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Comparative Impact of 2 Botulinum Toxin Injection

Techniques for Elbow Flexor Hypertonia
Nathaniel H. Mayer, MD, John Whyte, MD, PhD, Gunilla Wannstedt, MS, PT, Colin A. Ellis, ScB
ABSTRACT. Mayer NH, Whyte J, Wannstedt G, Ellis CA. Key Words: Botulinum toxins; Brain injuries; Injections;
Comparative impact of 2 botulinum toxin injection techniques Muscle hypertonia; Rehabilitation.
for elbow flexor hypertonia. Arch Phys Med Rehabil 2008;89: © 2008 by the American Congress of Rehabilitation Medi-
982-7. cine and the American Academy of Physical Medicine and
Objective: To compare 2 techniques of botulinum toxin Rehabilitation
injection for elbow flexor hypertonia.
Design: Parallel-group, randomized, controlled trial with N RECENT YEARS, botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) has
blinded outcome assessment.
Setting: Laboratory, tertiary rehabilitation hospital.
gained in usage as a treatment for the consequences of
overactivity in patients with an upper motoneuron
Participants: Adults (N⫽31) with acquired brain injury (21 syndrome (UMNS).1-5 Because upper and lower limbs are
with traumatic brain injury, 8 with stroke, 2 with hypoxic frequently involved, patients with UMNS often have many
encephalopathy) provided 36 sets of elbow flexors with Ash- target muscles to treat. One practical problem of treating many
worth Scale scores equal to 3. muscles is keeping the total dose of BTX-A within current
Intervention: Botulinum toxin type A (BTX-A) was injected guidelines for maximum body dose of toxin a visit.6 Therefore,
with a motor point or a multisite injection technique after obtain- using elbow flexor hypertonia as our clinical model, our goal in
ing 2 baseline evaluations of the main outcome measures. Motor this study was to find a more efficient way to treat UMNS
point technique involved decremental electric stimulation with patients with BTX-A. Ways of tackling this problem have
delivery of 60U of BTX-A (Botox) in 2.4mL or 30U BTX-A in included winnowing muscle selection through better history
1.2mL of preservative-free saline at single biceps and brachiora- and physical examination, using gait laboratory and motion
dialis motor points, respectively. Distributed injection was per- analysis to aid muscle selection, injecting smaller amounts of
formed using electromyographic feedback. Fifteen units in 0.6mL toxin in larger volumes, and finding better ways to inject. For
were delivered to each of 4 biceps sites and 2 brachioradialis sites. example, Childers et al,7 concerned with finding a better way to
Total dose (90U) and total injection volume (3.6mL) were iden- inject large muscles, compared 2 different delivery techniques
tical across groups. Only sites and injection techniques varied. The of BTX-A in the large gastrocnemius muscle of spastic
brachialis was not injected in either group. hemiplegics. In this study, we also looked at large upper-limb
Main Outcome Measures: Ashworth Scale, Tardieu catch muscles using 2 different methods of injection: a motor point
angle, and root mean square surface electromyographic activity technique and a distributed quadrants technique. Clinical ben-
of the biceps, brachialis, and brachioradialis. efits of BTX-A injections depend primarily on preventing
Results: Postintervention testing at 3 weeks showed no signif- release of acetylcholine at the neuromuscular junction, also
icant differences between groups (P range, .31–.82 across 3 out- called the endplate.8 Dosing for UMNS hypertonia was initially
come measures). However, within each group, significant treat- determined empirically and through shared clinical experi-
ment effects were observed on all outcome measures (all P⬍.01). ences. Because differently sized muscles were involved, clini-
For the uninjected brachialis muscle, electromyographic reduction cians soon emphasized injecting many sites for larger muscles
was greater for the distributed group. and fewer sites for smaller ones.9 For the biceps, 4 distributed
Conclusions: In 31 adults with acquired brain injury, single sites have been recommended, using a dose range of 50 to
motor point and multisite distributed injections of low-dose, high- 200U (Botox). Some injectors divided the biceps into 4 quad-
volume BTX-A had similar impact. Findings suggest that low- rants for injection, and others injected the estimated middle of
dose, high-volume strategies may have a potential role in reducing the muscle or its greatest palpable bulk. For the brachioradialis,
drug cost and helping clinicians stay within accepted limits for 2 injections distributed along the long axis of the muscle were
total body dose in patients with upper motoneuron syndrome recommended, using a dose range of 25 to 75U. Because
requiring many injections. BTX-A diffuses after injection, perhaps as much as 5cm, even
crossing anatomic barriers such as fascia,10,11 the utility of
multisite injections depends on diffusion to cover as much
territory as possible for toxin to find its way to endplates.
From the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, Temple University
School of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA (Mayer); Moss Rehabilitation Research Institute, The distributed method inefficiently encourages larger doses
Albert Einstein Healthcare Network, Philadelphia, PA (Mayer, Whyte, Ellis); Department of toxin because it does not target endplates. Endplate targeting
of Rehabilitation Medicine, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA (Whyte); and has been reported to potentiate effects of BTX-A in a canine
Motor Control Analysis Laboratory, MossRehab, Elkins Park, PA (Mayer, Wannstedt). model.12 Animal models and clinical studies have indicated
Supported in part by the National Institute on Disability and Rehabilitation Re-
search (grant no. H133A020505) and an educational grant from Allergan Inc. that distance to endplates influences efficiency of treatment
No commercial party having a direct financial interest in the results of the research with BTX-A. Shaari and Sanders13 observed that injections
supporting this article has or will confer a benefit upon the authors or upon any 5mm from the endplate resulted in a 50% decrease (compared
organization with which the authors are associated. with endplate injections) in glycogen staining as a marker of
Correspondence to Nathaniel H. Mayer, MD, MossRehab, 60 E Township Line Rd,
Elkins Park, PA 19027, e-mail: Reprints are not available from paralysis for rabbit longissimus dorsi. In humans, Gracies
the authors. et al14 injected a small volume of BTX-A close to endplates of
0003-9993/08/8905-00662$34.00/0 the biceps brachii using an endplate-targeting technique. The
doi:10.1016/j.apmr.2007.10.022 result was more effective than injecting the same volume at a

