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Kreano, Vol 13 (2) (2022): 269-282  269

Kreano Vol 13 (2) (2022): 269-282

Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif

The Students' Numerical Literacy Ability in Junior High Schools

Alimuddin1*, Saadah Layly2, Helmi2, and Nurul Fadhila Alimuddin1

1Universitas Negeri Makassar

2SMP Negeri 40 Makassar

Corresponding Author: alimuddin@unm.ac.id*

History Article
Received: July, 2022 Accepted: August, 2022 Published: December, 2022

This study aims to analyze the students’ numerical literacy ability in junior high schools
based on their status (accreditation and state/non-state schools). This study used the de-
scriptive quantitative method. The participants were 150 students randomly selected from
2 state junior high schools (SMPN) based on the accreditation levels (A & B) and 1 non-state
school (SMP). The instrument used was the modified result of the Numerical Literacy Abil-
ity test developed by the Center for Assessment and Learning (Pusmenjar) of the Ministry
of Education and Culture. The collected data were analyzed using descriptive statistics. The
research results indicated that: (1) the student’s numerical literacy skills in junior high
schools were low for all domains and tended to be very low in geometry; (2) at the L1 level,
students did not experience difficulties, but other levels did, especially L3; and (3) school
status had no significant effect on the students' numerical literacy skills.

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kemampuan literasi numerasi siswa di SMP ber-
dasarkan statusnya (akreditasi dan sekolah negeri/non negeri). Penelitian ini menggunakan
metode kuantitatif descriptive. Peserta tersebut merupakan 150 siswa yang dipilih secara
acak dari 2 SMPN Negeri (SMPN) berdasarkan jenjang akreditasi (A/B) dan 1 sekolah non
negeri (SMP). Instrumen yang digunakan merupakan hasil modifikasi dari uji Kemampuan Lit-
erasi Numerasi yang dikembangkan oleh Pusat Pengkajian dan Pembelajaran (Pusmenjar)
Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan. Data yang dikumpulkan dianalisis menggunakan
statistik deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) kemampuan literasi numerasi
siswa di sekolah menengah pertama rendah untuk semua domain dan cenderung sangat ren-
dah dalam geometri; (2) pada jenjang L1, siswa tidak mengalami kesulitan, tetapi jenjang lain
mengalami kesulitan, terutama L3; dan (3) status sekolah tidak berpengaruh signifikan ter-
hadap kemampuan literasi numerik siswa.

Keywords: Numerical Literacy Ability, Mathematical Literacy, Domain Coverage

© 2022, Kreano, Jurnal Matematika Kreatif-Inovatif. UNNES

p-ISSN: 2086-2334; e-ISSN: 2442-4218
270  Alimuddin, et al. The Students' Numerical Literacy Ability in Junior High Schools

