Bestfriends Shouldn't Know How You Taste 61 73

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Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste

by Demiah13 Chapter 61 By eBooksCat

Her hair is perfectly curled, not one strand out of place.
Mascara thick on her lashes and the tiniest hint of a
smirk curling at the corners of her lips as she turns to
fully face me.

I’m breathing angrily staring at her. The feeling of anger

and resentment has my fingers curling into a fist at my
sides. “Lying bitch? Is that anyway to talk to Blake’s
future baby mama?” Her eyes glint with mockery.

I scoffed. “From what I just heard you’re not pregnant

Stacy. Faking a pregnancy to get Blake back? That’s low
even for you.”

She was bound to be caught sooner or later. She needed

to know that her stupidity would only have humiliated
her when everyone would know the truth.

She narrows her eyes and sucked her teeth.” I didn’t do

this to get Blake back, I mean that would be a bonus. But
not everything is about Blake Ley. I simply wanted you to
feel the hurt I felt when he broke up with me for you.
Out of all people he chose you.” She snarled.
I let my bag drop to the floor.
The girl beside her laughed like what Stacy had just
uttered was the best joke on this planet. I felt fury
envelop my form.

I hated that she made us believe her words, I hated that

it had caused a strain between Blake and I’s relationship.
And I F*cking hated that she kept calling me Ley.

So without thinking I lift my fist and jammed it straight

onto her nose, just like how Blake taught me. Blood
sputtered out followed by a loud nasily screech. A loud
cry tore through the bathroom as Stacy stumbled back
on to the bathroom counter.

The girl, who I’m not familiar with flinches back away
from us in shock. Her lips parted and eyes wide from
fear. Stacy quickly reaches up and tries to stop her nose
from bleeding.

“You bitch!” She screeched, tears rolling down her face.

Instead of feeling regret for breaking her nose I felt
smug. I stalked up to her until we were eye level.

“Stay away from me and my man. If I see you anywhere

near us, I promise that I will do far worse.” I whispered
She tensed in fear, her eyes widening in alarm when she
noted that I was not joking. Seeing that she indeed
feared me felt absolutely amazing, I did not care.

“Do you understand?” I asked, hostility dripping from my

voice. She doesn’t answer, perhaps fear had clutched her
so hard that she lost the ability to speak.

“Do you hear me!” I roared, glaring at her. She flinches

back her eyes widening, before she nods quickly.

I nod. “Good.”

I backed away and put on a fake sweet smile. “Now go

clean up that blood, you’re a mess.” I winked, picked up
my bag and walked out of the bathroom.

Relief. That’s what I felt when I left Stacy there bleeding.

Relief that she was not infact pregnant. Did I regret
punching her? Not one bit. I smirked as I headed to my
next cla*s, my spirits a little more lifted.

That was one problem out of the way.

Ashley Grey to the principal’s office now.

The annoying voice of Principal William rings through
the intercom. Everyone turns to face me in surprise.

Okay that was probably the first time I had ever gotten
called to the principal’s office. But damn couldn’t they
mind their business?

Ryan raises his brow in question and shoots me a I need

answers look as I got up to leave. I shrugged and
mouthed later. I picked up my bag and made my way
out of the cla*s.

Honestly he just saved me from sleeping through that

boring cla*s.
As I made my way through the hallway I noticed that the
girl who was in the bathroom with Stacy was just
heading out of the principal’s office.

She smirked when I pa*sed her by. I only opted to raise

my middle finger and sauntered over to the office.
Today I was annoyed and I quite frankly did not care that
I was not acting like my usual self.

I opened the door, not that all surprised that Stacy was
seated before him. Head ducked and tissue held up to
her still bleeding nose.
“Sir you called me?” I asked innocently as I walked over
to them and plop down on the vacant chair beside Stacy.

The office oddly smelt of fart and I wondered if it was

principal William’s doing or Stacy’s. Either way, they both
reeked of it.

He narrowed his eyes and leaned forward on his desk.

“What is the meaning of this Ashley?” He nudged his
head to Stacy who had not lifted her head quite yet.

It was good that the fan was on because if not, we all

would be cooked inside of there judging by the closed
windows. Did he ever let fresh air in?

“Sir I do not know what you are talking about.” I feigned

confusion, looking at Stacy. It is at that moment she lifts
her head and turns to stare at me. Her eyes widen and
she quickly looks away.

He let out a low sigh like he was exhausted and turned

to face Stacy. “Stacy care to say what you told me

I crossed my arms over my chest and waited. It was a

good couple of seconds when she decided to speak up.
“Principal William, I was all but minding my business
when Ashley came up to me and punched me-“
“I did?” I asked, slightly amused.

She stiffens, her hand that held the tissue shaking

slightly. “Let her speak Ashley, I gave you your chance.”
Principal William hissed in impatience.

I narrow my eyes. “Sir this is all a ploy. You know me, I

could never hurt anyone.” I said in a very sweet voice.

What has gotten into me today?

“Didn’t I say let her speak?” He demands.

“But sir-” I protested.

“Silence Ashley!” He roars slamming his palm atop the

wooden oak table. I flinched back and pressed my lips

He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighed. He leans

back in his chair a second later and looks at us.

He then nods as if getting the answer to the most

difficult question. “Stacy go to the nurses office to check
the injury to your nose and as for you Ashley, go home.”

“What!” Stacy screeched. “You’re just going to let her off

the hook like that!? “
He breathes out an irritated breath. “I am not letting her
off the hook. Didn’t I just tell her to go home?”

He lips part in shock. “Sir this is barely a punishment!”

He narrow his eyes in annoyance.” Do you have a better


“Yeah! Like suspend her or expel her.” She suggested in a

very high pitched voice.

I rolled my eyes, not interested in the conversation. If he

wanted me to go home then I’d do exactly that.

“I’ve already expelled and suspended too many students

for the year Stacy. I’m not expelling or suspending
Ashley, who’s never been in trouble before. This accident
will never happen again, is that right Ashley?” He turns
to face me to gauge my answer.

I nodded half interested. “It will not happen again sir.” I

told him half of the truth. If she annoys me again I
couldn’t promise that I’d not punch her again.

He nods. “Good. Now you may leave.”

I nod, get up and walked out of the office.

“This is bullshit!” Stacy’s now distant voice screeched.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13
Chapter 62

I closed the door quietly behind me, not wanting to let

mom know that I was home…early. I curse softly
underneath my breath when it still happens to make a
loud thud.

I hold my breath when a petite woman rounds the corner

with a basket full of laundry. Her brown hair set into a
messy burn atop of her head. Some tendrils framed her
face as she forced to hold the basket.

She turns to face the door and her eyes widen in

confusion. She places the basket down on the floor and
saunters over to me.

“How are you so early today baby? Are you sick?” She
asked using the back of her hand to press on my
forehead and neck.

“Uhh…” I drew out not knowing what to say exactly.

Should I tell her the truth? No I probably should not. I

open my mouth to speak but the home phone rings in
the living room.
“I’ll be back.” Mom says and turns around to walk
quickly to the phone. I sighed and start to head upstairs
when she comes around the corner frantically. Her eyes
glaring at me. I gulped.

“Ashley Grey, why did you break a girl’s nose!?” Mom

hissed coming towards me with the phone still pressed
to her ear.

I bite my bottom lip shrinking back at the intensity of her

glare. “It was an accident.”

She scowled. “Your fist doesn’t magically end up on

someone’s nose Ashley.”

I shrugged. “She was asking for it.”

Her eyes narrow. “Baby I’ll call you back, I need to talk to
our daughter without you asking me questions through
the phone. It’s distracting. “

I paled. Dad knew. In fact he was the one who called. But
how did he……..Principal William. Ofcourse he would. I
was now starting to hate him.

“Okay, see you in a while.” After hanging up she shifts

her attention to me. “Ashley what were you thinking? I
did not raise you to be violent!” She scowled.
It was now my turn to scowl. “Violent? Mother it was just
a punch nothing more. Her nose will heal unfortunately.”
I mumble the last part begrudgingly.

She gasped, placing her hands on her hips.

“Unfortunately? Ashley what has gotten into you? What
did this girl do to have gotten you so upset?”

I clenched my fist at my sides in anger. “Nothing has

gotten into me mom. Let’s just say I was tired. I was tired
of being a target. I was tired that I had to keep Blake and
I’s relationship a secret because I feared what people
would say. I was tired of it all!” I hissed.

Her eyes widen as she flinches away. “You and Blake are
dating?” She gasped.

Was this all she got from my little speech?

I nod. “We are. And that girl that I punched is his ex

girlfriend who thought it would be funny to fake a
pregnancy then taunt me afterwards.”

Her eyes widen even more, almost comically. “She faked

a pregnancy?” She gasped.
I nod. “Yes and I heard her. Blake doesn’t know yet that
she’s not actually pregnant. I should tell him before
things get worse.”

“Ashley, this still didn’t give you the right to punch her
on the nose. You could’ve caused serious damage. I’m
glad that you stood up for yourself but that was not the
way to do it.” She frowned.

I sighed feeling the fight leave me. She was right, Stacy
didn’t deserve the punch. She deserved two. I would not
voice this out though. “I know mom and I’m sorry. Don’t
be mad at me?”

She sighs. “I am not mad at you darling, let’s hope your

dad doesn’t ground you again. Knowing him, he’d settle
for an entire year.”

My eyes widen. There was no way I could survive an

entire year of being grounded. “Mom you have to talk to
him before he does.” I pleaded.

“Yes I will, only if you tell me about you and Blake.” She

I couldn’t help but let a giggle slip pa*s my lips. “I will

just not now. I need to change out of this clothes and
probably shower.”
“Ashley Grey get your a*s down here now!” It was dad.
His voice was loud. Really loud and he sounded pissed

I jolt off my bed, nearly slipping on the floor because of

my sock cladded feet. I find my fingers tugging the door
open swiftly and amble down stairs. An angry dad was
not good.

Oh God I do not want to be grounded for an entire year.

When I reached halfway down the stairs I caught sight of

dad. His suit is still on which means he just came from
work. His head is down, staring at a white envelope as he
grips it with deathly fingers.

Something doesn’t feel right.

I stared at the envelope and noticed that he wasn’t only

clutching it but a picture. My stomach drops and I feel
the blood drain from my face as nausea crawls up my
body, wanting a way out.

It couldn’t be. Could it?

He seems to hear my footsteps because he lifts his head.
His eyes are dark with anger and his jaw ticks. “I found
this in my car today.” He gestured to the envelope.
Sweat starts forming on my skin.

His tone is calm, a bit too calm. I reach the bottom of the
stairs already feeling moisture settle in my eyes. “What is
the meaning of this!” He roars. The volume of his voice
has me flinching back in shock.

Mom comes around the corner, apron tied to her waist

and flour on her hands. Her brows furrowed as she
stared at us. She walks over to dad.

