Anis Ganjar

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Ganjar says 'smart' voters support his free internet program Presidential


Ganjar Pranowo said those who will vote for him because of the free internet program are "smart"
voters in a retort to rival candidate Prabowo Subianto who said the program was for "slow-brained"
people. News Desk (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Thu, January 25, 2024 Presidential candidate and
former Central Java governor Ganjar Pranowo (left) and vice presidential candidate Mahfud MD
attend the last vice presidential election debate at the Jakarta Convention Center (JCC) in Jakarta on
Jan. 21, 2024. (AFP/Yasuyoshi Chiba) Presidential candidate Ganjar Pranowo said he would provide
free internet that would reach all groups in society if elected. "This is our support for the grassroots
people; they are the ones in need, they must receive the best facilities. Our friends with disabilities
asked if there were any facilities [we could offer] that could make them equal to others. Insya Allah
[God willing] we will provide [free internet] so they can be equal to us," said Ganjar during his
campaigning in Sidoarjo, East Java, on Sunday, as quoted by Kumparan. Ganjar said the free internet
program could support the growth of micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) through access
to digitalization. The free internet facility, he added, would contribute to economic growth and the
creative industry of the country. The former Central Java governor said the people who voted for him
for the free internet program were smart voters. "Why do they choose free internet? They have the
knowledge, they’re not slow. They’re smart, they are the people who can use the program well," said
Ganjar. "Our task is [to decide whether we] want free internet. For the program to be achieved, the
condition is to win, correct? We must win, so we must consolidate all power," the presidential
hopeful said. Election Every Wednesday PREMIUM ONLY Stay informed and up-to-date with the
latest news and developments surrounding Indonesia's highly anticipated 2024 general elections.
View More Newsletter Ganjar’s statement regarding the scope of his internet program was allegedly
in response to rival candidate Prabowo Subianto, who mentioned Ganjar’s free internet program
during a campaign event in Pontianak, West Kalimantan. At that time, Prabowo said that those who
asked for free internet rather than free food were those who were “slow-brained”, after which he
proceeded to compare the urgency of having free internet and free lunches for children. "Some say
that lunch for children is less important. Rather, they say the internet is more important. I ask all of
you, is it more important to eat or [to use] the internet?" said Prabowo on Saturday, as quoted by
CNN Indonesia.

LINK Ganjar says 'smart' voters support his free internet program
Presidential candidate/
Ganjar mengatakan pemilih yang 'pintar' mendukung program internet gratisnya Kandidat presiden
Ganjar Pranowo mengatakan mereka yang akan memilihnya karena program internet gratis adalah
pemilih yang "pintar" sebagai balasan terhadap kandidat saingannya, Prabowo Subianto, yang
mengatakan program itu untuk "lambat- berotak" orang. News Desk (The Jakarta Post) Jakarta Kam,
25 Januari 2024 Calon presiden dan mantan gubernur Jawa Tengah Ganjar Pranowo (kiri) dan calon
wakil presiden Mahfud MD menghadiri debat terakhir pemilu wakil presiden di Jakarta Convention
Center (JCC) di Jakarta pada 21 Januari 2024. (AFP/Yasuyoshi Chiba) Calon Presiden Ganjar Pranowo
mengatakan akan memberikan internet gratis yang dapat menjangkau semua kelompok masyarakat
jika terpilih. “Ini dukungan kami kepada masyarakat akar rumput, merekalah yang membutuhkan,
mereka harus mendapatkan fasilitas yang terbaik. Teman-teman kami yang difabel bertanya apakah
ada fasilitas yang bisa membuat mereka setara dengan orang lain. Insya Allah [ Insya Allah kami akan
sediakan (internet gratis) agar mereka bisa setara dengan kami,” kata Ganjar saat berkampanye di
Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur, Minggu, seperti dikutip Kumparan. Ganjar mengatakan program internet gratis
dapat mendukung pertumbuhan usaha mikro, kecil dan menengah (UMKM) melalui akses digitalisasi.
Fasilitas internet gratis, lanjutnya, akan berkontribusi terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi dan industri
kreatif tanah air. Mantan Gubernur Jawa Tengah ini mengatakan, masyarakat yang memilih program
internet gratis kepadanya adalah pemilih yang cerdas. “Mengapa mereka memilih internet gratis?
Mereka punya ilmu, tidak lemot. Mereka pintar, mereka orang yang bisa memanfaatkan program
dengan baik,” kata Ganjar. Tugas kita mau internet gratis. Supaya program itu bisa tercapai, syaratnya
menang ya? Kita harus menang, jadi kita harus konsolidasi semua kekuatan, kata calon presiden itu.
Pemilu Setiap Rabu HANYA PREMIUM Tetap terinformasi dan up-to-date dengan berita dan
perkembangan terkini seputar pemilu 2024 yang sangat dinanti-nantikan di Indonesia. Lihat
Selengkapnya Newsletter Pernyataan Ganjar mengenai cakupan program internetnya disinyalir
menanggapi calon lawannya, Prabowo Subianto, yang menyebut program internet gratis Ganjar saat
acara kampanye di Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat. Saat itu, Prabowo mengatakan bahwa mereka yang
meminta internet gratis daripada makanan gratis adalah mereka yang “berotak lambat”, setelah itu ia
membandingkan pentingnya internet gratis dan makan siang gratis untuk anak-anak. “Ada yang
bilang makan siang untuk anak-anak itu kurang penting. Tapi, mereka bilang internet lebih penting.
Saya tanya kalian semua, lebih penting makan atau internet?” kata Prabowo, Sabtu, seperti dikutip
CNN Indonesia.

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