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 89, May 2008


greater distance from the endplate region. Injecting the same pothesis: given an injection of a constant dose of BTX-A
dose in a larger volume at a greater distance from the endplate delivered in a constant volume per muscle to patients with
was as effective as the smaller volume closer to the endplate. spastic hypertonia, a single-site motor point injection technique
What do we know about the location of endplates for the will be superior in reducing hypertonia compared with the
biceps? Coërs and Woolf15,16 found that the innervation band more standard distributed technique of injecting the biceps in 4
(zone of endplates) of human biceps underlies its motor point, sites and the brachioradialis in 2 sites, remote from their motor
found on the skin by electric stimulation. Warfel’s map17 for points.9
the motor point of the biceps diagrams it as half-way between
the proximal and distal tendons of the biceps. Aquilonius et al18 METHODS
described biceps brachii endplates as a 5- to 10-mm–wide band
in a 4- to 6-cm–long region half-way between the proximal and Participants
distal tendons of the biceps. Deshpande et al19 recently de- Participants were 31 adult patients with acquired brain injury
scribed the endplates of the biceps as an inverted V-shaped who were referred to the Motor Control Analysis Laboratory
band just below the midpoint of the humerus. for evaluation and treatment of severe elbow flexor hypertonia.
Much less is known about the motor point of the brachiora- Five patients were bilaterally involved; therefore, 36 elbows
dialis. Unlike the biceps, whose motor point overlies its end were studied. All limbs had an Ashworth Scale score of 3.
plates, Coërs15 noted that the motor endplates of the brachi- There were no contraindications to treatment with BTX-A such
oradialis were deeply situated. The fasciculi of the brachiora- as concurrent use of aminoglycosides, myasthenia gravis, or
dialis arise from a superficial layer of the fascia, running treatment with BTX-A within 3 months. Patients were ex-
toward a deeply situated musculotendinous junction. As a cluded if they had hypertonia elsewhere in the upper limb that
consequence, nerve endings of the endplate, in relation to the required additional medical intervention. An initial exclusion
surface site of the motor point, lie at an uncertain distance. We criterion was flexion contracture greater than 60°; this was later
reasoned that careful electric stimulation with iteratively de- relaxed to 70°. Patients or their surrogates gave written in-
creasing current intensity might help guide the needle tip closer formed consent, and the project was approved by our institu-
to the vicinity of the endplates, if indeed the endplates are tional review board. Characteristics of the participants can be
located close to the motor point of the brachioradialis. We also seen in table 1. Of the 10 patients with nontraumatic brain
reasoned that greater dilutions might also promote toxin diffu- injury, 8 patients had stroke and 2 patients had hypoxic en-
sion onto endplates of the brachioradialis. cephalopathy.
Given the relationship between the anatomic location of
endplates and physiologically determined motor points de- Outcome Measures and Instrumentation
scribed by Coërs and others in the literature cited earlier, we Three clinicophysiologic variables were studied: the Tardieu
reasoned that toxin instilled with a motor point technique, catch angle (part of the Modified Tardieu Scale20,21), the Ash-
especially in larger fluid volumes, might disperse more effi- worth Scale,22 and the root mean square (RMS) quantification
ciently into the vicinity of the endplates of the biceps and of surface electromyographic activity recorded during the Ash-
brachioradialis. Accordingly, we arrived at the following hy- worth maneuver.

