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The word “graphic” has its origin in the Greek words “Graphickos” and “Graphitic”- the former meaning to paint or
draw and latter meaning to represent with lines. Graphic teaching aids are the illustrative instructional material
depicted on a two dimensional surface combining drawing, pictures, painting and words. It provides non-verbal or
visual learning experiences.

A chart is a combination of pictorial, graphic, numerical or vertical material these visual symbols used for
summarizing, comparing, contrasting, or performing other services in explaining subject matter.
Charts are the graphic teaching material including diagrams, posters, pictures, maps and graphs. Charts can
be defined as illustrative visual media for depicting a logical relationship between main ideas and supporting facts .
according to Kinder ˝ Charts are graphic aids depicting information in the form of tables , pictures , graphic and
 For showing relationship by means of fact and figures.
 For presenting the material symbolically.
 To show continuity in process.
 For presenting abstract ideas in visual form.
 For showing development of structure.
 For creating problem and stimulating thinking.
 Involve the student in the preparation of charts.
 Every detail depicted in the chart should be visible to all the pupil in the class.
 It should display the information only about one specific area in a subject.

 It should not contain so many details.

1. Tree Chart: - A chart made in the form of several branches from the trunk of a tree such that the trunk represents
the main idea. A tree chart can be effective used in history to depict the family tress, rulers, king and dynasties.
2. Stream Charts :-A stream charts is the graphic aid showing the main thought , idea, concept, in the form of a main
river and its subparts in the form of tributaries coming out of it.
3. Table or Time chart: - Table charts are very valuable aid in the teaching situation where breakdown of a fact or a
statement is to be listed. Also it is useful aid for showing points of comparison, distinctions and contracts between
two or more things.

4. Flow charts:- A flow charts is the graphic aids of a system requiring preparation in form of connected lower division
of the system in boxes and lines to show their relatives position with respect to the highest position in the system.
5. Strip tease chart: - It enables the speaker to present the information step by step. It has great suspense value,
which aids in holding attention and building interest. It helps the audience to remember key ideas and mains
interest to the very end of the presentation. I
6. Narrative charts: - Arrangement of facts and ideas for expressing the events in the process or development of a
significant issue to its point of resolution or we can show an improvement over a period of years.
7. The cause and effect charts:- Arrangement of facts and ideas for expressing the relationship between two system
or between right and responsibilities or between a complex of condition and change or conflict.
8. The evolution chart:- Facts and idea for expressing changes in specific items from beginning data and its
projection into the future.
9. Pull charts:-It consists of written message which are hidden by strips of thick paper. The message can be shown to
the viewer, one after another by pulling out the concealing strips.
10.Pie charts: - A circle will be drawn and the division will be made into different section; each section will be coded
differently and code key will be given at right corner of the chart as a legend. The circumference is divided into
suitable section. It is relevant for showing the component parts of the total.
11.Tabulation Chart :-To show the schedule of an activity or of an individual e.g. tour chart , timetable of a class.
It provides a chronological frame work within which events and developments may be recorded .
12.Genealogy Chart:- To represent historical facets or growth and development of the family. Taking an analogy
from the tree , the origin is shown in a single line , rectangle , circle or other representation of the trunk and the
various changes or developments are shown.
13.Job chart :- Job responsibilities of specific categories will be listed out and circulated among its member.

14.Flip chart: - A set of charts related to specific topic have been tagged together and hang on a supporting stand. The
individual chart will carry a series of related materials or messages in sequence. The salient points of specific topic
will be presented.
15.Overlay chart: - It consists of illustrated sheets which can be placed over the other conveniently and succession.
The drawing or illustration on each sheet forms a part of the whole picture. It enables the viewers to see not only
the different parts but also to see them against total perspective when one is placed over the other. When the final
overlay is placed, the ultimate product is exposed to view.
Materials should be properly selected as per the need. For preparing a chart there are various articles that can be used.
The main among them are:-News Print, Sugar paper (for cheaper charts),Cartridge paper (for quality work),Thin card, Hard
board and Plywood


Flash cards are small cards of generally 25 X30 cm or 10 X12 cm size which are shown for a moments before
the class to send across a message or impart an idea .The idea in the flash card should be brief. They may also be used for
reviewing a lesson with students.
 Used for small groups not over 30 people.
 Provide variety and activity in the class.
 Adaptive to local condition, use plenty of colors.
 10-20 cards for one talk can be used.
 Prepare a picture for each idea, which will give visual impact to the idea.
 It can be used either individually or in combination with other charts.

