AWFPC presented/recommended •Development Plan for
Copy of the approved AWFPC integrated in the Local
to the Local
71-90% Finance Committee
accomplishment Children
Annual (LDPC)
Work and[refer to the
• Copy of the approved Annual
91-100%Investment Program (AIP)
Existing LCC updated in the last targets
Plan for
•Annual of the
Copy of period
the and covered
approved Local [budgeted]
LCC implementation is monitored
five years Plan for
Code forChildren
(updated in the last 5 years)

CPP utilized and monitored within • Copy of the approved Child Issuance of Ordinance directing
the LGU Protection Policy (CPP) concerned private sector/org to
• Accomplishment/Monitoring have its own CPP
• Copy of the prepared and/or
approved Annual Work and
Financial Plan for Children
Presented P/R/R to the Local • Copy of prepared/approved At least two P/R/R enacted within
Sanggunian for approval Policy/Resolution/ the term of the C/MCPC

Note: If the policies are

integrated in one resolution,
the counting is by the number
of issue/s

At least 2 advocacy or • Post Activity Report or At least 1 advocay activity based

dissemination activities related to Photo/Video Documentation on the issues identified in the
increasing awareness
1% for C/MCPC on
strengthening Any of the following: available
Additionaldata on children
budget for the C/MCPC
protection and promotion of • Appropriations Ordinance
• Copy of the approved
Annual Work and Financial
Plan for Children (AWFPC)
• Certification issued by
City/Municipal Budget Officer
and City/Municipal Treasurer
• Copy of the Annual
Investment Program
• Budget Allocation and
71-90% utilization rate Any of the following: 90-100% utilization rate
FOR CHILDREN (30%) Zero percentage of violation of
Functional referral system for
71-90% of CNSP cases provided • List of Children in Need of CNSP
91-100% of CNSP cases provided
with services/referred to Special Protection (CNSP) with services/ referred to
appropriate office cases appropriate office
• Availability of functional
database on children
• Updated and maintained
data on children for the period
covered by the assessment
•• Situationer/Situational
Copy of Juvenile Justice and
Analysis on Children
Welfare Council’s Children at
Risk (CAR) and Children in
Conflict with the Law (CICL)
71-90% of CICL cases registry 91-100% of CICL cases
documented in CICL Registry • Functional CICL and CAR documented in CICL Registry
Percentage of successful •Registry
Copy of Comprehensive Zero percentage of reoffending of
diversion Barangay Juvenile
• Situationer/Situational all successful diversion programs
Analysis on Children
Program/diversion program

Executive Order or Local


Any of the following:

• Agenda of the Meetings
• Agenda of the Meetings
• Minutes of the Meetings
• BCPC Resolutions

Attendance Sheets of the


• Must present a copy of the
Attendance Sheet or Certificate
of Participation and any of the

 Post Activity Report or

Feedback Report for the capacity
building activity attended
 Photo Documentation
 Capacity Building Plan

• Must present a copy of the
Attendance Sheet or Certificate
of Participation and any of the

 Post Activity Report or

Feedback Report for the capacity
building activity attended
 Photo Documentation
 Capacity Building Plan
• Availability of established,
consolidated and disaggregated
database on children (summary
of data or profile of children on
the period covered of the
• Copy of Situational Analysis on

• Copy of the updated and

approved Local State of Children
Report (LSCR)
• City/Municipal Annual
Accomplishment Report

• Copy of the approved Local

Development Plan for Children
(LDPC) [or midterm plan for 3
• Copy of the Comprehensive
Development Plan (CDP)

• Copy of the approved Local

•Development Plan for Children
Copy of the approved Annual
Work and[refer to the
Financial targets
• Copy of the approved Annual for of
Copyand covered
of the of the
approved for
Code for (AWFPC)
Children (LCC)
• Accomplishment/Monitoring
• Copy of the prepared and/or
approved Annual Work and
Financial Plan for Children

• Copy of the approved Child

Protection Policy (CPP)
• Ordinance directing concerned
private sector/org to have its own
• Copy of prepared/approved