Table 1: Balance of Experimental Groups at Baseline

Distributed Quadrants Motor Point Effect
Characteristics (n⫽18) (n⫽18) Size t34 P

Age (y) 34.7⫾21.9 37.9⫾19.9 .16 0.47 0.64

Time postinjury (d) 481.9⫾890.1 256.7⫾418.7 .32 0.97 0.34
Maximum passive elbow extension (deg) 31.5⫾25.2 23.9⫾26.5 .30 0.89 0.38


Sex (n) 1.80 0.18*

Male 17 13
Female 1 5
Etiology (n) 0.50 0.73*
TBI 11 13
Non-TBI 7 5
Chronicity (n) 0.12 1.00*
Subacute (⬍6mo) 12 11
Chronic (⬎6mo) 6 7
Outcome Variables Mann-Whitney U

TCA (deg) 105.1⫾9.6 102.9⫾11.9 .21 178.5 0.60

RMS EMG values (mV)
Biceps 0.158⫾0.136 0.119⫾0.106 .32 195 0.30
Brachialis 0.091⫾0.068 0.070⫾0.054 .34 196 0.28
Brachioradialis 0.197⫾0.166 0.132⫾0.077 .50 185 0.47
3-muscle average 0.149⫾0.119 0.107⫾0.067 .43 190.5 0.37

NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ standard deviation (SD) or n or as indicated.

Abbreviations: EMG, electromyographic activity; TCA, Tardieu catch angle.
*Fisher exact test.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 89, May 2008