INTRODUCTION of the sequence of whole numbers and

fractions, number operations (subtrac-
The assessment system of primary and tion, addition, and division), and the
secondary schools in Indonesia changed square of a maximum number of 3 digits.
in 2021. The Ministry of Education and The scope of the geometry and measure-
Culture of the Republic of Indonesia ment domains: Flat shapes, the use of pe-
(Kemdikbud) has revitalized the assess- rimeter and area, the concept of building
ment system for primary and secondary space, the use of volume, surface area,
education, from the National Examina- length, weight, time, discharge, velocity,
tion (UN) to the National Assessment acceleration, and standard units. Data
(AN) (Pusmenjar, 2020). The UN is individ- and uncertainty domain coverage: obtain-
ual/student-based, which determines stu- ing information, simple presentation, and
dents' graduation, while the AN is school- processing data (percentage, average
based which determines the quality of the etc.), weather forecast, economic model,
school. scientific. Coverage Domain algebra:
Minimum Competency Assessment equations and inequalities, relations and
(AKM) is one of the National Assessment functions, the pattern of numbers, ratios,
components. AKM contains three assess- and proportions. Cognitive process do-
ment components: numeracy, reading, mains: understanding (L1), application
and scientific literacy. The Numerical Lit- (L2), and reasoning (L3).
eracy Assessment aims to measure what School-based Minimum Compe-
students in grades V, IX, and XI already tency Assessment (AKM) is specified as a
know about mathematics and what they class-based Minimum Competency As-
can do with their mathematical know- sessment, which aims to measure the
ledge and tools. Numerical Literacy ques- quality of each class. The school-based
tions consist of 3 components: content, AKM assessment is developed by the Cen-
context, and cognitive processes. The ter for Assessment and Learning (Pus-
content consists of 4 domains: numbers, menjar) of The Ministry of Education and
measurement and geometry, data and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia
uncertainty, and algebra. The context (Kemdikbud). In contrast, class-based
consists of 3 domains: personal, socio-cul- AKM assessments are developed by
tural, and scientific. The personal context teachers at each school. AKM develop-
is characterized by personal activities, ment refers to the Program for Interna-
family activities, and groups; the socio- tional Student Assessment (PISA).
cultural context is characterized by the PISA is a study established by sev-
perspective or views of the local, national, eral developed countries globally mem-
and global community problems. The sci- bers of the Organization for Economic Co-
entific context focuses on the relationship operation and Development (OECD)
of mathematics to other sciences called based in Paris, France. PISA is conducted
extra mathematics and the relation of every three years by OECD. This PISA
mathematical concepts to other concepts monitors the results of the system from
in different subjects called intra-mathe- the point of view of student learning out-
matical. comes in each participating country,
Minimum Competency Assessment which includes three literacies: reading,
has several domains. The scope of the mathematical, and scientific literacies.
number domain: the representation of The general aim of PISA is to assess the
whole numbers and fractions, the nature extent to which 15-year-old students in
Kreano, Vol 13 (2) (2022): 269-282  271

OECD countries (and other countries) literacy focuses on students' ability to for-
have acquired the appropriate proficiency mulate, apply, and interpret mathematics
in reading, mathematics, and the sciences in various life contexts that incorporate
to make a significant contribution to their mathematical reasoning. Perdana & Sus-
society (OECD, 2009, 2019b, 2019a; wandari (2021) stated that numeracy liter-
Stacey, 2016). The aims, content, context, acy consists of three aspects, namely
and domain of PISA Mathematical Liter- counting, numeracy relations, and arith-
acy are the same as Numerical Literacy. metic.
The most basic difference is the cognitive Putra et al. (2016) explains that nu-
process. PISA math literacy has 6-level meracy literacy is very important because
questions, while Numerical Literacy has 3 it helps to understand the role of mathe-
levels of questions. matics in everyday life. The importance of
PISA results greatly influence the di- numeracy literacy skills can be observed
rection and policy of education in various through the following example, a student
countries. In 2013, the Indonesian Ministry learns the concept of multiplying integers
of Education and Culture changed the by integers. Two times three is six. The re-
KTSP curriculum (2006) to the 2013 curric- sult remains the same even though the
ulum. In the 2013 curriculum, the objec- question is replaced with three times two.
tives of mathematics taught at the junior However, it is different when adminis-
high school level are relevant to the PISA tered in a medication delivery situation.
mathematical literacy goals; namely, stu- The rule of two times three and three
dents can use their mathematical know- times two results in a different absorption
ledge to reason, think and analyze prob- effect. By mastering the concept of multi-
lems in various contexts, both in the con- plication of integers and good numeracy
text of mathematics, as well as contexts skills, students are able to explain the rea-
outside mathematics (culture, science, sons why the absorption effect of the
and the phenomena that occur around medication is different (Tyas & Pangesti,
them) (Ministry of National Education and 2018).
Culture, 2014). The PISA study published One of the efforts that can be made
by the OECD shows that Indonesian stu- to overcome the low of students’ mathe-
dents' mathematical literacy skills are still matical literacy skills is research. The re-
low. Indonesia's mathema-tical literacy search results can be used as a basis for
proficiency in 2015 was ranked 63 out of 70 making policies and improving the learn-
countries with an average score of 386, ing process in the classroom, which leads
while in 2018, it was ranked 73 out of 79 to the growth and development of stu-
countries with an average score of 379 dents' mathematical literacy or numeracy
(Tohir, 2019). Many things need to be re- literacy skills. Research related to mathe-
viewed to overcome this problem, includ- matical literacy has been carried out by
ing teacher quality, student learning re- several experts, including Alagumalai and
sources, evaluation system, community Buchdahl (2021); Bolstad (2020); Genc
support, and stakeholders or the govern- and Erbas (2020); Kübra and Cigdem
ment itself. (2019); Kusuma, Sukestiyarno, Wardono,
Literacy is a significant thing to note and Cahyono (2021); Ic and Tutak (2018);
since it is the initial ability that students Ozgen (2019); Retnawati and Wulandari
must possess for their future. Numerical
literacy is a person's ability to use reason-
ing (Ekowati et al., 2019). Numeracy
272  Alimuddin, et al. The Students' Numerical Literacy Ability in Junior High Schools