Note: If the policies are

integrated in one resolution, the
counting is by the number of

• Post Activity Report or

Photo/Video Documentation
Any of the following:
• Appropriations Ordinance
• Copy of the approved Annual
Work and Financial Plan for
Children (AWFPC)
• Certification issued by
City/Municipal Budget Officer
and City/Municipal Treasurer
• Copy of the Annual Investment
• Budget Allocation and
Any of the following:
• Individualized folder of
children’s cases
•• Localized Flow Chart of
Intake form/report
Referral System
• List of Children in Need of
Special Protection (CNSP) cases
• Availability of functional
database on children
• Updated and maintained data
on children for the period
covered by the assessment
• Situationer/Situational Analysis
on Children
• Copy of Juvenile Justice and
Welfare Council’s Children at
Risk (CAR) and Children in
Conflict with the Law (CICL)
• Functional CICL and CAR
Copy of Comprehensive
Barangay Juvenile Intervention
• Situationer/Situational Analysis
on Children program
LCPC Assessment Form 001-C
(for Province)
Provincial Council for the Protection of Ch
Means of Verification (MOVs)
Indicator - MOVs 1.00
PCPC Organization PCPC is not organized

Child Representation in the No Child Representative in the Child Representative is

Meetings PCPC
No quarterly meeting conducted appointed/
Less designated
than four quarterly
meetings conducted with the ff
- planning
- implementation review
- monitoring and status of action
points from previous meetings

Less than 50% of the issues • Agenda of the Meetings 50-70% of the issues identified
Less thanin50%
the member
profiling /SitAn Attendance Sheets of the in the profiling
51-70% member /SitAn discussed
attendance in
Capacity Building discussed
attendance and
in resulted
all into
No capacity building [plan] for a Meetings and
all resulted
meetings into a
50-70% of PCPC membersResolution/
PCPC members Recommendation for Recommendation
trained or receivedforat Action
least 1
capacity development training

No capacity building [plan] for 50-70% of C/M/BCPCs trained

lower level LCPC [C/M/BCPC] or received at least 1 capacity
development training
Database on children No database on children Established consolidated
database on children

Local State of Children Report No LSCR LSCR prepared in accordance

Local Development Plan for No LDPC with the
LDPC DILG template
prepared (MC (a)
Children (LDPC) [or midterm 2009-106)
other sectoral plans, (b)
plan for 3 years] consultation with children, and
(c) a monitoring and evaluation
(M&E) plan

LDPC % accomplishment Below 50% accomplishment • Copy of the approved Local 51-70% accomplishment
Development Plan for
Children (LDPC) [refer to the
targets of the period covered
of the assessment]
• Annual Accomplishment
Report on Children

Annual Work and Financial No AWFPC Prepared AWFPC and approved

Plan for Children (AWFPC) by the LCE
AWFPC % accomplishment Below 50% accomplishment • Copy of the approved 51-70% accomplishment
Annual Work and Financial
Plan for Children (AWFPC)
• Accomplishment Report
based on Plan

Local Code for Children (LCC) No LCC With exisiting and approved LCC
Child Protection Policy (CPP) No CPP Drafted and approved CPP

Formulation of Policy/ No policy/resoulution issuance Prepared at least two P/R/R

Resolution/ Recommendation
Advocacy Actvities No advocacy activity undertaken based
At leaston1 identified
or of
dissemination BUDGET
activitiy related
FOR to THE PCPC (20%)
PCPC Budget Allocation below 1% Any of the following: increasing awareness on
• Appropriations Ordinance protection and promotion of
• Copy of the approved
Annual Work and Financial
Plan for Children (AWFPC)
• Certification issued by
Provincial Budget Officer and
Provincial Treasurer
• Copy of the Annual
Investment Program
• Budget Allocation and

Budget Utilization Below 50% utilization rate Any of the following: 51-70% utilization rate
Individualized folder of
children’s cases
Referral System in place
Less than 50% of CNSP cases • List of Children in Need of 51-70% of CNSP cases
provided with services/ referred to Special Protection (CNSP) provided with services/referred
appropriate office cases to appropriate office
• Availability of functional
database on children
• Updated and maintained
data on children for the
period covered by the
• Situationer/Situational
Analysis on Children

Diversion Program No diversion program in-place • Copy of Comprehensive Percentage of diversion

