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Activity 1 - Making Sense of the Mind-Body Dualism

Socrates said that our soul– which pertains now as our mind, should be
nourished just like our body, and I have to agree with that because in my opinion, both
of our mind and body are not separated. In a way, both of them are connected together
and not distinct entities. And yes, I, myself, experienced their connection.

In my 18 years of existence, I have gone through a lot of disappointment and

breakdowns. And then recently, there was one instance that I will never forget since it
was so difficult to handle because my mind and body had a breakdown at the same
moment. Both in my personal life and academics, I was under continual strain. The
worst part was that I was mostly responsible for creating that pressure. Because I kept
overthinking, I had a terrible time falling asleep. If I couldn't handle it, I would just eat
until I was overstuffed and then cry myself to sleep. Whatever worries I was having, it
reflected on my physical appearance and my physical actions. Both of my mind and my
body lost their will to be productive and be active. And the health of my body had a
negative impact on my mind as well. Looking at it, It was really just my mind that was
having problems and issues, but since they are connected, it also affected my body.

Gladly, I may not be fully healed but I can say that I am gradually moving on
forward to that phase of my life, step by step. It was not an easy problem but I learned
many things. Thus, through that experience, I learned that both of our mind and body
should be nourished together because they are connected. If our mind is healthy and so
our body will be.

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