Table 1. Participant Profile

Participants Profile
The A-accredited 21 men, 29 women, teaching qualifications of undergraduate mathematics edu-
school cation, average school math score of 7.6, and 3 people taking math courses.
The B-accredited 19 men, 31 women, teaching qualifications of undergraduate mathematics edu-
school cation, average school math score of 7.4, and 1 person taking math courses.
27 men, 13 women, teaching qualifications of undergraduate mathematics edu-
Non-state school
cation, average math score of 7.8, and 5 people taking math courses.

(2019); Suciati, Sudji, Sugiman, and Febri- 1 (see Table 1).

yanti (2020). In general, their research did The instrument used in collecting
not map students' mathematical literacy data on the numerical literacy ability test
skills. This information is very important was modified from the test developed by
to be used as a foothold in making a policy the Center for Assessment and Learning
or reforming learning. Until now, there is (Pusmenjar) of the Ministry of Education
no research related to Numerical Literacy. and Culture. The modification was carried
For this reason, this study focused on ana- out on the context component, namely
lyzing the students’ numerical literacy adjusting to the culture or facts at the re-
ability in junior high schools based on their search site. Characteristics of Numerical
status (accreditation and state/non-state Literacy test: (1) The scope of the problem
schools). domains: numbers, flat shapes, space
shapes, equations and inequalities, rela-
METHOD tions and functions, ratios and propor-
tions, data and their representations, un-
This research was conducted in Makassar certainty, and opportunity. Each domain
City, South Sulawesi, Indonesia. This scope was made up of 1 theme, and each
study quantitatively described the charac- theme consisted of 3 levels of questions,
teristics, relationships, similarities, and namely understanding (L1), application
differences in students' numerical literacy (L2), and reasoning (L3), so the number of
abilities based on school status, domain questions is 24 items; (2) Multiple and
coverage, and level of questions for each multiple-complex choices. Multiple-
domain coverage. According to Sugiyono choice questions where only one answer
(2018) and Sukmadinata (2017), this type choice correct. If the answer was correct,
of research was descriptive research with it scored 1. If it was incorrect or unchosen,
a quantitative approach. it scored 0. Meanwhile, multiple-complex
The steps for selecting participants: choices could be more than one correct
(1) select 2 state junior high schools answer choice. It had 1 score if all the
(SMPN) based on the accreditation levels choices were correct and 0 if there was an
(A & B) and 1 non-state school (SMP); (2) incorrect choice or no choice. Thus, the
randomly select 1 school for each so that 3 maximum score was 24, and the minimum
schools were chosen; and (3) randomly se- was 0. Then, each score was converted to
lect 50 ninth-grade students at each se- 100. Table 2 shows one example of Nu-
lected junior high schools so that the total merical Literacy questions.
number of participants was 150 students.
The participants’ profile is shown in Table
Kreano, Vol 13 (2) (2022): 269-282  273

