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Nama : Widya Angreyani

Kelas : Pendidikan Kimia ICP

Nim : 220105511004
History of biochemical studies
Biochemistry comes from the Greek words bios "life" and chemis "chemistry" which
is often interpreted as the science that studies the chemical basis of life. Or it can also be
interpreted as a science that studies chemical reactions or molecular interactions in living
The development of Biochemistry continued with discoveries the two brothers Eduard
and Hans Buchner are based on the results of his experiments proved that the yeast cells had
death is still capable of causing the process to occur fermentation of sugar into alcohol. The
discovery of these two brothers making a new milestone in development knowledge and
application of Biochemistry, namely the existence of possibilities carry out analysis of
biochemical reactions and processes using tools laboratory (in vitro), without the need to use
organismslive. This discovery was followed by discoveries and the application of
biocatalysts, namely capable natural catalysts speed up a chemical reaction that occurs.
Development of the electron microscope in the middle The 20th century has also
made a great contribution means for the development of good understanding of the science of
Biochemistry on structural compounds, biochemical compounds, chemical reactions that
occurs in cells, as well as notification of reactions metabolism in living cells. Next in in the
field of genetics, a geneticist named Gregor Mendel in the mid-19th century and later XX
century based on the results of his research proves that Genes that make up living cells. In
1869 Nucleic acids were isolated by Friedrich Miescher and at the beginning XX century
Biochemists argued that only proteins which has the most complex structure that carries
genetic information, while only nucleic acids are provided as a simple compound that makes
up living cells life.
Definition of biochemistry
Biochemistry is a connecting science, even as a glue between the disciplines of
biology and chemistry utilize the laws of physics and chemistry to explain life processes.
Biochemistry studies processes life starts from cells, because cells are units smallest of life.
Cells are the smallest units of life has a unique structure and organization. That's the
uniqueness of the cell which will be explained by biochemistry based on rules biology and
chemistry. Simultaneously, Biochemistry studies biological and chemical aspects of the
compounds that make up cells.
The aim of studying biochemistry in general is describe the structure, organization
and function of living substances in molecular level related to how a organisms form
“supramolecular” structures that begin from the cell, tissue, organ and organ system levels.
Besides that, Biochemistry also discusses the mechanisms of reactions chemistry takes place
in cells and what chemical reactions occur related to the processes of reproduction, growth
and the death of a cell or organism, and how the organism store and transmit genetic
information greatly. precise and accurate.

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