Tardieu catch angle. The available range of motion of the anterior deltoid, were estimated by palpation. A longi-
(ROM) at the elbow was measured with a handheld goniom- tudinal line traversing the mound of the biceps muscle was
eter.a Maximum passive elbow extension was performed at a generated between these 2 sites. A midpoint perpendicular to
very slow rate so as not to trigger a spastic reaction that could the longitudinal line was approximated, resulting in 4 sectors or
influence the degree of extension. To determine the Tardieu quadrants. A 27-gauge Teflon-coated hypodermic needle was
catch angle, the examiner extended the elbow as rapidly as inserted toward the outer diagonal edge of each of the 4
possible and reported the angle at which a sudden palpable quadrants, using auditory electromyography guidance to verify
increase in resistance (the catch) was perceived.20,21 Five con- that the needle tip was in muscle. The 4 needle sites, rectan-
secutive trials were performed by an experienced physical gularly configured, were separated from each other by at least
therapist and averaged to create the session’s value. 5cm. The distributed quadrants technique for the brachioradia-
Ashworth Scale. The 5-point ordinal Ashworth Scale22 lis was performed with the forearm held in neutral. Injection
was used to measure passive resistance. Passive stretch of was performed at 2 sites along the long axis of the muscle, 2.5
elbow flexors was initiated at a velocity that would cover the and 5cm below the elbow crease, typically into the visible bulk
available ROM in 1 second23 if resistance to stretch was not of the muscle using auditory electromyography guidance.
encountered by the examiner. This was assessed with a strain Dosing. Motor point injections occurred at 1 site in the
gauge electrogoniometer.b Trials in which the measured veloc- biceps (60U, 2.4mL) and 1 site in the brachioradialis (30U,
ity was more than 30% different from the target velocity were 1.2mL). Distributed injections occurred at 4 sites in the biceps
discarded. The median value of 5 acceptable trials was used for and 2 sites in the brachioradialis (15U, 0.6mL per site). Thus,
data analysis. total dose (90U) and volume (3.6mL) were constant for both
Electromyography. Surface electromyographic activity groups; only the injection sites and localization techniques
was recorded from the biceps brachii, brachialis, and brachi- varied between groups.
oradialis during Ashworth maneuvers. Ag/AgCl electrodesc
were centered over the midbelly mound of the biceps. Brachi- Data Analysis
oradialis electrodes were placed 4cm distal to the elbow crease, Baseline balance of the experimental groups was assessed
and brachialis electrodes were placed just medial to the biceps with the following tests: Student t test for age, days postinjury,
tendon and proximal to the crease to minimize biceps crosstalk. and maximum passive range of elbow extension; Pearson chi-
A ground electrode was placed on the back of the shoulder. square and Fisher exact tests for sex, etiology, and chronicity;
Electromyographic signals, sampled at 1kHz, were fed and Mann-Whitney U test for Tardieu catch angle and electro-
through a MyoPac differential amplifier,d bandwidth filtered myographic outcome measures. Where appropriate, effect sizes
(20 – 495Hz) and processed by DataPac 2K2 software.d RMS (Cohen d) were also calculated as the difference of means
values were calculated for each muscle on the interval between divided by the pooled SDs. For both Tardieu catch angle and
20% and 80% of the amplitude of stretch, the most rapidly electromyography data, the 2 baseline sessions had high test-