Table 2. An Example of One of the Numerical Literacy Tests (Algebra: Two-Variable System of Equations)
Context Question
1. Mr. Ridwan, who lives not far from the stall, ordered 1 package of
yellow rice with fried egg and chicken and 2 packages of mixed rice
with fried fish. The money that Mr. Ridwan had to spend was….
A. IDR 22,000.00 C. IDR 32,000.00
B. IDR 24,000.00 D. IDR 34,000.00
2. If Anwar order 1 complete yellow rice package containing yellow rice,
an egg, chicken and meat, the money that Anwar will spend is….
A. IDR 16,000.00 C. IDR 18,000.00
B. IDR 17,000.00 D. IDR 19,000.00
One of the yellow rice stalls on 3. Based on the information of the picture, is the following statement
the side of the East PAM Nipa- true (T) or false (F)?
nipa Makassar Inspection Axis The price of yellow rice is higher than the price of mixed B–F
road offers several menus and rice.
prices, as shown in the picture The comparison of fried chicken and egg prices is 2: 1. B–F
above. The stall owner also The price of fried chicken is the same as fried fish. B–F
serves a combination of available

After obtaining the results of the numeri- The students’ Numerical Literacy Skills of
cal literacy ability test, then data analysis Junior High Schools
was carried out using descriptive statistical
analysis techniques, namely by calculating Table 3 and figure 1 show that the stu-
the frequency, percentage, mean, median, dents' numerical literacy ability scores
mode, standard deviation, maximum were concentrated at intervals of 41-60
value, minimum value, and range to deter- from the ideal score of 100, and most stu-
mine the characteristics, relationships, dents got 50. The scores of other students
equations, and differences in students' nu- were spread to the extreme minimum
merical literacy abilities based on school score. There were 31% of students who
status, domain coverage, and question got below 41, and only 21% got scores of
level for each domain coverage. 61-88. No students scored above 88, and
the percentage of students who got less
RESULTS AND DICUSSION or the same 50 was greater than those
who scored above 50.

Table 3. Recapitulation of Descriptive Statistical Analysis Results of the Students' Numerical Literacy Ability
Interval Freq. Mean Median Mode SD Max. Min. Range
01-10 6 4
11-20 12 8
21-30 9 6
31-40 19 13
41-50 39 26
47 50 50 19 88 8 80
51-60 33 22
61-70 20 13
71-80 6 4
81-90 6 4
91-100 0 0
Total 150 100
274  Alimuddin, et al. The Students' Numerical Literacy Ability in Junior High Schools

Numerical Literacy





1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100

Figure 1. The Students’ Numerical Literacy Ability of Junior High Schools in Makassar City

The mean, median, and mode showed the first finding in this study was the stu-
that, in general, the score of students was dents’ numerical literacy ability in junior
50 or the mean score of 47. Based on data high schools was in a low category and
interpretation, it can be concluded that tended to be very low.

Table 4. Recapitulation of The Results of Descriptive Statistical Analysis of the Students’ Numerical Literacy
Ability of Junior High School Accredited A
Interval Freq. Mean Median Mode SD Max. Min. Range
01-10 2 4
11-20 4 8
21-30 3 6
31-40 6 12
41-50 11 22
48 50 50 20 88 8 80
51-60 11 22
61-70 8 16
71-80 3 6
81-90 2 4
91-100 0 0
Total 50 100

Table 5. Recapitulation of The Results of Descriptive Statistical Analysis of the Students’ Numerical Literacy
Ability of Junior High School Accredited B
Interval Freq. Mean Median Mode SD Max. Min. Range
01-10 2 4
11-20 4 8
21-30 3 6
31-40 7 14
41-50 15 30
48 50 50 20 88 8 80
51-60 10 20
61-70 6 12
71-80 1 2
81-90 2 4
91-100 0 0
Total 50 100
Kreano, Vol 13 (2) (2022): 269-282  275

Table 6. Recapitulation of the Results of Descriptive Statistical Analysis of the Students’ Numerical Literacy
Ability of Non-state Junior High School
Interval Freq. Percent Mean Median Mode SD Max Min Range
01-10 2 4
11-20 4 8
21-30 3 6
31-40 6 12
41-50 13 26
51-60 12 24
61-70 6 12
47 50 50 19 88 8 80
71-80 2 4
81-90 2 4
91-100 0 0
Amount 50 100

Numerical Literacy
1-10 11-20 21-30 31-40 41-50 51-60 61-70 71-80 81-90 91-100

Picture 2. The Students’ Numerical Literacy Ability of the three Junior High School.

