What If World War 3 Breaks Out

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In this present day and age, we ignore the thought that this will happen. This kind of chaos can only be
found in the movies. But in reality, the horrors of war are very, very real.

Nations with superior military capabilities are now at play. Russia has already started the war with
Ukraine while the NATO countries are helping Ukrainians fight back. In Southeast Asia, China and other
countries including the Philippines are having a dispute over the Spratly Islands. Each of the countries is
safeguarding its territory against the aggression of the Chinese Coast Guard. Japan and South Korea are
already preparing for war against North Korea while Israel is already surrounded by its enemy countries.

The Philippine Coast Guard complained of numerous harassments by the Chinese coast guards on
different occasions while the US suspected China of using phones as spy cams gathering sensitive data
from unsuspecting users. Former US President Donald Trump had cut off Chinese phone brands from
accessing Google and its partner companies and imposed trade penalties against China. In retaliation,
China stopped supplying electronic parts to their counterpart companies in the US and Europe. Lately,
the US Air Force just shot down unknown objects flying above their aerospace resembling weather/spy
balloons hovering over sensitive sites.

It is evident that China is up to something, its military plans to become the new superpower are

Could this be the start of another world war? Will the warring nations use nuclear weapons? Who
knows. But if this is an indication point that it is imminent, then the fate of mankind is in the balance.

It is so sad to know that all the horrors of the past wars are coming back to torture us. How unfortunate
we are that we have to go through it again and that today’s generation is left unprepared for what’s

Those who have survived the wars are in deep sorrow, knowing that they have to gamble their lives
again, without the hope of surviving another chaos.

World War 1, also known as the Great War, began in 1914 after the assassination of Archduke
Franz Ferdinand of Austria. His murder catapulted into a war across Europe that lasted until
1918. During the conflict, Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, and the Ottoman Empire (the
Central Powers) fought against Great Britain, France, Russia, Italy, Romania, Canada, Japan,
and the United States (the Allied Powers). Thanks to new military technologies and the
horrors of trench warfare, World War I saw unprecedented levels of carnage and
destruction. By the time the war was over and the Allied Powers claimed victory, more than
16 million people—soldiers and civilians alike—were dead.

The instability created in Europe by the First World War (1914-18) set the stage for another
international conflict—World War II—which broke out two decades later and would prove
even more devastating. Rising to power in an economically and politically unstable
Germany, Adolf Hitler, leader of the Nazi Party, rearmed the nation and signed strategic
treaties with Italy and Japan to further his ambitions of world domination. Hitler’s invasion
of Poland in September 1939 drove Great Britain and France to declare war on Germany,
marking the beginning of World War II. Over the next six years, the conflict would take more
lives and destroy more land and property around the globe than any previous war. Among
the estimated 45-60 million people killed were 6 million Jews murdered in Nazi
concentration camps as part of Hitler’s diabolical “Final Solution,” now known as the

Today, the military powers of these rising nations have increased significantly and exponentially. Each
nation has doubled its efforts to make or keep its status on the bleeding edge when it comes to military
technology. Their combatants are already equipped with highly advanced technological equipment and
weapons. Their defense and offense strategies have upgraded and their assault vehicles are fully
equipped with advanced weaponry like never seen before.

In the Philippines, we can only rely on peace talks and partnerships with other countries for business
and commerce, since we are inferior in terms of military supremacy. We cannot defend ourselves and
are heavily dependent on the US military for protection against the aggressors.

We are allowing benevolent foreign nations to use our land and resources in exchange for protection.

But what if these so-called “Benevolent Nations” have ulterior motives and are cooking strategies to
dominate us instead?

On the other hand, we also have skirmishes on our soil. Rebels destabilized our economy and sabotaged
everything even in our neighborhood, having disagreements about various issues.

This book instructs us what to do in times of this apocalyptic war that is imminent.
Should these apocalyptic conflicts become inevitable, here are some suggestions that might help you

If time permits, make an evacuation plan in advance. Inform your group what to do. This includes a list
of what to bring and where to go.

First, make a checklist of what to bring, namely:

FOOD AND WATER. It is the most essential need for mankind’s survival. Since the beginning of time,
food has become the source of our health and reason for our survival. Nourishment is what keeps our
bodies alive. Without it, man would hardly endure these dangerous times.

EXTRA CLOTHING. A layer of protection for our skin.

CASH AND JEWELRIES. These are some of the most reliable things that can be used in buying and
bartering goods for survival. Investing in jewelry is one of the wisest moves because the country’s
economy could go upside down. Jewelry may also ensure the safety and security of your comrades
should some enemies want to threaten your group.

First Aid/Medical Kit. In every evacuation preparation, these two kits are as essential as food and water.
Without these, it would endanger the life of an injured person.

Map of Evacuation Centers and Safe Zones. Where you are going is important because it is your goal why
you want to survive the situation. Keeping yourself and others alive without getting them to safety is like

Utility Knife. This tool is used in a wide variety of tasks. From cutting wood branches for tools and
weapons to anything it has a use on.

Contact Information of Evacuation Centers and Safe Zones. Use it to inform the authorities of the
location and situation you are in so they can have a plan of action for extraction.

