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Activity 1 1

Nombre: Matricula:
Eric Javier Gracia Gómez 3636426
Nombre del curso: Redes Industriales Docente: Luis Alfonso
Module: 1 Actividad: 1
Fecha: 23/Enero/2023

The American National Standards Institute (ANSI) is a private, non-profit organization

that administers and coordinates the U.S. voluntary standards and conformity assessment
- IEC 60770-1 Ed. 2.0 b:2010
- [] IEC 60654-1 Ed. 2.0 b:1993
- [] IEC 61069-1 Ed. 2.0 b:2016
The IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers) describes itself as "the world's
largest technical professional society -- promoting the development and application of
electrotechnology and allied sciences for the benefit of humanity, the advancement of the
profession, and the well-being of our members."
- [] P80 - guide of safety in AC substation grounding
- [] 802.14 Standard for cable television broadcast communications
- [] 802.15.2 Bluetooth and Wi-Fi coexist mechanism
- [] 802.15.4 wireless sensor/control network ZigBee
- [] 1394 Serial bus “firewire” “i-link”
- [] 802.11 wifi
Activity 1 1

1. The first stage of a system, known as the field level, houses sensors and actuators
with extensive wiring. It requires electrical noise protection systems and involves
human interaction in machine operation and material transportation during the
manufacturing process.
Industrial Automation:
The first stage or field level is widely applied in industrial settings for process automation.
Here, sensors and actuators control machinery and devices to enhance efficiency in
Environmental Control Systems:
In environmental control applications, such as air conditioning and monitoring systems, the
first stage incorporates temperature, humidity sensors, and other devices to regulate and
maintain optimal conditions.
In the field of robotics, the first stage plays a crucial role by integrating sensors and
actuators into industrial or autonomous robots. This enables robots to interact with their
environment and conduct specific tasks efficiently.
2. The cell stage, or second level, encompasses programmable devices such as PLC,
CN, robots, and industrial computers that control electrical systems.
Industrial Automation:
Activity 1 1

In the second stage, PLCs (Programmable Logic Controllers) are used to control
and coordinate machinery in manufacturing processes.
Advanced Robotics:
In robotic applications, this stage involves the programming and control of industrial robots
to perform specific tasks with precision.
CNC Systems in Manufacturing:
The cell level is employed in manufacturing with CNC (Computer Numerical Control)
systems to control machines and tools with high precision and efficiency.
3.- IS where the equipment is available to control signals of other devices trough
communication protocols.
Workstations in an Industrial Process:
In the third stage or process level, workstations can be devices transmitting control signals
to other devices. These workstations serve as control centers from which various operations
in the manufacturing process are monitored and managed.
3. 4.- Supervision or process level: Is a level that process approach using PLC
Some examples of this are the supercompurers that nowadays can work with AI, to make or
to plan a different way to do the process or just to take the easiest way to do a job and get it
5- Plan level: On this level we observe programs working between them to integrate
industrial systems.
A specific example could be a system integrated into a factory that uses a combination of
physical networks, such as Ethernet cables for internal machinery communication, and
wireless networks for real-time data communication between different sections of the plant.

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