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Daily Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10

Fourth Quarter


Choose the letter of your answer to each item.

1. The median score is also the
A. 75th percentile
B. 5th decile
C. 3rd decile
D. 1st quartile

2. Rochelle got a score of 55, which is equivalent to a 70th percentile rank in a

mathematics test. Which of the following is NOT true?
A. She scored above 70% of her classmates.
B. Thirty percent of the class got scores of 55 and above.
C. If the passing mark is the first quartile, she passed the test.
D. Her score is below the 5th decile.
3. The lower quartile is equal to
A. 50th percentile
B. 25th percentile
C. 2nddecile
D. 3rd quartile

4. In the set of scores 14, 17, 10, 22, 19, 24, 8, 12, and 19, the median score is _______.
A. 17
B. 15
C. 16
D. 13

5. In a 70-item test, Melody got a score of 50 which is the third quartile. This
means that
A. She got the highest score.
B. Her score is higher than 25 of his classmates.
C. She surpassed 75% of his classmates.
D. Seventy-five percent of the class did not pass the test.
6. Angie ranks 10th in a class of 40. Her percentile rank is ______.
A. 75
B. 90
C. 10
D. 25
7. The 1st quartile of the ages of 250 fourth year students is 16 years. Which of the
following statements is true?
A. Most of the students are below 16 years old.

Daily Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10
B. Seventy-five percent of the students are 16 years old and above.
C. Twenty-five percent of the students are 16 years old.
D. One hundred fifty students are younger than 16 years.
8. Mel’s score in a 75-item test was the median score. What is his percentile rank?
A. 35th
B. 50th
C. 25th
D. 75th

9. When a distribution is divided into hundred equal parts, each score point that
describes the distribution is called a ___________.
A. Percentile
B. Decile
C. Quartile
D. median

10. In a 100-item test, the passing mark is the 3rd quartile. What does it imply?
A. The students should answer at least 75 items correctly to pass the test.
B. The students should answer at least 50 items correctly to pass the test.
C. The students should answer at most 75 items correctly to pass the test.
D. The students should answer at most 50 items correctly to pass the test.

For items 11 to 14, consider the score distribution of 15 students given below:
83 72 87 79 82 77 80 73
86 81 79 82 79 74 74
11. The median score is _______________.
A. 80
B. 82
C. 73
D. 79

12. The lower quartile is ________________.

A. 74
B. 72
C. 86
D. 79

13. 13.The value of the 2nd deciles is ____.

A. 74
B. 85
C. 72
D. 83

Daily Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10
14. The median in the score distribution for items 11 to 14 can also be interpreted
as _______.
A. seven students scored above 79.
B. seven students scored below 79.
C. seven students scored below and seven students scored above 79.
D. fourteen students scored below 79.

15. In a group of 55 examinees taking the 50-item test, Rachel obtained a score of
38 and 38 scores were above her. This implies that her score is ______________.
A. the 38th percentile
B. at the upper quartile
C. the 55th percentile
D. below the 4th decile

For items 16 to 19, please refer to the Table A below.

Table A

Cumulative Cumulative
Score Frequency
Frequency Frequency %
40-45 6 18 100.00
35-39 5 12 66.67
30-34 3 7 38.89
25-29 4 4 22.22

16. .In solving for the 60th percentile, the lower boundary to use is ___.
A. 34
B. 34.5
C. 39
D. 39.5
17. What cumulative frequency should be used in solving for the 35th percentile?
A. 4
B. 7
C. 12
D. 18
18. The 45th percentile is ____________.
A. 33.4
B. 32.7
C. 30.8
D. 35.6

19. The 50th percentile is _____.

A. 36.0
B. 37.0
C. 36.5

Daily Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10
D. 37.5

20. The 50th percentile is equivalent to _______.

A. 5th decile
B. 2nd quartile
C. mean score
D. all of the above

Part II.
Read and understand the situation below, then answer or perform what are

Jefferson, your classmate, who is also an SK Chairman in Barangay Cut-Cot,

organized a Run-for-a-Cause activity, entitled FUN RUN. He informed your school principal
to motivate students to join the said FUN RUN. Conduct a mini-research or a simple
research study on the students’ performance based on the number of minutes it took them
to reach the finish line.

Standards 1 2 3 4
of the content
substantial Demonstrated
and task, even Demonstrated
Understanding understanding gaps in their
though some little
of Task of the content, understanding
supporting understanding
30% processes, and of the content
ideas or details of the content
demands of the and task
may have been
overlooked or
Fully achieved
the purpose of
Attempted to
the task,
Completion of Completed accomplish
including Accomplished
Task most of the the task, but
thoughtful, the task
30% task with little or no
and conjectures
Communication Communicated Communicated Communicated Did not finish
of Findings their ideas and their findings their ideas and the research
20% findings effectively findings study and/or
effectively, were not able
raised to communicate
interesting and ideas very well

Daily Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10
questions, and
went beyond
what was
Used available
Worked well Did not work
time Worked
together most very
productively together some
of the time productively
of the time
as a group
Group Process Everyone was
20% nvolved and Not everyone
usually listened Not everyone
contributed to contributed
to each other contributed to
he group equal efforts to
and used each the group
process and the task.
other’s ideas. effort.

Prepared By:

MARIBEL C. CLAVERIA, PhD - Jacinto D. Malimas Sr. NHS

ODETTE S. GRANADA - Gingoog City Comprehensive NHS
GENEROSO R. DELFIN - Jacinto D. Malimas Sr. NHS
RIA M. BAGUNDOL - Gingoog City Comprehensive NHS

Edited by:

MA. CRISTINA B. GALGO, PhD. - EPS I in Mathematics

Division of Gingoog City

Daily Lesson Plan in Mathematics 10

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