Ashish Gusain BBA 2026082

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“A study on Human Resource Recruitment and selection
at SynapseIndia, Noida”







As a part of the BBA curriculum and in order to gain knowledge in the field of management. I am required to

make a report on “A study on Human Resource Recruitment and Selection, the basic objective behind doing

this project report is to gain knowledge and understand the concept of human resource recruitment and

selection within the organization.

Doing this project report helped me to know the concept of organization’s recruitment and selection a lot

more, it increased my observation power and also I gained practical knowledge of all the 14 fayol’s principles

including other concepts of management. I got an opportunity to study and know about the human resource

recruitment and selection process in synapseIndia and how it can have positive or negative impact on the

success of organization.

I owe my deep sense of gratitude to the “Almighty God” for blessing me with the fortune, inspiration,

platform and motivation to carry out this research work.

I would like to acknowledge my sincere gratitude to Miss PRIYANKA gehu for guiding, supervising and

mentoring me at the right moment to explore the undertaken research work with the valuable guidance and

knowledge. I have been extremely lucky to have Miss PRIYANKA as my research guide, without whom the

research work wouldn’t have been possible.

I would also like to acknowledge and thank the cooperation and support provided by her, for helping me to

carry out my literature research work pertaining to the topic with his valuation guidance and experience. She

has guided me with the research methology and taught me a lot by giving her precious time.

I would like to thank my family, and friends also for supporting and motivating me to complete my final

research Project report.

Further I would like to thank all the respondent for giving their valuable feedbacks and time in the survey

form to carry out this research work and played a cruicial role in my final research report .


It is Certified that the work incorporated in this Project Report HUMAN RESOURCE RECRUITMENT AND

SELECTION IN SYNAPSEINDIA, NOIDAsubmitted by ASHISH GUSAIN is her original work and is satisfactorily

completed under my supervision.

Material obtained from the other sources has been duly acknowledged in the Project Report.


Signature of the Guide:


This is to declare that I have carried out this project work myself for BACHELOR OF BUSINESS

ADMINISTRATION Program of Graphic Era Hill University, Dehradun.

The work is original, has not been copied from anywhere else and it has not been submitted to any other

University/Institute for an award of any degree/diploma.


PLACE: Dehradun


Table Of Contents

Content Page No’s

Preface I
Acknowledgement II

Certificate of research guide III

Declaration by the student IV


Introduction 1-14

About the research problem 15

About the organization


Theoretical Framework 18
Literature Review 18-20


Objectives of the study 22
Scope of the Study 22
Limitation of the study 23
Research Design 24- 25
Sources of Data 24
Primary sources 24
Secondary sources 25
Research method 26
Sampling 26
Sampling method 26
Sample Size 26
Findings 37
Suggestions 38
Conclusion 39
ANNEXURE 42-43-44


Recruitment and Selection: Recruitment is the process of attracting individuals on a timely basis in
sufficient numbers and with appropriate qualification, to apply for jobs within an organization. The process of
searching prospective employees with multidimensional skills and experience that suits organization
strategies in fundamental to the growth of the organization, this demands more comprehensive strategic
perspective recruitment. Organizations require the services of large number of personnel, these personnel
occupies the various positions created to the process of organization. Each position of the organization has
certain specific contributions to achieve the organizational objectives. The recruitment process of the
organizational has to be strong enough to attract and select the potential candidates with right job
specification. The recruitment process begins with human resource planning and concludes with the selection
of required number of candidates, both HR staff and operating managers have responsibilities in the process.
“Right person for the right job is the basic principle in recruitment and selection. Every organization should

give attention to the selection of its manpower, especially its managers. The operative manpower is equally

important and essential for the orderly working of an enterprise.

Every business organization/unit needs manpower for carrying different business activities smoothly and

efficiently and for this recruitment and selection of suitable candidates is essential. Human resource

management in an organization will not be possible if unsuitable persons are selected and employment in a

business unit.


Recruitment means to estimate the available vacancies and to make suitable arrangements for their selection

and appointment. Recruitment is understood as the process of searching for and obtaining applicants for the

jobs, from among whom the right people can be selected.

A formal definition states, “It is the process of finding and attracting capable applicants for the employment.

The process begins when new recruits are sought and ends when their applicants are submitted. The result is

a pool of applicants from which new employees are selected”. In this, the available vacancies are given wide

publicity and suitable candidates are encouraged to submit applications so as to have a pool of eligible

candidates for scientific selection.

In recruitment, information is collected from interested candidates. For this different source such as

newspaper advertisement, employment exchanges, internal promotion, etc. are used.

In the recruitment, a pool of eligible and interested candidates is created for selection of most suitable

candidates. Recruitment represents the first contact that a company makes with potential employees.