“What’s wrong baby?” When she sees him clutching the

photo tightly she peeks and she winces moving her eyes
away quickly.

He shows me the picture and my heart starts to hurt

behind my chest. This one had been taken the same day
but this time Blake’s hand was tugging at my hair while
he thrust behind me.

“Explain this to me!” He hisses.

My bottom lip trembles. Never had I been so humiliated

before. “I-I-” I stuttered sobbing.
“Where did you get this baby?” Mom asked him,
soothingly brushing her palm atop his hand.

He turns to her. “I had left something in the office and

went to retrieve it. When I got back this was awaiting
me. They must’ve slipped it between the gla*s.” He

What I had been avoiding was now right in front of me. I

was now an embarra*sment to them.

“What time is it?” He asked mom.

“Should be about three thirty. Why?” She questioned in


He turns to me. “Call Blake and tell him to get his a*s
over here now.”

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 63

“Please come over.” I cried pressing the phone to my ear.

I chose to go to my room to make the call. My phone

was in there anyway but I knew the main reason I stayed
there was because I was beyond embarra*sed to stay in
mom and dad’s presense.
Of all things that had happened to me. This one was the
worst and most embarra*sing.

“Baby what’s wrong?” Blake’s frantic voice asks on the

other end. My fingers dig into my scalp as I tug at my
black inky tresses harshly.

I hear the sound of his hasty footsteps. He was running.

“They saw it.” I whispered, my throat aching and heart
hurting behind my chest.

“Saw what? Baby what are you saying? Who are they?”
He rushed out confused. I hear the loud slam of the door
on his end.

“The picture of us. My mom and dad saw it.” I cried

clenching the material of my tie dye cotton shorts.

“Shit! Do you mean…” He drawled out. I hear the panic

in his voice. Obviously Blake was scared of my dad’s
reaction. Dad can be very intimidating when needs to be.

I nod but realize he could not exactly see me. “Yes.” I

croaked out.

The image of dad’s disappointed face and the shocked

look on mom’s face had a fresh wave of tears flowing
down my cheeks. Will they ever see me the same again?
“F*ck! I’ll be there in a few minutes.” He says. I hear the
rumble of his motorcycle and the call ends. I feel dread
wash over me. What if he gets there and dad kills him?

Nausea crawls up my throat. I rush to the bathroom to

puke into the toilet. Almost missing the toilet bowl.

My throat burned as tears welled up in my eyes. My

parents just saw a picture of me getting F*cked by my
boyfriend. Could this day get any worse?

“Ashley get down here!” It’s dad’s voice. It has been

eight minutes. Eight minutes of me staring at my
reflection in the mirror. I was still in the bathroom, not
wanting to leave.

My eyes are red, bloodshot from crying. My cheeks were

puffer than usual and hair a mess from running my
hands through it many times. I looked like I just got out
from a horror film or worse, the grave.

Did I feel embarra*sed to show my face again to my

parents? Yes. Did I want to crawl into a hole and die?
Absolutely and I’d never want to come back.
I could not let my eyes drift down my body. Too
ashamed to look. I felt disgusting, like a whore. I feared
I’d judge my body so I chose to stare at my face.

“Ashley!” Dad shouts again. It is then I hear the low

rumble of a motorcycle slowing down on our street.

It’s Blake. I better go down before dad actually does kill

him. I would not want to explain to the police as to why
my father killed my boyfriend.

I sighed and leave the bathroom. I amble down the stairs

my head bowed. I hear the door open and lift my head
to see that it was dad who opened it. Waiting patiently
as Blake nears.

From where I am I could see how tense he was. I knew he

was afraid but schooled his features. As soon as he is
beside the door, dad reaches for his shirt and clenches it
in his fist. And pulls him inside roughly.

Blake doesn’t expect it and stumbles forward. I gasp,

striding quickly towards them. “You touched my
daughter!” Dad roared pushing Blake to the wall. Blake
doesn’t try to move out of his grip.

“Dad what are you doing!?” I screeched reaching beside

them. Dad snaps his eyes to me and glares. “Stay out of
this Ashley.” He grits and turns his attention back to a
surprised Blake.

Mom bolts towards him in surprise. “Asher what are you

doing?!” She questions in shock. But dad ignores her.

“Did I not tell you that you have to marry her before
going down on her?” He grits, glaring into Blake’s blue

Blake’s eyes turn to face me then turn to face dad. He

gulps. “I’m sorry Mr. Grey, I was-“

“I was what? Thinking with your d*ck?” Dad hisses

pushing Blake further into the wall.

“Asher, unhand Blake right now!” Mom gasped out.

“Dad it’s not his fault! I wanted it!” I cried. I was so

thankful that Arden was at Rosalie’s. I really didn’t want
him to witness this.

“Asher!” Mom roars angrily.

Dad glares at Blake before dropping him completely and

takes a step back.
Blake makes a move to come beside me but one heated
glare from dad has him thinking otherwise.

“Mr. Grey I am sorry that you had to find out this way
and even more that you saw it. It wasn’t my intention to
disappoint you-“

“You damn right you did!” Dad hisses cutting him off.

“Dad please calm down.” I pleaded. My bottom lip


Mom walks up to him and holds his hand. “Baby, it’s not
like she isn’t of age to have sex. Don’t forget I was still a
teen when I had her. What we really should be focusing
about is who took the picture of them like this.”

Dad stiffens as if just realizing that there was a bigger

problem. He glares at Blake and with one firm squeeze
from mom he sighs reluctantly. “You had better used
protection.” He warns.

Blake and I both knew that we didn’t use protection

occasionally. He pulled out everytime so I feared
nothing. Besides mom had started me on the pill since I
had painful period cramps.
We would not word that out though. Because this time
dad wouldn’t hold back and probably kill him.

Blake clears his throat. “I think I have an idea of who it

might be.”

That perks dad attention. “Who?”

Blake’s eyes flicker to me for a second. It is enough to

have me knowing who he would mention. My face turns
ghostly white.

“Blake.” I whispered on a plea. No not yet. I was not

ready yet to let them know. But he doesn’t take heed to
my pleas.

“I’m sorry baby but we need to find out who’s doing

this.” He sighs and turns to face dad.

“There’s this guy who sexually a*saulted Ashley-” He

started but gets cut off.

“This wasn’t your right to tell them Blake!” I bellowed.

“Our daughter had been sexually a*saulted!?” Both mom

and dad yelled in disbelief and rage.
Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13
Chapter 64

Blake stops then shifts his attention to me. He sees how

mad I am, how I glare at him in warning. “Blake.” I
warned, furious that he was the one who told my parents
about that god awful day.

He didn’t have the right. I was not ready.

“I can’t keep quiet about this baby. This is a serious issue

that we need to deal with right now. I can deal with your
anger later but right now, we need to find out who’s
been doing this.” He grumbles and tears his eyes away
from me to look at my dad.

I kept quiet knowing that whatever I tell him now

wouldn’t matter. He was determined to let my parents
know about what transpired between Peter and I. I knew
he had good intentions but I couldn’t help feel anger
that he hadn’t asked me first.

“It happened sometime about two months ago. Ashley

stayed back to research something in the library. I had
been waiting for her outside, she was taking long in
there.Too long. So I went to look for her, only to hear her
piercing scream.” He breathes out as if remembering the
awful day.
“The scream still haunts me to this day.”

I stiffen knowing he was about to tell them what I

dreaded. My hands felt cold, blood leaving my face. I
could hear my own heartbeat in my ears, the rythm

The image of Peter pinning me to the desk as his hands

traveled up my thigh comes in my mind. Sweat coated
my palms, they became itchy. Itching to hit something.

That is when I realized that even though I tried so many

ways to forget that awful day of being helpless, I was still
not completely over it. I tried so hard, boxing, spending
time with Blake, focusing on college. But it didn’t help.
Somehow Peter still had a hold on me.

His voice is now edgy, on the verge of breaking down. “I

followed her cry for help.” He gulped, his eyes flickering
to me for a tiny second. “When I got there I found the
bastard forcing himself on her.”

I realize that I wasn’t the only one affected from this

experience. Blake was too and I never noticed it.

Mom gasp in shock, her teary eyes snapping to me. “Oh

my baby.” She cried leaving dad’s side to come over to
Pulls me in a hug and cries on my shoulder. Why do I
feel so numb?

I feel my heart squeeze and gulp the lump forming in my

throat. “I’m so sorry this happened to you.” She cries
pulling me tighter to her. This is what I avoided. This
pain that we all are feeling at this moment.

“Mom.” I whispered and let myself go as I hugged her

back. I feel it, the relief as I pour my eyes out and use her
as an anchor.

“Who is that bastard!” Dad roars. He had stayed silent

when Blake finished talking but now he had absorbed
the words and he was beyond furious.

“Peter William.” Blake responds, disdain dripping in his

voice as he literally spits out the name like it brought a
bad taste to his mouth.

“As in Kain William’s son?” Dad questions. “The man who

owns the restaurant downtown?”

“Yes that’s him alright.” Blake responds.

It wouldn’t take a genius to know that dad was beyond

enraged. You could literally feel the tension in the air,
crackling like fire on burning wood.
Mom and I pull away, knowing that a storm was brewing.
“Did he have time, you know.” You could hear the fear in
his voice, the anxiety of knowing the answer.

Blake shakes his head. “Thankfully I had reached in


Dad visibly breathes out a sigh of relief. He nods then

walks towards the door, grabbing his car keys on the
way. Everyone is confused until he grips Arden’s wooden
baseball bat that was beside the door.

“Honey, where are you going?” Mom questions equally

as confused as all of us in the room.

He doesn’t turn around to answer her, instead he opens

the door. “I’m going to pay Kain and his son a visit.”

My heart drums in my ears. This was not good. When

angered dad could be very intimidating. This is why boys
usually stayed away from me other than the three boys
breathing down my neck. And that was Blake, Ryan and
Arden. They never let any guy close to me.

Mom leaves my side to rush to dad’s. “Asher you can’t

just go there are you crazy!” She hissed following down
the steps after him. “They could call the cops, you have a
baseball bat for christ sake!”
“Baby I’m only going to pay him a visit.” His tone is
deathly. There was no way he would just pay them a
visit. Dad was out for blood.

I rush towards them feeling Blake following after me.

“Dad please listen to mom.” I pleaded running up to
catch them. They were already beside his car. I was afraid
our neighbors would notice the commotion, they were
already so nosy.

Dad doesn’t listen, instead he walks around the car to

the driver’s side and enters, placing the bat at the back.
My eyes widen knowing he was not bluffing. I turn
around to face Blake and glared. “Stop him.”

Blake tears his eyes away from me and stares at my dad.

“Honestly Ley, I’m a hundred percent with him on this.”

I narrow my eyes into slits of rage. “I can’t believe you

right now!” I scowled.

Seeing that no matter how much she tried to talk him

out of it, he still was hell bent on going so mom decided
to get into the car. Dad drives off leaving me staring at
the fast disappearing car. I was beyond shocked.