 Cut a foolscap chart paper and cut it into four equal parts to get the flash cards.
 Write the content on it either in the free hand or using lettering stencils and sketch pen.
 Height of writing on the flash cards is to approximately 5 cm so that the whole class can see the flash cards
 is advisable to make a rough card or an ordinary paper first and then transfer it on the chart- paper or cardboard
flash cards.
 Give brief introduction about the lesson to students.
 Flash the card in front of the class by holding it high with both your hands so that all the students can see it.
 Let the students respond as per instruction already given.
 Add more information to the student responses.
 Test the learning by additional flash cards.
 Review the lesson by selectively using flash cards.
 It can be used to introduce and present topics.
 It can be used to apply information already gained by students to new situations.
 It can be used to review a topic.
 It can be used for drill and practice in elementary classes.

A newspaper is a regularly scheduled publication containing news, information, and advertising, usually printed
on relatively inexpensive, low-grade paper such as newsprint. By 2007 there were 6580 daily newspapers in the world
selling 395 million copies a day. The worldwide recession of 2008, combined with the rapid growth of web-based
alternatives, caused a serious decline in advertising and circulation, as many papers closed or sharply retrenched

The newspaper is typically funded by paid subscriptions and advertising :-

 Publicity: Its contents are reasonably accessible to the public.

 Periodicity: It is published at regular intervals.
 Currency: Its information is up to date.
 Universality: It covers a range of topics.
1. Daily
2. Weekly
3. National
4. International
5. Customized
6. Organizational
7. Zoned and other Editions
 Best method to reach a large group.
 Picture will help in easy understanding.
 Attractive and easy to understand.
 Lot of information can be obtained in various field.

 Useful for literates only.
 Detailed information cannot be produced


Booklet, Leaflet, Pamphlet are printed material small in size, covered or bound containing information on a subject
or specific topic and providing opportunity for reading, learning and/ or referring.
 Booklet:- A booklet is a small book with a cover page.
 Leaflet:- A leaflet is simple sheet carrying helpful information on useful themes on one or both of its sides.
 Pamphlets:- A pamphlet is printed material consisting of only a few pages about a specific topic. It is an unbound
booklet (that is, without a hard cover or binding). It may consist of a single sheet of paper that is printed on both
sides and folded in half, in thirds, or in fourths (called a leaflet), or it may consist of a few pages that are folded in
half and saddle stapled at the crease to make a simple book.
 Handouts :- The briefing of a session in a single sheet. Use simple, clear language with short sentences. If needed
sketches, graphs should be drawn and labeled. Give titles, and sub- titles , underline the key words. Suitable
colors can be used. Hand outs may be given well in advance to orient interested group about the purpose, aims
and objectives of the presentation , or after completion of presentation to leave a record a lesson and for
follow up.

 Provides basic information related to the subject/topic.
 Provides additional knowledge.
 Reinforce learning.
 Contributes to increased retention of contents.
 Used as an effective mass for health education of the people. Acts as a teaching- learning aid and can be
used at any age.

A comic strips is the graphic depiction in a series of pictures or sketches of some characters and events full
of action. This medium of communication is found very interesting and exiting by children .For telling stories, historical
events, life histories, scientific process etc, and the comic strips can be very effective. A large number of comic strips
depicting long continuous episodes are published in the book – form and these days a large number of comic strips
, books , magazines are available in India e.g. Amar Chitra Katha , Diamond Comics ,Indrajal Comics etc.


- Comic strips fire the imagination of children.

- They boost the courage of children and build up the spirit of adventure.
- It makes communication detailed and vivid.
- They stimulate reality and involvement.


- Comic strips misguide children by depicting characters with supernatural power divorced from the hand realities of
- They hamper the development of language of children
- Classic brought out in the form of comic develop the tendency in children to ignore or bypass the original work.
- Comic soon become an obsession with young children and they tend avoid serious studies.

It is a metaphorical presentation of reality .It makes learning interesting and effective as it creates a
strong appeal to the emotions. In a cartoon, the features of object and people are exaggerated along with generally
recognized symbol. In short, a cartoon is a figurative and subtle graphic aid.
 A cartoon is humorous caricature which gives a subtle message. In a cartoon the features of objects and people
are exaggerated along with generally recognized symbols. In short, a cartoon is a figurative and subtle graphic
 A cartoon has an instantaneous visual appeal and a tickling message.