Barangay Juvenile proceedings conducted to all
Intervention diversional cases by BCPC
Program/diversion program
r the Protection of Children (PCPC)
on (MOVs)
MOVs 3.00 MOVs 5.00
Organized PCPC in accordance
with DILG MC through an EO or
Local Ordinance
Any of the following: Child Representative is selected Any of the following: Child Representative from
• Agenda of the Meetings through
Four Children’s
quarterly congress
meetings • Agenda of the Meetings different sectors
Conducted [inclusivity]
four quarterly
• Attendance Sheets of the conducted with aforementioned • Attendance Sheets of the meetings with aforementioned
Meetings agenda Meetings agenda plus two CFLGA meetings
• Minutes of the Meetings • Minutes of the Meetings

• Agenda of the Meetings 71-90% of the issues identified in • Agenda of the Meetings 91-100% of the issues identified in
Attendance Sheets of the the profiling/
71-90% SitAnattendance
member discussed in
all Attendance Sheets of the the profiling/
91-100% SitAn attendance
member discussed and
(Annually) resulted
meetings into a Resolution/
71-90% of PCPC members Meetings
(Annually) resulted
all into
meetings a Resolution/
91-100% of PCPC members
• Must present a copy of the Recommendation
trained or receivedforat Action
least 1 • Must present a copy of the Recommendation
trained or receivedforat Action
least 1
Attendance Sheet or Certificate capacity development training Attendance Sheet or capacity development training
of Participation and any of the Certificate of Participation
following: and any of the following:

 Post Activity Report or  Post Activity Report or

Feedback Report for the Feedback Report for the
capacity building activity capacity building activity
attended attended
 Photo Documentation  Photo Documentation
 Capacity Building Plan  Capacity Building Plan

(Annually) 71-90% of C/M/BCPCs trained or (Annually) 91-100% of C/M/BCPCs trained or

received at least 1 capacity received at least 1 capacity
development training development training
• Availability of established and Established consolidated and • Availability of established, Established disaggregated
consolidated database on disaggregated database on consolidated, and database with situational analysis
children (summary of data or children disaggregated database on of children
profile of children on the period children (summary of data
covered of the assessment) or profile of children on the
period covered of the

• Copy of the prepared/approved LSCR delivered in the State of • Copy of the updated and LSCR included in the PLGU
of theofprepared
Children Local
Report LDPC
Province Addressand
presented (SOPA) /
approved by •approved Local
Copy of the State of
approved Annualintegrated/
LDPC Accomplishment Report
Development National
Plan for Children the LocalChildren's
SanggunianMonth (NCM) Children
Local Report (LSCR)
Development Plan for and
in submitted
the to higher LCPC
(LDPC) [or midterm plan for 3 Children (LDPC) [or Development Plan (CDP)
years] midterm plan for 3 years]
• Agenda meeting of the
Local Sanggunian

• Copy of the approved Local 71-90% accomplishment • Copy of the approved 91-100% accomplishment
Development Plan for Children Local Development Plan for
(LDPC) [refer to the targets of Children (LDPC) [refer to
the period covered of the the targets of the period
assessment] covered of the assessment]
• Annual Accomplishment • Annual Accomplishment
Report on Children Report on Children

• Copy of the prepared and AWFPC presented/recommended • Copy of the approved AWFPC integrated in the Local
approved Annual Work and to the Local Finance Committee Annual Work and Financial Annual Investment Program (AIP)
Financial Plan for Children Plan for Children (AWFPC) [budgeted]
(AWFPC) • Agenda/Minutes of the
meeting of the Local
Finance Committee
• Copy of the approved Annual 71-90% accomplishment • Copy of the approved 91-100% accomplishment
Work and Financial Plan for Annual Work and Financial
Children (AWFPC) Plan for Children (AWFPC)
• Accomplishment Report based • Accomplishment Report
on Plan based on Plan

• Copy of the approved Local Existing LCC updated in the last • Copy of the approved LCC implementation is monitored
of Children (LCC)Child
the approved five years
CPP utilized and monitored within •Local
of theforapproved
Children Issuance of Ordinance directing
Protection Policy (CPP) the LGU (LCC)
Child Protection in
(updated the last 5
Policy concerned private sector/org to
(CPP) have its own CPP

• Copy of the prepared
and/or approved Annual
Work and Financial Plan for
Children (AWFPC)

