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The following is a list of person who may compose a field survey party. Their
duties and responsibilities are given opposite their respective designotions. The given
composition is primarily designed for large scale surveys which is expected to the
undertake field surveys covering days or weeks using either conventional or
sophisticated surveying instruments such as those for surveys using electronic, enertial,
and positioning systems. In coming up with an organization for a field surveys party, the
principle of flexibility must be adapted. The duties and responsibility of member of a
survey party should not always be fixed but should be modified so as to suit prevailing
work requirements and conditions, problems in field operations, and the availability and
useg of surveying equipment. Hence, for smaller scale surveys and where conventional
surveying equipment are utilized, the given composition should be reduced to what is
deemed preferable or suitable. The composition, duties and responsibilities given in this
list should serve as a referencefor one who intends to organize a field survey party.

1. Chief of Party – the person who is responsible for the overall direction,
surpervision, and operational control of the survey party. He is also responsible
for its logistical and technical requirements, and problems of a field survey
operation. Prior to the execution of a survey project, he consults or confers with
superiors regarding the project to be undertaken. He is responsible for
submitting survey reports and records and sees to it that these are complete,
accurate and adheres to prescribed technical standards and specifications. He
prepares cost estimates of survey projects and receives and disburses the cash
expenses of the survey party. He may be called upon to act as an expert
witness in court on matters relating to technical description of land and other
surveying matters.
2. Assistant Chief of Party – the person whose duty is to assist the chief of party in the
accomplishment of the task assigned to the survey party. He takes over the
duties of the chief of party during the absence of chief. He conducts ground
reconnaissance and investigates sites of a proposed project to gather
necessary data prior to the start of survey work. He is primarily responsible for
the employment of surveying equipment, instruments and accessories used in
the survey operation. He prepares field and office reports and survey plans for
submission to the chief of party.
3. Instrumentman – the person whose duty is to set up, level, and operate
surveying instruments such as the transit, level, theodolite, sextant, plane table
and alidade, etc. He sees to it that instruments to be used in a survey operation
are in good working condition and in proper adjustment. He also assist the
technician in the operation of electronic surveying equipment. He work in
coordination and as part of an instrument party and exercises limited
surpervision over personnel doing manual task.
4. Technician- the person who is responsible for the use and operation of all
electronic instruments required in a field work operation. It is his duty to see to it
that these equipment are functioning properly, are regularly calibrated, and are
in adjustment. He is also responsible for the establishment of a two-way
communication link by radio between the survey party and the home office and,
between members of the survey party where distant station or long survey lines
are involved.
5. Computer- the person whose duty is to perform all computations of survey data
and works out necessary computational checks required in a field work
operation. He is responsible for the utilization of electronic calculators, pocket or
microcomputers, and assist in the operation of computerized surveying system
or equipment.
6. Recorder- the person whose duty is keep a record of all sketches, drawings,
measurements and observations taken or needed for a field work operation. He
keeps table of schedules of all phases of work and the employment of the
members of the survey party. He does clerical task related to surveying in the
office and undertakes limited cartographic jobs.
7. Head tapeman- the person responsible for the accuracy and speed of all linear
measurements with tape. He determine and directs the marking of stations to be
occupied by the surveying instruments and directs the clearing out of
obstruction along the line of sight. He inspects and compares tapes for standard
length prior to their use in taping operation, and responsible for eliminating or
reducing possible errors and mistakes in taping.
8. Rear Tapeman- the person whose duty is to assist the head tapeman during
taping operation and in other related work.
9. Flagman- the person whose duty is to hold the flagpole or range pole at
selected points as directed by the instrumentman. He helps the tapeman in
making measurements and assists the axeman in cutting down branches and in
clearing other obstructions to line of sight. Where electronic distance measuring
instruments are used, he is responsible for setting up reflectors or targets.
10. Rodman- the person whose primary duty is to hold the stadia or leveling rod
when sights are to be taken on it.
11. Pacer- the person whose duty is to check all linear measurements made by the
tape man. He assists the tapeman in seeing to it that mistakes and blunders in
linear measurements are either reduced or eliminated. In addition, the pacer
may also perform the job of a rodman.
12. Axeman/Lineman- the person whose duty is to clear the line of the sight of
trees, brush, and other obstruction in wooded country. He is also responsible
for the security and safety of the member of the survey party at the survey site.
The axeman is usually provided not only with an ax but a rifle or a sidearm as
well. If this member is to do so . In some instances it would be advisable to
request military or police authorities for needed security or hire authorized
security guards.
13. Aidman- the person whose duty is to render first aid treatment to members of
the survey party who are involved in snake and insects bites, accidents, and
other cases involving their health, safety, and well being. In addition, he may be
designated as an assistant instrumentman.
14. Utilitymen- the person whose duties are to render other forms of assistance
needed by the survey party or as directed by the chief of party. Where a survey
vehicle is used, a utilityman is designated as driver. If the survey party has to
camp out for days in the field, utilityman are responsible for setting up the camp
site and its required facilities. They prepare and serve meals, and also look after
the security of the cam site. They are likewise responsible for the handling are

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