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Shadows In Disguise

In a quiet neighborhood, there lived a girl named Delores, but everyone called her Lola. Lola was a lovely
girl who was truly loved by her family. She helped everyone around her and always had a bright smile on
her face. She felt like the happiest girl in her life, but her life took a quick turn when she discovered the
truth, which left her devastated.

On a beautiful summer morning, Lola woke up. She felt satisfied when she heard birds making noise
outside of her window. She quickly got up, put her clothes on, and was ready to take her usual morning
walk. She went to the park and smiled at every stranger, as she wanted everyone around her to feel
great. While she was walking, she noticed that a woman kept staring at her from a distance. She felt a
little uncomfortable but still kept walking and eventually passed the woman who was staring at her.
When Lola had already passed the woman, she looked behind her. She noticed that the woman kept
looking at her, even when Lola walked past her. Lola got a little scared and began to walk faster. When
she got home, she had many questions about the woman, but she just brushed them off and went to

A few hours later, Lola woke up. It was already afternoon. Lola got up and went downstairs to grab some
food, as she was hungry. She opened the fridge and saw a leftover pizza that she later put in the
microwave and ate. Lola was done eating and wanted to go upstairs, back to her room, when suddenly
the doorbell rang. She thought that it was her parents, as they both went to work, but they took the keys
with them. Who could have rung the doorbell besides her parents? Lola got a little scared and went to
the door and asked who the person was that rang. Lola felt relieved when it was just the postman. She
opened the door, grabbed the package, and thanked the postman. When the postman left, Lola opened
the package and realized that it was probably for her mom, as there were a lot of dresses in it. When
Lola wanted to go back inside her house, she saw again that woman who kept staring at her from a
distance at the park. Lola gasped and struggled to breathe. She got scared and went back to her house.
She quickly ran up the stairs and went to her room. When she was in her room, she looked out of her
window. She didn't see the woman anymore and felt relieved, but even when the woman was gone, she
still felt unsafe.

A few hours later, her parents came home. Lola felt happy when they arrived home, as she was finally
not alone and didn't feel unsafe anymore. She hugged both of her parents tightly. It was already evening,
and her parents were tired from work, so they went to bed. Lola stayed a little bit in the living room
where she was watching television when suddenly she noticed something outside the window. She
ignored it and kept on watching television when suddenly she heard someone knocking on the same
window she noticed something outside. Lola got scared. She wanted to go near the window, but her fear
was too strong. She turned off the television and turned off the lights. She ran to her room and quickly
realized that it was already past her bedtime. She said to herself that she was probably imagining and
hearing things, as she was already tired. She brushed her teeth, put on her pajamas, and went tiredly to

The next morning, Lola woke up again to the sounds of birds flying around. Lola felt really good, as she
slept very well. She got up, stretched a little bit, and got ready for breakfast. She put on her shoes and
went downstairs when suddenly she tripped over her shoelaces. Her mother quickly ran to Lola and
asked her if she hurt herself. Lola got up from embarrassment and found it strange as she thought that
she tied both of her shoelaces. She had already forgotten what had happened, as she saw her favorite
breakfast on the table. Lola ran to the table with excitement and began to eat her breakfast gratefully.
When she was done eating, she got up and went outside to do her daily walk in the park. While she was
walking happily, she unintentionally bumped into a man. When she looked up, she saw that no one was
there. Who could she possibly have bumped into? She kept walking her daily walk and questioned the
things that had already happened that day. First, she tied her shoelaces, when suddenly she tripped over
them, and then she bumped into a man who suddenly disappeared. She got a weird feeling about this.
Did maybe the woman who she saw everywhere possibly have cursed her? Lola let out a little laugh. She
doesn't believe in those things. As usual, Lola just brushed those feelings off and smiled and said to
herself that she just needed a peaceful walk in the park to empty her mind, but her smile quickly faded
away when she saw that woman again, but this time she waved at Lola with a smirk on her face. The
woman who she first saw in the park staring at her from a distance. The woman who later was near her
neighborhood. The woman who was the reason that Lola felt unsafe. The woman whom Lola saw again.
Lola struggled to breathe and rapidly turned away. She then looked behind her and realized that the
woman already was gone. Where could the woman possibly be gone to...?

A few hours later, Lola arrived home. She realized that her parents were still at work. She didn't want to
be alone, as she was scared that the woman would be near her house again. She grabbed her bike and
went to her best friend's house, whose name is Naomi. Naomi is very important to Lola, as she always
tells her her silly secrets and thoughts and has known her since she was little. When Lola arrived at
Naomi's house, she repeatedly knocked on her door. She felt relieved when she saw that Naomi opened
the door. She hugged Naomi strongly and asked her if she could come inside. Naomi asked Lola if she
was feeling alright, as Lola looked very scared. She let Lola inside, and they both went to Naomi's room.
Lola began to say to her that she kept seeing this woman. She first explains that she saw the woman in
the park staring at her from a distance, and that same day she was near her neighborhood. She later
revealed that she also heard a knock on her window, thought that she tied her shoelaces, and bumped
into a man who suddenly disappeared. Naomi was silent and didn't know what to say. She then asked
Lola if she could describe the woman. Lola let out a little air and began to tearfully describe the woman.
She described the woman as tall and slim. She also said that she had a short, green haircut with bangs.
She then said that she always wears a red, long jacket with purple boots and a pair of green, big glasses.
Naomi let out a little laugh. Lola got a little mad and asked her why she found the description so
amusing. Naomi later explained that the description of the woman was unique. She later on explained
that no one would ever wear those clothes and haircut in this society. Lola couldn't believe what Naomi
just said. Did her own best friend not believe her? Lola got up and asked Naomi if she could drop her off
at home. Naomi asked her why, but Lola didn't want to tell her that she still felt unsafe to go alone
because of that woman. Naomi didn't ask her questions anymore and dropped Lola at her home without

