Report CMWP Model

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In the realm of modern organizational management, the integration of advanced technologies has
become indispensable, facilitating enhanced efficiency and accuracy across various operational
domains. This report presents a comprehensive exploration into the development and implementation
of a cutting-edge predictive employee promotion tool, aimed at revolutionizing human resources
practices within organizations. Traditional methods of assessing employee suitability for advancement
have often been plagued by subjectivity and limited data utilization, resulting in suboptimal
outcomes. Leveraging state-of-the-art predictive analytics and machine learning techniques, our
project endeavors to address these shortcomings by harnessing a rich array of employee data points,
including performance metrics, skills assessments, tenure records, and training histories. Through
meticulous analysis and model refinement, our tool aims to provide HR professionals with actionable
insights to streamline decision-making processes and align promotions with organizational goals.
Furthermore, the tool serves as a vital resource for succession planning, ensuring seamless transitions
and minimizing operational disruptions. By empowering HR teams with data-driven intelligence and
fostering a culture of meritocracy, our project seeks to drive tangible improvements in workforce
management practices, thereby bolstering organizational resilience and competitiveness in today's
dynamic business landscape.


In our project for predictive employee promotion, we employ a suite of powerful tools and
technologies to deliver a comprehensive solution. Python serves as the backbone, facilitating seamless
integration of essential libraries such as Pandas for data manipulation, NumPy for numerical
computing, and scikitlearn for implementing the RandomForest algorithm. To handle categorical
variables effectively, we utilize label and ordinal encoders, while the train-test split function ensures
robust evaluation of our model's performance. Furthermore, feature scaling is applied using the scaler
function to enhance model convergence. Beyond model development, our project extends to web
application deployment using Flask, with HTML and CSS for frontend design, offering users an
intuitive interface for interaction. Through the harmonious integration of these tools, our project aims
to empower organizations with actionable insights, optimizing talent management practices and
decision-making processes.

1.1.1 PYTHON

Python, a tool renowned for its simplicity, versatility, and expansive library ecosystem, was developed
in the late 1980s by Guido van Rossum, a Dutch programmer. Its genesis occurred at the Centrum
Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI) in the Netherlands, where van Rossum was working at the time. The
language's design philosophy prioritizes readability and ease of use, evident in its clear syntax and


straightforward structure. Over the years, Python has evolved into one of the most popular
programming languages globally, thanks to its robustness, scalability, and cross-domain applicability.
Its development has been shepherded by a vibrant community of contributors, who continue to refine
and enhance its capabilities, ensuring its relevance in a rapidly evolving technological landscape.

1.1.2 PYTHON 3

Python 3 represents a significant milestone in the evolution of the Python programming language,
introducing fundamental improvements and modernizations over its predecessor, Python 2. Released
in 2008, Python 3 aimed to address inconsistencies and limitations in the language while laying the
groundwork for future innovation and growth. One of the most notable changes in Python 3 is its
focus on improving Unicode support, which ensures better handling of text and character encodings
across different systems and languages. Additionally, Python 3 introduced new syntax enhancements,
such as the print function becoming a built-in function and the introduction of type hints, promoting
code clarity and maintainability. Moreover, Python 3 enforced stricter rules regarding integer division,
making it more intuitive and predictable. With each subsequent release within the Python 3.x series,
including versions like 3.5, 3.6, 3.7, 3.8, and the latest, Python 3.9, the language continues to evolve,
incorporating new features, optimizations, and improvements to enhance developer productivity and
code quality. As Python 2 reached its end-of-life in 2020, Python 3 has become the de facto standard
for new Python projects, reflecting its ongoing relevance and maturity in the programming


Streamlit, a powerful and intuitive web application framework for Python, enables developers to
create interactive and data-driven applications effortlessly. With its user-friendly interface and
declarative syntax, Streamlit streamlines the process of building web apps, allowing for rapid
prototyping and seamless deployment. Unlike Flask, which focuses on server-side logic, Streamlit
emphasizes simplicity and interactivity, making it ideal for data visualization, machine learning
models, and dashboard applications. Leveraging Streamlit's built-in widgets and components,
developers can easily create dynamic user interfaces with minimal code, reducing development time
and complexity. Additionally, Streamlit's integration with popular data science libraries like Pandas
and Matplotlib further enhances its capabilities, enabling developers to leverage existing tools and
workflows seamlessly. Whether creating interactive dashboards, exploring data sets, or deploying
machine learning models, Streamlit empowers developers to build compelling web applications with
ease, making it a preferred choice for data scientists and developers in the Python ecosystem.



The machine learning architecture defines the various layers involved in the machine learning cycle
and involves the major steps being carried out in the transformation of raw data into training data sets
capable for enabling the decision making of a system. Machine Learning architecture is defined as the
subject that has evolved from the concept of fantasy to the proof of reality. As earlier machine
learning approach for pattern recognitions has lead foundation for the upcoming major artificial
intelligence program. Based upon the different algorithm that is used on the training data machine
learning architecture is categorized into three types i.e. Supervised Learning, Unsupervised Learning,
and Reinforcement Learning and the process involved in this architecture are Data Acquisition, Data
Processing, Model Engineering, Excursion, and Deployment.


In supervised learning, the training data used for is a mathematical model that consists of both inputs
and desired outputs. Each corresponding input has an assigned output which is also known as a
supervisory signal. Through the available training matrix, the system is able to determine the
relationship beteen the input and output and employ the same in subsequent inputs post-training to
determine the corresponding output. The supervised learning can further be broadened into
classification and regression analysis based on the output criteria. Classification analysis is presented
when the outputs are restricted in nature and limited to a set of values. However, regression analysis
defines a numerical range of values for the output. Examples of supervised learning are seen in face
detection, speaker verification systems. Unsupervised Learning

Unlike supervised learning, unsupervised learning uses training data that does not contain output. The
unsupervised learning identifies relation input based on trends, commonalities, and the output is
determined on the basis of the presence/absence of such trends in the user input. Reinforcement Training

This is used in training the system to decide on a particular relevance context using various
algorithms to determine the correct approach in the context of the present state. These are widely used
in training gaming portals to work on user inputs accordingly.



A predictive modelling or machine learning project involves leveraging historical data to develop
models capable of making predictions about future outcomes. By analyzing the statistics of a dataset,
such as its distribution, variance, and correlation between variables, insights can be gleaned to inform
the modelling process. Techniques from statistics and machine learning are then applied to build
predictive models that can generalize patterns observed in the data to make accurate predictions on
new, unseen instances. These models can range from simple linear regression models to more
complex algorithms like decision trees, random forests, or neural networks, depending on the nature
of the data and the prediction task at hand. Through iterative experimentation and evaluation, the
predictive modelling process aims to optimize model performance and ensure robustness in making
predictions. Ultimately, predictive modelling projects offer valuable insights and predictions that can
inform decision-making processes and drive actionable outcomes in various domains, from finance
and healthcare to marketing and beyond.


