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Learning Task 2

I. Rankine Cycle
1. Consider a steam power plant operating on the simple ideal Rankine cycle. The
steam enters the turbine at 4 MPa, 400 deg. C and is condensed in the condenser at a
pressure of 100 kPa. Draw the schematic and T- s diagram of the cycle and determine
the following per unit mass of steam. (a) Turbine work, (b) Pump work, (c) Heat
added in the boiler, (d) Heat rejected in the condenser, (e) Thermal efficiency of the
cycle, (f) Heat rate, (g) Steam rate of the cycle.
2. Water is the working fluid in an ideal Rankine cycle. Superheated vapor enters the
turbine at 8 MPa, 480 deg. C. The condenser pressure is 8 kPa. The net power output
of the cycle is 100 MW. Determine for the cycle (a) the rate of heat transfer to the
working fluid passing through the steam generator, in kW. (b) the thermal efficiency.
(c) the mass flow rate of condenser cooling water, in kg/h, if the cooling water enters
the condenser at 15 deg C and exits at 35 deg C with negligible pressure change.
II. Improve Rankine Cycle
Identify and explain the ways with diagram on how to increase the efficiency of a
Rankine cycle.

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