changing portion of stretch. Five trials were averaged for each retest reliability and were averaged to create a single baseline
session. One subject’s electromyographic value for the brachi- value for each elbow. Baseline Ashworth scores were 3 for all
oradialis during the third testing session was an extreme outlier elbows studied.
and was removed. Comparisons between injection techniques took baseline
values into account for each outcome measure. This was not
Protocol necessary for Ashworth scores, with all scores being 3 at
Each patient was tested 3 times. Two baseline sessions took baseline. Thus, posttreatment Ashworth scores for the 2 groups
place on separate days (mean ⫾ standard deviation [SD], were compared by a Mann-Whitney U test. However, the
4.2⫾3d). At the end of the second session, each elbow was distribution of Tardieu catch angle and electromyography
randomized to an injection technique (described below) and scores violated statistical assumptions underlying statistical
injections of BTX-A (Botox) were performed by the principal adjustment by means of regression or analysis of covariance.
investigator. A posttreatment session was conducted approxi- Therefore, log-transformed electromyography data were fit to a
mately 3 weeks later (mean, 23.5⫾4.4d). The examiner was general linear model using baseline electromyographic activity
blind to injection technique assignments. Adverse events and and treatment group as predictors and session 3 electromyo-
medication changes were monitored throughout the study. graphic activity as the dependent variable. Tardieu catch angle
Injection techniques: motor point injection technique. Ana- values required nonparametric stratification into 4 bins, and a
tomically, a motor point is the most distal electrosensitive site stratified Wilcoxon test was used to take baseline strata into
of a motor nerve that corresponds to its entry site into the account when comparing the 2 treatment groups.
muscle or to an area where motor endplates cluster and where To assess the within-group effect of chemodenervation,
minimal stimulating current generates a perceptible twitch of paired t tests were used for Tardieu catch angle, and electro-
muscle fibers.24,25 Single biceps and brachioradialis motor myographic measures and effect sizes were also computed. A
points were first approximated by stimulating skin sites17 with Wilcoxon signed-rank test was used for the ordinal Ashworth
short-duration electric pulses at 1Hz (EZ Stim Model ES200e) score. Finally, to assess the possible contribution of spontane-
to optimize needle insertion site. After skin preparation with ous recovery to treatment effects within groups, the entire
iodine, alcohol, and a local anesthetic, a Teflon-coated 27- cohort of subjects was divided based on a median split of time
gauge hypodermic needle, 38mm long, serving to stimulate the postinjury (median, 84d), regardless of injection technique.
motor point electrically as well as to inject it, was advanced Treatment effect sizes were calculated for these 2 groups
toward the motor point. Muscle twitches were monitored visu- (defined as acute and chronic).
ally and by palpation. As the needle tip advanced closer to the
motor point, current intensity was turned down because less RESULTS
was needed to generate a twitch. Injection was generally per-
formed when current intensity reached 0.3 to 0.2mA. Baseline Characteristics of the Experimental Groups
Injection techniques: distributed quadrants technique. Two Table 1 shows the characteristics of the motor point and
sites, the biceps tendon at the elbow crease and the distal end distributed quadrants groups at baseline. There were no signif-