Definition: According to EDWIN FLIPPO, “Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees

and stimulating them to apply for jobs in the organization.

Need for recruitment The need for recruitment may be due to the following reasons / situation:

a) Vacancies due to promotions, transfer, retirement, termination, permanent disability, death and labour


b) Creation of new vacancies due to the growth, expansion and diversification of business activities of an

enterprise. In addition, new vacancies are possible due to job specification. Purpose and importance of


1. Determine the present and future requirements of the organization on conjunction with its personnel-

planning and job analysis activities

2. Increase the pool of job candidates at minimum cost.

3. Help increase the success rate of the selection process by reducing the number of visibly under qualified or

overqualified job applicants.

4. Help reduce the probability that job applicants, once recruited and selected, will leave the organization

only after a short period of time.

5. Meet the organization’s legal and social obligations regarding the composition of its work force.

6. Begin identifying and preparing potential job applicants who will be appropriate candidates.

7. Increase organizational and individual effectiveness in the short term and long term.

8. Evaluate the effectiveness of various recruiting techniques and sources for all types of job applicants.

9. Recruitment is a positive function in which publicity is given to the jobs available in the organization and

interested candidates are encouraged to submit applications for the purpose of selection.

Recruitment Process:

Recruitment refers to the process of identifying and attracting job seekers so as to build a pool of qualified job

applicants. The process comprises five interrelated stages, viz.

1. Planning.

2. Strategy development.

3. Searching.

4. Screening.

5. Evaluation and control.


The first stage in the recruitment process is planning. Planning involves the translation of likely job vacancies

and information about the nature of these jobs into set of objectives or targets that specify the (1) Numbers

and (2) Types of applicants to be contacted.

Numbers of contact: Organization, nearly always, plan to attract more applicants than they will hire. Some of

those contacted will be uninterested, unqualified or both. Each time a recruitment Program is contemplated,

one task is to estimate the number of applicants necessary to fill all vacancies with the qualified people.

Types of contacts: It is basically concerned with the types of people to be informed about job openings. The

type of people depends on the tasks and responsibilities involved and the qualifications and experience

expected. These details are available through job description and job specification.


When it is estimated that what types of recruitment and how many are required then one has concentrate in

(1). Make or Buy employees.

(2). Technological sophistication of recruitment and selection devices.

(3). Geographical distribution of labour markets comprising job seekers.

Make or Buy: Organization must decide whether to hire le skilled employees and invest on training and

education programmes, or they can hire skilled labour and professional. Essentially, this is the “make” or

“buy” decision. Organizations, which hire skilled and professionals shall have to pay more for these


International Journal of Management (IJM), ISSN 0976 – 6502(Print), ISSN 0976 – 6510(Online), Volume 3, Issue 1,

January- April (2012)

Technological Sophistication: The second decision in strategy development relates to the methods used in

recruitment and selection. This decision is mainly influenced by the available technology. The advent of

computers has made it possible for employers to scan national and international applicant qualification.

Although impersonal, computers have given employers and job seekers a wider scope of options in the initial

screening stage.
STAGE 3: SEARCHING: Once a recruitment plan and strategy are worked out, the search process can

begin. Search involves two steps.

A) Source activation and

B) Selling.


Screening of applicants can be seen as an integral part of the recruiting process, though many view it as the

first step in the selection process. We have included screening in recruitment for valid reasons. The selection

process will begin after the applications have been scrutinized and shortlisted. Hiring of professors in a

university is atypical situation. A selection committee comprising the Vice chancellor, Registrar and subject

experts conducts interview. Here, the recruitment process extends up to screening the applications. The

selection process commences only later.

Purpose of screening-

The purpose of screening is to remove from the recruitment process, at an early stage, those applicants who

are visibly unqualified for the job. Effective screening can save a great deal of time and money. In screening,

clear job specifications are invaluable. It is both good practice and a legal necessity that applicant’s

qualification is judged on the basis of their knowledge, skills, abilities and interest required to do the job.

STAGE 5: EVALUATION AND CONTROL: Evaluation and control is necessary as considerable costs are

incurred in the recruitment process. The costs generally incurred are: - 1. Salaries for recruiters.
2. Management and professional time spent on preparing job description, job specifications, advertisements,

agency liaison and so forth.

