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Daily Lesson Plan

Day/Date: Subject English Class 7T/S/C

Duration 60min Week 3 Term 2nd

Topic: Writing: Play script WRITING
Learning objectives: Success Criteria:
Explore the effect of using direct and indirect Analyzed the effects of using
speech in dialogue writing direct and indirect speech in dialogue writing
Write a short dialogue or script between two or Wrote a play script using dialogues
more people discussing a theme or
problem/concern, adding stage directions as
Starter Activity: "Guess the Dialogue"
Displaying several well-known dialogue excerpts from movies or plays on the board. 10
Asking students to identify whether the dialogue uses direct or indirect speech.
Pose higher-order questions: "How does the use of direct speech make the dialogue more engaging?
Can indirect speech create a different atmosphere in a conversation?"
Learning Activities:
Pre-writing Activities:
▪ Oxford International Lower Secondary English 2: Unit 7 (Setting the Scene) – Non-Fiction: What is
Shadow Puppetry? 5
▪ -Read about shadow puppetry and find out about its features
▪ Creating a Dialogue
▪ Dividing students into pairs.
▪ Introducing the theme or problem/concern for the script asking students to create a short dialogue or
script incorporating both direct and indirect speech on any one of the topics: 5
Success criteria: to include stage directions to indicate actions, expressions, and movements of
Writing activity:
1. Create a play set in a school where students possess magical abilities. What challenges do they face,
and how do they use their magic to overcome them? 35
2. Write a play about a team of astronauts on a mission to explore a new planet. What obstacles do they
encounter, and how do they work together to overcome them?
Cross Curricular Link: Drama/Theater Arts Real-Life Examples: news reporting, job interviews
Assessment Opportunities:
Struggling students will be advised to write a play script with simple scenario using 7 dialogues from each
Character during the group activities.
Challenging advanced students to incorporate more complex dialogue structures or explore subtext in
their scripts using 10 dialogues from each character.
Plenary: Quick Reflection: self-checking 5
Lesson Evaluation:
Daily Lesson Plan

Day/Date: Subject English Class 7T/S/C

Duration 30min Week 3 Term 2nd

Topic: Reading comprehension: Unit 7
Learning objectives: Learning outcomes:
Read with fluency and for inferring the deeper Answered higher-order thinking questions
meanings of a text about the meaning and main message of the
Ask and answer higher order questions to guide/assess poem
reading by marking important information.

Starter Activity:
Picture it:
Examining the picture from related to the upcoming text from the book and posing higher order questions 3
What do you think this image represents?
How does this image make you feel?
Predict what the text might be about based on this image.
Learning Activities:
Oxford International Lower Secondary English 2: Unit 7 (Setting the Scene) – Poem: The Listeners
Pre-Reading Activity:
Use the given sequence to conduct a SQ3R activity while reading:

While reading the poem, learners will be instructed to mark the use of all poetic devices. Then think about
the question: What impact does the poetic device of _________ have on the poem?
Ask the questions: What kind of tone and/or atmosphere is the poem conjuring? Does the image relate
with this?
Post-Reading Activities:
Assessment Opportunities: 10
Writing Activities:
Create Question Sets
Plenary: summarizing the main points 2
Lesson Evaluation:
Daily Lesson Plan

Day/Date: Subject English Class 7T/S/C

Duration 60min Week 3 Term 2nd

Topic: Grammar: Direct Indirect Speech
Learning objectives: Learning outcomes:
• Identify the direct and reported speech Used punctuation marks in own writing
• Recall and practice the difference between direct and
indirect speech for changing direct speech into indirect

Starter Activity: Speech Detective
Begin with a short story or a few sentences using direct speech. Ask students to identify examples of direct 5
speech and note them down. Discuss their findings as a class.
Learning Activities:
-Grammar Acquisition Activities:

 Understanding Direct and Indirect Speech

 Providing clear definitions and examples of direct and indirect speech. 10
 Model the conversion of direct speech to indirect speech on the board.
 Introducing the rules


Cross-Curricular link: Psychology: Empathy and Perspective

Connect the lesson to the psychological concept of empathy. Discuss how the use of direct and indirect speech
can influence the perception of a speaker's emotions and intentions. 20
Guided Practice:
Converting direct to indirect
Assessment Opportunities: differentiation
Provide advanced learners with more complex sentences in direct speech.
Challenge them to perform "sentence surgery" by converting these sentences into indirect speech.
Provide a mix of sentences in direct and indirect speech to struggling students and ask students to categorize
them correctly.
Plenary: Peer checking 5
Lesson Evaluation:

Daily Lesson Plan

Day/Date: Subject English Class 7T/S/C

Duration 30min Week 3 Term 2nd

Topic: Listening & Speaking
Learning objectives: Learning outcomes:
• Engage effectively in a range of individual and Used spoken English for different
collaborative learning activities communicative purposes, such as:
• Use conventions of spoken English Language for discussions, presentations, and reports
different communicative purposes.

Starter Activity:
Oxford International Lower Secondary English 2: Unit 7 (Setting the Scene) – What Makes a Good
Beginning? 5
Study the “Talk About…” questions: 1 and 2.
Learning Activities:
 Discussing the relevance and impact of dialogues as part of a performance. Ask the following 10
1. What is the main purpose of dialogues?
2. How can performances be used for communicative purposes?
3. What kind of a message can performances be used to best convey?
 Asking learners to look at the pictures appended that provide dialogue context. Ask learners to 13
present what they think the people are saying. Repeat back in correct English what the learners
Assessment Opportunities: Play any one of the dialogues appended and encourage learners to listen to
the dialogue and report what they hear. Ask the question: Can you identify the problem and solution in the

Plenary: 2
One wish two stars

Lesson Evaluation:
Daily Lesson Plan

Day/Date: Subject English Class 7T/S/C

Duration 60min Week 3 Term 2nd

Topic: Literature: The Treasure Island : Chapter 19& 20
Learning objectives: Learning outcomes:
• Marked and evaluated the sequence of events and Compared the action in one chapter to the
actions in both chapters resolution in the other
• Evaluate and analyze the sequence of events Used evidence from the text to support
(exposition, setting, climax, resolution) in a text, citing opinions and answers to types of questions
evidence for what is explicit.
Starter Activity: recalling the main happenings of previous chapter
Learning Activities:

Treasure Island by Robert Louis Stevenson – Part 4: Chapter 18 and 19

-Reading Activities:
- Combat Reading
Post-Reading Activities:
Read both the chapters in different groups. Assigning the group with Chapter 19 the title of “Action”, and
the group with Chapter 20 the title of “Resolution”. Ask them to map out the steps of actions and
resolutions in the chapter and then match each action with its resolution.
For example, Tom is shot in Chapter 18, and in Chapter 19, he is given a respectful funeral
Real life application: leadership and teamwork.
Assessment Opportunities:
Writing Activities: 20
Read the WH-word based, inferential, and reflective questions for both Chapter 18 and 19 and then give
their answers
Plenary: 5
Interactive Timeline:
Create a collaborative timeline on a whiteboard. Ask students to contribute key events from Chapters 19 and
Lesson Evaluation:

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