What the hell just happened?

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13
Chapter 65

I glare heatedly at Blake. “You caused this!” I roared

walking up to him and punched him right on the chest.
He staggers back startled, not expecting me to get

“You just couldn’t keep your damn mouth shut!” I cried

punching him again but now my hits were getting
sloppy. He didn’t try to stop me. He stayed there peering
down at me as I jammed my tiny fist on his chest.

You caused this.” I said weakly, sniffling.

He stops my fist and pulls me to his chest. Hugging me

like my life depended on it. It probably did. His scent
envelopes me as he brushes his hand down my back

He didn’t speak, just stayed quiet while pressing me to

his chest. I hear him let out a sigh. “I’m sorry Ley.” He
grumbled above my head. I finally come back down to
reality, removing myself from his comfort.

I peered up at him and glared. “Yes you better be sorry if

my dad does something stupid.” I pull away from him
completely and turn around to saunter over to his

I feel his confusion as I perch myself on the back of his

motorcycle. I turn to him and arch a perfect brow. He
stands there staring at me, gawking at me like I was the
most beautiful woman on the planet.

As much as the thought had my heart singing in joy, I

knew we needed to kill a lot of birds with one stone
before I could feel comfortable enough to be free with
him again. “Well aren’t you coming?”

He shakes his head like he had been in a trance.


“We are going to follow my dad to Peter William’s

house. Hopefully we get there in time.” I mumble the last
part. I notice Blake still hadn’t moved.

“Well hurry up Blake! If my dad does something stupid,

I’ll never talk to you again.” I hissed impatiently.

That got him moving because a few seconds after he had

settled in front of me we were off. My hands wrapped
securely around his torso as he sped through the half
empty street.
I feel the blood rush down my face as I stare alarmed as
dad proceeds to the William’s front door. He knocks and
waits patiently while mom runs up to him, unsuccessfully
tugging him away.

Blake slows down and parks beside the sidewalk. I hop

off the motorcycle swiftly, barely caring that I almost fell
as I run over to my parents. I didn’t care to look back to
see if Blake was following.

I run up the stairs and help mom tug dad away. “Dad
please don’t do anything stupid.” I pleaded as a fresh
wave of tears built up in my eyes.

He turn to me, glaring furiously. It has me halting and

gulping at the pure anger in his eyes. “I will not let that
bastard go free. It’s bad enough that I could not have
done something sooner. How do you think I feel that I
heard this from someone else instead of my own

I shrink back. “I’m sorry daddy-“

His eyes narrow. “Were you even going to tell us?”

He takes my silence for my answer and nods in
disappointment. He uses the bat to knock on the
wooden door. It rattles.

“Kain I know you’re in there! Open the F*cking door and

bring your disappointment of a son with you!” He roars
startling both mom and I.

“Asher baby, maybe you shouldn’t do that.” Mom

whispered as dad went to knock on the door again with
the bat. I was thankful that it had not pierced the wood
or caused damage.

I feel Blake’s presence behind me. “I called my mom.

She’s on her way.” He whispers to me. I wanted to feel
relieved but then the door opens and reveals Kain

He glares up at my dad since dad was a few inches taller.

“Grey, you have no business with my son.”

Dad snorts. “I have no business with your son, you say?

Like how he had no business in trying to force himself on
my daughter?”

I see Kain pale but he rights his composure. Something

tells me that Kain knew of this encounter more than we
knew. “My son have never seen your daughter before-“
“Bring out your bastard of a son out Kain! Stop F*cking
talking for him. Come on, didn’t he think he was man
enough to force himself on an innocent girl? So why is
he acting like a pussy now?” My dad roared trying to
enter the house.

Kain blocks his way gulping.” Be on your way Grey or I’ll

call the cops.” Kain William’s warned.

Dad scowled. “Do you think I give a F*ck? Go ahead and

call them and see who will be the one going to jail-“

“Leave my dad out of this.” Peter comes around his dad,

pushing him behind him.

“So the bastard shows his face.” Dad grinned wickedly.

He turns to face me, well behind me in particular. He
stares at Blake. “Is he the one?” He asked Blake for

“Yes, he is the one alright. The bastard that tried to force

himself on Ashley.” Blake snaps behind me.

I had stayed frozen the minute Peter showed his face.

How could I possibly think that I could simply forget
about that day? Seeing his face triggered me. I find
myself stumbling back more into Blake.
He clutches me tightly as if to rea*sure me that I was safe
in his arms. I was safe with him. Dad turns back to stare
at Peter, sneering.” I will make sure you pay for what you
did to my daughter. I will ruin you until you gravel at her
feet for forgiveness-“

“I did try to apologize to her!” Peter shout. He turns to

me.” I tried apologizing to you.”

Did he think a simple apology would fix what he caused.

The nightmares, the anxiety thoughts of staying alone?
The feeling of being helpless? Did he really think an
apology would save me from these things?

“Yet you’re stalking her and taking out photos of us like

the perverted creep you are!” Blake sneers pulling me
tighter to him as if to protect me.

Peter’s brows furrowed in confusion. “Stalking her?

Taking out pictures? I did no such thing.” He says

A huge black jeep pulls up. It was very familiar and I

wasn’t surprised when Blake’s mom and dad came out,
walking towards us. We were all too occupied by
watching Ryn and her husband come our way to notice
that dad had gotten close to Peter.
A cry of pain pierce through the once silent area. I snap
my eyes to stare in horror at Peter’s leg. Dad had
managed to slam the bat on his leg and by the looks of
it, it was broken.

“You may not have taken the photos but you still forced
yourself on my daughter!” Dad yelled, getting ready to
slam the bat again on Peter’s leg again but Blake quickly
rushes to his side and halts it. Mom gasp in shock whilst I
felt the air leave my lungs.

Peter falls down on the floor, clutching his injured leg as

he cries in pain. “You bastard!” Kain William roared as he
bent down to help his son.

“Asher Jesus christ man, I thought I taught you to hit

them in the crotch first.” Blake’s dad says coming
towards us with officer Ryn. She turns to her husband
and glares. “You can’t say things like that in front of a
cop Ace!”

“Babe it’s not like you’re on duty.” Mr Reed grumbles,

helping Blake pull my struggling dad away from the
injured boy.

“Yeah but I still saw everything and heard parts of it. You
know what this means don’t you Asher?” She questions. I
think we all knew. Dad would be arrested.
Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13
Chapter 66

“Ashley hurry up you’re going to be late for school!”

Mom shouted from down stairs. I sighed looking at my
reflection one last time in the mirror before going

Arden was already seated on one of the stools beside the

island. A plate full of pancakes and bacon. Dad was
seated beside him. Both quiet as they ate.

Mom was also really silent as she flipped the pancakes

on the pan before her. And when I went to join them it
got even more awkward.

You could tell the awkward tension was still in the air.
After mom had bailed out dad, he refused to admit that
he went too far in breaking Peter’s leg. It led to a huge
argument at the police station with I having to witness it.

I remember feeling that all this was my fault. If I had just

filed the report against Peter then things would not have
gotten so extreme. I remember wanting to crawl into a
hole and die as the officer asked me questions pertaining
to the a*sault.
My cheeks were stained crimson as I tried to keep my
breathing under control. They had led me to a private
room. Asked me plenty of questions until all I could see
was Peter pinning me to the desk.

Through my cloudy mind I heard the question. “Do you

want to file a report against him?”

Without even thinking my lips part to say yes. I didn’t

care then, to lost in feeling disgusted at the thought of
Peter ever touching me again or another girl. That was
the first step to feeling relieved.

When I had left that room, it had felt like the weight on
my shoulders had been lifted, disappeared. I felt strong.
And when I walked into Blake’s arms and buried my face
in his shirt as he wrapped his protective arms around me,
I knew I had done the right thing.

“I’m pregnant.”

Mom’s tensed body faced the pan, her head down as she
looked at the pancakes. Her voice brings me back to

I’m not the only one shocked by the revelation. The

bacon dad pinched between his fingers dropped on the
breakable circular plate. The soft clank disturbs the

She hadn’t turned to stare at us. Dad on the other hand

eyes glistened with unshed tears. “Lily, baby, are you
serious?” He gulped looking at his wife in adoration.

She sighs and turns to face us, gives a soft smile and
nods. “I found out last night after you know…” She
drawls out.

Her eyes widen before she rushes out. “I know we didn’t

plan it-“

Before she could finish dad had already ran to her side
and hoisted her up. “F*ck yeah my sperm still works!” He
cheers looking up at her as she giggles happily.

“I love you.” He sighs dreamily, eyes twinkling with


“I love you too baby.” Mom whispers as he gently places

her down but still holds her in his embrace.

“God I love you.” Dad mumbles atop of her head.

My heart warms. I’m going to be a big sister again. A

warm smile split on my lips as I too ran into the hug. We
feel another body join us as we celebrate the news of a
new addition to our family. And just like that the
awkward tension lifted and was replaced by happiness.

“I’m going to be his favorite sibling.” Arden boasted.

I narrow my eyes. “It’s going to be a girl and I will be her

favorite!” I argued sticking out my tongue.

“And besides no one wants your stinky butt near them.” I

joked and later regretted it when he pinched my side.

“I’ll meet you in the cafeteria.” I told Ryan as I proceeded

to my locker.

“Okay. I’ll save you a seat.” He jokes.

It was not like anyone else would seat at our table other
than Ryan, Blake and I and occasionally Rosalie, Liam and
Arden. I rolled my eyes and began to open my locker.

When I had gotten here in the morning I was anxious

and afraid of getting another note. But when I opened
the locker and searched through it’s contents there was
no such.
No note, no creepy and private photos of Blake and I. I
was relieved. I also believe that it was probably Peter
who was the creep after all.

“Shit.” I curse remembering that I had left one of my

books in the english cla*s.

I closed my locker and whirled around to amble towards

the cla*s. The hallway was almost cleared as the students
went to have lunch.

I caught the pity stares of some of those who lingered

around. I drop my eyes to the floor. Everyone heard
about what happened with Peter and I. Now everyone
treated me like gla*s, those who used to poke fun at me
now asked if I was okay.

It was overwhelming. The attention I now received. I

hated it.

“Are you okay Ashley?” One girl who I wasn’t familiar

with asked me with a tiny awkward smile on her lips. Her
brunette hair piled into a ponytail.

I forced out a tiny smile as I nodded. “I am fine, thank

you for asking.” I mumble continuing my way to the
English cla*s.
Hopefully the teacher would not be there. I hated that
even the teachers treated me like I was a breakable
ornament. It was like everyone was walking on eggshells
around me.

I breathed out a sigh of relief when the door of the

cla*sroom came into view. My hands wrap around the
handle ready to open when I halt. My eyes widen slightly
when I see Stacy talking to someone.