3. The cost of advertisements or other recruitment methods, that is, agency fees.

4. Recruitment overheads and administrative expenses.

Sources of Recruitment:


1) Promotion 1) Campus recruitment

2) Transfers 2) Press advertisement

3) Internal notification 3) Management consultancy service

from one enterprise to another

4) Retirement 4) Deputation of personnel or transfer

5) Former employees 5) Walk-ins, write-ins, talk-ins


The sources of recruitment can be broadly categorized into internal and external sources

1)INTERNAL RECRUITMENT: Internal recruitment is when a firm or company decides to advertise a job only

within their company to internal employees. The various internal sources include: Promotions and Transfers:

Promotion is an effective means using job posting and personnel records. Job posting requires notifying
vacant positions by posting notices, circulating publications or announcing at staff meetings and inviting

employees to apply. Personnel records help discover employees who are doing jobs below their educational

qualifications or

skill levels. Promotions has many advantages like it is good public relations, builds morale, encourages

competent individual who are ambitious, improves the probability of good selection since information on the

individual’s performance is readily available, is cheaper than going outside to recruit, those chosen internally

are familiar with the organization thus reducing the orientation time and energy and also acts as a training

device for developing middle-level and top-level managers. Employee referrals Employees can develop good

prospects for their families and friends by acquainting them with the advantages of a job with the company,

furnishing them with introduction and encouraging them to apply. This is a very effective means as many

qualified people can be reached at a very low cost to the company. In this way, the organization can also fulfil

social obligations and create goodwill. Former Employees: These include retired employees who are willing to

work on a part-time basis, individuals who left work and are willing to come back for higher compensations.

Even retrenched employees are taken up once again. The advantage here is that the people are already

known to the organization and there is no need to find out their past performance and character. X

Dependents of deceased employees: Usually, banks follow this policy. If an employee dies, his / her spouse or

son or daughter is recruited in their place. This is usually an effective way to fulfil social obligation and create

goodwill. Recalls: When management faces a problem, which can be solved only by a manager who has

proceeded on long leave, it may de decided to recall that persons after the problem is solved, his leave maybe

extended. Retirements: At times, management may not find suitable candidates in place of the one who had
retired, after meritorious service. Under the circumstances, management may decide to call retired managers

with new extension.

2) EXTERNAL RECRUITMENT: External recruitment is when applicants for positions are hired from sources

outside the company. The various external sources include Professional or Trade Associations: Many

associations provide placement service to its members. It consists of compiling job seeker’s lists and providing

access to members during regional or national conventions. Also, the publications of these associations carry

classified advertisements from employers interested in recruiting their members. These are particularly useful

for attracting highly educated, experienced or skilled personnel. Advertisements: It is a popular method of

seeking recruits, as many recruiters prefer advertisements because of their wide reach. Want ads describe the

job benefits, identify the employer and tell those interested how to apply. Newspaper is the most common

medium but for highly specialized recruits, advertisements may be placed in professional or business journals.

Advertisements must contain proper information like the job content, working conditions, location of job,

compensation including fringe benefits, job specifications, growth aspects, etc.

Campus Recruitments: Colleges, universities, research laboratories, sports fields and institutes are fertile

ground for recruiters, particularly the institutes. Campus Recruitment is going global with companies like HLL,

Citibank, HCL-HP, ANZ Grind lays, L&T, Motorola and Reliance looking for global markets. Some companies

recruit a given number of candidates from these institutes every year. Campus recruitment is so much sought

after that each college; university depart mentor institute will have a placement officer to handle recruitment

functions. However, it is often an expensive process, even if recruiting process produces job offers and

acceptances eventually.
Walk-ins, Write-ins and Talk-ins: The most common and least expensive approach for candidates is direct

applications, in which job seekers submit unsolicited application letters or resumes. Direct applications can

also provide a pool of potential employees to meet future needs. From employees‟ viewpoint, walk-ins are

preferable as they are free from the hassles associated with other methods of recruitment. Write-ins are

those who send written enquiries. These job seekers are asked to complete application forms for further

processing. Talk-ins involves the job aspirants meeting the recruiter (on an appropriated date) for detailed


No application is required to be submitted to the recruiter. Consultants: They are in this profession for

recruiting and selecting managerial and executive personnel. They are useful as they have nationwide

contacts and lend professionalism to the hiring process. They also keep prospective employer and employee

anonymous. However, the cost can be a deterrent factor.


-Selection is defined as the process of differentiating between applicants in order to identify (and hire) those with a

greater likelihood of success in a job. Selection is basically picking an applicant from (a pool of applicants) who has the

appropriate qualification and competency to do the job. The difference between recruitment and selection:

Steps in Selection Process

The selection process typically begins with the preliminary interview; next, candidates complete the
application for employment.

1. Initial Screening.
2. Completion of the Application Form.
3. Employment Tests.
4. Job Interview.
5. Conditional Job Offer.
6. Background Investigation.
7. Medical Examination.
8. Permanent Job Offer.

1.Initial screening
The selection process often begins with an initial screening of applicants to remove individuals who
obviously do not meet the position requirements. At this stage, a few straight forward questions are
asked. An applicant may obviously be unqualified to fill the advertised position, but be well qualified to
work in other open positions.