The main sources of cartoons are periodical. Newspaper carry cartoons daily which are either political or
social in nature. Special periodicals and magazines carry cartoons on science , management , economics and

- Personalized
- Fantasy
- Incognition
- Satire
- Exaggeration
- The symbol used should be familiar and ripest a concept or idea.
- Drawing should be high primary for visual effectiveness.

 It can be effectively used to initiate certain lesson.
 It can be used to motivate student to start a discussion.
 It can be used for making lesson lively and interesting.
 Chip

Poster are the graphic aids with short, quick and typical message with attention capturing paintings.


1. Adverting an event or product.
2. Campaigning for a cause.
3. Giving a directive.
4. Popularizing a slogan.
5. Drawing attention towards desirable action and values.
6. Giving a warning.
7. Popularizing a symbol or a sign.
8. Propaganda
9. To promote one point
10.To support local demonstration and exhibition.
1. Tell the message in a single glance.
2. Use bold letters(20X 30)
3. Use simple and few words which convey one idea.
4. Use pleasing color.
5. It contain
-1ST division-: announcement the purpose of the project.
- 2nd division-: set out condition
- 3rd division-: recommends action.
6. it should be attractive.
 It makes an instant appeal.
 It conveys single idea or few idea.
 It helps to be understood at a glance.
 Posters are comprehensive at a distance and sufficient clear.

 They are suitable for patient education, presenting scientific facts, showing safety measures and many other
facts relating to health.


A diagram is the simplified drawing of an object, product, appliance or process to explain finer point of
the same. A diagram is made to show relationship with the help of line and symbols without the pictorial element.
Diagrams are especially helpful when cross section and plans of design are to be shown.


- Make to diagram large enough to be seen simultaneously by the whole class.
- Make the outlines features of diagrams sharp.
- Include only the essential and relevant parts of diagrams which pertain to topic.
- Clapton and label the diagram boldly.
- The diagram should be to the scale and proportional.

 Technically correct
 Neatly drawn in proper proportions.
 Well labeled and explained.
 It can be moved and seen from all angles.


 They are especially helpful when cross section and plan of designs are to be shown.
 They are effective for summarizing and reviewing parts of the lesson.


A map is a graphic aid representing the proportionately diagram the surface of the earth, world or parts of
earth. these are flat representation of the earth’s surface , which convey the information by means of lines, symbol, words
and colors. A map is always drawn to scale which is mentioned on one corner of it. Every map should have the following
description on it.
-a caption or title
-a grid
- a scale
- a key
-date on which it has been prepared
Map are common graphic aids for teaching social sciences, they are valuable graphic aids if abstract ideas of
distance, size, directions of different place, region and land ,world and universe are to be put into concrete reality. These
days’ colorful maps are commercially available. Also colorful collection of maps or atlases, globes, room planetarium etc
can be purchased and brought to the school for teaching social sciences efficiently. It will be worthwhile here to describe
briefly the importance of a globe, room, planetarium and flat map.

Globe :- it is the model of the earth in its spherical shape, along with the axis of rotation of the earth and its inclination. A
globe is invariably mounted on a stand and shows various countries, oceans, prime median, longitudes and latitudes.

Room planetarium:- It is a special type of globe which along with the earth has other spheres representing the sun and
the moon rotating and revolving by means of belts and pulleys. The room planetarium is helpful in explaining phases of
the moon, formation of seasons, occurrence of eclipses, etc.
Flat Maps- Graphic representation of the earth’s surface or portions of it are termed as maps. These are flat
representation s of the earth’s surface, which convey information by means of lines, symbols, words and colors.

 These days , the relief and physical maps are also available in plastic moulds which can be illuminated internally
to increase their visibility.
 A flat map should be backed with cloth to last longer and should have wooden rods attached to it at the top
and bottom side to roll it up and down for storing and displaying respectively.

 It is also desirable that the maps should be numbered and catalogued for locating them easily from the
store. country , etc.