• Finance: Credit risk assessment, fraud detection, stock market prediction.
• Healthcare: Disease diagnosis, patient prognosis, personalized treatment planning.
• Marketing: Customer segmentation, churn prediction, targeted marketing campaigns.
• Manufacturing: Predictive maintenance, quality control, supply chain optimization.
• Retail: Demand forecasting, inventory management, pricing optimization.
• Telecommunications: Customer churn prediction, network optimization, service quality
• Energy: Load forecasting, equipment maintenance scheduling, renewable energy
• Human Resources: Employee turnover prediction, talent acquisition, workforce planning.
• Agriculture: Crop yield prediction, pest detection, soil health monitoring.


In the development of the cricket match winning prediction tool, Scikit-learn played a crucial role in
machine learning tasks such as model training, evaluation, and prediction. Leveraging Scikit-learn's
diverse range of machine learning algorithms, including logistic regression, decision trees, random
forests, and more, facilitated the exploration of various modeling approaches for the cricket match
winning prediction problem. These algorithms were applied to the dataset to discern patterns and


relationships between match attributes and match outcomes. Scikit-learn optimized the parameters of
each algorithm during model training to enhance predictive performance. Following this, model
evaluation techniques such as cross-validation and performance metrics like accuracy, precision, and
recall were employed to gauge the efficacy of each model. Ultimately, the trained models were
utilized for prediction on new match data, enabling cricket analysts to make informed decisions
regarding match outcomes based on the model's predictions. PANDAS

Pandas played a pivotal role in the data manipulation and preprocessing tasks within the cricket match
winning prediction tool. Leveraging its robust DataFrame and Series data structures, Pandas
facilitated the reading, cleaning, filtering, and transformation of the match dataset. It offered a
seamless interface for loading data from diverse sources, such as CSV files or databases, and
organizing it into a structured format for analysis. Pandas' capabilities for handling missing data,
duplicate entries, and outliers ensured data integrity and quality throughout the preprocessing
pipeline. Additionally, Pandas enabled exploratory data analysis by providing descriptive statistics,
summary tables, and visualizations, empowering cricket analysts to gain insights into the dataset's
characteristics and distributions before modeling. NUMPY

NumPy played a fundamental role in managing numerical computations and array operations within
the cricket match winning prediction tool. Its multidimensional array data structure, ndarray, acted as
the cornerstone for efficiently storing and manipulating match data. NumPy arrays were employed to
conduct diverse numerical operations, including arithmetic computations, statistical calculations, and
linear algebra operations, essential for data preprocessing and analysis. Additionally, NumPy
seamlessly integrated with other libraries such as Pandas and Scikit-learn, fostering smooth
interoperability and augmenting the overall functionality of the predictive modeling pipeline. Matplotlib and Seaborn:

Matplotlib and Seaborn played a pivotal role in visualizing and analyzing the dataset within the
cricket match winning prediction tool. Matplotlib offered an extensive range of plotting functions,
enabling the creation of diverse static, interactive, and high-quality visualizations. These
visualizations, including plots, histograms, scatter plots, and more, enabled cricket analysts to explore
relationships between different variables and understand the characteristics of the match data.
Seaborn, leveraging Matplotlib's capabilities, provided additional functionalities for statistical data


visualization, offering specialized plots for investigating relationships between variables, such as
scatter plots with regression lines, pair plots, and heatmaps. Through the combined capabilities of
Matplotlib and Seaborn, cricket analysts effectively communicated insights and findings from the
dataset, facilitating data-driven decision-making regarding match outcomes.


A classifier in machine learning is an algorithm designed to assign labels or categories to input data
based on its features. Essentially, it's a function that takes input data and maps it to one of several
predefined classes. In the cricket match winning prediction project, the classifier aims to analyze
historical match data, including factors like team performance metrics, player statistics, match venue,
and weather conditions, to predict the likelihood of a given team winning a match. By learning from
past match outcomes and match attributes, classifiers uncover patterns and relationships that correlate
with match results. This enables the tool to make predictions for new, unseen matches, providing
cricket analysts with valuable insights to support their decision-making process regarding match
outcomes. Common classifiers used in this project may include logistic regression, decision trees,
random forests, or support vector machines (SVM), among others, each selected for its strengths and
suitability for the prediction task. Overall, classifiers play a pivotal role in automating decision-
making processes and enhancing objectivity in predicting cricket match outcomes.


Random Forest is a robust ensemble learning algorithm that amalgamates multiple decision trees to
make predictions. In the cricket match winning prediction project, Random Forest plays a vital role in
analyzing historical match data and forecasting the likelihood of a team winning a match. By
harnessing the collective knowledge of multiple decision trees, Random Forest can capture intricate
relationships and interactions between various match attributes, such as team performance metrics,
player statistics, match venue, and weather conditions. This ensemble approach helps alleviate
overfitting and enhances the resilience and generalization ability of the predictive model.
Furthermore, Random Forest offers valuable insights into the importance of different features in
predicting match outcomes through feature importance analysis. This information can assist cricket
analysts in discerning which factors significantly influence match results and guide their decision-
making process. Overall, Random Forest augments the accuracy and reliability of predictions in the
cricket match winning prediction tool, contributing to more informed and objective decisions
regarding match outcomes.



Architecture development is a systematic process of designing the structure, components, and

interactions of a system or project to meet specific requirements and objectives. In the context of the
employee promotion prediction project, architecture development involves creating a framework that
outlines how data flows through the system, how different components interact with each other, and
how the overall system is deployed and maintained.


The methodology for the cricket match winning prediction project involves several key steps. Firstly,
historical data on match attributes and outcomes are collected from various sources such as cricket
databases or sports statistics websites. Following this, the dataset undergoes preprocessing to handle
missing values, outliers, and feature engineering. Exploratory data analysis (EDA) is then conducted
to gain insights into the dataset's characteristics, including team performance metrics, player statistics,
match venue, and weather conditions. Next, appropriate machine learning algorithms such as logistic
regression, decision trees, or random forests are selected, trained, and evaluated using techniques like
cross-validation. Model performance is assessed using metrics like accuracy and F1 score, and fine-
tuning is performed to optimize model parameters. Once trained, the model is deployed into the
organization's infrastructure or cricket analytics platform for real-time match predictions. Continuous
monitoring and validation ensure the model's accuracy and effectiveness over time, ultimately
improving decision-making processes regarding cricket match outcomes. DATA COLLECTION

Data collection is a pivotal component of the architecture, entailing the accumulation of historical
match data from various sources such as cricket databases, sports analytics platforms, and match
statistics repositories (Kaggle). It is imperative that data collection mechanisms guarantee data
integrity, privacy, and compliance with regulations governing sensitive information. Robust protocols
should be established to handle data securely, ensuring that personally identifiable information (PII) is
appropriately anonymized or masked. By gathering comprehensive and high-quality data, analysts
can construct predictive models that offer valuable insights into cricket match outcomes. DATA PREPROCESSING

