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Equipment Protection Level (EPL)

The level of protection assigned to equipment are based on:

its risk of becoming a source of ignition, and
distinguishing the differences between
explosive gas atmospheres (Group II),
explosive dust atmospheres (Group III)

The higher the risk like zone 0, 20 - a higher level of protection is required like
Ex ia; ma. (EPL Ma , Ga, Da)
The lower the risk like Zone 2, 22 - a lower level of protection is required like
Ex ic, p . (EPL Gc, Dc)

Safety Height and Hazard Depth
Equipment Protection Level (EPL)
Minimum type of
Group Ex risk Risk Zone EPL

I (mines) energized Very high “0” Ma Same as Ga

de-energized in
I (mines) presence of Ex High 1 Mb Same as Gb

explosive atmosphere Very high

II (gas) 0 Ga ia, ma
> 1000 hrs/yr

explosive atmosphere
High ib, mb, px, py, e, o, q,
II (gas) between 10 and 1000 1 Gb

explosive atmosphere
II (gas) between 1 and 10 Low 2 Gc nA, ic, pz

explosive surface > Very high

III (dust) 20 Da ta; ia; ma
1000 hrs/yr

explosive surface
High tb, ib, mb, p
III (dust) between 10 and 1000 21 Db

explosive surface
tc, ic, p
III (dust) between 10 and 10 Low 22 Dc
Typical example and interpretation of an Ex marking
E Ex ia IIC T6 Ga

Equipment protection level

Temperature Classification (T-Class) identifies the maximum ignition-

capable surface temperature which the equipment will exhibit.(T6 =85°C)
Unless otherwise stated, the maximum ambient temperature to which the
equipment may be subjected (and thus the maximum ambient temperature
for which the T-Class will be true) is 40°C

Gas Group/ Apparatus Group

The roman II indicates surface industry (not mining). IIC is the most
onerous subgroup in Group II.
Equipment which is suitable for IIC will also be suitable for IIA and IIB

Code letters indicate the type of protection (or types) of protection utilized
by this equipment:‘ia’ indicates Intrinsic Safety

Ex: is the symbol for explosion protection

The initial ‘E’ indicating conformity with European EN standards.

This ‘E’ is no longer used so it will not be shown on equipment which has
been designed and certified since around 2007
Gas Groups - Ex d IIC T4 Gb

Industry Gas Group Substance MIE Selection of equipment

Methane 200µJ
Mining Industry Equipment only suitable for mines unless it is
I additional approved for surface: Marked I/IIC
Group I

Surface Industry
Group II IIA; IIB and IIC certified equipment may be use
IIA Propane 180 µJ and higher
in an IIA area.

IIB and IIC certified equipment may be used in

IIB Ethylene 60 µJ -180 µJ
an IIB area.

Only IIC certified equipment is allowed to be

IIC Hydrogen 20 µJ – 60 µJ
used in an IIC area.

According to SANS 60079-0, 2009, equipment group for dust is to be group III - IIIA, IIIB or
IIIC for electrical equipment for places with an explosive dust atmosphere.
(The gases noted in the table are typical gases for each group.)
MIE – Minimum ignition energy
Gas Group IIC is the most severe gas group
Verification of gas groups:
The equipment requirements increase from II A to II C

Increase in the level of protection will increase the

cost !
Temperature Classes - Ex d IIC T4 Gb
Explosion proof equipment, installed within the Ex area, is divided into 6 temperature classes (T1 to
Temperature class is not – as it is often wrongly believed – the operating temperature range of the
equipment, but the maximum permissible surface temperature of the equipment, in relation to +
40°C ambient temperature on any surface area, and should not be exceeded at any time.
The maximum surface temperature must remain below the ignition temperature of the all flammable
substances at all times.
The equipment requirements rise from T1 to T6.

Maximum surface temperature Ignition temperatures of combustible

of the equipment substances
T1 450°C > 450 °C

T2 300°C > 300 °C

T3 200°C > 200 °C

T4 135°C > 135 °C

T5 100°C > 100 °C

T6 85°C > 85 °C

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