The Students’ Numerical Literacy Ability of accredited school data) show that stu-
Junior High Schools in Terms of School Sta- dents' numerical literacy ability scores
tus were concentrated in the intervals of 41-
60 (50%) from the ideal score of 100. Most
Table 4 and Figure 2 (the A-accredited of the students got 50. The scores of other
school data) show that students' numeri- students were spread to the extreme min-
cal literacy ability scores were concen- imum score. There were 82% of students
trated at 41-60 (44%) from the ideal score got 60 or equal, and only 18% got more
of 100. Most students got 50, and the than 60. None of the students got a score
scores of other students were spread out above 88. The percentage of students
at the extreme minimum score. There who scored less or equal to 50 was greater
were 74% of students who got less or than those who scored above 50. The
equal to 60, and only 26% scored above mean, median, and mode indicated that
60—none of the students scored above students' scores were generally concen-
88. The percentage of students who trated at 50 or around the average score
scored less or the same 50 was greater of 48.
than those who scored above 50. The Table 6 and Figure 2 (the non-state
mean, median, and mode indicated that, school data) show that students' numeri-
in general, student scores centered cal literacy ability scores were concen-
around 50 or the mean score of 48. trated at 41-60 (50%) from the ideal score
Table 5 and Figure 2 (the B- of 100. Most of the students got a score of
276  Alimuddin, et al. The Students' Numerical Literacy Ability in Junior High Schools

50. The scores of other students were The Students’ Numerical Literacy Ability of
spread out at the extreme minimum score Junior High Schools in Terms of Domain
that 80% of students got less or equal to a Coverage
score of 60. Based on the data interpreta-
tion, it was concluded that the second Table 7 and Figure 3 show that 27% to 44%
finding in this study was no difference in of students scored 0 for each domain cov-
the students’ numerical literacy ability in erage. The highest percentage of stu-
terms of school status. In other words, dents was 44% in the geometry domain
there was no significant difference in the coverage, and the smallest was 27% in the
students’ numerical literacy abilities of number domain coverage. The figure also
the A and B accredited junior high schools illustrated that 32% to 41% of students
and non-state junior high schools. got 1 for each domain coverage. The high-
est percentage of students was 41% in the
scope of the geometry domain, and the
smallest was 32% in the scope of the un-
certainty and opportunity domain.

Table 7. Numerical Literacy Ability Frequency in Terms of Domain Coverage (CAD)

Material Coverage 0 1 2 3
Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %
Number (BL) 27 18 57 38 39 26 27 18
Two-dimensional Figure (BD) 32 21 52 35 40 27 26 17
Geometry (BR) 44 29 61 41 32 21 13 9
Equations & Inequalities (PP) 29 19 58 39 32 21 31 21
Relation and Function (RF) 28 19 57 38 36 24 29 19
Ratio and Proportion (RP) 32 21 54 36 33 22 31 21
Data and Representation (DR) 30 20 51 34 34 23 35 23
Uncertainty and Opportunity (KPP) 34 23 48 32 38 25 30 20

Table 8. Descriptive Statistical Analysis of Numerical Literacy Ability in Terms of Domain Coverage (CAD)
Domain Coverage Mean Median Mode SDV Max Min Range
Number (BL) 1.44 1 1 0.9 3 0 3
Two-dimensional Figure (BD) 1.40 1 1 1 3 0 3
Geometry (BR) 1.1 1 1 0.9 3 0 3
Equations & Inequalities (PP) 1.43 1 1 1 3 0 3
Relation and Function (RF) 1.5 1 1 1 3 0 3
Ratio and Proportion (RP) 1.46 1 1 1 3 0 3
Data and Representation (DR) 1.48 1 1 1 3 0 3
Uncertainty and Opportunity (KPP) 1.49 1 1 1 3 0 3