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 89, May 2008


Table 2: Effects of the Motor Point Injection (nⴝ18)

Outcome Measure Baseline Posttreatment Effect Size t17 P

TCA (deg) 102.9⫾11.9 76.8⫾21.1 1.52 4.99 ⬍.001

Biceps 0.119⫾0.106 0.050⫾0.043 0.85 3.08 .007
Brachialis 0.070⫾0.054 0.053⫾0.074 0.26 1.53 .146
Brachioradialis 0.132⫾0.077 0.048⫾0.028 1.45 4.46 ⬍.001
Ashworth score 3 (3) 2 (0–2) 3.82* ⬍.001

NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ SD or median (range).

*Wilcoxon z.

icant differences between the groups in terms of demographic the exception of electromyographic activity of the uninjected
features or baseline measures of hypertonia. Although 22 of 36 brachialis muscle.
elbows had some level of flexion contracture, these contrac- For the distributed quadrants group, a clinicophysiologic
tures were well balanced between groups; furthermore, con- effect of toxin injection was also observed at the 3-week
tracture angle did not correlate with Tardieu catch angle at postintervention session (table 3). A significant intervention
baseline (r34⫽.03, P⫽.86) and so was unlikely to confound the effect was found for each outcome variable, including electro-
results. Ashworth scores are not shown in table 1 because all 36 myographic activity of the uninjected brachialis muscle.
elbows had scores of 3 at baseline.
Effect of Spontaneous Recovery During the Study Period
Between-Group Treatment Effects To assess the possible contribution of spontaneous recovery
There were no significant differences between the 2 groups to treatment effects within groups, the entire cohort of subjects
for any of the outcome measures assessed. Median Ashworth was divided, based on a median split of time postinjury (84d),
scores after treatment decreased by 1 point compared with regardless of injection technique. In chronic patients (n⫽18),
baseline for both groups (Mann-Whitney U test, P⫽.53). The electromyography data showed a small effect size in the un-
Tardieu catch angle posttreatment did not differ significantly treated brachialis (.09) but large effect sizes in toxin-treated
either when analyzed in a simple 2-sample Wilcoxon test muscles (.86 –.95), suggesting that the medication had a large
(P⫽.46) or when stratified by baseline Tardieu catch angle impact unrelated to spontaneous recovery. In acute patients
(P⫽.31). Comparison of the log-transformed composite elec- (⬍84d, n⫽18), the corresponding effect sizes were increased
tromyography signal from the 3 elbow flexors did show a (brachialis, .65; treated muscles, 1.11–1.3). However, for Tar-
significant effect of baseline electromyographic activity dieu catch angle, which measures hypertonia across the joint as
(P⫽.003), with a slope of .465 (95% confidence interval [CI], a whole, there was virtually no difference in effect size be-
.192–.737), indicating larger-magnitude electromyographic tween acute (1.54) and chronic (1.57) patients.
signals posttreatment for subjects with larger baseline electro-
myographic measures. However, the group difference was DISCUSSION
small in magnitude (.046) (95% CI, .350 –.441) and nonsignif- In this study of 31 adults with acquired brain injury and
icant, corresponding to 4.5% lower electromyographic magni- elbow flexor hypertonia, we found that localizing motor points
tude in the distributed quadrants group than the motor point before injection was not superior to distributed electromyogra-
group after adjustment for baseline electromyographic activity. phy-guided injections when using low doses and high volumes
Results were similar for electromyography data of individual of BTX-A as specified. The lack of a significant group differ-
muscles as well. ence does not appear to be related to low statistical power,
because effect sizes reflecting group differences for the 3
Within-Group Treatment Effects outcome measures were small. Although there was no differ-
To make sure that a lack of difference between groups was ence between groups, there was a robust treatment effect within
not due to ineffective treatment in both groups (ie, floor effects each group, as discussed later.
related to the choice of a low treatment dose), we checked for Our study, like others, found significant reductions in Ash-
treatment effects within each group. For the motor point group, worth scores.1,5,26-28 However, the ordinal Ashworth Scale
a clinicophysiologic effect of toxin injection was observed at lacks sensitivity, and it measures nonneural as well as neural
the 3-week postintervention session (table 2). A significant components of resistance. More sensitive, continuous measures
intervention effect was found for each outcome variable, with may be able to distinguish between treatment techniques where

Table 3: Effects of the Distributed Injection (nⴝ18)

Outcome Measure Baseline Posttreatment Effect Size t17 P

TCA (deg) 105.1⫾9.6 74.4⫾28.7 1.44 4.49 ⬍.001

Biceps 0.158⫾0.136 0.051⫾0.041 1.07 3.38 .004
Brachialis 0.091⫾0.068 0.056⫾0.058 0.56 2.52 .02
Brachioradialis 0.197⫾0.166 0.059⫾0.048 1.13 3.59 .002
Ashworth score 3 (3) 2 (0–3) 3.63* ⬍.001

NOTE. Values are mean ⫾ SD or median (range).

*Wilcoxon z.