I retract my hands and walk to the side of the door so I

could see who she was speaking to. Through the glas I
could spot a familiar dark haired boy. I squint my eyes,
cursing softly for forgetting my glases today.

My heart thumps painfully when I recognize that it was

Blake. They were speaking in hushed voices.

I could not hear anything and settled to watch their lips

move, trying to see if I could read what they were saying
but to no avail. They were close, too close.

My heart drops and pain slice through my entire body

when Stacy buries her hands in Blake’s hair and pulls his
mouth down to hers roughly. I gasp and stumble away
from the door, feeling pain wretched through me.
My vision is blurry as I turn around and run away. The
lingering students ask me if I was okay as I brush past
them. I don’t answer as I make my way to the bathroom.
I wanted to rip my heart out of my chest. That’s how
painful it was. I hated this feeling.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 67

“What the hell is wrong with you?” Ryan asked as I

strutted over to the table. Blake’s back was faced to me
as he ate. I didn’t want to come here and face him but I
was so tired of being weak.

I needed to realize that a guy cannot have that much

power over me even if that guy was Blake.

So after crying my eyes out in the bathroom, I grew

some balls and decided to swallow my feelings and face

Upon hearing Ryan’s question he turns around to face

me, fry between his parted lips. I tear my eyes away from
him not wanting to feel the pain again. I looked at Ryan
and shrugged. “Nothing is wrong.”

Ryan raises a thick brow and drags his eyes down my

body. It was not in a sexual way, just in curiosity.
“Try telling that to your red rimmed eyes and tousled
hair. Oh and your empty hands without your lunch. ” He
murmured unpleased that he didn’t know what had

I suppose my hair was tousled because of my hands

tugging at the tresses in anger earlier.

“I’m not hungry.” Was the only thing that left my lips.

“What’s wrong baby?” Blake asked when I reached

beside them. I don’t answer him, instead I walk over to
Ryan’s side and plop down on the empty chair beside

Baby? How dare he act like nothing happened.

My blatant anger and the way I completely ignored Blake

had awkward tension zapping through the air. I hear him
sigh as my eyes refuse to leave the table.

“Okay so what did I do now?” Blake asked.

I raise my eyes to meet his and glared heatedly. “You

have the audacity to act like you don’t know why I am
giving you the cold shoulder!” I spat.

His eyes widened in shock. “Baby I don’t-“

“Don’t call me baby!” I yelled. The cafeteria goes quiet
and so does Ryan beside me. My breathing accelerated,
my chest moving up and down quickly.

I see the surprise in his blue eyes and the love that swims
through the orbs. It makes it hurt even more. My vision
blurs and I fight to keep my anger at bay.”How could
you?” My voice cracks as I look at him.

He opens his mouth to speak but I’m quicker than he is.

“How could you kiss her? I saw you both in the cla*s.” I
whispered in a broken voice.

Realization dawns on him. “I did not kiss her Ashley, she

kissed me.” He snaps. “She wanted to talk about the
stupid pregnancy. I decided to listen, next thing I know
she’s pulling me towards her-“

“You didn’t pull away.” I noted angrily.

His jaw ticks. “If you had stayed a second again then you
would have seen when I had pushed her away.”

“So what excuse will you have for not telling me about
the kiss before I brought it up? Were you ever even
going to tell me?” I asked, clenching my fist on my thigh.
I needed to punch someone.
“You have a lot going on Ashley, I didn’t want to worry
you over something so stupid. I was waiting for the right
time until everything settled down a little.Stacy does not
mean anything to me, not now not ever.” He voiced.
“You’re the only one that means something to me Ley.”

Seeing that he didn’t ease me he sighs in pain. “I pushed

her away as soon as my senses kicked in. I was not
expecting her to pull off something like that. Not when
we were just speaking about her doctor’s appointment.”

I snorted still not buying his words. “Doctors

appointment for what? For a non existant pregnancy?
Did Stacy even tell you that she was not actually

Everyone in the cafeteria was shocked at my revelation. I

didn’t care if the nasty blonde was here, listening to me
whilst I outed her lie. I looked around the cafeteria and a
smirk forms on my lips at a squirming Stacy.

She sat in a corner, her nose covered in white bandages.

Around her eyes were covered in red and purple. It was
probably caused by her injured nose. I stood up, palms
flat on the surface of the table.

“Did you not tell him that I was the one who broke your
nose? No? Didn’t want him to ask what for?” I yelled
glaring at her. The people around her scoot away as she
squirmed in embarra*sment.

“You were the one who broke Stacy’s nose? Jesus Christ
who is this bada*s and what has she done to my
bestfriend?” I could hear Ryan ask beside me but I didn’t
answer. Blake was surprisingly quiet, listening to what I
was shouting at Stacy.

“Why don’t you tell him Stacy? Let everyone know how
much of a waste of space you are. Tell them how you
faked a pregnancy just to get back at me. Tell them how
low you could get just to feel good about yourself even
if it is just for a second. Tell Blake the F*cking truth!” I
roared at the end, my nails digging into the wood.
Everyone gasped, probably from hearing me curse.

Her eyes widen. “I-I-” She stuttered.

“I-I what?” I mocked.

Her eyes move from mine to stare at Blake. He’s already

looking at her with a bored expression written on his
face. “I’m not pregnant.” She finally confesses. He
doesn’t look surprised by her revelation instead he rolls
his eyes.

“I knew that already.” He snorts.

So he knew all along yet he still listened to her talk
nonsense in the cla*sroom about a stupid doctors

Her eyes blurred. “I’m sorry Blake, I love you and wanted
you back. I thought it was the only way. I love you so
much.” She cried hicupping. Blake wasn’t the one to
answer her, I was.

“Good because you two deserve eachother.” I spat

walking around the table.

Hearing my words Blake is quick to stand up and blocks

my path. I don’t peer up at him instead I leave my eyes
on his white shirt. “What the F*ck do you mean Ashley?”
He’s angry but I can’t find a bone in me to care.

“Move out of my way.” I mumble glaring holes into his


“No not until you tell me what you mean. ” He snaps

blocking my way when I try to sidestep him.

I peered up and glared into his equally heated eyes. “You

know exactly what I mean Blake. You knew she wasn’t
pregnant yet you went to talk to her privately about a
doctor’s appointment. Seems to me that you wanted her
advances on you.” I spat.
His jaw ticked in rage. “Do you hear yourself right now?
The thought of Stacy ever touching me again makes my
skin crawl. Do you even know what doctor’s
appointment we were talking about? “

I scowl. “I don’t F*cking care what doctors appointment

y’all were talking about.” I huffed.

“I was talking to her about the appointment that would

let me know if the baby was mine. Ofcourse I knew she
wasn’t pregnant this is why I brought it up so she’d
confessed before making herself more of a fool.” He

I narrow my eyes. “Somehow I find that hard to believe.”

His face morphed into pain. “Do you always think so

lowly of me? Do you always have to run like a coward
every damn time something gets serious?” He grits at
the end when I showed indifference.

I blanched in shock. “Did you just call me a coward?” I

gasped out.

“Ley-” He starts to apologize.

“Don’t.” I snapped. “Leave me alone and don’t follow

me.” I spat side and side stepped him.
This time he didn’t try to stop me as I walked out of the
quiet cafeteria.

I just needed to cool off, everything was just happening

at once that I took it out on Blake. I just needed space to
think. So with that thought, I took my bag from my
locker and made my way outside of the school.

I needed to be far away from that school until I had a

cleared head. The light breeze blew my hair back as I
walked away from the school, away from Blake.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 68

Alone. That’s how I felt as I sat on the swing. My feet had

brought me to the park, not wanting to go home yet.

I knew that I had been skipping school a lot more

frequently now and was afraid that dad would find out.
He’d throw a fit and I would want to avoid that.

I sighed softly, looking around the empty park. The gra*s

was a luscious green with tiny wildflowers that
occasionally got stomped on by animals and people
walking around.
It has been so long since I’ve been here. The quietness
and the soft breeze as it pushed back my tresses relaxed

My bag rests atop my thighs as my fingers wrap around

the rope of the swing. I wanted to bask in the quietness.
I needed it.

I lift my head and closed my eyes as a tiny smile replaced

the frown. The sun beat down on my face rea*suring me
that everything would be okay.

The more time flew the more I began to feel regret for
treating Blake the way I did. I should’ve listened to him
and let him explain. I knew Stacy was a conniving bitch
to begin with and I fell right into her trap.

I needed to go and apologize to Blake for embarra*sing

him in the cafeteria. It was wrong of me and uncalled for.

Damn it, I love the fool and would not want to lose him. I
overreacted and went too far. He must think that I broke
things off.

I don’t know how long I’ve been here but it must’ve been
hours. The park was already starting to fill up with
people. Their curious gazes flickering to me occasionally.
They must be thinking that I was crazy. My hair a mess
from being tugged at and eyes red from crying.

I chew my bottom lip as I fumble with the zipper of the

bag. Grasping my phone I checked the time.The first
thing I notice is the many missed calls I had received
from Blake and Ryan.

I frowned. I must’ve put it on silent without even

knowing. I read the time. Two thirty. Maybe I should
start walking home now. It is a little bit of a distance
from here, probably twenty minutes on foot.

I breathed out a sigh and pushed the phone back in my

bag.I will call them when I get home, they must be

I gnawed on my lips in thought of speaking to Blake. I

was embarra*sed of the way I acted. I needed to speak to
him in person.

Rising to my feet I pull the bag straps over my shoulders

and amble away from the pack. An elderly couple seated
on a crafty wooden bench sees me and their brows pinch
in worry.

I tear my eyes away from them, quickening my footsteps.

“Hey dearie are you alright?”
The question comes from the woman whose hands were
clutched tenderly by the man who seemed to be her
husband, judging by the glittering gold ring on their

Immediately my mind flickers to Blake. I wanted that

with him. Just by looking at the couple one could tell
how much they loved eachother. The tenderness was
there, you could not mistake it. I smiled at her as best as
I could to ease her worries.

“I’m fine thank you.” I said politely, wanting to coo when

her husband pulls her closer to his chest. The way they
acted made me ache for Blake even more. I need to get
home soon so I could call him over.

He doesn’t look convinced at my declaration. And

neither did I. “Are you sure?” He asked.

I nodded. “Yes I am, don’t worry just needed to clear my

head of studies. I’m in my final year, you know how
tough school can be around this time.” I joked and
waved them goodbye when they seemed convinced

Now the walk home. I prayed I reach before Arden. I

don’t want him blabbering to dad and mom about me
skipping school again. I would have to give him a twenty
to keep shut.

My fingers gripped the straps of my bag tightly as I

walked along the sidewalk. School had just dismissed for
the younger one’s. Their parents coming to pick them up
hastily. I would want to avoid getting in their way.

I turn the corner, my converse smacking against the hot

pavement. The sound of a car slowing down beside me
has me stiffening. I prayed it wasn’t Ryan. I didn’t want
to speak to anyone as yet.