Picture 3. The Students' Numerical Literacy Ability reviewed by Domain coverage

Kreano, Vol 13 (2) (2022): 269-282  277

While there were 21% to 26% of students score of 3. The highest average score was
scored 2 for each domain coverage. The the relation and function domain cover-
highest percentage of students was 26% age, and the smallest was in the geometry
in the number domain coverage, and the domain, which was 1.1. The numerical lit-
smallest student percentage was 21% in eracy Score of each scope was centered
the equation and inequalities domain cov- on a score of 1. Based on the data interpre-
erage. There were 9% to 23% of students tation, it can be concluded that the third
who got a score of 3 for each domain cov- finding in this study was the literacy ability
erage. The highest percentage was 23% of students' numeracy for each domain
(the data and its representation domain), was low, and the very lowest was the ge-
and the smallest was 9% (geometry do- ometry domain.
Table 8 and Figure 3 indicate that
the average score for each domain cover-
age lies in the interval 1-1.5, from the ideal

Table 9. Frequency of Numerical Literacy Ability in Terms of Question Level

Question Level
Score interval Understanding (L1) Application (L2) Reasoning (L3)
Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %
1-10 0 0 6 4 22 14.7
11-20 1 0.7 22 14.7 55 36.7
21-30 23 15.3 22 14.7 47 31.3
31-40 0 0 29 19.3 16 10.6
41-50 6 4 32 21.3 3 2
51-60 0 0 0 0 0 0
61-70 9 6 15 10 4 2.7
71-80 28 18.7 15 10 3 2
81-90 15 10 9 6 0 0
91-100 68 45.3 0 0 0 0
Total 150 100 150 100 150 100

Table 10. Descriptive Statistical Analysis of Numerical Literacy Ability in Terms of Question Level
Question level Mean Median Mode SDV Max. Min. Range
Understanding (L1) 78 88 100 27 100 13 88
Application (L2) 42 38 50 23 88 0 88
Reasoning (L3) 21 13 12 15 75 0 75

Picture 4. Students' Numerical Literacy Ability Based on Question Level

278  Alimuddin, et al. The Students' Numerical Literacy Ability in Junior High Schools

The Students' Numerical Literacy Skills of representation.

Junior High School in Terms of Question The second finding in this study was
Level no significant difference in the students'
numerical literacy abilities based on their
Tables 9 and 10 and Figure 4 show the school status. Several people assumed
question level of the students' numerical that the quality of schools was deter-
literacy skills in Junior High Schools. Only mined mainly by school accreditation.
7 students scored in the interval 51-100, There was also a growing dichotomy be-
and no (0%) students scored above 80. Ta- tween state and non-state schools. This
ble 10 indicated that the data concen- study indicated that state schools with A
trated on a score of 13 or around the aver- and B accreditation and non-state schools
age score of 21. In general, the students needed to revitalize learning, leading to
got a score of 12. The scores of other stu- the growth and development of the stu-
dents were spread over the minimum ex- dents' numerical literacy skills. One of the
treme score, i.e., 77 (51%) students scored factors causing the low ability of mathe-
below 20. Based on data analysis, the matical literacy was the learning process
fourth finding of this research indicated (Hawa, 2014).
that the students' numerical literacy abil- The third finding of this study was
ity at the L1 level was the highest com- that students had difficulty completing
pared to the other levels. The students' numerical literacy related to geometry.
numerical literacy abilities of the L2 and This result was relevant to the findings of
L3 level questions were low and very low, Budiarto (2009); Dirgantoro (2019); Mu-
respectively. hassanah, Sujadi, and Riyadi (2014); and
Roskawati, Ikhsan, and Juandi (2015). Fac-
Discussion tors causing students difficulty in solving
geometric problems were in the context
The first finding in this study was that the of geometry, concept formation was a
literacy skills of junior high school stu- complex process due to figural (percep-
dents were low and tended to be very low. tual) and conceptual (cognitive) aspects
This result was in line with the research’s (Duval, 1995; Fischbein, 1993). There was
findings of Rakhmawati, Budiyono, and the potential for cognitive conflict be-
Saputro (2019), which found that the abil- tween the perceptual and conceptual un-
ity of students to use their mathematical derstanding of a concept. If students
knowledge in solving contextual problems looked at the attributes of a geometric
was very low. In addition, the results of figure, they might not distinguish be-
the PISA publication indicated that Indo- tween critical and non-critical attributes
nesia's Mathematical Literacy Proficiency due to incompatible interactions between
in 2015 was ranked 63 out of 70 countries the concept image and the concept defi-
with an average score of 386, while in nition (Tall & Vinner, 1981; Vinner, 2011).
2018, it was ranked 73 out of 79 countries The fourth finding of this research
with an average score of 379 (Tohir, 2019). was that students had difficulty solving
This ability was a weakness of junior high Numerical Literacy problems at the rea-
school students (Aini & Siswono, 2014; soning level (L3). This finding was in line
Hawa, 2014). Thus, completing the Nu- with Edo, Putri, & Hartono, 2013; Ministry
merical Literacy test requires the ability of Education and Culture, 2013; Stacey,
to: interpret context, interpretation, 2011; Wijaya, Heuvel-Panhuizen, Door-
mathematization, connection, and man, & Robitzsch, 2014. The reasoning
Kreano, Vol 13 (2) (2022): 269-282  279