• Copy of prepared/approved Presented P/R/R to the Local • Copy of At least two P/R/R enacted within
Post Activity Report or Sanggunian
At for approval
least 2 advocacy or •prepared/approved
Post Activity Report or theleast
At term1ofadvocay
the PCPCactivity based
ET FOR THE PCPC Documentation
(20%) dissemination activities related to Policy/Resolution/
Photo/Video Documentation on the issues identified in the
1% for PCPC awareness on
strengthening Recommendation
Any of the following: available
Additionaldata on children
budget for the PCPC
protection and promotion of • Appropriations Ordinance
• Copy of the approved
Annual Work and Financial
Plan for Children (AWFPC)
• Certification issued by
Provincial Budget Officer
and Provincial Treasurer
• Copy of the Annual
Investment Program
• Budget Allocation and

Any of the following: 71-90% utilization rate Any of the following: 90-100% utilization rate
RING AND MANAGEMENT FOR CHILDREN (30%) Zero percentage of violation of
Functional referral system for
• List of Children in Need of 71-90% of CNSP cases provided CNSP
• List of Children in Need of 91-100% of CNSP cases provided
Special Protection (CNSP) with services/referred to Special Protection (CNSP) with services/ referred to
cases appropriate office cases appropriate office
• Availability of functional • Availability of functional
database on children database on children
• Updated and maintained data • Updated and maintained
on children for the period data on children for the
covered by the assessment period covered by the
• Situationer/Situational Analysis assessment
on Children • Situationer/Situational
Analysis on Children

• Copy of Juvenile Justice

and Welfare Council’s
Children at Risk (CAR) and
Children in Conflict with the
Law (CICL) registry
• Copy of Comprehensive Percentage of successful • Copy of Comprehensive
• Functional CICL and CAR
Barangay Juvenile Intervention diversion Barangay Juvenile Intervention
Program/diversion program Program/diversion program
• Situationer/Situational
Analysis on Children

Executive Order or Local 5


Any of the following: 3

• Agenda of the Meetings 3
• Attendance Sheets of the
• Minutes of the Meetings

• Agenda of the Meetings 5

Attendance Sheets of the 5
Meetings 5
• Must present a copy of the
Attendance Sheet or Certificate
of Participation and any of the

 Post Activity Report or

Feedback Report for the
capacity building activity
Must present a copy of the
Attendance Sheet or Certificate
 Photo Documentation
of Participation and any
 Capacity Building Planof the

 Post Activity Report or

Feedback Report for the
capacity building activity
 Photo Documentation
 Capacity Building Plan
• Availability of established, 5
consolidated and
disaggregated database on
children (summary of data or
profile of children on the period
covered of the assessment)
• Copy of Situational Analysis
on Children

• Copy of the updated and 5

•approved Local
Copy of the State ofLocal 5
Children Report
Development (LSCR)
Plan for Children
(LDPC) [or midterm plan for 3
• Copy of the Comprehensive
Development Plan (CDP)

• Copy of the approved Local 5

Development Plan for Children
(LDPC) [refer to the targets of
the period covered of the
• Annual Accomplishment
Report on Children

• Copy of the approved Annual 5

Work and Financial Plan for
Children (AWFPC)
• Copy of the Annual
Investment Program (AIP)
• Copy of the approved Annual 5
Work and Financial Plan for
Children (AWFPC)
• Accomplishment Report
based on Plan

• Copy of the approved Local 3

of Children (LCC)Child 1
the approved
Protection Policy (CPP)
• Ordinance directing
concerned private sector/org to
have its own CPP

• Copy of prepared/approved 5
Post Activity Report or 5
Photo/Video Documentation
Any of the following: 3
• Appropriations Ordinance
• Copy of the approved Annual
Work and Financial Plan for
Children (AWFPC)
• Certification issued by
Provincial Budget Officer and
Provincial Treasurer
• Copy of the Annual
Investment Program
• Budget Allocation and

Any of the following: 3

• Individualized folder of
children’s cases 5
• Intake form/report
• Localized Flow Chart of
Referral System
• List of Children in Need of 5
Special Protection (CNSP)
• Availability of functional
database on children
• Updated and maintained data
on children for the period
covered by the assessment
• Situationer/Situational
Analysis on Children

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