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A) The setting is placed in Chicago which is a state in the country if the U.S.A.

The town is described as a

sleepy valley, drowsy, grey, slumberous mistiness from sunup till noon. The sense of sight is used to
describe the town of Chicago

B) Tony's sickness is a hard and discouraging sickness for me. It apperas as white pigmentation of the
skin is surrounding tony's body.

C) The narrative devices that are used are vivid description of details, becausee it described the town of
Chicago in a detaild manner. Consistent point of view because the third point of view is always used
throughout the story. Verbe tense because the usage of verbs in its tense is very consistent and correct.

D) The author used the third POV in the story to let the reader consume the information while making
the story clear for them. Yes it is useful because the readers are allowed to see into the thoughts of the
characters. If the author used different pov's in the story it may make the story hard to understand.

E) Yes. It makes the story mode undestandable and clear because of the consistent use of past tense
throughout the story.

F) The tone of the story is quite sad. It affects my emotions to see Fil accidentally pressing the erase
button and losing the memories that he recorded.

G) The purpose of Fil's dream sequence is to introduce Fil and his background. It affects the narrative in
an emotional way because we know why Fil is very happy to see the dancers back in the U.S.A

H) I find that Fil inviting the dancers to his home to eat Adobo and Chiicken Relyeno with him is one of
the evidence that I can find that supports the theme. Because Filipinos are hospitable and kind people.
They will invitie everybody to their home to eat and to make them feel comfortabke at their home.

I) The experience of having hoispitable, kind, and caring Filipinos around. Yes. Because even nowadays
the hospitality of the Filipino's is still present and very strong. For example is by giving donations to
fellow Filipinos who are in need of help or are in danger.

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