was a widespread concern in designing problems (Hidayati & Widodo, 2015).

mathematics curricula worldwide because
it was very important for every individual CONCLUSSION
to solve the problems at hand. One of the
goals of learning mathematics was to de- Based on the results of the research and
velop students' reasoning abilities and discussion, it can be concluded that: (1)
was seen as the main effort to reform The student’s numerical literacy skills in
mathematics learning (Anisa, 2015; Minis- junior high schools were low for all do-
try of National Education, 2006; Safrida, mains and tended to be very low in geom-
Asari, & Sisworo, 2016). Napitupulu, etry, (2) At the L1 level, students did not
Suryadi, and Kusumah (2016) stated that experience difficulties, but other levels
there were four indicators that a student did, especially L3; this result indicated
was reasoning, namely: (a) Making logical that students' abilities were only limited
conclusions; (b) providing an explanation to answering questions if all relevant in-
of the model, facts, properties, relation- formation and questions were clearly de-
ships, or existing patterns; (c) Making alle- fined or interpreted and recognized situa-
gations and evidence; and (d) Using rela- tions in contexts that required direct con-
tionship patterns to analyze situations, clusions, (3) school status had no signifi-
make analogies, or generalize. This opin- cant effect on the students' numerical lit-
ion suggested that reasoning ability was eracy skills, for this reason, it was neces-
closely related to logical, analytical, and sary to revitalize the mathematics learn-
critical thinking patterns. Through good ing process in schools. The limitations of
reasoning, a person would be able to draw this study were as follows: (1) Participants
conclusions or decisions related to his/her were only from the city, so it was neces-
daily life. Someone with low reasoning sary to develop participants in the re-
ability would always have difficulty in gions; (2) statistical analysis used was only
dealing with various problems, because of descriptive statistics, so it was needed to
the inability to connect the facts to get a be developed with inferential analysis;
conclusion. Therefore, reasoning should and (3) the results obtained were still in
be developed in everyone. According to the quantitative description, it needed to
Tukaryanto, Hendikawati, and Nugroho be examined more deeply with qualitative
(2018), students need reasoning abilities research.
because mathematical reasoning affects This research was to analyze the nu-
students' absorption of the mathematical merical literacy ability of junior high
material being studied. Students who had school students. Recommendations for
good reasoning abilities understood education practitioners are important to
mathematical material, and vice versa, consider the results of this study as a basis
students with low mathematical reason- for reforming learning in school. The fol-
ing abilities found it difficult to under- lowing research recommendation is to an-
stand. Reasoning ability can be developed alyze elementary students' numeracy lit-
by getting students used to working on eracy skills and students' errors in solving
non-routine problems (Hidayati & problems.
Widodo, 2015). For this reason, the teach-
ers’ role was central in developing stu- Acknowledgments
dents' reasoning abilities. Reasoning abil-
ity could be developed by getting stu- We are very grateful to the Revitalization
dents used to working on non-routine Program 2021 of the Manpower Educa-
tion Institute of Teacher Training (LPTK)
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