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Psikologi Industri Organisasi Laily Khoirunnisa El Noor

They perceive that such positions will

result in personal gain/ result In an
Kepemimpinan dalam perusahaan increase in status or in pay.
Chapter 13 – Leadership 3. Social Normative Motivation
Become leaders out of a sense of duty or
Introduction to Leadership Ex: agree to be the next president
because it is “his turn”.
Leadership ̶ ability to direct a group toward
the achievement of goals
Role of gender In leader emergence
→ by using his/her influence to assist groups in
attaining goals. Men → as leaders more often in short-term
groups and groups carrying out tasks with low
social interaction.
Personal Characteristics & Leadership Women → as leaders more often in groups
involving high social interaction.
Leader Emergence ̶ people who become
leaders possess traits or characteristics different
from people who do not become leaders.
Leader Emergence ̶ the idea that leaders who
• People high in openness, perform well posess certain characteristics that
conscientiousness, extraversion, poorly performing leaders do not.
masculinity, creativity, and
→ Excellent leader might be intelligent,
authoritarianism and low in neuroticism
assertive, friendly, and independent.
are more likely to emerge as leaders
than their counterparts. Poor leader might be shy, aloof, and calm.
• High self-monitors (people who adapt
their behavior to the social situation) → Effective leadership is the synthesis of 3
emerge as leaders more often than low variables:
self-monitors. wisdom, intelligence (academic and practical)
• More intelligent people are more likely and creativity.
to emerge as leaders than are less → An effective leadership should be concerned
intelligent people. more with result than with being liked.
• Looking at patterns of abilities and
personality traits is more useful than → Leadership excellence is a function of the
looking at single abilities and traits. right person being in the right time.

Motivation to lead has three aspects (factor) : Personal characteristics and leader
1. Affective Identity Motivation performance has concentrated on 3 areas :
They enjoy being in charge and leading • Traits
others. ➢ Positively related to leader
➢ The most leadership experience and performance : extraversion,
having high leadership potential. openness, agreeableness &
2. Noncalculative Motivation conscientiousness

Referensi: Psikologi Industri & Organisasi

Oleh Sutarto Wijono
Psikologi Industri Organisasi Laily Khoirunnisa El Noor

Negatively related to leader → believe that employees are

performance : neuroticism intrinsically motivated, seek
➢ Leadership effectiveness : responsibility, self-controlled,
management, decision-making and necessarily dislike work.
& oral-communication skills → consult their subordinates
➢ High self-monitors tend to be before making decisions, praise
better leaders than do low self- their work, ask about their
monitors families, do ot look over their
➢ Cognitive ability is most shoulder, & use more “hands-
important when the leader is off” approach to leadership.
not distracted by stressful → when under pressure, tend to
situations and when the leader become socially withdrawn
uses a more directive leadership → tend to appreciate humor
style. → should have satisfied
Self-monitoring ̶ A personality trait
characterized by the tendency to adapt ➢ Task-oriented leaders
one’s behavior to fit a particular social → task-centered leaders, Theory
situation. X leaders, leaders high in
initiating structure.
• Needs Define & structure their own
➢ Need for power roles and those of their
➢ Need for achievement subordinates to attain the
➢ Need for affiliation group’s formal goals.

Can be measured through various → see their employees as lazy,

psychological test, Thematic extrinsically motivated, wanting
Apperception Test (TAT) and Job Choice security, undisciplined, and
Exercice (JCE). shirking responsibility.
Leadership motive-pattern ̶ Have a → tend to manage/ lead by
high need for power and a low need for giving directives, setting goals,
affiliation for organizational power not and making decision without
for personal. consulting their subordinates.
→ when under pressure, they
become anxious, defensive, and
• Orientation dominant.
➢ Person-oriented leaders → tend to produce humor
→ country club leaders, Theory → should have productive
Y leaders & leaders high in employees
Act in warm & supportive ➢ Women more likely to have a
manner and show concern for person-orientation and less
their subordinates. likely to have a task orientation
than were man.