2.Completion of the Application form

Application Blank is a formal record of an individual’s application for employment. The next step in the
selection process may involve having the prospective employee complete an application for
employment. This may be as brief as requiring only an applicant’s name, address, and telephone

1. Employment Tests

Personnel testing is a valuable way to measure individual characteristics. Hundreds of tests have been
developed to measure various dimensions of behavior. The tests measure mental abilities, knowledge,
physical abilities, personality, interest, temperament, and other attitude sand behaviors .

2. Job Interview

An interview is a goal-oriented conversation in which the interviewer and applicant exchange

information. The employment interview is especially significant because the applicants who reach this
stage are the most promising candidates.

Content of the Interview

The specific content of employment interviews varies greatly by an organization and the level of the job
1. Occupational experience: Exploring an individual’s occupational experience requires determining the

applicant’s skills, abilities, and willingness to handle responsibility.

2. Academic achievement: In the absence of significant work experience, a person’s academic

background takes on greater importance.

3. Interpersonal skills: If an individual cannot work well with other employees, chances for success are

slim. This is especially true in today’s world with increasing emphasis being placed on the use of teams.

4. Personal qualities: Personal qualities normally observed during the interview include physical

appearance, speaking ability, vocabulary, poise, adaptability, and assertiveness.


5. Organizational fit: A hiring criterion that is not prominently mentioned in the literature is

organizational fit. Organizational fit is ill-defined but refers to management’s perception of the degree to

which the prospective employee will fit in with, for example, the firm’s culture or value s system.

6. Conditional job offer : Conditional job offer means a tentative job offer that becomes permanent after

certain conditions are met. If a job applicant has passed each step of the selection process so far, a

conditional job offer is usually made.

In essence, the conditional job offer implies that if everything checks out – such as passing a certain

medical, physical or substance abuse test–the conditional nature of the job offer will be removed and the

offer will be permanent.

7. Background Investigation

Background Investigation is intended to verify that information on the application form is correct and


This step is used to check the accuracy of application form through former employers and references.
Verification of education and legal status to work, credit history and criminal record are also made.

Personal reference checks may provide additional insight into the information furnished by the applicant
and allow verification of its accuracy.

8. Medical/Physical Examination

After the decision has been made to extend a job offer, then extra phase of these selection process

involves the completion of a medical/physical examination.

This is an examination to determine an applicant’s physical fitness for essential job performance.


9. Permanent Job Offer

Individuals who perform successfully in the preceding steps are now considered eligible to receive the

employment offer. The actual hiring decision should be made by the manager in the department where

the vacancy exists.

Importance of recruitment and selection

1. Proper recruitment and selection of employees lead to growth and development to the company.

The company can similarly, only be as good as the capabilities of its employees.

2. The hiring of talented and skilled employees results in the swift achievement of company goals.

3. Industrial accidents will drastically reduce in numbers when the right technical staff is employed for
the right jobs.

4. When people get jobs, they are good at, It creates a sense of satisfaction with them and thus their

work efficiency and quality improve.

5. People who are satisfied with their jobs of tent end to have high morale and motivation to perform



1. Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective candidates and motivating them to apply for job

in the organization. Whereas selection is a process of choosing most suitable candidates out of those, who

are interested and also qualified for job.

2. In the recruitment process, vacancies available are finalized, publicity is given to them and applications

are collected from interested candidates. In the selection process, available applications are scrutinized.

Tests, interview and medical examination are conducted in order to select most suitable candidate.

3. In recruitment the purpose is to attract maximum numbers of suitable and interested candidates

through applications. In selection process the purpose is that the best candidate out of those qualified and

interested in the appointment.

4. Recruitment is prior to selection. It creates proper base for actual selection. Selection is next to

recruitment. It is out of candidates available/interest.

5. Recruitment is the positive function in which interested candidates are encouraged to submit

application. Selection is a negative function in which unsuitable candidates are eliminated and the best one

is selected.

6. Recruitment is the short process. In recruitment publicity is given to vacancies and applications are

collected from different sources Selection is a lengthy process. It involves scrutiny of applications, giving

tests, arranging interviews and medical examination.

7. In recruitment services of expert is not required Whereas in selection, services of expert is required.

In this report I am trying to study the existing concept of Human Resource Recruitment and Selection at

SYNAPSEINDIA,NOIDA. Also to analyse the recruitment and selection process of the company and its

impact on job satisfaction and performance of the employees. Therefore I will focus on what existing

employees think about the Human Resource Recruitment and Selection process at SYNAPSEINDIA,


This project is carried to have a deep knowledge of recruitment and selection processes and it’s impact on

personal and professional life of employees. It also aims to examine the true thinking and

suggestions/feedbacks of employees of GEHU about the improvement or their satisfaction level regarding

the recruitment and selection process that is currently followed.



