Personal Study Plan in The Field of Internal Medicine

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Personal Study Plan in the Field of Internal Medicine

I am a Medical officer with a two years experience working in two of the busiest referral hospitals in
East Africa. I studied my Bachelors in Medicine and Surgery at the China Medical University in
Shenyang from 2011 to July 2016 having graduated among the top 5 students in our international
class. I undertook the studies in Chinese language attending classes with other Chinese students.
After graduation I have managed to undertake training in short certificate courses including ACLS
(Advanced Cardiac Life Support) BLS (Basic Life Support) and ATLC (Advanced Trauma Life
Course). During these trainings I acquired skills such as recognising and undertaking early
management of prearrest situations, cardiac arrest and management of airway, relevant
pharmacology, stroke and acute coronary syndrome or ACS management, communicating effectively
as a leader and member of the resuscitation team, establish management priorities in a trauma
situation, team dynamics etc.

Study plan
I intend to further my education in China by undertaking a masters degree in the field of internal
medicine which is a field I have enjoyed and appreciated deeply. According to the World Health
Organisation (WHO), three-quarters of all noncommunicable disease (NCD) deaths worldwide take
place in low- and middle-income countries. These 28 million deaths—from cancers, diabetes, and
cardiovascular and respiratory diseases—are related to poverty and lack of detection and treatment.
My country, Kenya, being a third world country, is experiencing an increase in non communicable
disease even before communicable diseases like malaria and tuberculosis are under control. Causing
a “double burden” of diseases. The rise in non communicable diseases is as a result of lifestyle
changes such as unhealthy diets, alcoholism, smoking and reduced physical activity. This has
resulted into an increase in the economic burden of the country. The high expenditures for managing
non communicable diseases expose households to risks of financial catastrophe and poverty. During
screening and even in casualty, half the individuals screened do not know they had a non
communicable disease. This is a group of people who are not receiving treatment because we live in
a culture of curing, not preventing.

My desire to specialise in internal medicine is so as contribute professionally to my country by aiding

in controlling the spread of Non communicable diseases using education and treatment to deal with
risk factors and deal with each patient in an integrated, comprehensive manner.I believe advancing
my education in internal medicine will enable me to prevent, detect and manage this diseases along
with the complications that may arise.

Why China?
Having spend six years living and studying in China I am convinced that the environment and study
culture is what I need to become a professional doctor. Chinese people are very hardworking,
determined and self driven. During my studies I was able to meet very intelligent and devoted
professionals who are passionate about their fields of study. I also believe with the high standard of
development in the medical field and the technological advancement in China. I will have a lot more to
learn and later on be able to return to my country and help advance the health care system here.
These are just but some of the reasons I think China is the ideal place for me to do my masters
degree. I believe my application will receive your favourable consideration and would gladly provide
any additional information required.

Future Plans
I intend on returning to my home country after studies in order to be part of the teams that deliver
quality health programs and encourage disease prevention. I will be involved in the screening of
common ailments and counselling and training on good health behaviours. Also enhance the health
promotion endeavour and reach patients during a teachable moment of acute illness.

My study plan is directly related to my experience in the field of internal and practical medicine and
my future plans for development in this field. To continue studying in China is a great desire, the
reasons for which I described above.

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