Referensi: Psikologi Industri & Organisasi

Oleh Sutarto Wijono
Psikologi Industri Organisasi Laily Khoirunnisa El Noor

➢ Women more likely to use a → on the surface, these leaders are

more participative approach charming, quite people who often
and men more likely to use a compliment their subordinates and
more autocratic approach. fellow workers., supportive, but at
the same time they will “stab”
‫ ؞‬The best leaders (team) are another person in the back.
both task and person oriented, whereas → resent (benci) the successes of
the worst (improverished) are neither others and are likely to act against
task nor person oriented. Some leaders (melawan) subordinates in a
(middle-of-the-road) have moderate passive-aggressive.
amounts of both orientations. ➢ High-likability floater
→ insecure and seldom(jarang)
rocks the boat or causes trouble
Can be measured by several → goes along with the group,
instruments, two of which are the friendly to everyone, never
Leadership Opinion Questionnaire (LOQ) challenges anyone’s ideas.
and the Leader Behavior Description ➢ Narcissists
Questionnaire (LBDQ). → overcome their insecurity by
Poor leader behavior has 3 major causes : → like to be the center of attention,
promote their own
1) Lack of training accomplishments, take most of the
Lack of leadership training given to credit for the successes of their
supervisors. group
Few organizations require supervisors → avoid all blame for failure
to complete leadership training before
taking charge of groups of people.
2) Cognitive deficiencies Critical incident of ineffective leader behavior
Poor leaders are unable to learn form fell under 10 basic dimensions (Rasch, Shen,
experience and are unable to think Davies & Bono) :
strategically, they consistently make
the same mistakes and do not plan ➢ Engaging in illegal and unethical
ahead. behavior
3) Personality ➢ Avoiding conflict and people problems
Unsuccessful leaders are insecure and ➢ Demonstrating poor emotional control
adopt one of three personality types (yelling, screaming)
(Hogan) : the paranoid or passive- ➢ Overcontrolling (micromanaging)
aggressive, the high-likability, and the ➢ Demonstrating poor task performance
narcissist ← feel betrayed (dikhianati). ➢ Poor planning, organization, and
➢ Paranoid/ passive-aggressive ➢ Starting/passing on rumors/sharing
leader confidential information
→ has deeply rooted, but perhaps ➢ Proscrastinating and not meeting time
unconscious, resentment and commitments

Referensi: Psikologi Industri & Organisasi

Oleh Sutarto Wijono
Psikologi Industri Organisasi Laily Khoirunnisa El Noor

➢ Failing to accommodate the personal • Leader-member relations

needs of subordinates The more the subordinates like their
➢ Failing to nurture and manage talent leader, the more favorable the situation
will be.

Interaction between
Fiedler’s belief (Leader Match) ̶ an individual’s
the leader & the situation
leadership style is not easily changed, to
A leaders effectiveness ̶ depends on the traits improve their abilities, leaders learn through
she possesses, also the particular situation in four-hour workshops how to diagnose
which the leader finds herself (Hackman & situations and then change these situations to
Wageman). fit their particular leadership styles.

Fiedler’s contingency model ̶ any individual → concentrating on changing the situation

leadership style is effective only in certain rather than the leader.
→ argue that rather than teaching people to
Bases of Power ̶ similar to IMPACT Theory
change their leadership styles, leadership
(French&Raven) :
training should concentrate on helping people
• Expert
understand their style of leadership & learn
became powerful because of his
how to manipulate a situation so that the two
expertise in defense matters.
• Referent
→ an individual’s leadership style is the result of • Legitimate
a lifetime of experiences & extremely difficult to • Coercive/Reward
change (Fred Fiedler)
IMPACT Theory ̶ Six Leader Behavioral Styles
→ Least-Preferred Coworker (LPC) Scale, help
(Geier, dkk.) :
people understand their leadership style .
→ IMPACT = Informational, Magnetic, Position,
Affiliation, Coercive, Tactical
→ each style is effective in only a particular
The favorableness (keuntungan) of a situation (tertentu) situation, or in an organizational
is determined (ditentukan) by 3 variables : climate.
• Task structuredness • Informational style
→ have goals that are clearly stated and → effective only in climate of Ignorance
known by group members (ketidakpedulian)
→ have only a few correct solutions to a → John Warner use this style to
problem become a powerful leader
→ can be completed in only a few ways • Magnetic Style
→ the more structured the task, the → effective only in climate of Despair
more favorable the situation (putus asa)
• Leader position power → leads through energy & optimism
The greater the position/ legitimate → characterized by low morale
power of the leader, the more favorable → figure : Ronald Reagan