SynapseIndia is at the forefront of innovation. We have stable & experienced team at SynapseIndia to

address the entire breadth of clients’ opportunities in this competitive world. Our vision is to be trusted &
respected as world-class web development company in delivering innovative IT solutions.

IT outsourcing company, SynapseIndia was founded in year 2000, provides end-to-end solutions in

software development, website development, mobile app development and eCommerce development

with headquarters in Noida, India. Our team of 300+ IT professionals has successfully delivered over

10,000+ projects with 100% client satisfaction globally. An ISO 9001:2015 company, SynapseIndia has

exhibited exponential growth and has carved an impeccable niche for itself in the global outsourcing

arena achieving various business partnerships & awards like Microsoft Gold Certified Partner, Google

Partner, Shopify Partner, BigCommerce Partner and Kentico Bronze Partner. We have stringent quality

checks that are designed to ensure perfection at all stages of the development work. We stand out from

the crowd by delivering source code to our clients. SynapseIndia is one of the Top B2B company in India

Named for 2018 Based on the Quality of Their Customer Feedback. Services extended by SynapseIndia

encompass web design, mobile app development (iPhone, Android), ecommerce solutions, IT consulting

and more.

Literature review

Recruitment and selection are vital functions of human resource management for any type of business

organization. These are terms that refer to the process of attracting and choosing candidates for

employment. The quality of the human resource the firm has heavily depends on the effectiveness of these

two functions (Gamage, 2014). Recruiting and selecting the wrong candidates who are not capable come

with a huge negative cost which businesses cannot afford. Thus, the overall aim of recruitment and

selection within the organization is to obtain the number and quality of employees that are required to

satisfy the strategic objectives of the organization, at minimal cost (Ofori & Aryeetey, 2011).

G.P.Rabey in his book “Staff Selection”1 published way back in 1981 compares selection to purchase of a

new car and he stresses the need for considerable caution in doing it. He emphasizes that no one has

designed a process of selection which is error free as human being will ever be unpredictable. He mentions

that it is very important to assess the need of the position, who should work on the selection, and what are

the important parameters in identifying what one wants. He talks in detail on the job analysis and person

specification and says that these two form the pillars of a Job Description. Preparing for Interview has been

given a lot of importance in this book. Interestingly enough he has stressed on the kind of room to be used

for the discussion, the sitting arrangement that one must take care of, either in a one to one or a panel

interview, competency of interviewers and their ability to listen. In order to make a decision on the

candidates interviewed. Rabey gives the concept of Ability and Achievement. He says that Ability may be

expressed in terms of Aptitude, Education and Experience while Achievement is a combination of Ability

and Drive. He also briefly mentions the need for a couple of quick appraisals to ratify the appointment.

Over the last three to four decades, research on recruitment is on the rise. “Excellence is an act won by

training and habit. We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, then, is not an act but a habit” – Aristotle

1. Employee hiring is a matching process between organizational characteristics, job demands, and

applicants’ skills (Tilly and Tilly 1998)

2. Dale Yoder has defined, “Selection is the process by which candidates for employment are divided into

two classes those who will be offered employment and those who will not”.

3. M. Ataur Rahman, “Selection is the screening and filtering process of job applicants who have been

invited to apply for the vacant positions through which the process comes to an end”.

4. M.J. Jucious has defined, “The selection procedure is the system of functions and devices adopted in a

given company for the purpose of ascertaining whether or not candidate possess the qualifications called

for by, a specific job”.

5. Heinz Weihrich and Harold Koontz have defined as, “Selection is the process of choosing form the

candidates, from within the organization or from outside, the most suitable person for the current position

or for the future positions”

6. Decenzo & Robbins: Selection activities follow a standard pattern, beginning with an initial screening

interview and concluding with final employment decision.

7. Recruitment is the process of discovering potential candidates for actual or anticipated organizational

vacancies. Or, from another perspective, it is a linking activity-bringing together those with jobs to fill and

those seeking jobs. (De Cenzo and Robbins 1999)

8. According to Edwin B. Flippo “Recruitment is a process of searching for prospective employees and

stimulating and encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organisation.”

9. In the words of Dale Yoder, “Recruitment is the process to “discover the sources of manpower to meet

the requirements of the staffing schedule and to 22 employ effective measures for attracting that

manpower in adequate numbers to facilitate effective selection of an efficient working force.” XLVI

10. Recruitment includes those practices and activities carried on by the organization with the primary

purpose of identifying and attracting potential employees” (Barber, 1998) Recruitment accomplishes the

essential role of bringing managerial human capital into the organization and has a direct impact on such

post-hire activities as training and development (Barber, 1998) “Recruitment is a matching process and the

capacities and inclinations of the candidates have to be matched against the demand and rewards inherent

in a given job or career pattern.