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 89, May 2008


the Ashworth Scale cannot.29-32 We therefore included the have come close to a floor effect with the low doses used—for
Tardieu catch angle in our study, a measure of the angle at example, a low-dose, low-volume injection at the motor point
which a catch or sudden palpable resistance occurs during very compared with similar dosing with a distributed technique
rapid passive stretch. Critically, this catch reflects neurally might have produced group differences.
mediated hypertonia33-36 and is considered a truer score of The use of surface electromyography as a measure of muscle
spasticity than Ashworth scoring. In this study, the Tardieu specificity raises a number of concerns. Measurement of sur-
catch angle value was also significantly reduced for each tech- face electromyographic activity is subject to tissue impedance
nique, so we can conclude with greater confidence than we had variability across subjects, electrode placement variability
with Ashworth reduction that the toxin intervention truly had across test sessions, and cross-talk (electrode pickup of activity
an effect on the neural component of hypertonia. from nearby nontarget muscles). Cross-talk is difficult to quan-
The study also included a quantitative electromyography tify. Nevertheless, the finding of significant reduction of elec-
measure to provide muscle-specific information, something tromyographic activity of injected muscles within each group
Ashworth and Tardieu catch angle measures cannot do. Our indicates that the amount of cross-talk was not sufficient to
findings indicate that each injection technique reduced the obscure an experimental effect. The much larger treatment
biceps and brachioradialis activity significantly. The relation effect for the biceps and brachioradialis compared with the
between biceps endplates and its motor point is known from uninjected brachialis also provides some evidence that surface
Coërs’s work,15 but less is known regarding the brachioradialis. electromyography yields muscle-specific information.
Our finding of reduced brachioradialis electromyographic ac- Although oral antispasticity drugs were kept unchanged,
tivity suggests that the motor point technique may well be other medications taken by the patients might have affected
creating access for toxin to the brachioradialis endplates. Of hypertonia. We examined a subset of 20 subjects (10 in each
additional interest is the finding of a moderate effect size group) who had no changes of medication in the postinterven-
(Cohen d⫽.56) for the uninjected brachialis in the distributed tion period. Descriptive statistics for all outcome measures in
group. The distributed technique used 4 biceps needle inser- this subset were found to be similar to those of the full cohort
tions compared with one for the motor point method. With of subjects. Treatment effect sizes both between and within
multiple sticks, depth of needle insertion has a greater chance groups were also similar. It seems unlikely that medication
for variability, suggesting that leakage of toxin onto the bra- changes could have confounded our results.
chialis, which lies beneath the biceps, has a greater chance of
occurring. Alternatively, the distributed technique, covering CONCLUSIONS
more areas of muscle, might favor toxin effect on broadly
distributed muscle spindles,37,38 which could account for more The impacts of 2 different injection techniques on elbow
widespread C5-6 segmental reduction of hypertonia, of which flexor hypertonia were compared, using low-dose (60U in the
the brachialis, a C5-6 muscle, could partake. biceps, 30U in the brachioradialis), high-volume (2.4mL in the
With respect to volume or dilution considerations, recent biceps, 1.2mL in the brachioradialis) injections of BTX-A.
investigations looked at the issue of high and low volumes at Single motor point and multisite distributed injections were
constant dosing. Francisco et al39 compared 2 different vol- found to have similar impact at these doses and volumes.
umes for wrist and finger flexor spasticity, using the same dose Findings suggest that low-dose, high-volume strategies may
of BTX-A. Modified Ashworth Scale scores decreased signif- have a potential role in reducing drug cost and helping clini-
icantly for both high- and low-volume groups with a nonsig- cians stay within accepted limits for total body dose in patients
nificant trend in favor of the high-volume preparation. Gracies with UMNS requiring many injections.
et al40 injected the biceps of chronic hemiplegics with high and Acknowledgments: We gratefully acknowledge Caron Morita,
low volumes containing constant doses of BTX-A (160U). A BA, for project supervision, Shane Eynon, PhD, for assistance with
greater reduction in Tardieu angle was found in the high- data collection and management, and Inna Chervoneva, PhD, for
volume group. Gracies et al14 elsewhere reported that injecting statistical consultation.
a small volume of BTX-A close to the neuromuscular junction
was more effective than injecting a similar volume at a distance References
from the junction. However, injecting a large volume more 1. Brashear A, Gordon MF, Elovic E, et al. Botox post-stroke spas-
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5. Bakheit AM, Pittock S, Moore AP, et al. A randomized, double-
Study Limitations blind, placebo-controlled study of the efficacy and safety of bot-
Certain study limitations must be considered. We cannot be ulinum toxin type A in upper limb spasticity in patients with
certain about the relationship between distributed quadrants stroke. Eur J Neurol 2001;8:559-65.
sites and motor point sites because we did not identify motor 6. The WE MOVE Spasticity Study Group. Dosing, administration,
point sites of the distributed quadrants group. Moreover, spread and a treatment algorithm for use of botulinum toxin type A for
of toxin and mechanisms of diffusion are unknown variables. adult-onset muscle overactivity in patients with an upper mo-
Given the specified high volumes of this study, we may not toneuron lesion. In: Mayer NH, Simpson DM, editors. Spasticity:

Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 89, May 2008


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Arch Phys Med Rehabil Vol 89, May 2008

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