Once collected, the raw match data undergoes preprocessing to clean and prepare it for analysis. This
involves handling missing values, outliers, and inconsistencies in the data. Techniques such as
imputation, outlier detection, and data normalization are applied to enhance the quality and usability


of the dataset. Additionally, categorical variables related to teams, players, or match venues may be
encoded using techniques such as one-hot encoding or label encoding to make them suitable for
modeling. Data preprocessing lays the foundation for effective analysis and ensures that the predictive
models built upon the processed data yield accurate and reliable results for predicting cricket match

Feature engineering is a critical step in the architecture, where relevant features are extracted or
created from the preprocessed match data to improve model performance. This involves identifying
and selecting features that are most predictive of cricket match outcomes. Techniques such as
dimensionality reduction (e.g., principal component analysis), feature scaling, and the creation of new
composite features based on domain knowledge are applied to enhance the predictive power of the
models. By engineering informative features, analysts can build more accurate and robust predictive
models that capture the underlying patterns in the cricket match data. MODEL DEVELOPMENT

In the model development stage, machine learning models are trained on the preprocessed and
engineered match data to predict cricket match outcomes. This involves selecting appropriate
algorithms, such as logistic regression, decision trees, or random forests, based on the characteristics
of the dataset and the prediction task. The data is typically split into training and testing sets, with the
former used to train the models and the latter used to evaluate their performance. Hyperparameters of
the models are tuned using techniques like grid search or random search to optimize their
performance. Model evaluation metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, and F1 score are used to
assess the effectiveness of the trained models in predicting cricket match outcomes. MODEL DEPLOYMENT

Once trained and evaluated, the models are deployed into the organization's infrastructure to make
realtime predictions. This involves setting up application programming interfaces (APIs), web
services, or integrating the models into existing applications used by HR professionals. Model
deployment ensures that the predictive models are readily accessible and operational, enabling HR
professionals to make informed decisions regarding employee promotions based on the model

Continuous monitoring of model performance and data quality is crucial to ensure the accuracy and


reliability of predictions over time in cricket match winning prediction. Monitoring systems track
various performance metrics and detect anomalies, drift, or degradation in model performance,
triggering retraining or updating of the models as necessary. Additionally, regular maintenance of the
deployed models involves updating them with new match data and retraining them periodically to
ensure their effectiveness. By proactively monitoring and maintaining the models, cricket analysts can
ensure that the predictive models remain relevant and aligned with evolving match dynamics and
performance trends. FEEDBACK LOOP

Establishing a feedback loop is crucial for gathering insights and feedback from users and
stakeholders regarding the performance and usability of the predictive models and architecture in
cricket match winning prediction. This feedback informs iterative improvements to the models and
architecture, ensuring alignment with business objectives and user needs. By soliciting feedback from
cricket analysts, team managers, and other stakeholders, organizations can continuously enhance the
accuracy, relevance, and usability of the predictive models and architecture, driving greater value and
impact for the team's performance analysis and decision-making processes.



The system study serves as the foundational phase of any project, providing a comprehensive
understanding of the existing system, its shortcomings, and the requirements for the proposed
solution. In the context of the cricket match winning prediction project, the system study involves a
thorough examination of the current processes and practices related to match prediction within the
organization or cricket analytics domain. This includes identifying the methods used for analyzing
match data, the criteria for predicting match outcomes, and any challenges or inefficiencies
encountered in the existing system. Additionally, the system study aims to gather feedback from


stakeholders such as cricket analysts, team managers, and players to understand their perspectives and
requirements for a predictive modeling solution. By conducting a systematic system study, the project
team can gain valuable insights to inform the design and development of an effective cricket match
winning prediction system that addresses the organization's needs and objectives.


In the initial phase of the project, a comprehensive feasibility study was conducted to assess the
viability and potential success of implementing the cricket match winning prediction system. This
study aimed to evaluate various aspects of the proposed system to determine its economic, behavioral,
technical, operational, and legal feasibility. The findings of this study provided valuable insights into
the feasibility of the project, guiding decision-making and planning throughout the development


Economic feasibility serves as a critical criterion for evaluating the effectiveness and viability of
implementing the cricket match winning prediction system. A thorough cost-benefit analysis was
conducted to assess whether the anticipated benefits of the system outweighed the associated costs.
The analysis considered factors such as the cost of development and implementation, potential
revenue generation, and long-term profitability. Based on the findings, it was determined that the
proposed system offered economically favorable outcomes, making it a feasible investment for the
organization or cricket analytics domain.


Behavioural feasibility examines the potential impact of the proposed system on user
behavior and acceptance. An assessment was made of how users, particularly cricket
analysts and team managers, would respond to the introduction of the new system. It
was found that the system's ability to streamline match analysis processes and provide
accurate predictions garnered positive feedback from users. The proposed system was
perceived as user-friendly and beneficial, minimizing resistance to change and ensuring
behavioral feasibility within the cricket analytics domain.


Technical feasibility focuses on evaluating the system's capability to meet functional requirements,
performance expectations, and technological constraints. The analysis assessed the system's


functionality, performance, and compatibility with existing infrastructure within the cricket match
winning prediction domain. It was determined that the proposed system could efficiently handle and
process match data using appropriate software tools, generate accurate predictions, and seamlessly
integrate with existing cricket analytics platforms, demonstrating its technical feasibility.


Operational feasibility assesses the practicality and usability of the proposed system within the
organization's operational context, particularly in the realm of cricket match winning prediction. A
thorough evaluation was conducted to determine whether the system could be effectively
implemented and utilized by cricket analysts and team managers. It was found that the proposed
system's user-friendly interface, ease of use, and minimal training requirements ensured operational
feasibility. Users expressed confidence in the system's ability to enhance operational efficiency and
decision-making processes within the cricket analytics domain.


Legal feasibility examines potential legal issues, risks, and compliance requirements associated with
the development and implementation of the proposed system. The analysis identified any legal
constraints, such as contractual obligations, liability concerns, or regulatory requirements, that could
impact the project. It was determined that the proposed system adhered to relevant laws, regulations,
and industry standards, ensuring legal compliance and mitigating potential legal risks.


In the existing system for cricket match prediction, the process is often manual and relies heavily on
subjective evaluations by analysts and team managers. Typically, decisions regarding match
predictions are based on limited data and subjective judgments, which can lead to inconsistencies,
biases, and inefficiencies in the prediction process. Evaluation criteria may vary between analysts,
leading to discrepancies in match predictions across different cricket teams or tournaments.
Additionally, the manual nature of the process can be time-consuming and resource-intensive,
requiring significant manpower to collect, review, and analyze match data. Overall, the existing
system lacks efficiency, objectivity, and scalability, hindering the organization's ability to make
informed and data-driven match predictions..