11.Henry and Termtime (2009) conducted a study on-

It is a procedure to fill an available vacancy, selection is a systematic procedure of decisions about an

individual. During this process, it is very important to consider about a firm for a numerous reason

12.Ofori and Aryeetey (2011) conducted a study on

It is a procedure in which particular instruments are utilized to select the best people from the pool of

individuals that are suitable for the jobs. Selection involves the use of one or more methods to assess

applicant’s suitability in order to make the correct selection decision. Selection can be alternatively seen as

a process of rejection as it rejects a number of applicants and select only a few applicants to fill the

vacancy. Thus, selection function may be a negative function rather than a positive function. The objectives

of selection function are to get the right person to the right job, establish and maintain a good image as a

good employer, and maintain the selection process as cost effective as possible. New people. A systematic

recruitment procedure requires identification of vacancies, analysis of job, description of job, specification

of a person and advertising. It also requires process of recruitment, gathering information, evaluation of

qualifications and making decisions about employing someone.

Research Methodology
Meaning of research: - Research is a detailed or careful study about something to find out more information

about it. It is searching for and gathering information about something, usually a problem or question.

The word research is derived from the French word “recherche” that means “to go about seeking”. The word

research consists of two syllables i.e., re and search that means searching something that already exists or is

searched. Research in a common language refers to a search of knowledge. Research is scientific &

systematic search for pertinent information on a specific topic, in fact research is an art of scientific


Research Methodology is a scientific way to solve research problem. It may be understood as a science of

studying how research is doing scientifically. In it we study various steps that are generally adopted by

researchers in studying their research problem. It is necessary for researchers to know not only know

research method techniques but also technology. The scope of Research Methodology is wider than that of

research methods. The research problem consists of series of closely related activities. At times, the first

step determines the native of the last step to be undertaken. Why research has been defined, what data

has been collected and what a particular method have been adopted and a host of similar other questions

are usually answered when we talk of research methodology concerning a research problem or study.

POPULATION- A population refers to the entire group that you want to draw conclusion about. In research,

the population doesn’t always refers to people. It can mean a group containing elements of anything you

want to study, such as objects, events, organizations, countries, species etc.

SAMPLE- It is defined as the smaller set of data drawn out of larger population by using predetermined

selection method. It is a subset containing characteristics of a larger population representing it.

SAMPLING METHOD- It is a process used in statistical analysis in which a predetermined no. of

observations are taken from a larger population. Therefore, taking out sample out of population is referred

to as sampling.



1. To study the conceptual framework of Human Resource Recruitment and selection in


2. To study the perception and suggestions of employees regarding recruitment and selection process

3. To know the satisfaction level of employees in SynapseIndia.

4.To study the HR policies in SynapseIndia.

 Although this study was done for academic purposes only, but this can also help the organization in

better understanding of their employee’s needs and perception towards the effectiveness of the

selection and recruitment process. A good method will also satisfy the employees. As an employee is

the most important asset for any organization and a satisfied and happy employee contributes more

effectively in achieving the organizational goals.

 To examine the concept of recruitment and selection in SYNAPSEINDIA, Noida.

 To study the suggestions and feedback of the employees.

 The study of recruitment and Selection of employees in organization is a very wider concept. This
report can provide useful tips to researchers in their work on the subject.



In every Research whether it is done at the lower level or at the upper level, it consists of some limitations.

During my research, I have also faced some limitations. These are stated as under:

 The responses from the respondents could be biased which ultimately affects

the results shown by marketing research.

 Quality of the information highly dependent on the knowledge and honesty of

the respondents.

 Availability of Time: - For conducting research one should have the availability of time

so that he should provide time to the research. As this project is the part of my summer

Recruitment and Selection internship and hence, I was having only 6 weeks for the

completion of this project.

 Small sample Size- It was not possible to include each and every employee’s opinion.

 Biased Response: - Some respondents were not cooperative, I found biased responses

from them, they were taking the things in a wrong manner.

 Limited Area: - The sample which is taken in the record is from the very small area as

compared to large population town. So, there may be deviation due to this sample.

RESEARCH DESIGN: It refers to the method used to do the research, it includes the designs as given in
the picture below.

Descriptive research is defined as a research method that describes the characteristics of the

population or phenomenon that is being studied. This is kind of research structure which is concerned

with describing the characteristics of the problem. There are three ways a researcher can go about

doing a descriptive research project, and they are :-

 Observational: - It is defined as a method of viewing and recording the participants.

 Case study: - It is defined as in – depth study of an individual or group of individuals.