Phone (Handheld Radio/Ham Radio/Walkie Talkie/Cell Phone). Use this gadget to contact the authorities
for assistance, instructions, and communication among your group.

Pen and Paper. In the absence of phones, this material can be used to write messages and instructions.

Cooking Kit and Lunch Kit. Foods that needed cooking and water that needed sterilizing may be there to
facilitate their consumption.

Flashlight. This is used to illuminate dark surroundings as well as signaling.

Matches. To be used to ignite firewood and start a campfire and cook food.

Important Documents like ID’s and others. Identification cards are to be used for presentation just in
case the government authorities check your identities.

Portable Solar and Crank-Powered Radio with Charging Port. To be used in getting signals from radio
stations, listening to the news, and charging phones.
Survival Handbook. A guide in preparing for evacuation and how to avoid unnecessary harm and injury.

Rope or Paracord. Used to secure, pull, hoist up, or lower down heavy objects, including persons. May
be used in crossing rivers or as a lifeline when diving, crossing bodies of water, or entering unchartered

Thermal Blanket or any Blanket. They are used to cover the body to preserve body heat or prevent
insect bites.

Hatchet, Bolo Knife, Crowbar, and Gun. Use only for offense and defense against the enemy as well as
loot for supplies in times of war.

Anti-insect Lotion. Put this on your body to prevent insect bites, especially before nighttime.

Whistle. Blow it as hard as you can as soon as the moment the rescuers are in the vicinity and there are
no more enemies. This will help the rescuers identify and secure your location before extraction.

Raincoat and Umbrella. Protection from weather.

Laptop (if you have one). To input important data and at the same time source of entertainment.

Portable Lifesaving Devices. Lifesavers, like inflatable life vests, are also important especially when
crossing rivers, lakes, and seas/oceans to prevent drowning.

Second, store these in a backpack and make sure the bag is placed in a conspicuous place in your house.

If these won’t fit in one bag, divide them among your members but ensure they are present when

Third, assemble your group and make sure everyone and everything is accounted for, as well as help
them get ready for evacuation.

Fourth, check the place before leaving. Make sure no one and nothing is left behind.

Fifth, if there is still time, go to the rendezvous point and join the others for evacuation. Make sure no
one gets into a panic and no one gets left behind.

Go directly to the extraction point or where the extraction vehicles are on standby. Make sure everyone
in your group is in the vehicle including you.

Once the extraction vehicle leaves, keep calm.

But if the extraction attempt is compromised or is in danger, here are some suggestions that might get
you and your group through it:

Seek shelter and find a basement. If there is none, find a cave or a hiding place that is not easily seen by
the enemies. Camouflage yourselves with anything you can find around and drop yourselves to the
ground. Be silently still until the enemies pass by. Wait until darkness falls for you to move to a safer
place. Crawl as you move to prevent getting shot at.

Once the enemies are gone, start looking for no-cook foods around you. Fruits and other edible plants
may be found near you.
If safe enough, start making a makeshift shelter, tools for hunting, fishing, and defense weapons, and
may start a small fire for cooking and making yourselves warm.

Be on the move. Leave the place while it is dark. Stay off the road. Be quiet when communicating. Filter
the flashlight with a dark cloth when reading the map. The light’s glare may attract enemies and may
hunt you down. Use the cover of darkness to prevent detection from the enemies. Strive to reach the
safe zone without being detected.

If captured, do everything you can to escape. Do not let fear overcome you. Plan your escape. It may
take some time but it will be worth a try.

But if you got shot in the head, it’s over.


Upon reaching the Safe Zone, follow directions/orders from the designated military/medical personnel
and government officials.

Be organized.

Talk as politely as you can. Understanding is essential in surviving the situation. Small conflicts are

Take care of your group while helping others.

Be on your guard always.

Ration your food equally. Make sure everyone in your group gets to eat his share.

Observe discipline.

Avoid boredom by being productive.

Listen to instructions from designated authorities.

IN THE EVENT OF A CHEMICAL EXPLOSION AND FALLOUT, seek shelter and find a basement or a
bunker. If there is none, find a room in the middle of a building. It may be a storage room or a
washroom. Get inside quickly and seal the doors and windows with a wet cloth. Reinforce it with
movable cabinets or anything you can find.

Always keep in mind that radiation in the air is invisible and very fatal: once you are contaminated your
skin will be like a cooked pork stew with blisters. Your organs will malfunction in a matter of days and
eventually, you will be dead.

Take a bath immediately and remove/dispose of all your contaminated clothes.

Treat your injuries with clean water and pat dry it with a clean cloth if there is one. An ample knowledge
of first aid would be of great help in times of distress.

If one of you has brought food, no matter how little it is, ration it very carefully, and make sure that
everybody has his fair share of the ration.

Nobody knows if and when help arrives, since the country is in a state of war, so be prepared.
If you got lucky enough to survive the initial blast, while hiding inside a safe place, wait until the rescue
troops arrive and make a noise as loud as you can for them to locate and rescue your group. Once
rescued, keep yourselves covered tightly and seal off any openings in your clothes.


Now that every vital information about war survival is contributed to this book and every possible
scenario is taken into consideration, we might increase the chances of survival.

It is so sad to know that we cannot accurately know the effects of war and we do not have enough
supplies to survive its aftermath.

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