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Reflection Module 7

Aug 9, 2022 7:01PM

Caitlin Morganti

PART 1: I think the most important principles and practices for effectively managing
projects are, team leadership, scheduling, biting bb off more than you can chew and
avoiding scope creep. I think these are the most important because when a project is
introduced the project manager and or team leader needs to be positive, uplifting, and
supporting. In my own experience when you have a leader that is negative or not as
involved it affects the employees and or team members morale and the project's overall
success. In previous classes in organizational leadership I have learned how important
it is to have a strong leader so the group feels empowered to reach the goals set. As for
scheduling I have learned this is extremely important in project management especially
with my group in module 3/4 when we had to create a plan for a child's birthday party.
This module and project during this semester showed me how important scheduling
and planning is, even if it was just for a party there is a lot of work that goes into
planning and scheduling. As for "biting of more than you can chew" I think companies
get really excited when they are asked for a project or selected to make a new product
from other vendors. We have seen these in other case studies especially the "rush to
failure" story in the HBR guide to Project Management. This is a clear example of biting
off more than they can chew as well as avoiding scope creep. Before I took this class I
had no idea what scope creep meant, after taking this course I feel as If I have mastered
what scope creep is. I think it is extremely important to recognize how detrimental it can
be to adding and removing parts of a project with no authorization and or

PART 2: I have learned a lot about project management from this course and the
different aspects involved in a project. Until taking this class I did not realize how many
major steps there are within a project especially if it is for a big company. Although, I do
see myself as a team leader that is different from a project manager. The areas of
project management I feel I would excel in would be communicating with my team
constantly and checking in with them. As a supervisor at Starbucks I am constantly
checking in with others about how they are doing, how their roles are, and how the other
tasks I gave them are going. I would also uplift my team and be as positive as I can be
even when there are problems within a project. I still feel like some areas I can learn
more about are the business and strategy side to project management. I would like to
learn more about businesses and how to think critically in situations especially under
pressure. I would also like to work on being more confident with scheduling for a project
and making sure I am not over using resources or out of budget. Overall, I really enjoyed
taking this class and learned a lot about the different aspects of project management
andI feel I am more confident in understanding how to take on a project and the most
important factors it takes to be successful in a project.

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