 Survey: - It is defined as a brief interview of discussion with an individual about a specific topic.

Descriptive research aims to describe a population, situation, or phenomenon accurately and

systematically. It can answer what, when, where and how questions, but not why questions.

 Type of research- In this project Descriptive Research has been used.


characterstics of population by using survey and case study based on secondary data under

descriptive design. This is a study that has not been done by both primary data and secondary data.

 Sources of primary collection were:

 Observation, QUESTIONNAIRE survey among the employees

Sources of secondary data collection


Secondary sources mean data collected by someone else earlier. Secondary data are the data collected by a

party not related to the research study but collected these data for some other purpose and at different

time in the past. If the researcher uses these data then these become secondary data for the current users.

Sources of secondary data are government publications websites, books, journal articles, internal records.

Secondary data collection maybe conducted by collecting information from a diverse source of documents

or electronically stored information, census and market studies are examples of a common sources of

secondary. This is also referred to as “data mining”.

 Published printed sources :-There are varieties of published printed sources. Their credibility

depends on many factors such as on the writer, publishing company, time and date when published.

New sources are preferred and old sources should be avoided as new technology and researches

bring new facts into light.

 Books: Books are available today on any topic that you want to research. Books are

secondary source but most authentic one in secondary sources.

 Journals: Firstly, it provides up-to-date information which at times books cannot and secondly,

journals can give information on the very specific topic on which you are researching rather talking

about more general topics.


RESEARCH METHOD: There are different methods ike sampling, census etc, as given below.

 SAMPLING-It refers to the act, process, or technique of selecting a suitable sample, or selecting a

representative part of the population for the purpose of determining parameters or characterstics of

the whole population. It has two types under it, namely Probability Sampling and Non-Probability

Sampling. Probabilty sampling involves random selection, allowing you to make strong statistical

inferences about the whole group and it is baisness free. However non-probability sampling involves

non-random selection based on conviniences or other criteria, allowing you to easily collect data.

 Population = My population includes all the employees currently working at SYNAPSEINDIA,

NOIDA. (250+)

 Sample size- 50

In my report, I have used the sampling method, under which the convinience sampling method has been

used in my report for all the data.



1. WhichofthesourcesofrecruitmentandselectionareusedinSYNAPSEINDIA, NOIDA.?

a. Internal

b. External

c. Both

Options No. of Responses

Internal 10%

External 35%
Both 55%

It was found that about 55% of the recruitment and selection is done both by internal and

external sources, while as external sources are used more than the internal sources.

Employees are hired mostly from external sources like job portals, consultancy etc.
internal external both

2. Which of the following external sources are used for recruitment in

a. Advertisement
b. Internet
c. Campus recruitment
d. Consultancies
e. All of the above

Options Advertisement

Advertisement 25

Internet 15
Campus drivers 10
Consultancy 40
All of above 10

It was found that 40% of the employees are recruited through the consultancies and 25% of

the employees are selected by the advertisement followed by internet with 15% and campus

selections with 10%. Consultancy and Internet are the major sources which provide eligible

candidates for the hiring in SYNAPSEINDIA.

PAGE|28 adv.
3. Which form of recruitment and selection is used in SYNAPSEINDIA?

a. Centralized

b. Decentralized

Options Percentage

Decentralized 90

Centralized 10


It was found that recruitment is decentralized. However, for higher positions of employment the

recruitment is centralized. Recruitment is decentralized as all the centres of SYNAPSEINDIA recruit

their employees according to the number of vacancies available in the respective centres.
4. Are you satisfied with the recruitment process?

a. Yes
b. No

Options Yes No Total

Percentage 80 20 100%


It was found that 90% of employees are satisfied with the recruitment processed

opted by SYNAPSEINDIA. However, some of the respondents thought there should

be some changes in the existing recruitment process of the organization

5. Which of the following methods does IIRIS CONSULTING PVT. LTD.
Uses during selection?

a. Written
b. Group discussion
c. Personal interview
d. Group discussion and personal interview
e. All of the above
Options Written GD PI GD All Total

Percentage 5 15 30 40 10 100%

INTERPRETATION- It was found that 40% of selection is done by Group Discussion

& Personal Interview. However, Personal Interview is mostly used method of

written GD PI GD and PI all of the above

selection followed by group discussion. Employees selected in SYNAPSEINDIA are

finally selected by a personal interview.

6. Are you satisfied with the selection process?

1. Yes
2. No

Options Yes No Total

Percentage 80 20 100%

INTERPRETATION- It was found that about 80 % of the employees are satisfied

with the selection process. However, the remaining is of the opinion that there

should be some change in the recruitment and selection process of the



7.Do you think innovative techniques like stress test, psychometric
test and personality test should be used for selection?