A few days later, Lola didn't feel well anymore. Not physically, but mentally. She felt constantly unsafe as
she saw the woman everywhere. She wanted to tell her parents about it, but she didn't want to disturb
them because of her problems, so one time she hung out with Naomi and told her how she was feeling
lately while they were sitting on a bench. Naomi began to worry about her best friend Lola. She never
thought that her happy best friend would turn like this. She hugged Lola tightly. Naomi told her that she
needed to tell her parents, as they would probably know how to deal with that situation. She also
explained that Lola needed to inform the police about that woman, as the woman was stalking her. Lola
took a deep breath and said to Naomi that she was right. She needed to tell her parents about it and file
a report to the police about the woman. They both got up when suddenly Lola began to breathe heavily.
Naomi quickly asked what was wrong, but realized that her best friend was looking with open eyes
behind her. Lola screamed and said that the woman she kept seeing was behind her. Naomi rapidly
looked behind her but saw nothing besides a dog running around the park. Naomi tried to calm Lola
down, but she kept breathing heavily and saying that the woman was beside her. Naomi got irritated and
yelled that there was no one behind her and slapped Lola. Lola calmed down because of it, and Naomi
then asked if she was feeling alright, but Lola just kept breathing loudly and eventually got up. She took
one glance behind Naomi and walked off. Naomi wanted to follow her, but she couldn't move, as she was
still processing what had just happened. A few minutes later, she realized in a flash that there really was
something wrong with Lola.

Lola got safely home. She began to search for her parents, but they weren't in the living room. She ran
upstairs just to find her mother lying on the bed. She tearfully went to her mother and hugged her. Her
mother got scared and asked her what was wrong. Lola began to tell her about the woman and all the
strange things that had happened. Her mother felt bad for her daughter as she knew who the woman
was. She reached out for Lola's hand and grabbed it tightly. "Delores, the woman you are seeing is your
dead grandmother when she was young. Your grandmother always liked to wear those colored wigs and
colorful clothes. When she passed away, I was diagnosed with schizophrenia. I kept seeing her
everywhere and I also experienced hallucinations. Delores, I am deeply sorry, but you have an illness
named schizophrenia." Lola's heart shrunk. How could she possibly have an illness? She always felt
physically and mentally well, she ate very well and was just healthy overall. Her mother then explained
that anyone could get it and that it probably was passed through her due to her mom's genetics. Lola
couldn't believe it. All those things were just her imagination. And the woman? That was just her
grandmother who passed away ten years ago. Lola's mother began to hug her tightly and repeatedly told
her that it was all going to be alright, while Lola was crying and devastated. Shortly after that, they both
went to a medical doctor to diagnose Lola.

When they got home, Lola immediately fell on her knees. She began to cry. Her mother was right. She
has the same illness as her mother. She had anger in her. Why is this happening to her? Why did she
need to have this illness? Her mom and dad hugged their daughter tightly. All those strange things that
have been happening past these few days were all just her imagination. How was that possible? Lola got
up and went to her room and sat on her bed. She felt her tears rapidly running down her neck. She
wanted to reach out for a tissue when suddenly both of her parents were in her room. Lola was
panicking. Is this a hallucination, or are her parents really in her room? She started to slap herself
repeatedly. Her parents ran over to her and stopped Lola from slapping herself more. Her mother told
her daughter that it was all going to be fine and that she also has it, but that didn't make Lola feel any
better. She told both of her parents to leave her bedroom. The parents left her room and closed the
door. Lola reached out to Naomi and told her everything. Naomi was shocked when she heard Lola's
voice and the shocking news. Naomi knew that there was something wrong with her best friend. Naomi
began to calm Lola down and it eventually helped. She told her that she needed to have some rest and
that she would be available when Lola needed someone to talk to. Naomi's support helped Lola feel a
little better. Lola was thankful to have a best friend like Naomi. She got up and took her first medication
that was made for her illness.

Weeks have passed, and Lola is slowly starting to feel better. She doesn't see her young grandmother
anymore but still has some hallucinations here and there. Luckily, she gets support from her best friend,
Naomi, but also both of her parents. Lola still finds it a little difficult to accept herself now for who she is,
but due to her mother, she knows that she is not the only one with this illness, and this reminder keeps
her moving through the day. To this day, Lola is still known as the happiest girl in the world who is truly
loved by her family, but also by her best friend, Naomi.
-Written By Mariam Ibzain

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