1. Political maps - These maps show political division of the world, a continent, a nation, etc. In such maps the political
boundaries are drawn prominently.
2. Physical maps - These maps show the physical contours of a place, area, region, country, etc.
3. Relief maps – These maps show the actual elevations and depression in a place , area , region , country etc.
4. Weather maps – These maps show the amount of rains , temperature extremes , humidity and other weather
conditions of a place , area , region , country etc.
5. Population maps –These maps show the distribution of population in various parts of region, country, etc.
6. Picture maps or tourist maps – These maps show the historical spots , scenic spots , monumental sites ,
sanctuaries and other spots of tourist interest.
7. Road maps- These maps show the roads of a region connecting various parts and points together.
8. Railway maps- These maps show the railway links between points.
9. Air maps- These maps show the air routes between various points.
10.Sea route maps- These maps show the sea routes between various sea –ports.


Graphs are the visual teaching aids for presenting statistical information and contrasting the
trends or changes of certain attributes, graphs makes presentation of quantitative data easily interpretable and readily
understood. A huge data and long list of figure is always boring but the same represented by a graph capture attention
and make student think.


1. Bar graphs-: A bar graphs consists of the bars arranged either horizontally or vertically from an origin bas. The
length of bar represents the magnitude of given attribute while the space between bars represent second variable
which shown be uniformly changing.
When a graphs chart is made, it is desirable to write the little of charts in bold letters, a key for attributes and
members in the and bottom of each bar.
Preparation :
 Before making the bar chart makes a rough sketch of it in a notebook.
 For drawing the bar graph use the chart paper of 50 X 72 cm size.
 Use two different color shades for the two contrasting groups.
 The bar should be equiv-spaced.
 Write the key to the bar graph in a box on the right hand side corner of the chart paper.
 Numbers specifying the magnitude of the bars should be on the top on the bars.

2. Line graph (Curve Graph) -: A free hand smooth line through various points indicating the instantaneous values of
two variables at various moments is called line graph. The line may be straight or curve line indicating the
relationship between two variables.

3. Pie graph-: this usually shown as a disc (resembling a pie) or circle divided into sectors of different angle to
represent the fraction or percentage of the division of a distributive attribute.
Preparation-: Find out the angles from the percentage or fractions.
 Draw the circle on the chart paper of full size using a big compass carrying a sketch or marker.
 Divide the circle into appropriate sector using the protector

 Color each section and write the corresponding percentage it represents.
 Caption the pie graph with w descriptive title.

4. Pictorial graph-: A pictorial graph consist of picture of the same but of different size, proportionate to the
magnitudes of the attributes being represented or else, it may be made with the picture of same size but different in
number to represent different magnitudes.


The exact visual recordings of things which will occur in real life situation.It may be white and black or coloured or
mounted or uncounted photographic prints.

 In personal teaching situation.
 As display type visuals in exhibitions or bulletin board.
 Projected with an opaque projector situated to teach illiterates.


 Tell a story
 Illustrate only one point, give accurate results
 Shows the main subject prominently
 Shows action, emotion & useful for easy understanding

Pictures include photographs, painting, illustrations clipped from periodicals. If the pictures collected are small,
they can be enlarged and drawn on chart paper sheet in the form of sketches, felt-pens, crayons and soft pencils

- Pictures can be collected from a variety of source like: picture postcards, broachers of commercial firms calendar an d
- Black and white photographs can easily printed in the school darkroom which cover important event in the
school ,fieldtrip, activities, objects bad artifacts
- It may used - in the personal situations
- As display type visuals in exhibition or bulletin boards.
- Projected with an opaque projector suited to teach illiterates.
- For effective teaching, a photographs must tell story.
- Illustrate only one point, give accurate results.
- Have plain and simple background.
- Shows the main subject prominently.
- Shows action and useful for easy understanding.

The picture should be invariably captioned and labeled. After a large number of framed pictures are collected , they
should be catalogued and stocked in boxes for use for classroom teaching effective. These being:

1. The picture can be flashed in front of the class and related questions asked to initiate the lesson.
2. A series of picture related to a lesson can be displayed in the classroom to arouse the curiosity and interest before
the lesson begins on the topic.
3. The related picture if they are small can be passed around in the class for students to have a look at them and
related question asked to initiate discussion.
4. The picture should be large enough for the whole class to see it properly.
5. The picture must have clear details for asserting attention and interest.
6. The picture should be related to the lesson and meaningful for students.
7. The picture should be authentic and identifiable.
8. The picture should arouse curiosity , imagination and thinking.

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