The proposed system for cricket match winning prediction aims to address the shortcomings of the
existing system by leveraging data-driven analytics and machine learning techniques. In the proposed


system, historical match data, including team performance metrics, player statistics, match venue,
weather conditions, and other relevant factors, are collected and analyzed to develop predictive
models for cricket match outcomes. Machine learning algorithms, such as logistic regression, decision
trees, or random forests, are trained on the data to predict the likelihood of a team winning a match
based on various attributes. The system provides objective and consistent evaluation criteria, reducing
biases and inconsistencies in match prediction decisions. Additionally, the automated nature of the
system streamlines the match prediction process, saving time and resources for cricket analysts and
team managers. By implementing the proposed system, cricket organizations can make more
informed, transparent, and accurate match prediction decisions, leading to improved team
performance and strategic planning.

2.4 Techniques for System Study

System study techniques play a crucial role in gaining valuable insights for the development of an
effective cricket match winning prediction system. One of the primary techniques is conducting
interviews with cricket analysts, team managers, and players to understand their perspectives on the
current match prediction process. These interviews delve into the criteria used for match predictions,
challenges faced, and desired improvements, providing qualitative insights into the existing system's
strengths and weaknesses.

Additionally, questionnaires can be distributed to a wider audience to gather feedback on various

aspects of the promotion process. This quantitative approach helps in quantifying opinions and
identifying common themes or concerns among stakeholders. Moreover, observation of the current
promotion process in action provides firsthand insights into bottlenecks, inconsistencies, and areas for
improvement, allowing for a deeper understanding of how the process operates in practice.

Document analysis involves reviewing existing documents related to the cricket match prediction
process, such as match analysis reports, match statistics, and past match predictions. This helps in
understanding the formal requirements and procedures involved, providing context for the
development of the new prediction system. Prototyping further facilitates the gathering of feedback
by creating prototypes or mockups of the proposed system, allowing stakeholders to provide input on
its usability, functionality, and features.

Brainstorming sessions and workshops with cricket analysts, team managers, and players provide
opportunities to generate ideas and suggestions for improving the match prediction process. This
collaborative approach fosters creativity and ensures buy-in from key stakeholders. Benchmarking


compares the match prediction process with industry best practices or benchmarks, identifying areas
of misalignment or opportunities for enhancement.

Surveys administered to cricket team members gather quantitative data on their perceptions,
preferences, and experiences with the match prediction process, providing valuable insights into their
needs and expectations.

Finally, use case analysis identifies and analyzes typical scenarios related to cricket match winning
prediction, helping to understand key requirements and decision-making factors. Overall, these
system study techniques collectively inform the development of an effective cricket match winning
prediction system that aligns with organizational objectives and meets the needs of stakeholders
within the cricket analytics domain.



System analysis serves as a foundational process in the development of any cricket match prediction
system, encompassing a systematic approach to understanding, documenting, and evaluating the
requirements and objectives of the system. This phase plays a crucial role in ensuring that the
resulting solution effectively addresses the needs of stakeholders within the cricket analytics domain
while aligning with organizational goals and technical constraints. System analysis involves gathering
and analyzing information about the existing cricket match prediction system or proposed solution,
identifying areas for improvement, and defining the functional and nonfunctional requirements that
guide system design and development. Through methods such as interviews, surveys, and
observations, system analysts gather insights from cricket analysts, team managers, and players to
create a clear and comprehensive understanding of the match prediction domain. This introduction
sets the stage for exploring the various techniques and methodologies employed in system analysis,
highlighting its importance in the cricket analytics lifecycle and its role in driving successful
outcomes for cricket organizations and analysts alike.




• Processor - Intel Core i5

• Speed - 2.2GHz
• RAM - 8 GB
• Hard Disk - 20 GB
• Key Board - Standard Windows Keyboard
• Mouse - Two or Three Button Mouse
• Monitor - LCD Monitor


• Operating System - Windows 10

• Front End - Streamlit
• Programming Language - Python
• Classifier - RandomForset Classifier
• Version Control System - Git
• IDE - Visual Studio Code



System design is a pivotal phase in the development of an effective cricket match winning prediction
system, where the conceptual blueprint transforms into a structured architecture. This phase aims to
translate the gathered requirements and insights from system analysis into a tangible solution that
addresses the needs of stakeholders within the cricket analytics domain while aligning with
organizational goals. The system design process encompasses various aspects, including data
modelling, algorithm selection, user interface design, and system integration. By leveraging industry
best practices and innovative approaches, the system design ensures scalability, efficiency, and user-
friendliness of the final solution. This introduction sets the stage for exploring the specific
components and methodologies involved in designing a cricket match winning prediction system,
emphasizing the importance of collaboration between stakeholders, cricket analysts, and technical
professionals to achieve a successful outcome.


In the input study section of the report, the focus lies on designing a user-friendly interface for
capturing the necessary features required for predicting cricket match winning accurately. The input
design encompasses various considerations to ensure the efficiency and accuracy of data input. Our
approach involves creating a clear and intuitive interface with input fields corresponding to each
feature in the dataset, including match, runs, player statistics, etc. We employ dropdown menus for
categorical features and sliders or selection boxes, simplifying the selection process for users. Data
validation techniques are implemented to ensure the integrity of input data, with error handling
mechanisms in place to alert users of any validation errors. Additionally, we provide clear instructions
and labels for each input field to guide users through the input process effectively. By adhering to
these design principles, we aim to streamline the input process, minimize errors, and enhance the
overall usability of the cricket match winning prediction system.


In the data collection phase, following the finalization of the input design, the focus shifts towards
acquiring the requisite data crucial for training the prediction model for cricket match winning. This
process typically entails sourcing historical match data from a variety of sources, including cricket


databases, sports analytics platforms, and other relevant repositories(kaggle). By tapping into these
diverse data reservoirs, analysts can access a comprehensive array of information spanning team
performance metrics, player statistics, match venue details, weather conditions, and other pertinent
factors crucial for effective prediction model training. The data collection phase lays the groundwork
for subsequent stages of model development, enabling the system to leverage rich historical data to
generate accurate predictions and insights regarding cricket match outcomes.


Data preprocessing is a pivotal stage in the development of the cricket match winning prediction
system, occurring after the data collection phase. This crucial step involves preparing and cleaning the
raw match data to ensure its suitability for analysis and model training. Techniques employed during
data preprocessing include handling missing values, addressing outliers, standardizing or normalizing
numerical features such as team performance metrics and player statistics, and encoding categorical
variables such as match venues and weather conditions. Additionally, feature scaling and
transformation methods may be applied to ensure uniformity and enhance the effectiveness of
machine learning algorithms. By meticulously preprocessing the data, analysts can mitigate the risk of
bias, improve the quality of input data, and facilitate more accurate predictions in subsequent stages
of model development. This phase lays the foundation for robust and reliable predictions, enhancing
the overall efficacy of the cricket match winning prediction system.