1. Yes
2. No

Options Yes No Total

Responses 4 16 20

Percentage 20 80 100%

INTERPRETATION-It was found that 20% of the respondents were of the opinion
that stress test, psychometric test and personality tests should be used for the
selection, while the others were satisfied with the existing recruitment and
selection process. Most of the employees in SYNAPSEINDIA are unaware of these
types of tests as they are mostly fresher’s.

Yes no
8.Howdo you rate HR practices of the company?

SNo. Options Inpercentage

1 Excellent 50%
2 Good 30%
3 Average 10%
4 Bad 10%
Total 100%

INTERPRETATION- 50% of the employees feel that HR department is good where and

30% say that its very good whereas 10% says its average and 10% employees feel it’s

bad. Some employees are not happy as they have to spend a little more time if they

have to take demo training sessions.

9. Is there any contract signed by employees while joining the organization?

1. Yes
2. No

SNo. Options In percentage

1. Yes 90%
2. No 10%
Total 100%

INTERPRETATION- Above chart shows that almost 10% employees said no and 90

% said yes they have to sign a bond while joining the organization. Employees have

to submit one of their original certificates in the time of their joining and they

cannot leave this company before one year. If the employees agree to these

conditions then they are moved to next round of interview.

10. Are you comfortable with the HR policies of the company?

a. Yes
b. No

S.No. Options In percentage

1. Yes 90%
2. No 10%
Total 100%

INTERPRETATION- It was found that 10% employees were not comfortable with the policies

of company and 90% employees are happily working with the current HR practices of the

company. Some of the employees were not comfortable with the policy as they find risk in

submitting their original documents to the company.



The collected data are analysed and general observations has proven that SYNAPASEINDIA has

done remarkable job in its Human Resource department.

The main findings are as follows:

 In SYNAPSEINDIA employees feel that the HR department is good.

 The recruitment and selection process is decentralized.

 About 90% of the employees are satisfied with the recruitment and selection


 Most of the managers prefer personal interviews.

 Mostly external sources of recruitment are considered.

 About 90% of employees feel that they are comfortable working with the current

HR policies of the company and 10% feel that they need some changes in the


 Recruitment must be done by analyzing the job firstly which will make it

easier and will be beneficial from the company’s point of view.

 More emphasis should be given on internet and advertisement so that

more and more candidates apply for the jobs and it will be easy to find the

right employee among them.

 The recruitment and selection procedure should not be too lengthy and

time consuming.

 Companyshouldtrytousetheinternalrecruitmentprocessfirstbecauseitincurs

less contradicts as a motivational factor to the employees.

 Provide training to employees so that they get better knowledge, skills and


 Company should amend some parts of their HR policies for better



Recruitment is the process of searching for prospective employees and stimulating and

encouraging them to apply for jobs in an organization. And Selection is selecting the

right candidate at the right time in the right place.

Employees of SYNAPSEINDIA are satisfied with the current/existing recruitment and

selection process. SYNAPSEINDIA is recruiting their employees mainly through

consultancies. Consultancies are the mediator between the organization and the

candidates as it serves the requirements of employees as well as the organization.

SYNAPSEINDIA recruits their employees in a decentralized way.

Also SYNAPSEINDIA has to consider internet sources for recruitment of employees so

that it could motivate the employees. Employees are also well aware about the various

sources and methods of recruitment and selection. SYNAPSEINDIA has to implement

innovative techniques in selection process like group discussion, stress interview, etc.


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 C.B.Gupta,(1996) Human Resource Management, Sultan Chand &


 K Ashwathapa, (1997) Human Resource and Personnel

Management, Tata Mc Graw Hill

 Dr. C.R. Kothari,(2008)Research Methodology

 Chris Duke,(2001) Recruiting the right staff

Q1. Which of the sources of recruitment and selection are used in SYNAPSEINDIA?

a. Internal

b. External

c. Both

Q2. Which of the following external sources are used for recruitment in


a. Advertisement

b. Internet

c. Campus recruitment

d. Consultancies

e. All of the above

Q3. Which form of recruitment and selection is used in SYNAPSEINDIA?

a. Centralized

b. Decentralized
Q4. Are you satisfied with the recruitment process?



Q5. Which of the following methods does SYNAPSEINDIA uses during selection?


2.Group discussion

3.Personal interview

4.Group discussion and personal interview

5.All of the above

Q6. Are you satisfied with the selection process?



Q7.Do you think innovative techniques like stress test, psychometric test and

personality test should be used for selection?


Q8. Does your company follow different recruitment process for different grades of




Q9. How do you rate HR practices of the company?


Q10. Is there any contract signed by employees while joining the organization?



Q11. Are you comfortable with the HR policies of the company?



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