Tiger King Project Work

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Bonafide certificate

This is to certify that the English project titled Tiger King-Abuse

Of Power is a Bonafide work carried out in CS ACADEMY,
KOVAIPUDUR during the academic year 2023-24 by Inban
Kiruthik of Grade XII-C, Roll No.______ .

Subject teacher Internal Examiner

I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to all those who have helped
me in completing this project. Without their constant support, I would
not have been able to present the project on time.

I am extremely thankful to my teacher Ms.Sheby Babu, PGT English for

her valuable guidance and suggestions throughout the process.

I also acknowledge with a deep sense of reverence, my gratitude towards

my parents, other faculty members of the department and my friends for
their encouragement during the course of completing the project.

With regards

Inban Kiruthik

S. No Topic Page number

1 Bona fide certificate 1

2 Acknowledgement 2

3 Index 3

Statement of
4 purpose/Objectives 4

5 Action plan 5

6 Topic Introduction 6-9

7 Report 10-15

8 Student reflection 16

9 Bibliography 17

Statement of Purpose:
The purpose of this report is to critically examine the topic “Tiger king” and its portrayal of
abuse of power .Through a thorough analysis we aim to shed light on the ethical and legal
challenges associated with getting justice, mistreatment of animals along with power dynamics
among key features in the real world .By doing so, we seek to foster awareness and
understanding of the issues and broader implications for the society.

1. To Explore The Context Of The Tiger King: To thoroughly analyze and understand the
content provided in the lesson.

2. To Analyze Instances Of Abuse Of Power: Investigate and document specific instances of

abuse of power, unethical practices.

3. To Understand The Key Features: Provide an in-depth analysis of the central characters in
the lesson, including ones from the provided instances.

4. To Assess Legal and Ethical Challenges: Evaluate the legal and ethical challenges
associated with the circumstances and provide alternative solutions.

5. To Examine The Impact On People: Investigate the media and public understanding of
different situations.

6. To Extract Lessons And Recommendations: Draw lessons from the documentary and offer
recommendations for addressing the abuse of power in the real world.

7. To Promote Awareness And Action: Encourage readers to take action, whether through
supporting animal welfare ,advocating for strict regulations or raising awareness about the issues
highlighted in the report.

These objective will the guide the report’s content and help ensure a comprehensive analysis on
the topic “Tiger King-Abuse Of Power”.

 Selection of the topic.

 Approval of the topic by the teacher in charge.

 Preparation of base data

 Invitation to the people to review on the topic.

 Collection of feedback from real life and internet

 Data collection and its analysis.

 Preparation of a detailed report.

THEME: The Tiger King’ is a story about the transience of life and power. It is a satire on
the conduct of the people in power. It is found that most of the time, the rulers are not interested
and bothered about working for public welfare. Rather, they spend their time in foolish things.
Most of the people, who surround these powerful people, are also interested in taking advantage
of the proximity for their own welfare.

Appropriateness of Title: “The Tiger King” is a very appropriate title for the story for
several reasons. First of all, the king is crazy about tiger hunting and he marries a princess whose
father’s kingdom has a sizeable tiger population. He kills one hundred tigers just to fulfill his
vow. Secondly, the king with all his frenzy, anger and ruthlessness is as ferocious as a tiger.
Thirdly, he dies of a sliver prick received from a wooden toy tiger. The prediction that a tiger
would cause the king’s death also comes true. Since the story revolves around the king and the
hundred tigers that he kills, it could not be better titled than “The Tiger King”.

Moral/ Message of the lesson: Through this satirical story, the author has rightly
portrayed how human beings have subjected innocent animals to untold torture and death, merely
to fulfill their own whims and fancies. The Maharaja’s indiscriminate killing of tigers led to their
extinction in some states, but the Maharaja was oblivious of the grave consequences his action
was leading to. The author strikes home the message that the ruler’s primary duty should be the
welfare of the citizens

Abuse of power refers to the wrongful or unethical exercise of authority
or influence by individuals or entities in position of control. It involves
the misuse of power for personal gain, to the detriment of others or
society at large. Abuse of power can manifest in various forms,
including corruption, exploitation, oppression, and disregard for the
rights and well-being of others. It is a pervasive issue in many aspects of
human life, from politics and business to personal relationships, and it
often leads to inequities, injustices and social hard. Addressing and
preventing abuse of power is a key concern in promoting fairness,
justice and ethical conduct. The Ted Talk given by Nehan Sethi clearly
explains and revolves around the topic abuse of power .Even though she
doesn’t talk about the lesson tiger king, she explains about three
different cases in India where power was abused .The first case is about
Priyadharshini a law student who was raped, the second case about
Sanjeev Nanda who killed 6 people by running his car over them, the
third one is about a murder when service was denied. In all their cases
justice to the victims was denied, she clearly explains on how it was
denied and how media affected the people in playing a main role in their
judgement and what should the people of India do in future scenarios.

YOUTUBE LINK: https://youtu.be/cjWwAJpvXi8



We have taken help in completing this project successfully from:

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Priyadarshini_Mattoo

 https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1999_Delhi_hit-and-run_case

 https://www.scribd.com/document/469264530/289864581-

 https://www.ggpschas.org/images/homework/may-week-1-english-


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