King Hades Deity Associations

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King Hades Deity Associations

General Info:
Haides(Hades) was the king of the underworld and god of the dead. He presided over funeral
rites and defended the right of the dead to due burial. Haides was also the god of the hidden
wealth of the earth, from the fertile soil which nourished the seed-grain, to the mined wealth of
gold, silver and other metals. Haides was depicted as a dark-bearded, regal god. He was
depicted as either Aidoneus, enthroned in the underworld, holding a bird-tipped scepter, or as
Plouton (Pluton), the giver of wealth, pouring fertility from a cornucopia. The Romans named
him Dis, or Pluto, the Latin form of his Greek title Plouton, "the Lord of Riches." HIs wife is
Queen Persephone - I’ve found that they prefer the titles King & Queen rather than Lord & Lady
in my personal upg and practice, but definitely communicate and ask what they prefer with you!
Also, King Hades enjoys having offerings put on his altar for his wife, as well as the guardian
dog of the underworld, Cerberus, in my personal upg and experience. I give treats and wine.

● Some signs he may be reaching out are:

● Animals: Black Ram, Cattle, Cerberus, Horses, Screech-Owls, Serpents.
● Sacred Herbs & Plants: Asphodel, Cypress, Mint, Myrrh, Narcissus Flower,
Patchouli, Pomegranate, White Poplar
● Random: Please take these signs with a grain of salt - we are devotee’s of King
Hades, but this is simply our upg / personal experience! If you’re an overachiever in
school or work, even if you dislike it. If you’re a workaholic when it comes to
something you love and want to succeed at. If you collect coins, crystals, rocks,
shells, etc from places that are special to you. If you have an interest in chemistry,
geology, or mineralogy. Interest in law, or legal things, even if it’s only drama Tv
shows. If you had an emo/gothic/scene/etc phase. If you enjoy going to cemeteries
for fun, or feel a connection to the dead. If you enjoy collecting old books, the smell
of old books, or reading is one of your biggest hobbies / passions. If you drink a lot
of coffee. If you see (or receive) The Emperor tarot card a lot. If you hear the name
Hades often, whether in books, conversation, tv, or anywhere else seemingly at
random. (Please note that Tiktok videos and social media in general is iffy when it
comes to signs - if you’re ever unsure, ask for a sign directly from King Hades). If
you’ve felt a deep ‘connection’ or desire to research him that doesn’t go away.
Seeing mushrooms everywhere, or being intrigued about them. If you’re the
emotional support system for many friends, especially ones who have had issues
with s ideation. If you grieve the loss of friendships, relationships, etc. several times
over. If you feel misunderstood, or if you are painted as the villain more often than
not in your life. If you are the ‘black sheep’ of your family, or find yourself an
outsider wherever you go. If you manage to always have financial stability,
regardless of whether you’re stressed about it or not. Black & grey, chariots,
cornucopia’s, keys, royal scepters, seeing him in your dreams/having visions of him.
● Other Good to Know Info:
● Colors: Black, Grey, Gold
● Food/Drink Offerings: Chocolate, Coffee, Cinnamon, Red Wine, White Wine for
● General Offerings: Bidents (two-pronged tridents), bones and skulls (please be
respectful to closed practices & do your research), , respecting or assisting the dead,
shadow work.
● Tarot Card Associations: These are cards that you can use to effectively ‘vet’ him
and make sure that it is him you’re speaking to when it comes to divination.
Personally, I like to ask via pendulum, ‘yes or no’ and ‘truth or false’ questions
regarding their mythology, throwing in trick questions every now and then. If they
answer something wrong, stop the divination session and burn incense and / or
command firmly and strongly for the entity to leave, that it is not welcome in your
space now or ever again. Trickster spirits are far less common than places like
Witchtok on Tikok will have you believe, but definitely be safe. I always recommend
protection and warding to novice witches before anything else. Moving right along
though - when it comes to vetting with the Tarot, these card associations will really
come in handy. You can ask him to throw these out while you shuffle, or you can
stop shuffling when you feel it’s right and try to pull one. I usually try to get 3-5 card
identifiers to be safe before a divination session for clients, but if you communicate
with him more than three times a week, you don’t have to do it every single time.
Finally, here are the card associations: Six of Swords, Ten of Pentacles, King of
Pentacles, King of Swords, Death, Judgment, Justice, The Emperor, The
Magician, The Moon, The Tower, The Wheel of Fortune, The World.
Remember, you can always come up with your own associations, but I definitely
recommend keeping Death, Judgment, and The World in there somewhere.

● Resources: (I cannot recommend her

enough, she’s actually a High Priestess for King Hades, and has tons of amazing
content on him.) (Her content on King Hades helped

me so much when I first started worshiping him and his wife!) (This is a fantastic

resource for most of the Hellenic deities!) (I enjoy watching Chelsea’s content on

King Hades, she’s a good resource as well.)

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