Referensi: Psikologi Industri & Organisasi

Oleh Sutarto Wijono
Psikologi Industri Organisasi Laily Khoirunnisa El Noor

• Position Style public that he/she is he best person for

→ effective only in climate of Instability an office.
(ketidakstabilan) • Change the actual climate
→ leads by virtue of the power inherent → changing the climate itself rather
in that position than simply changing followers
→ effective during corporate mergers, perception of the climate.
particularly when people are not sure → a strategy is difficult but can be
what actions to take successful
• Affiliation Style
→ effective only in climate of Anxiety
(gelisah) Path-goal theory ̶ A theory of leadership
→ leads by liking and caring about stating that leaders will be effective if their
others behavior helps subordinates achieve relevant
→ similar to the person-oriented leader goals.
→ figure : Jimmy Carter
• Coercive Style → leader can adopt one of four behavior
→ effective only in climate of Crisis leadership styles to handle each situation
→ leads by controlling reward & • Instrumental Style
punishment → leader plans and organizes the
→ typical in war activites of employees
• Tactical Style → planning, organizing, controlling
→ effective only in climate of • Supportive Style
Disorganization → leaders show concern for their
→ leads through the use of strategy employees
• Participative Style
→ leader allows employees to
Become an Effective Leader participate in decisions
• Achievement Oriented
• Find a climate consistent with your
→ leader sets challenging goals and
leadership style
rewards achievement.
→ involves (melibatkan) either a great
deal of luck/ a lot of patience
→ as the leader must be in the right
place at the right time Advise to be effective leader (House&Mitchell)
• Change your leadership style to better :
fit the existing climate • Recognize the needs of subordinates &
→ people who are willing to adapt their work to satisfy those needs
behavior & who have the ability to • Reward subordinates who reach their
“play” each of the six leadership styles
should be the effective leaders.
• Help subodinates identify the best
• Change your followers perception of
paths to take in reaching particular
the climate
→ in politics, each candidate tries to
• Clear those paths so that employess can
convince (meyakinkan) the voting
reach their goals

Referensi: Psikologi Industri & Organisasi

Oleh Sutarto Wijono
Psikologi Industri Organisasi Laily Khoirunnisa El Noor

interaction between the leader and his/her

Situational Leadership Theory
(Hersey&Blanchard) ̶ A theory of leadership
stating that effective leaders must adapt their
style of leadership to fit both the situation and
the followers. Spesific Leader Skill
• Directing Approach Excellent leader behavior
→ directs the follower by telling him
what to do and how to do it • Initiate ideas
→ effective for R1 followers (unable & • Informally interact with subordinates
unwilling or insecure) • Stand up for and support subordinates
• Coaching Approach • Take responsibility
→ explain and clarify how work should • Develop a group atsmorphere
be done • Organize & structure work
→ effective for R2 followers (unable but • Communicate formally with
willing or confident) subordinates
• Supporting Approach • Reward and punish subordinates
→ given plenty of emotional support as • Set goals
well as opportunities for two-way • Make decisions
communication • Train and develop employee skills
→ effective for R3 followers (able but • Solve problem
unwilling or insecure) • Generate enthusiasm
• Delegating Approach
→ delegate specific tasks to
subordinates and then let them Following skills to be essential
complete those tasks with minimal
supervision or guidance • Organizing
effective for R4 followers (able & willing • Analysis and decision making
pr confident) • Planning
• Communication (oral & written)
→ important for leaders to discuss this strategy
with each employee so that employees will • Delegation
understand why they are being treated a • Work habits (high-quality work)
particular way. • Carefulness
• Interpersonal skill
• Job knowledge
Relationship with Subordinates • Organizational knowledge
• Toughness
→ Leader-member exchange (LMX) theory ̶ A • Integrity
leadership theory that focuses on the • Development of others
interaction between leaders and subordinates. • Listening
→ Vertical Dyad Linkage (VDL) theory ̶ A
leadership theory that concentrates on the