The car is now going the same pace as I am. From my

peripheral vision I noted that the car was a sandy blue.

It was not Ryan’s.I leave my head faced front, not

wanting to look at who was obviously trying to get my

“Hey!” It’s a woman’s voice. I stop and turn to stare at


The gla*s is down as the woman peers at me. She is

familiar, her blue eyes and dark hair messily around her
“Do you need a ride?” She asked and smiled sweetly.
When I looked reluctant to answer her brows furrowed.

“I don’t know if you remember me but I work at the

school, in the cafeteria?” She looked hopeful for a
recognition. Instantly I remember her, the lunch lady.

“I live a bit down that street but I’d happily give you a
ride.” She suggested.

I contemplate for a few seconds. Weighing my options. I

did need to reach home before Arden. And it was not
like she was a stranger. Though I never held a
conversation with her she seemed harmless enough to

So I nodded and entered the car a second later. I buckled

myself and gave her a tight smile. “Thank you. I live on
breach road street.”

She smiles and nods. “Got yah.” She laughs and starts
driving away. I turn my head to stare out of the window.

“So what’s your name?” She asked, trying to make


I turn to stare at the front. “It’s Ashley.”

She nods. “That’s a lovely name. Your parents have good
taste.” She giggles turning the corner.

“Do you mind if I make a quick stop? I promised my

mom I’d drop her pills as soon as possible. My house is
just round the corner.” She turned her head to face me
for a second.

Not wanting to keep her mom waiting, I nodded. She

smiles and as promised she stops at a small wooden
house a few minutes later. The white paint was chipping
and the rustic gate screamed for repainting.

The house is surrounded by dried patches of gra*s. The

scarce of neighbors on this street was alarming. I had
never walked this path. Everyone avoided walking here
from the talk of bad men doing illegal things around
that area.

“I’ll be quick.” She promised getting out and walking to

the boot of the car. I looked at her through the side-view
mirror. I quickly look away when she struts to my side.

Bending down a little she smiles as she faces me. “Mind

helping me bring in some groceries inside? There are a
bit too much and I’m afraid it would take me some time.
My mom has not eaten the entire day.”
I gnawed on my lip looking at the house then back at
her. The woman was doing me a favor to give me a ride
home, the least I could do was help bring in some

So with that thought I nodded and got out of the car

and followed her to the back. She was right, there were
plenty of grocery bags. I grasp onto three and followed
her to her house.

The rustic gate creaks as she opens it. She turns to face
me.” Sorry about the house, I haven’t been taking care of
it since all my money had been going to pay my mom’s
hospital bills.”

Instantly pity overtook me. I smiled softly following her

up the creaking wooden steps. “I don’t mind, it’s still
homey.” I complimented her.

She smiles and opens the door. “Mom I’m home!” She
shouts but there is no answer. She turns to stare at me. “I
swear she’s always sleeping. Come, the kitchen is here.”
She nudged her head to the tiny kitchen area.

If I thought outside looked bad then I was wrong. Inside

reeked of alcohol and weed with a mix of something
unpleasant. Inside was barely furnished with an old worn
out brown couch in the living room.
The cream walls were stained multiple places with
something brown which made it look dirty. Inside was
tiny. I guess it was understandable that she lived this way
with having to take care of her sick mother.

I followed her inside the kitchen and placed the bags on

the kitchen island. “I’ll be back quick! I just need to give
this to my mom and we’d be on our way!” She rushes
out and pulling out something that looks like pills and

I sighed and turned to look around. How could she live

in this kind of place? Some draws of the cupboards were
missing and the marine blue color painted on the wood
made the cream walls look even dirtier.

“You know your boyfriend reminds me of Asher.” Her

voice comes at the back of me.

I didn’t have time to think before I felt a cloth press to

my nose and mouth. Surprise took over me and
unknowingly I inhaled what was on the cloth.

I struggled as she forces me to still. Her arms wrapping

tightly around me as my vision blurs. I pushed back with
her hold still on me. I feel her knocking into one of the
wooden draws harshly yet she doesn’t remove her hold
on me.
“Sleep little Ash.” She soothed. The strong scent on the
cloth has my vision blackening to nothing as I feel my
body slump. The last thing on my mind was Blake and
my family.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 69

This is how I imagined it to be if I were in an accident.

Darkness, confusion and pain shooting behind my head.

My body felt heavy like I had drunk too much and now
lost the ability to move my limbs.

Through the pain and the numbness I could hear the

closing of draws. Good then I was waking up. I forced my
fingers to move, doing one at a time.

They felt stiff until I clenched them.

It is then I feel something wrapped around my wrist. It is
wrapped so tightly that I am unable to shift my hands,
only my fingers. It was digging into my flesh, certainly
leaving a mark.

My lips part as I groan, forcing my heavy eyelids to open.

My vision is blurry at first but it soon clears when I blink.
The sight of the woman that seemed so harmless was in
front of me smirking.
“Good you’re awake.” She smiles.

I pressed my lips together and tried to move out of the

wooden chair she seemed to have placed me in. But my
hands are bonded behind the chair and my ankles are
tied together.

I stop struggling seeing that it is useless for now. “Why

are you even doing this? I don’t know you.” I spit feeling
my head pulse. Whatever she had in that cloth certainly
did a number on me.

She raises a brow and bends until her eyes are at my

level. “So you’re saying that Asher never mentioned me?
I thought what we had was special?” She mocked then
reaches over to pinch my cheeks.

I shake my head angrily not wanting her nasty hands on

my face. “My dad never mentioned a senile person.” I
glared. Maybe I shouldn’t provoke her.

She throws her head back laughing. “Senile? Darling I’m

perfectly okay.” She sighs and gets up.

She trails a finger down my cheek and I immediately feel

disgust. “You look just like your mom. Pretty and perfect.
It’s no wonder all the guys go for y’all.”
I wrench away from her fingers as best as I could and
glared up into her cold eyes. “Don’t touch me.” I

She smirks. “What, you rather Blake touch you huh? Like
how he Fcked you in clas, in the bathroom and on the

I felt the blood drain from my face as I peered up at her.

Did she see us all those times? Was she the one who
took the pictures of us? Was she the stalker?

“I took out pictures of y’all for memories. I sent one to

you and your dad did you not get it?” She asked

If it weren’t for the evil glint in her eyes this lady could
really have pa*sed for an innocent person. I did not
answer her, not wanting to give her the satisfaction.

She looks up at her old wooden ceiling and sighed as if

in a trance. “I remember your dad and I F*cking like that
in school.” She giggles then looks down at me.

Her expression goes blank. But I see the rage in those

depths. “Until your whore of a mother came into the
picture.” She roars.
“So that’s it…” I drawled out realizing that I didn’t even
know my captor’s name. She rolls her eyes. “Shelly.”

The name feels like it should ring a bell but it doesn’t. I

nod keeping my face neutral. “Shelly, you’re still holding
on to the past? From what I get, my dad left you for my
mom and you still hold that resentment?”

I was trying to make conversation while twisting my

hands behind me to get free. But it proves fruitless as
the rope bite into my flesh.

She snorts. “Do you really think I care about your mom
and dad? I simply want revenge for being sent to prison.
They caused it. They left me there to rot for five damn
years. Five years can really change someone. ” She bends
down to my level.

“And I’m going to take pleasure in ruining their pretty

doll of a daughter that’s really not so innocent like they
thought.” She blows a kiss cackling when I shoot her a
look of hatred.

“They’re going to come for me Shelly. I’m sure by now

they notice I haven’t gotten home yet.” I hissed.

She laughs louder and motions to the counter top. I spot

my bag and I feel nauseous. My phone was in there. She
could’ve definitely unlocked it using my finger since I
was unconscious.

“I don’t think they are worried since you’re helping Ryan

with his studies.” She smirks. “Don’t worry I texted your
boyfriend too. I think he’ll add more fun to our little
game we have going on here.”

My heart pounds and lips grow cold.”You bitch, leave

him out of this!” I shout on the verge of crying. I didn’t
care that I was now cursing. Like she said I was not so

She widens her eyes in fake shock. “But didn’t you want
him to join us? He seemed to be worried when I left the
school. I got to say that the guy is head over heels in
love with you. Too bad you ruin everything you touch
just like your mom.”

Then she flips her hand away like the way she would do
to a fly that was persistent on flying beside her.

“Anyway it’s too late, he’s on his way. He should be here

any minute now.” She giggles and walks to a drawer.

I was in the kitchen and where she placed me I got a

good view of the front door. Hopefully I’d be able to
warn Blake before he enters. Though I highly doubted it.
She opens the drawers, her back facing me. I use that
opportunity to open my mouth to scream. “Help!
Someone help me! Someone please help me!” I
screamed as loud as I could.

My eyes are still looking at her. She pulls out a black

shiny object and my mouth slam shut right away. A gun.

She turns around with the gun in her hand and wiggles
it. “Now, now none of that screaming darling. I’d hate to
kill our fun so early.”

I feel cold. I knew she wouldn’t think twice to kill me. She
was playing with me. This was a game. I just needed to
play. “Blake will know something is up. I don’t come to
this part of town. No one sensible enough comes around

She rolls her eyes digging into the draw and pulls out a
duct tape. “He simply thinks that you helped a blind old
woman you met on the way to her home which happens
to reside here. He sounded in a rush to come pick you up
so don’t worry darling he’ll join the game soon enough.”

She walks over me with the gun and duct tape in hand.
She places the gun on the counter and smirks at me as
she tears a piece of the tap. “Look Shelly I don’t think
your mom would like what you’re doing-“
She cackles. “Darling I haven’t seen my parents in years. I
also blame your parents for that.”

So she lied about bringing pills to her mom? This also

means that this psycho lives alone.

She then comes to me and places the tap over my

mouth. My voice is muffled by the tap. I glare at her in

“You don’t know how long I’ve been waiting to pay them
back for what they did to me. Because of them I couldn’t
get a decent job, my parents disowned me and no one
looked at me the same anymore. They ruined me. Just
like I will ruin you.” She hisses.

Then she smiles and kisses my lips, the only thing

blocking our lips from touching was the tap. Bile rose in
my throat as I wrenched back.

“Now stay still little doll.” She grins and pulls back. She
walks to the counter and clutches the gun.

The sound of a familiar motorcycle is loud as it nears the

house. My heart races as sweat covers my skin. Oh Blake.
Please don’t come. My eyes filled with water when Shelly
walks up to the window and peeks behind the curtain.
She smirks pulling away and stares at me. “Looks like
your loverboy is here. I need to get ready.” She almost
squeals as she walks away and disappears god knows

I feel helpless as tears roll down my cheeks. I hear the

motorcycle stop and I knew Blake must be coming over
here. I shake my head trying to scream and fumble
around to escape my coffins.