Feature engineering plays a pivotal role in refining the dataset for the cricket match winning
prediction system, acting as a bridge between raw data and effective model training. This process
involves the careful crafting, transformation, and selection of features to enrich the dataset and
enhance the predictive capabilities of the model. Through techniques such as creating new features
based on domain knowledge, encoding categorical variables, scaling numerical features, and selecting
the most relevant features, organizations can effectively capture complex patterns and relationships
within the data. Feature engineering not only optimizes the model's performance but also improves its
interpretability and robustness. By investing time and effort into this critical phase, organizations can
ensure that the cricket match winning prediction system leverages the full potential of the available
data, providing actionable insights to facilitate informed decision-making in the promotion process.


Model training is a crucial stage in the development of the cricket match winning prediction system,
where machine learning algorithms are trained on the preprocessed and engineered match dataset to


learn patterns and relationships within the data. During this phase, the model learns from historical
match data to make accurate predictions about future match outcomes. Various machine learning
algorithms, such as logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, or gradient boosting machines,
may be employed based on the characteristics of the dataset and the prediction task. The training
process involves iteratively adjusting the model parameters to minimize the difference between the
predicted outcomes and the actual results in the training data. Through this iterative optimization
process, the model learns to generalize patterns from the training data to make predictions on unseen
match data. Hyperparameter tuning techniques may also be applied to fine-tune the model's
performance and improve its predictive accuracy. Ultimately, model training is essential for creating a
robust and effective prediction model that can accurately identify cricket teams likely to win matches,
thereby enabling informed decision-making in strategic planning and team management.


Model evaluation is a crucial phase in the development of the cricket match winning prediction
system, aimed at assessing the performance and effectiveness of the trained machine learning models.
During this stage, various evaluation metrics and techniques are employed to measure the accuracy,
reliability, and generalization capability of the models. Key aspects of model evaluation include
selecting appropriate metrics such as accuracy, precision, recall, F1-score, and area under the ROC
curve (AUCROC), depending on the nature of the prediction task. Cross-validation techniques are
often used to validate the model's performance across multiple subsets of the dataset, ensuring
robustness and mitigating overfitting. Confusion matrix analysis provides insights into the model's
ability to correctly classify true positives, false positives, true negatives, and false negatives.
Additionally, ROC curves and precision-recall curves help assess the model's discrimination ability
and balance between precision and recall across different thresholds. Model comparison may also be
conducted to identify the bestperforming model based on predictive accuracy and other criteria. By
systematically evaluating the trained models using these techniques, organizations can gain
confidence in their predictive capabilities and make informed decisions about their deployment in
real-world scenarios. Effective model evaluation is essential for ensuring the reliability and usefulness
of the cricket match winning prediction system in supporting organizational decision-making


In the model deployment phase of the cricket match winning prediction system, Streamlit, a Python
library for building interactive web applications, is utilized to develop the frontend interface.
Streamlit provides a simple and efficient framework for creating web applications, making it well-


suited for integrating the trained machine learning models into a user-friendly interface. Python code
is employed to structure the content and layout of the web pages, defining elements such as forms,
buttons, and input fields for users to interact with the prediction system. Streamlit's capabilities allow
for the seamless integration of data visualization, enabling stakeholders to input relevant match data,
submit prediction requests, and visualize the results generated by the deployed machine learning
models in real-time. By leveraging Streamlit, organizations can create an intuitive and interactive web
application that empowers users to make informed decisions based on the predictive insights


The proposed system contains the following modules:

• Input Feature Selection and Validation Module

• Model Training and Optimization Module
• Prediction and Inference Module


The input features module serves as the gateway for users to input relevant data into the cricket
match winning prediction system. This module provides a user-friendly interface where stakeholders
can input various features related to match, such as batting team, bowling team, balls left, runs left,
wickets left, target. Through sliders and selection boxes, users can conveniently input these features,
ensuring that the prediction model receives the necessary information to make accurate predictions.
Additionally, data validation techniques are implemented within this module to ensure the integrity
and consistency of the input data, enhancing the reliability of the prediction results. Overall, the input
features module plays a crucial role in facilitating user interaction with the system and providing the
necessary inputs for predicting cricket match winning.


The model training module is essential in the cricket match outcome prediction system, where
machine learning algorithms are meticulously trained on the preprocessed and engineered match
dataset to construct accurate prediction models. Within this module, a variety of machine learning
algorithms, including logistic regression, decision trees, random forests, and gradient boosting
machines, are employed to discern intricate patterns and relationships inherent in the input match
data. Through iterative adjustments to the algorithm parameters using the training dataset, the module
aims to minimize the disparity between predicted outcomes and actual match results. Techniques like
cross-validation and hyperparameter tuning are pivotal in enhancing the models' performance,


ensuring their robustness and applicability across diverse datasets. Leveraging the power of random
forests within this framework further enriches the predictive capabilities, fostering the development of
models adept at predicting cricket match outcomes based on various match attributes and historical
data. Through this comprehensive approach, the model training module endeavors to furnish the
cricket match outcome prediction system with accurate and reliable predictive models, facilitating
informed decision-making in strategic planning and team management.


The prediction module utilizes the trained machine learning models to generate predictions about
cricket match outcomes based on the input features provided by users. Upon receiving the input
match data, the module applies the trained models to predict the likelihood of winning for each
cricket team in the dataset. These predictions are then returned to the user interface, where
stakeholders can visualize the results and make informed decisions about match strategies and team
selections. Additionally, the prediction module may incorporate post-processing techniques to
interpret and present the prediction results in a meaningful and actionable format. By leveraging the
trained models, the prediction module empowers organizations to predict cricket match outcomes
accurately and efficiently, enabling strategic decision-making in team management and match


A DFD, also known as a “bubble chart” has the purpose of clarifying system requirements and
identifying major transformations that will become programs in system design. A DFD consists of a
series of bubbles joined by lines. The bubbles represent data transformations and the lines represent
data flow in the system. A data flow diagram may be used to represent a system or software at any
level of abstraction. A DFD is a diagram that describes the flow of data and the processes that change
or transform data throughout a system. It is a structured analysis and design tool that can be used or
flowcharting in place of or in association with, information oriented and process oriented system
flowchart. When analyst prepares the DFD, they specify the user needs at a level of detail that
virtually determines the information flow into and out of the system and the required data resources.
This network is constructed by using a set of symbols that do not imply a physical implementation.
The DFD reviews the current physical system, prepare input and output specification, specifies the
implementation plan etc.