Referensi: Psikologi Industri & Organisasi

Oleh Sutarto Wijono
Psikologi Industri Organisasi Laily Khoirunnisa El Noor

Vroom-Yetton Model ̶ A theory of leadership behavior and take correction action

that concentrates on helping a leader choose only when problems are serious.
how to make a decision.
Five basic types of power (French&Raven) :
Transformational Leadership ̶ Visionary
• Expert Power leadership in which the leader changes the
→ power that individuals have because nature and goals of an organization.
they have knowledge
→ changing or transforming the goals, values,
→ the knowledge must be something
ethics, standards, and performance of others
that others in an organization need
→ others must be aware that the leader → labeled: visionary, charismatic dan
knows something inspirational
• Legitimate Power
→ the power that individuals have → lead by developing a vision, changing
because of their elected or appointed organizations to fit this vision, and motivating
position employees to reach the vision or long-term
• Reward Power goal.
→ leadership power that exists to the → confident, have a need to influence others,
extent that the leader has the ability hold a strong attitude that their beliefs&ideas
and authority to provide rewards are correct, innovate, challenge the status quo,
• Coercive Power focus on people, flexible, look to the future,
→ leadership power that comes from carefully analyze problems, act in an ethical
the leader’s capacity to punish others manner, trust their intuition
• Referent Power
→ leadership power that exists when → personality dimension of extraversion,
followers can identify with a leader and agreeableness, conscientiousness, openness
the leader’s goals. → lebih banyak pemimpin perempuan yang

Transactional Leadership ̶ Leadership style in → figure : Herb Kelleher (charismatic, employee

which the leader focuses on task-oriented oriented, visionary, & a great motivator people)
behaviors. Have three dimension;
→ setting goals, monitoring perfomances, and • charisma
providing a consequence to success or failure
→ high moral and ethical standards
Have three dimensions; → strong vision of where they want
their followers to go
• contingent reward : leaders who reward → enthusiasm to motivate their
followers for engagug in desired activity followers
• management by exception-active : • intellectual stimulation
actively monitors performance and take → encourage change and open thinking
correction action when needed →challenge the status quo
• management by exception-passive : → appreciate diversity
don’t actively monitor follower • individual consideration

Referensi: Psikologi Industri & Organisasi

Oleh Sutarto Wijono
Psikologi Industri Organisasi Laily Khoirunnisa El Noor

→ encourage individual growth → reflect on their own ethics, core beliefs, and
→ take the time to mentor value rather leading by copying the leadership
→ coach their followers style of others.
→ lead by being themselves and acting in
accordance with their heartfelt ethics, beliefs,
Five characteristics in good leaders and values to create a positive environment.
(Hunt&Laing) :
• vision
→ have a vision of where they want the
organization to go anf provide direction
toward that end.
• Differentiation
→ The difference might be one of
personality, charisma, knowledge or
• Values
→ Have strong values
• Transmission of vision and values
→ Able to communicate their vision and
values to others
• Flaws (kekurangan)
→ Have a major flaws and they know it
→ Makes the leader more human and
provides a target that followers can
focus on when they are upset with the

Authentic leadership ̶ A leadership theory

stating that leaders should be honest and open
and lead out of a desire to serve others rather
than a desire for self-gain
→ have self-awareness to understand who they
aem recognize and accept their weaknesses,
and take steps to correct those weaknesses
→ have a high self-esteem, gives them
confidence to be courageous and do the right
thing as well as the willingness to acceot critism
and make personal changes when necessary
→ leading with your heart

Referensi: Psikologi Industri & Organisasi

Oleh Sutarto Wijono

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