I feel dread cross my features when Blake’s voice calls

out for me. “Is anyone here? Ashley?” He shouts. His
voice was close to the door. I try to scream again
pushing my tongue onto the tap to see if it could move.
It doesn’t.

“Come in Blake, she’s using the bathroom. She’ll be back

in a minute!” Shelly’s voice shouts from an unknown part
of the house. I cried louder wanting him to hear me.

I push up on my feet, feeling that the chair rises a bit and

slam back down. It’s loud and I really hope he hears it.
The door opens and I shake my head furiously widening
my eyes in alarm as Blake enters.

His blue eyes widen in horror when he sees me. “What

the F*ck?” He roars and runs up to me in panic.
I shake my head shouting for him to leave this place
before he gets hurt. But any sound I want to make gets
muffled by the tap.

He quickly pulls the tap away from my mouth. I ignore

the sting it leaves and shout. “Blake get out, leave me
and call the cop-“

I didn’t have time to finish when the sound of a loud

bang stops me. My eyes widen in terror and pain when I
look down at the right side of Blake’s chest. Blood was
already seeping into the material of his shirt. I open my
mouth to scream but nothing comes out.

His eyes wide as he stares at me in shock. “Ashley?” He

calls out and falls to his knees as he gasps out in pain
and looks down at his chest.

“Now why would you want to ruin my fun?” Shelly hissed

entering the kitchen with the gun aiming at Blake and I.
She shot him. She shot Blake.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 70

He groans in pain, his skin already turning a lighter

shade. “Blake? Blake please stay with me.” I cried looking
down at him as I twisted my hands to get free.
The ropes bite into my flesh yet I do not give up. With a
shaky finger he touches his chest and pulls it away to
examine the blood.

He peers up at me, his face in pain. “I really wished I

could’ve kissed you one last time before I go.” He
gasped out. The blood was pooling around him.

I shake my head and sobbed louder. “Please.” I begged

watching him grow weaker at the loss of blood.

” I love you Ashley.” His eyes rolled back behind his head
and he slumped face first on the floor beside me. His
body was so close to my feet yet I felt that we were at a

My eyes widen as a loud cry leaves my lips. “Blake!” I

scream looking down at his still body. “Oh God please
please.” I choked out. I can’t lose him.

“Well that was romantic! Confessing your love before

you die? Priceless.” Shelly cackles walking over to us. I
glared at her, wishing that I could kill her just by staring.

“Stay away from him.” I roared. The chair shakes as I shift

Her face frowned into mock sympathy. “This must hurt
to see your lover dying at your feet while you can’t do
anything about it. Such life wasted.” She sighs and peers
down at him.

“And here I was looking forward to playing with him.”

She pouts.

“Leave him alone Shelly it’s me you’re after.” I snap.

She looks at me and smirks as she rises to her feet. “Too

bad I won’t see you guys in action like I planned. I really
wanted so badly to snap some more photos to send to
your dear father.” She cackles.

My stomach drops understanding why she wanted Blake

here. She would’ve forced us to have sex. She had lost
her mind.

She peers down at Blake her expression changing to

longing. My stomach rolls in unease not liking the way
she looks at him.

“I was looking forward to getting a piece of that meat

you love so much.” She looks at me and giggles.
“The way he F*cked you like his life depended on it was
hot. I wanted to feel that piece of meat pounding into
me too.” She sighs in longing.

“It has been so long since I have gotten a good

pounding. I mean he must’ve been good for how he had
you moaning so loudly.” She laughs.

Bile rose in my throat but I swallowed it back down. This

was a game and I just needed to play my cards right. I
needed to. I have to save Blake. The longer I listen to this
crazy bitch the more he’s dying. I need to quicken.

So I schooled my features and stared at her with fake

happiness”You can still have that. Untie me and let me
fix Blake up then he’d be ready to show you how good
he can be.” I whispered. I hoped she was crazy enough to
fall for my words.

God I just needed to know if he was still alive.

Tears are still rolling down my cheeks as I thought of the

possibility of losing Blake. I would rather die at his side
than not fight to save him.

“Come on Shelly the longer we wait, the longer you can’t

get what you want.” I try so hard to keep the resentment
from my voice.
She sucks in her bottom lip and has the nerve to look
like she was contemplating. “Do you promise you’ll not
try anything funny?”

My eyes flicker to the gun and I shake my head. “You’re

the one in charge, remember?”

She wiggles the gun and smacks her lip. “You’re right,
I’m the one in charge.” She giggles. She really was sick.

She sighs then walks over to me, she reaches forward

and puts some of my dark tresses behind my ears. “If
you try anything dollface, I’ll make sure I send your body
parts to your parents as a gift.” She laughs and blows a

I refrain from cringing. I just needed to play her game.

Just better. “I won’t try anything Shelly. Just untie me so
I can stop the bleeding so you can have him up and
ready as soon as possible.” I let fake innocence leak from
my voice.

She nods and bends down to untie the bonds that

restrained my feet. I wanted to kick her in the face and
hope to break all her teeth but I thought better of it.

She had a gun and she could kill me in an instant before

I even get to Blake.
She stands up and then goes around me.

“Those ropes are pretty tight huh dollface?” She

questions. I hear her dig into the drawer behind her then
feel the sharp blade of the scissors as it cuts the rope.

I don’t linger on the feeling of relief when the tight ropes

fall away from my wrist. Immediately I fall to my knees
beside Blake hugging his back as I cried into his shirt. I
didn’t care that his blood was soaking my t-shirt.

I press my finger to his pulse and relief washes over me.

He still had a pulse which meant he was still alive. I cried
of relief kissing his cheek. I bring my lips to his ears.

“I promise I’ll get help baby. Stay in there. I love you.” I

whispered for him only.

“Okay okay enough with the love shit. Hurry up, stop the
bleeding so he can awaken for our fun.” Shelly grumbles.

I bite my lip so I’d not tell her anything she’d not like. I
nod pulling away from Blake and lifting up his white
shirt. Tears filled my eyes as I saw the wound. It was
bleeding nonstop and I was afraid it was fatal.
I turn to Shelly. “I need alcohol and something to pull
out the bullet that is still in there.” I needed alcohol yes
but there was no bullet in there.

It went straight through his flesh. I just needed her to

leave us for a few seconds so I could come up with a

“I have alcohol dollface but I don’t have anything to take

out a bullet close by. Use your fingers to pull it out.” She
said as I heard her open a draw.

I look up at my bag that I knew my phone was still in. I

hear her walk over to us, her footsteps stopping in front
of us.

I looked at her as she placed the scissors on the counter.

Then outstretched hands that held the bottle of liquor.

“Well aren’t you going to take it?” She teases, shaking

the bottle.

My eyes flicker to the gun she still held in her hand.

I needed to get Blake to a hospital soon. I was not going

to lose the guy I loved because a maniac decided she
wanted revenge on my parents.
I reach up, grasp the bottle and without giving her a
chance to think, stand up and push my body roughly to
hers. The bottle falls and scatters on the floor. She
gasped in shock as she stumbled into the draws.

I raise my fist punching her square on the face like how

Blake taught me. I hear the gun fall to the floor with a
clink. I continued to punch her anywhere I could.

I hear the satisfying crack of her nose as I slam my

forehead on the delicate bone. “You brat!” Shelly
screeched trying to fight me off. There is no hope for
her, I was not only fighting for my life but Blake’s. I will
not fail him.

I feel her nails scratch the surface of my face as she claws

at it. I don’t give up pummeling her until she gasps out
in pain. I grunt when I feel her fingers enter my eyes
temporarily blinding me as I stumble back into a draw.

My palms search at the back of me as I blink to clear my

vision. When my vision clears Shelly is already aiming the
gun towards me. My fingers clutch the handle of the
scissors behind me as she pulls the trigger.

My eyes widen in shock at the intense pain in my

abdomen. I feel air leave my lungs and my eyes quickly
dart towards Blake. I promised him I’d get help. I will not
fail him. I cannot give up on our freedom.

I clutched the scissors tightly and with all the power I

could muster I ran towards her. Her eyes widened, not
expecting me to still be standing. She raises the gun
again but doesn’t have time to pull the trigger before I
plunge the scissors into her stomach.

She gasps, dropping the gun as I pull the scissors again

only to plunge it back into her flesh. I cried in pain
stabbing her over and over as she clings to me. “I-I” She
gasped slumping to the floor as I pulled out the scissors
that gleamed with blood.

I stared at her lifeless form as I clutched my stomach

where I currently was bleeding out. My vision is blurry as
I walk sloppily to my bag and dig through it until I
retrieve my phone. I quickly began to dial 9-1-1 as I felt
my body weaken.

“9-1-1 What is your emergency?” The woman asked. I put

her on speaker as my lips part to speak.

“Please send help.” I whispered weakly feeling my

tongue grow heavy as I found it now difficult to breathe.
I gasps slumping to the floor.
“Ma’am your location please?” She asked frantically as
my vision turned to nothing but darkness.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste by Demiah13

Chapter 71

“Did it slip the captain’s mind that I have a toddler

waiting for me at home? I can’t work overtime.” I
grumble as I bring the cup of coffee to my lips.

God I needed that bitter sweet liquid.

“I don’t think captain Steffen cares.” Nate snorts, kicking

up his feet on the white desk.

I rolled my eyes, placing the cup down on the surface of

the desk.

“He should care because I was the one who made it

possible for him to become the captain that he is today.”

It was true. I was selected to become the next captain of

the department but I turned it down. All for one reason,
my family.

If I had taken that role I would not be able to spend

much time with them as I wanted to. My family is my life,
I can’t stay long without them.
So I turned down the role and recommended Steffen.
Who happened to turn out to be an a*s.

“Officer Waters there’s a call for action at Willow street.”

One of the new recruits ran up to us.

I groaned staring at the ceiling. “I swear that area is the

devil’s spawn.”

I turn to stare at the younger man. His sandy blonde hair

cropped short, brown eyes wide with alarm. He looked
comical but I refrain from laughing at his expense.

“Anything else we need to know before we go there?” I

questioned opening the drawer to pull out my gun. Nate
does the same as he stands up.

Otis shakes his head. “They did not give much intel, only
that it was a young woman calling for help.”

“Do you at least know the exact destination of the

crime?” I asked in a rush.

“The 911 woman said it was house number 223. That’s

what she got when she tracked the number that called.”
He informed.
I nodded and quickly pushed the gun in my duty belt.
“Must be some poor girl who got harra*sed by the many
criminals lurking around this part of town.” I grumble.

“At least this time the girl had time to call for help.
Remember last time?” Nate asks as we run outside the

I cringed remembering the poor girl we found dead on

the road bare. She had been raped and battered. The lad
who found her was too late, she had been dead hours
ago before he saw her.

“Don’t remind me.” I grunted opening the car door and

sliding in.

Two ambulances. That’s the first thing I see. I tear my

eyes away and open the door.

“Looks like they’ve gotten here before us.” I nudge my

head to the many police cars littered around the area.