Basic data flow diagrams symbols are:

• A “Rectangle” defines External Entity or source or destination of a system data


• An “Arrow” identifies data flow. It is a pipeline through which information flows

A “circle” represents a process that transforms incoming dataflow(s) into outgoing dataflow(s).

4.9.1 LEVEL-0 DFD


4.9.2 LEVEL-1 DFD


A use case diagram is used to represent the dynamic behavior of a system. It encapsulates the system's
functionality by incorporating use cases, actors, and their relationships. It models the tasks, services,
and functions required by a system/subsystem of an application. It depicts the high-level functionality
of a system and also tells how the user handles a system. The main purpose of a use case diagram is to
portray the dynamic aspect of a system. It accumulates the system's requirement, which includes both
internal as well as external influences. It invokes persons, use cases, and several things that invoke the
actors and elements accountable for the implementation of use case diagrams. It represents how an
entity from the external environment can interact with a part of the system.

Basic Use-case Diagram Symbols are:

• Draw your system's boundaries using a “rectangle” that contains use cases. Place actors outside the

system's boundaries.

• Draw use cases using “ovals”. Label the ovals with verbs that represent the system's functions.


• Actors are the users of a system. When one system is the actor of another system, label the actor
system with the actor stereotype.

• Relationships in use case diagrams depict the associations and dependencies between actors
and use cases within a system. These relationships include associations, indicating how actors
interact with specific use cases; generalizations, illustrating inheritance-like relationships
between use cases; includes, showcasing how one use case incorporates the functionality of
another; and extends, representing optional or alternative behavior that can be added to a base
use case under certain conditions. These graphical representations provide a clear
understanding of how different components of the system interact and collaborate to achieve
specific functionalities, facilitating effective communication among stakeholders during
system analysis and design.

4.10.1 DIAGRAM





Software testing is a critical component of the software development lifecycle, encompassing a range
of processes and methodologies aimed at validating and verifying the quality, functionality, and
performance of software applications. Its primary objective is to detect defects and errors early in the
development process, minimizing costs and ensuring that the software meets its specified
requirements and user expectations. With the increasing complexity and scale of software systems,
testing has become an integral part of the continuous integration and delivery pipeline, facilitating
rapid development cycles while maintaining high standards of software quality. Through various
testing techniques such as functional testing, performance testing, and security testing, software
testing ensures the reliability, security, and usability of applications, ultimately contributing to
enhanced user satisfaction, trust, and business success.

5.1 Purpose of Testing

The purpose of testing in software development is multifaceted, aiming to ensure the quality,
reliability, and functionality of software applications while mitigating risks and maximizing user
satisfaction. Primarily, testing serves to identify defects, errors, and vulnerabilities within the
software, allowing for their early detection and resolution before deployment. Additionally, testing
verifies that the software meets its specified requirements and aligns with user expectations, thus
enhancing overall product quality. Furthermore, testing validates the performance, scalability, and
usability of the software, ensuring that it delivers optimal functionality and user experience across
different environments and usage scenarios. Ultimately, the purpose of testing is to instill confidence
in the software's reliability, security, and performance, thereby fostering trust among users and
stakeholders while minimizing the potential impact of defects and errors on business operations


Testing strategies outline the approach and methods used to validate and verify software applications
effectively. In the context of the employee promotion prediction project, several testing strategies can
be employed to ensure the quality and reliability of the system. Some common testing strategies

• Risk-Based Testing: Prioritize testing efforts based on the perceived risks associated with
different features or components of the system. Focus on testing critical or high-risk areas first
to mitigate potential issues that could impact the project's success.
• Black Box Testing: Test the functionality of the system without knowledge of its internal
structure or code. Validate inputs and outputs against expected behavior to ensure the system


functions correctly from an end-user perspective.

• White Box Testing: Examine the internal structure and logic of the system by inspecting and
testing its code. Verify that all code paths are executed correctly and that the system behaves
as expected under different conditions.
• Incremental Testing: Test individual components or modules of the system incrementally as
they are developed or integrated. This allows for early detection and resolution of defects and
ensures that each component works as intended before being integrated into the larger system.
• Exploratory Testing: Explore the system dynamically and interactively to uncover defects
and issues that may not be apparent through scripted tests. This approach relies on the tester's
intuition, creativity, and domain knowledge to identify potential problems.
• Regression Testing: Continuously retest previously implemented features and functionalities
to ensure that new changes or updates do not introduce regressions or unintended side effects.
Automation tools can help streamline regression testing efforts and ensure comprehensive
• User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Involve end-users or stakeholders in testing the system
against their acceptance criteria and business requirements. Solicit feedback from users to
validate that the system meets their needs and expectations before final deployment.
• Load and Performance Testing: Assess the system's performance under different load
conditions, such as varying numbers of users, transactions, or data volumes. Identify
performance bottlenecks and scalability issues to optimize the system's responsiveness and

By employing these testing strategies, the employee promotion prediction project can ensure that the
system is thoroughly validated and verified, delivering a high-quality, reliable, and user-friendly
solution to its stakeholders.


System testing is a crucial stage of implementation aimed at ensuring the accurate and efficient
operation of the system before it goes live. Testing plays a vital role in determining the success of the
system. It operates under the logical assumption that if all parts of the system function correctly, the
overall goal will be achieved successfully. The candidate system undergoes various tests to ensure its
readiness for system acceptance testing.

In the context of the employee promotion prediction project, various types of testing can be employed
to ensure the quality, reliability, and effectiveness of the system. These tests are conducted at various


levels, including:

• Unit Testing: Testing individual units or components of the software, such as functions or
methods, to verify their correctness and functionality.
• Integration Testing: Testing the interactions and interfaces between integrated components or
modules of the system to ensure they work together seamlessly.
• System Testing: Testing the entire system as a whole to validate its compliance with specified
requirements and assess its overall functionality.
• Regression Testing: Re-testing previously implemented features and functionalities to ensure
that new changes or updates do not introduce regressions or unintended side effects.
• Performance Testing: Evaluating the system's performance under various conditions, such as
varying data volumes or user loads, to identify performance bottlenecks and scalability issues.
• Security Testing: Assessing the system's security measures and controls to identify and
mitigate potential vulnerabilities or risks, such as unauthorized access or data breaches.
• User Acceptance Testing (UAT): Involving end-users or stakeholders in testing the system
against their acceptance criteria and business requirements to validate that it meets their needs
and expectations.
• Compatibility Testing: Testing the system's compatibility with different browsers, devices,
operating systems, and environments to ensure consistent performance across various
• Exploratory Testing: Dynamically exploring the system to uncover defects and issues that
may not be apparent through scripted tests, relying on the tester's intuition and creativity.

By employing these types of testing, the employee promotion prediction project can ensure that the
system is thoroughly validated and verified, delivering a high-quality, reliable, and user-friendly
solution to its stakeholders.