What the hell happened here? Whatever it was, it was


Nate and I continue walking ahead until something

familiar caught my eye and has me halting. My blood
grows cold as I see the motorcycle I gifted my first son
Blake. My heart pounds as I whispered to Nate.

“Please tell me that’s not Blake’s motorcycle?” I croaked

to Nate. Blake had spray painted his name at the sides
and it doesn’t go unnoticed.

“F*ck it is!” He curses. My eyes snap to the old house

when the paramedics roll out what seemed to be a dead
body on a stretcher.

“Ryn, shit you can’t just run into-“

I was already running towards the medics not taking

heed to Nate’s words. “You can’t go in yet.” Another
officer shouted as I run past him.

I don’t care. I need to know if this is my son under that

white cloth. “Is that my son, is that my son?” I rushed out
to the medics not realizing I was already crying.

I stopped the move of the stretcher and peeled off the

white cloth. Black hair. A sob rack over me until I peel off
the rest. I sighed. It was a woman.

“Is there a boy inside there? Dark haired boy?” I asked

one of the female medics in a rush.
“Yes there’s a bo-“

She doesn’t have time to finish as I run into the house.

My stomach churn with unease and my chest gets heavy
with anguish. There lies my son, soaked with blood as
they place him on one of the stretchers.

“Blake.” I whispered not believing that it was indeed him.

I hear a shout of protest then feel Nate’s presence beside

“F*ck.” He whispers painfully when his eyes drop to


I moved my eyes away from him to see that the medics

were placing a dark haired girl on another stretcher.

I couldn’t exactly see her face right now because of the

woman blocking me but I just had an inkling feeling that
she was the one who called for help.

I walked up to my son, my heart growing heavier as I

near him. “Is he still alive?” I croaked when I reached
beside him. I blink to clear my vision.

“Yes but his heartbeat is faint. Please ma’am let us do

our job and get out of the way so we could get him to
the nearest hospital.” A man answers.
He was right, my baby needed the hospital. I nod and
clutched onto Blake’s hand, clenching it tightly.” I am
here son, mommy’s not going to let anything happen to
you.” I cried then let him go.

I watch as they rolled him out of the house,Nate crying

when they rolled Blake past him.

“We need to get this one to the hospital as quickly as we

can because she’s going in cardiac arrest.” A medic shout
beside me. I quickly turn to the injured girl and my face
instantly turns ashen. Ashley.

I need to call Ace and especially Asher and Lily. Oh God

what had our kids gotten into?

I quickly walk outside to catch up with the medics. “Call

Ace and Ashley’s parents. Tell them what has happened.
I’ll meet you guys at the hospital , I’m riding with my son
and Ashley.” I told Nate over my shoulder.

I didn’t care that I was still on duty and was needed at

the scene. My family came first, my son came first before
my work. I rather get fired than not being beside my son
while he fights for his life. Whoever did this to them will
“I’m riding with my son.” I told one of the medics as they
placed Blake at the back of the ambulance. He doesn’t
look surprised.

“Sure.” He answers even though I had already entered

and sat down beside Blake.

A few seconds later they rushed in Ashley beside him. I

refrain from clutching Blake’s hand, not wanting to get
in the paramedics way.

“Do everything in y’all power to save those kids. Please.”

I practically begged as they rushed to use the
defibrillator on Ashley as she flatlined.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste

by Demiah13 Chapter 72 By eBooksCat
Pain. That’s all I felt, slicing through my entire body like
shockwaves. This wasn’t regular pain but excruciating. I
wanted it to stop, I wanted it all to stop.

I hear voices, unfamiliar calling out to me. They tell me

to stay with them but I feel myself slipping away. Pain. I
was in too much pain. My heart hurts, my body feels
numb. I can’t move.
I felt like I was floating, not on water but high above the
sky. It felt like how I imagined a baby bird learning to fly
for the first time.

Was I dying?

I couldn’t tell. If I was, why does it feel so peaceful? Why

do I want to stay? Why aren’t I fighting to go back to my
family? Had I had too much?

I could see nothing, plain, white, blank. Why is there

nothing? Is this what they call the light? Heaven?

I feel it then. A powerful electric force on my chest. My

heart tries, I feel it. My chest lifts, my eyes and mouth
stay shut.

I want to scream, I want to tell them that they should

leave me. I was in peace.

But was I really? I was alone, there was no Blake. No

Arden, no mom or dad, no Ryan, Rosalie or Liam. There
was no uncle Luke, Noel or aunt Rose. There was
nothing. I was alone.

There it goes again another zap to my chest. It feels

uncomfortable, like a magnet hitting metal. My chest
lifts again as I hear them speak. Angels? No it couldn’t

Perhaps I wasn’t really dead yet, I was in between. That’s

when I hear him as I succumb to the feeling of loneliness.
His voice, the one I love, Blake, he was there.

You better fight for us Ley.

I’m not leaving you.

Come back to us Ley, come back to me.

I need you. We need you.

I love you.

It was like an echo. One I heard over and over until a new
feeling envelopes me. I needed to fight. I can’t stay here,
it was not my time yet. I needed to go back to my family,
I needed to go back to Blake.

Clear. The voice is clearer now as I feel the electric

feeling on my chest again. It goes straight to my heart, a
small pound, then two, three.

Fight Ley.

Four, five.
She’s coming back! A man’s voice shouts.

Were they talking about me? Did I do it? Did I fight? I

certainly hope so, I don’t want to disappoint anyone.

The white fades, it’s blurry at first but then images, no,
memories bombard my mind. “Now Ley, aren’t you a bit
too innocent for these books?” He had smirked at me
then in a mocking way but I could see the hidden desire.

Why hadn’t I noticed it before?

The memory moves and another pops up. “I told you I’d
catch you.” He smiled down at me.

The memory fades and is replaced with the image of

Blake’s face close to mine, he swiftly draws my face
towards his and molds his warm lips with my own.
Electricity had hummed through my entire body, starting
from our lips to my toes. Our first kiss.

Again the memory fades and another resurfaces. “I can’t

stop thinking about lastnight.” He had whispered behind

“What are you doing to me Ley?” The first time I let

myself go and made him do what we both wanted him
to do.
“I want you to make me forget.” It was not his voice this
time, it was mine. I remember feeling safe in his arms,
protected from the cruel world. From Peter.

“I F*cking love you Ashley. I always have. To be

completely honest I figured that out after I helped clean
you off of rotten eggs in the ninth grade.” How could we
not have seen that we had fallen way too deep to come
back out now?

“I want to take you out on a date.” I remember seeing

how nervous he was when he asked me but I was so
shocked that he had gotten confused. No doubt thinking
he had done something wrong.

“You want me to make love to you?” I had felt so sure

about the decision and never regretted telling him that I
was ready. Ready for him.

“I want to feel you Blake. Inside me taking what has

always been yours.” And he did take me then, showing
me how amazing it felt to be connected together. Two
souls who loved eachother, connected as one. It was
more than bliss, it was heaven.

The memory fades until I see myself beside my locker.

Watching Ryan enter the cafeteria. “Are you going to
ignore me the entire day?” His voice is behind me, his
towering form close to my body.

The memory fades, another surface. Anger, I had felt

anger. “Leave me alone and don’t follow me.”

The image of me leaving him there fades and is replaced.

Blake’s before me, face in pain. “I really wish I could’ve
kissed you one last time before I go.”

My heart starts beating fast, pound, pound. “I love you

Ashley.” His eyes rolled back behind his head and he
slumped. A piercing scream. It’s mine. Agony. Sorrow.
Distress. Anguish.


Blake? I felt myself call out in the memory. The memory

quickly vanishes and is replaced.

Where is this?

I was inside a house, that much I could tell. Standing in

the middle of the doorway looking outside. A black jeep
pulls up.

I feel my hands lift to rest on my belly. Round. I quickly

look down and I’m shocked. I am pregnant.Not only that
but there is a diamond ring on my finger.I am married. I
lift my head when I hear a car door slams shut.

Happiness, love, the feeling is strong as Blake walks over

to me with a happy smile on his face. My eyes fall to his
hand and I see a golden band on his ring finger.

He brings me into his arms. “I miss you baby. How’s our

boy doing?” He asked, placing a palm on my swollen
belly. I felt a kick, then two, right where Blake’s palm lay.

“He’s kicking a lot. A troublemaker like his dad.” I hear

myself speak up. It’s weird as if it’s happening now, but I
have no control over myself as I see myself in my own
point of view.

“Or he knows when his dad is home.” He laughs and

bends down to kiss me. Love and adoration pouring out.
Was this our future? Was I seeing our future?

I feel a sudden pull, like being wrenched away. I was

being pulled from the memory. I didn’t want to leave.

The love I felt for both Blake and our unborn child, I
wanted to feel it forever. I wanted to stay in this moment
of bliss forever.
Wait not yet. Don’t go yet. It feels like an echo as I plead
to stay in this vision.

Darkness. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Pain. My eyelids felt like they were weighted by anvils.

There’s something inside my nose. It’s giving me air,

oxygen. I needed to move. I force my brain to work, until
I could feel my fingers shift. One then two until all were

My eyelids still felt heavy but I forced them to open.

They flutter until they open fully. I cheered until I felt the
sting of the light burn my eyes.

Groaning lowly I blinked quickly to adjust my eyes to the

light. When I felt that my eyes weren’t a*saulted by the
glare of the light I turned to the right. Instantly I feel my
heartbeat quicken upon seeing Blake beside me.

On a bed, hooked up to an IV. He grunts shifting until his

eyes fluttered open. He must’ve felt my eyes on him
because he quickly snaps his head towards me.

Tears blurred his vision and I was sure mine were the
same. He gives me a teary smile. “I knew you’d pull
through. You’re my fighter girl.” He croaks out and
reaches his hand out for mine.

We were close enough to have our fingers touch.

“Always.” I croaked out, feeling the tears soak the
pillowcase beneath my face.

Bestfriends Shouldn’t Know How You Taste

by Demiah13 Chapter 73 By eBooksCat

~ 5 years later ~

“You’re home.” Mom gushed opening the door wider to

let me in. It was already five thirty, a bit late I may add. I
had taken a plane and a bus to get here. So that would
explain why I reached here so late.

I smile, place my heavy duffel bag on the floor and walk

into her arms. She squeezes me as I inhale her familiar
scent that always soothes me. “Oh I missed you.” She

“I missed you too mom.” I answered sincerely.

I had decided to come visit since it was summer vacation
and I would not enjoy spending my vacation days
cooped up in a small dorm room alone.

My roommate, Andie was an Indian who I got along with

fine. She was a bit of a clean freak but could
undoubtedly make the meanest grilled cheese sandwich.
She decided to spend time with her family and I decided
that I spent too long seeing my own.

It was just a few months without seeing them yet it felt

like an eternity. One more year at Harvard and I will not
have to leave them again.

We pull away and I giggle when she reaches up to wipe

the tears away from my eyes. “I can’t believe your
brother decided to stay at Yale instead of coming to
visit.” She humpths.

I shrug. “The last time I spoke to Arden it was a few days

ago. He’s still heartbroken about the breakup with
Rosalie. I think he didn’t come to visit because he’s afraid
he’ll see her around.”

Arden and Rosalie broke things off two weeks ago

because of a photo of a very drunk Arden making out
with another girl. Understandably Rosalie got pissed off
and called it quits.
Arden has been moping ever since. While he had gone
off to Yale, Rosalie stayed here to go to a local college
here along with her brother. The relationship had gotten
strained ever since and seeing Arden kiss the girl was the
last straw.

“If I know my son the way I do he’ll win her back. Afterall
he’s his dad’s son. By the way remind me to throw away
the playstation Rose gave him as revenge for not coming
to visit.” Mom stated and picked up my duffel bag. I

“Jeez baby, what are you packing in this bag? It weighs a

ton.” She complained.
I shrugged and walked up the stairs.

“Just some clothes and books I bought. Nothing much.

Where’s dad?” I asked turning to stare at her while
asking the question.

There were also a lot of letters Blake had sent me,

stacked neatly in a little box. As soon as we left high
school Blake had joined the military. He made me
promise to wait for him and promise to come back to
It was really hard not being able to touch or hear his
voice occasionally. It has been a tough five years and I
cannot wait until he is out of deployment.

Our only form of communication was the use of sending

letters since he was not allowed to use personal cell
phones or other devices where they were based.

It had already been two weeks without getting one of his

letters and I was beginning to grow worried. Usually it
took the maximum of a week.

She pants strutting up the stairs behind me. “Your dad

should be here in an hour tops. The office called him for
something urgent.”

“I can hold that mom.” I pointed at the duffel bag she

was struggling with. She nods and walks the remaining
steps to meet me then pushes the bag in my hands. I
groaned at the weight but either way walked to my room
with it.

“Thank you.” I said when mom opens the door for me. I
stride over to my already made bed and settle the bag
on top with a huff.

“Where is Avery?” I asked. Avery was my little sister

who’s four years and would be turning five in a few
months. She’s a little troublemaker but I loved her

“Her friend Gina is having a sleepover tonight so she’s

spending the night there. Don’t worry she’ll be home
early tomorrow. She’s excited to see you.” Mom laughs
knowing that the only reason Avery loved my company
was because she treated me like one of her dolls.

Which meant she would force feed me like I was a baby

and apply makeup to my face. I ended up looking like a
clown after but refrain from telling her so. I cringed. “I
missed her but I don’t miss the horrendous makeup.”

Mom laughed agreeing with me.”Well I’ll leave to get

settled and unpack. I’m going to start making dinner.
Tonight I’ll do your favorite, lasagna.” Mom smiled. The
messy bun she had her hair pinned into made her look
more youthful.

I grin. “Great. I’ll just take a shower and a short nap. I’m
jet lagged.” As soon as I finished a yawn slipped pa*s my

Mom nods in understanding and leaves after. I sighed

and plop down on my bed. University was hard but what
I found the most difficult was not being able to see Blake
After I had woken up from the coma five years ago I was
pleasantly and surprised to see that Blake was in the
same room.
His bed beside mine. He had insisted that he would stay
with me and wouldn’t take no for an answer until the
doctors placed him in the same room.

From that day I realized that I didn’t want to take life for
granted and wanted to spend everyday in his arms. We
had nearly died and we survived for a reason. And that
reason was to stand by each other no matter what. Love
each other no matter what . He was my life and I was his.

I pulled the zipper and took out my phone from the bag.
The picture of Blake and I lights up on my screen. We
had taken that picture on the day he left. My heart aches
as I brush my thumb over the screen, my vision blurred.

“I miss you.” I whispered.

When he was not deployed he’d come to visit me at

Harvard. We spent the few days he could spend in each
other’s arms, making love, kissing and trying to make up
for lost time.

It never was enough. I was selfish but I wanted him by

my side every day. And when the time came for him to
leave he took a piece of me with him.
I decided to text Ryan that I was home. I missed him. I
hadn’t seen him for months and the last time I spoke to
him, he started seeing a girl named Kimberly.
That name should ring a bell but it didn’t.

I tried coaxing him to send a picture of the lovely girl

that managed to snatch my bestfriends heart but he
refused. Wanting me to meet her face to face.
Ryan had decided after leaving high school that he felt a
pull to become like his dad, a police officer.

And after going through tough trainings and a few

months of dedication he had accomplished it. Making
everyone proud, especially his dad.

I placed the phone down on the bed and got up to head

to the bathroom. I needed a shower, unpacking can wait.

I groaned, kicking off the covers of my body. I blinked. It

was dark which meant it was night time. Why did mom
not wake me?

I sit up and carefully placed my feet on the floor then

reached over to put on the lamp placed on the dresser
beside my bed. The room lights up and I amble over to
the door.
My belly growls reminding me that I had not yet
eaten.Opening the door I walked downstairs. The living
room light is on so is the kitchen. I hear the soft platter
of rain hitting the roof and the windows. It’s relaxing.

My parents are in the kitchen, laughing at a joke that

pa*sed between them. I raise my eyes to the clock on the
wall. Seven. I didn’t sleep long.

“Mom why did you not wake me?” I grumble striding

over to them. They stop their conversing as dad snaps
his head to me. He gets up quickly lifting me up in his
arms like he did when I was younger.

” Welcome home baby.” He chuckles squeezing me into

his embrace.

“Dad I can’t breathe.” I choked out.

He quickly let’s me go and ruffles my loose hair that I

had cut to reach mid back.

I scowled fake glaring up at him.” You messed up my

hair.” I whine, blowing the few messy strands away from
my face.

He snorts. “You mean the hair that was already messed

We all laugh as I come to join them. We talked for a few
minutes and they listened to me yapping about
university. Mom had placed a plate of lasagna in front of
me whilst I sat at the kitchen island.

I was a few minutes digging into my lasagna while

listening to dad talk about his work when a horn blares.
Then it blares again this time louder. I drop my fork on
the plate and look at my parents.

“Were y’all expecting anyone?” I asked confused when

the horn blared again.

Dad shrugs while mom bites her bottom lip. “Not that
we know of, but to be sure maybe you should check
who’s out there. Maybe they need help somehow.” Dad

I furrow my brows. Me? “Why can’t you guys go, y’all are
the adults here!” I voiced out.

Dad raise a brow.” Didn’t you tell me a few months ago

that you’re an adult and I should not carry you like a kid

“But I-” I spurted. He had a point. I sighed and got up to

walk to the front door.
I opened it and noticed a jeep parked at front. It was
unfamiliar. I could spot the silhouette of a male but
because of the rain and the dim street lights I was unable
to see who it was.

Standing in the rain? Does this guy want to catch a cold?

“Is there something I could do for you, do you need

help?” I shout over the loud platter of the rain.

“How about a kiss and a welcome home baby?” A loud

familiar husky tone shouts over the rain.

My heart thuds, my eyes filling up with tears. “Blake!?” I

cried out already running towards him. I did not care
that the rain was already soaking me. All I cared at the
moment was to be in his arms.

“In the flesh baby.” He grins opening his arms as I jump

into them. He still wore his military clothes which meant
he had just arrived here. I smash my lips to his, moaning
when he grips my butt.

I pull away to plant kisses on his cheeks then stop to

look at him.” I missed you so much.” I cried hugging him.

His eyes soften. Blake’s features had changed alot during

these five years. He had shaved his head to a buzz cut
that suited him well, he also loved leaving stubble on his
face that made him look rough in a sexy way. His
muscles also had become more broader than they were.

“I missed you too baby. I’m now out of deployment so

you have me all to yourself.” He smiles, kissing my nose
as the rain soaks us up.

I cried and kissed him again as I heard the good news.

He pulls away. “You know this reminds me of the scene
in the notebook.” He laughs.

I send him a teasing look. “You mean the movie I forced

you to watch with me and you said you don’t ever cry for
sad movies but you did anyway?”

He narrowed his eyes playfully giving my butt a firm

squeeze. “Yes that movie. I remember you saying you
want to recreate that scene someday. You wanted to
makeout in the rain.”

My heart melts in a pile of goo. Why does he always

have to be perfect? I had not expected him to remember
that since it was about five years ago. “Didn’t think you’d
remember that.” I admitted.

“I always remember everything that has to do with you

Ley.” He whispers then places me down. He peers down
at me with love and longing.” But I want to change the
scene a bit.” He grins shakily as if nervous.

My brows furrowed only for me to widen my eyes when

he gets down on one knee. He peers up at me while I
begin to sob. He fishes a small box in the pocket of his
uniform. I gasp pushing my palm to my lips in shock.

“Ley I remember the first time I layed my eyes on you.

You were a cute little shy girl hiding behind your mom’s
legs. You looked like you wanted to be anywhere but
there. But when I came to you and held your hand I knew
then, that you’d have a permanent place in my life. You
trusted me like you never have with anyone else and I
did my best to not disappoint you. I wanted to always
protect you. “

He clears his throat, his eyes glistening. “But then I fell in

love with you and everything changed. I did not see you
as the little sister I always wanted to protect anymore,
you had become so much more. You took over my entire
life that day. My heart was already lost to you, you had it
in the palm of your hands without even knowing. God I
loved you back then and I love you even more now. I
want to protect you for the rest of my life and hopefully
protect our children in the future. I want you Ashley
Grey, all of you. And if you say no today, know that I will
continue to ask you until the answer switches to yes.
Because you’re my life and there is no other in this world
for me but you. So Ashley Grey soon to be Reed will you
marry me?” He is nervous I could tell. I could always tell.

I nod crying pushing out my hands so he could slip the

shiny diamond ring on. “Yes Blake I will marry you. The
answer will always be yes.” I said on a shaky breath when
he stands up to pull me into his arms.

“I love you baby.” He whispers hoisting me up and starts

walking towards the house.

“You have no idea how much I love you.” I breathed out

holding onto him.

He peers down at me to place a kiss on my lips. “Does

that mean we can start the baby making process
I giggle. “Blake, my parents are in the house.”

He raise a brow walking into the house with me still in

his arms. “So, didn’t stop us back then.” He teased
pecking my nose.

“You two are soaked.” Mom scowled.

“Did she say yes?” Dad’s excited voice asked.
“She said Yes!” Blake cheered.

“Oh my God grandbabies are on the way!” Mom squeals.

“Congrats you two. Tell your dad that he’s going to pay
for the wedding.” Dad joked.

“Asher you need to pay at least half!” Mom argued.

He turns to her and did the most childish thing. He

poked out his tongue. “Blake defiled my daughter before
marriage. So that means Ace will pay for the entire

Mom glares at him murderously which has him putting

up his hands in surrender.” It’s a joke babe.” He laughed.

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