System implementation is the phase of the software development lifecycle where the developed
system is deployed and put into operation within the organization or for end-users. This phase
involves the actual installation, configuration, and integration of the software components, as well as
any necessary hardware infrastructure, databases, and other resources. The implementation process
may also include data migration from legacy systems, user training, and final acceptance testing to
ensure that the system meets the specified requirements and performs as expected. Effective system
implementation requires careful planning, coordination, and collaboration between development
teams, stakeholders, and IT professionals to minimize disruptions and ensure a smooth transition to


the new system.

In the cricket match winning prediction project, system implementation marks the culmination of
development efforts, transitioning the predictive model and associated software components from
development environments to live operational use within the organization. This phase involves
meticulous planning and execution to ensure the seamless deployment and integration of the
prediction model into existing systems and workflows. Key activities include software installation,
configuration, and data migration, accompanied by comprehensive user training to facilitate adoption
and proficiency. Rigorous testing and validation procedures are conducted to verify system
functionality and compliance with user requirements. As the system goes live, careful monitoring and
support are provided to address any issues promptly, ensuring minimal disruption to operations. Post-
implementation support mechanisms are established to facilitate ongoing maintenance and
optimization, guaranteeing the continued effectiveness and reliability of the predictive model in
driving informed decision-making regarding match strategies and team selections. Through effective
system implementation, the project aims to realize its objectives of enhancing accuracy and
effectiveness in predicting cricket match outcomes, ultimately contributing to team success.


System maintenance is an ongoing process that occurs after the implementation phase of a project and
involves managing and updating the system to ensure its continued effectiveness, reliability, and
security. System maintenance is a critical phase in the lifecycle of the cricket match winning
prediction project, encompassing a range of activities aimed at preserving the system's functionality,
reliability, and security over time. It involves ongoing monitoring and optimization to enhance
performance and responsiveness, along with prompt bug fixing and issue resolution to ensure
uninterrupted operation. Security updates and vulnerability management are prioritized to safeguard
sensitive data and mitigate potential threats. Data management practices are implemented to maintain
the integrity and availability of information, supported by user support and training initiatives to
empower users and address their needs effectively. System enhancements and upgrades are regularly
evaluated and implemented to align with evolving business requirements and technological
advancements, ensuring that the system remains relevant and valuable to the organization. Through
systematic maintenance efforts, the cricket match winning prediction system can sustain its
effectiveness, adaptability, and resilience, ultimately contributing to the organization's success and
competitiveness in the long run.

Software maintenance activities can indeed be classified into three main categories:


Corrective Maintenance: Corrective maintenance aims to address and resolve software faults or
defects that are discovered during the system's operation. This involves identifying and fixing bugs to
restore the software to its intended functionality and performance.

Adaptive Maintenance: Adaptive maintenance involves modifying the software to keep it up-to-date
with changes in its operational environment. This may include adapting the software to accommodate
new user requirements, changes in the target platform, or modifications to external interfaces.

Perfective Maintenance: Perfective maintenance focuses on improving the system without altering
its core functionality. The objective of perfective maintenance is to enhance the software's
performance, reliability, and maintainability. This may involve optimizing code, refining algorithms,
or restructuring the system's architecture to prevent future failures and facilitate future enhancements.

Each type of maintenance serves a specific purpose in ensuring the continued effectiveness,
reliability, and adaptability of the software system. By systematically addressing corrective, adaptive,
and perfective maintenance activities, organizations can sustain the long-term value and usability of
their software applications.



In conclusion, the cricket match winning prediction project stands as a commendable initiative aimed
at revolutionizing the promotion process within organizations. Through the utilization of advanced
machine learning algorithms and predictive analytics techniques, the project offers a proactive
solution to identify and assess potential teams for win based on their performance, qualifications, and
other relevant factors. By leveraging technologies such as Python, Streamlit, and other libraries, the
project showcases a commitment to innovation and automation in streamlining users processes and
decision-making. The comprehensive system design, encompassing data collection, preprocessing,
model training, and deployment, reflects a holistic approach to software development that prioritizes
usability, scalability, and maintainability. Moreover, the incorporation of testing methodologies and
maintenance practices underscores a dedication to ensuring the system's reliability, robustness, and
long-term sustainability. Ultimately, the cricket match prediction project holds the promise of not only
optimizing organizational resources and productivity but also fostering a culture of transparency,
meritocracy, and team engagement. As organizations continue to embrace datadriven insights and
technological advancements, initiatives like this project pave the way for more informed, equitable,


and strategic talent management practices in the modern tournaments.


Future enhancements for the cricket match winning prediction project could involve several strategic
initiatives. Firstly, the project could explore real-time data streaming capabilities, enabling the
integration of live match data streams into the predictive model. This would allow for dynamic
updates to predictions based on the evolving match conditions and player performances, enhancing
the model's accuracy and responsiveness. Secondly, integrating betting market data into the prediction
model could provide valuable insights into market sentiment and betting trends, further refining the
model's predictions. Additionally, quantifying player impact metrics, such as player performance
statistics and match contributions, could enhance the granularity and depth of the predictive analysis,
allowing for more precise predictions of match outcomes. Ethical considerations, such as ensuring
transparency and fairness in the use of betting market data, should be carefully addressed to maintain
integrity and trust in the prediction model. Furthermore, the development of interactive dashboards
and visualization tools could empower users to explore and interpret the model's predictions more
effectively, facilitating informed decision-making in match strategies and team selections. Soliciting
feedback from users and stakeholders and iterating on the system based on their insights would drive
continuous improvement and alignment with organizational objectives. By pursuing these future
enhancements, the cricket match winning prediction project can evolve into a comprehensive tool for
enhancing strategic decision-making and optimizing team performance.




• "Introduction to Machine Learning with Python: A Guide for Data Scientists" by Andreas C.
Müller and Sarah Guido

• "Python for Data Analysis: Data Wrangling with Pandas, NumPy, and IPython" by Wes

• "Hands-On Machine Learning with Scikit-Learn, Keras, and TensorFlow" by Aurélien Géron

• Streamlit Development :

• Official Documentation:

• GitHub:

• ChatGPT:








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<div class="banner">
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<p class="top-info">
Elevate Your Team: Forecasting Future Leaders with Precision!
<!-- slogan-end -->
<!-- table_start -->
<table border="1">
<th>Recruitment Channel</th>
<th>No of Trainings</th>
<th>KPIs_met > 80%</th>
{% for row in feature %}
{% for col in row %}
{% endfor %}
{% endfor %}
<!-- table-end -->
<!-- pred -->
<h6 class="pred" id="pred">{{pred}}</h6>
<!-- {% if pred == "Employee is eligible for Promotion" %}
<div class="btn-mail">
<button onclick="mail()" class="mail">Mail</button>
{% endif %} -->
<!-- pred -->
<!-- btn-start -->
<div class="btn-block">
<button onclick="index()">Try Another Prediction</button>
<!-- btn_end -->
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<div class="footer">
<p class="cpyrht">© 2024 PROMO PREDICT INSIGHT. All rights reserved</p>
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// function for redirecting from current page to home page
function index() {


window.location.href = "/";
} function mail() {
window.location.href = "/mail";
// Changes text color of prediction to red or green according to condition
var text = document.getElementById("pred"); if (text.textContent ==
"Employee is eligible for Promotion") { text.classList.add("green");
} else {


href=",400,500,700" rel="stylesheet"/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href=""
lXeVIU crossorigin="anonymous/>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="../static/css/index.css" />
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<div class="box">
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<div class="banner">
<!-- banner-end -->
<!-- slogan-start -->
<p class="top-info">
Elevate Your Team: Forecasting Future Leaders with Precision!
<!-- slogan-end -->
<!-- table_start -->
<table border="1">
<th>Recruitment Channel</th>
<th>No of Trainings</th>
<th>KPIs_met > 80%</th>
{% for row in feature %}
{% for col in row %}
{% endfor %}</tr>
{% endfor %}
<!-- table-end -->


<!-- pred -->

<h6 class="pred" id="pred">{{pred}}</h6>
<div class="btn-block">
<button onclick="index()">Try Another Prediction</button>
<!-- btn_end -->
<!-- body-end -->
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<div class="footer">
<p class="cpyrht">© 2024 PROMO PREDICT INSIGHT. All rights reserved</p>
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// function for redirecting from current page to home page
function index() { window.location.href = "/";
function mail() {
window.location.href = "/mail";
// Changes text color of prediction to red or green according to condition
var text = document.getElementById("pred");
if (text.textContent == "Employee is eligible for Promotion") {
} else {

from flask import Flask, render_template,

request import pandas as pd import sys import os

# Finding path for importing promo_predict_insight

cur_dir = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) parent_dir

= os.path.abspath(os.path.join(cur_dir, '..'))

# module which execute prediction

from promo_predict_insight import ml_pred

# created an instance of flask

app = Flask(__name__)

# Home route

@app.route('/') def

# Displays index page

return render_template('index.html')

# route for handling data submitted by index page form

@app.route('/submit', methods=['POST']) def


# Access form data using request.form

department = request.form.get('department') region =

request.form.get('region') education =
request.form.get('education') age = request.form.get('age')
recruitment_channel = request.form.get('recruitment_channel')
gender = request.form.get('gender') no_of_trainings =


request.form.get('no_of_trainings') length_of_service =
request.form.get('length_of_service') previous_year_rating =
request.form.get('previous_year_rating') avg_training_score =
request.form.get('avg_training_score') awards =
request.form.get('awards') KPIs_met =

# Preprocess the form data to make dataframe

user_input_df = pd.DataFrame({
'department': [department],
'region': [region],
'education': [education],
'gender': [gender],
'recruitment_channel': [recruitment_channel],
'no_of_trainings': [no_of_trainings],
'age': [age],
'previous_year_rating': [previous_year_rating],
'length_of_service': [length_of_service],
'KPIs_met >80%': [KPIs_met],
'awards_won?': [awards],
'avg_training_score': [avg_training_score]

# removing coloumn name of dataframe

dis_df = user_input_df.to_numpy()

# pass dataframe to the ML file for predicting result

result = ml_pred(user_input_df)

# Rendering prediction page and passing ML result and dataframe

return render_template('pred.html', feature=dis_df, pred=result)

@app.route('/mail') def
# Displays index page return

if __name__ == '__main__': import pandas as pd import numpy as np from

sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder, OrdinalEncoder, StandardScaler from
sklearn.ensemble import RandomForestClassifier from sklearn.model_selection
import train_test_split from sklearn.utils import resample

# Load dataset
df = pd.read_csv('train_LZdllcl.csv')
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)

# Handling null values df['education'] =

df['previous_year_rating'] = df['previous_year_rating'].fillna(

# Drop 'employee_id' df.drop('employee_id',

axis=1, inplace=True)

# Handling outliers columns_to_clip =

['no_of_trainings', 'age',
'previous_year_rating', 'length_of_service']

for column in columns_to_clip: Q1

= np.percentile(df[column], 25)
Q3 = np.percentile(df[column], 75) IQR = Q3 - Q1
low_lim = Q1 - 1.5 * IQR upp_lim = Q3 + 1.5 * IQR
df[column] = df[column].clip(lower=low_lim, upper=upp_lim)


# Encoding le_department = LabelEncoder() df['department'] =


df['region'] = df['region'].str.extract(r'(\d+)').astype(int)

od_education = OrdinalEncoder( categories=[["Below Secondary", "Bachelor's",

"Master's & above"]], dtype=int) df['education'] =

le_gender = LabelEncoder()
df['gender'] = le_gender.fit_transform(df['gender'])

od_recruitment_channel = OrdinalEncoder(
categories=[["other", "sourcing", "referred"]], dtype=int)
df['recruitment_channel'] = od_recruitment_channel.fit_transform(

# Normalization standard_scaler =
standard_columns = ['age',

'length_of_service', 'avg_training_score'] df[standard_columns]

= standard_scaler.fit_transform(df[standard_columns])

# Separate the classes cls_false =

df[df['is_promoted'] == 0] cls_true =
df[df['is_promoted'] == 1]

# Split the data into training and testing sets

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(df.drop(
'is_promoted', axis=1), df['is_promoted'], test_size=0.2, random_state=119)

# Oversample the minority class only in the training set
oversample = resample(cls_true, n_samples=len(cls_false), random_state=119)
X_train_oversampled = pd.concat(
[X_train, oversample.drop('is_promoted', axis=1)]) y_train_oversampled
= pd.concat([y_train, oversample['is_promoted']])

# function for passing features entered by uder def


# Apply the encoding from the original DataFrame to the user input

user_input_df['department'] = le_department.transform(
user_input_df['region'] = user_input_df['region'].str.extract( r'(\
d+)').astype(int) # Assuming it's an integer user_input_df['education'] =
od_education.transform( user_input_df[['education']])
user_input_df['gender'] = le_gender.transform(user_input_df['gender'])
user_input_df['recruitment_channel'] = od_recruitment_channel.transform(

# Apply the scaling to user input features

user_input_df[standard_columns] = standard_scaler.transform(

# Initialize the Random Forest model

model_RF = RandomForestClassifier(random_state=119)

# Train the model with the oversampled training set, y_train_oversampled)

# Make predictions on the user input

user_pred = model_RF.predict(user_input_df)


# Decoding result to human understandable form

if user_pred == 1:
user_pred = 'Employee is eligible for Promotion'
user_pred = 'Employee is Not eligible for promotion'
return user_pred


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