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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region XI – Davao de Oro
Schools Division of Davao de Oro
Nabunturan East District


Name: ___________________________________________ Score: ________________________

Year & Section: ____________________________________ Date:_________________________

TEST I: MULTIPLE CHOICE (for items 1-20)

Direction: Read the following questions carefully and choose the best answer from the given choices.
Write the letter on the space provided before each number.

_____1. It refers to the resources that combined multiple media format like text, still images, audio,
animation and video interactively.
A. multi-media resources C. primary resources
B. Internet resources D. secondary resources
_____2. Which component of multi-media resources is considered as the oldest form of media?
A. text materials C. audio files
B. B. photographs and other still images D. video presentation .
_____3. Which of the following is a benefit of using multi-media resources?
A. It provides a deeper understanding. C. It increases positive
B. It gives access to a wide array of information. D. all of the above.
_____4. Which component of multi-media resources refers to moving pictures and typically combining
images and sound for compelling multimedia experience?
A. text materials C. audio files
B. photographs and other still images D. video presentation
_____5. Which of the following is not true about multi-media resources?
A. Multi-media resources do not allow world exploration.
B. Multi-media resources have a direct effect on learning.
C. Multi-media resources can impact the students’ mood during the learning process.
D. Multi-media resources stimulate the brain.
_____6. This refers to the most powerful means of communicating confidence and conviction?
A. Posture B. Eye Contact C. Body Movement D. Facial Expressions
_____7. Which of the following explains why oral communications better than written communication?
A. conveying facts and opinions C. providing opportunity to refer back
B. conveying feelings and emotions D. saving time
_____8. Which of the following is/are primary mean/s of conveying messages between humans?
A. Posture B. Eye Contact C. Body Movement D. Facial Expressions
_____9. It refers to the quality of involving or being shared by all people or things in the world.
A. Universality B. Culture C.Principle D. Virtue
_____ 10. It is a way of life of a group of people -- the behaviors, beliefs, values, and symbols that they
accept, generally without thinking about them.
A. Universality B. Culture C.Principle D. Virtue
_____ 11. The original words of something written, printed or spoken, in contrast to a summary or
paraphrase. A. proof B. evidence C.text D. code
_____ 12. Which of the following is NOT an appropriate body movement and position?
A. Face your audience with your hands on the side with your chin up C. Swaying back and forth
B. Lean forward when delivering important lines D. Stand firm
_____ 13.Which is true about citing textual evidence?

A. it encourages high level of thinking C. it enhances students’ critical thinking skills

B. both A and B D. None of the Above

_____ 14. What is expressed in the following sentence? I personally believe that things happen for a reason,
so I try to be positive even in difficult times.

A. Belief B. conclusion C. fact D. reality

_____ 15. Which phrase does not signal a statement of belief or conviction?
A. In my opinion B. I think… C. Meanwhile… D. I believe…

____ 16. What must you remember when using video clips during a speech presentation?
A. make sure the sound provides good background music

B. be certain the clip is cued up

C. use clips that are at least two minutes in length

D. all of the above

____ 17. The following are ways to cite evidence in a text, except:

A. Cite It B. Highlight C. Paraphrase It D. Quote It!

____ 18. How will you identify a general statement in a text?

A. By looking for specific details C. Look for facts, reasons, or examples

B. By looking for specific information D. By asking "Who is this or what is this all

____ 19. How will you distinguish the supporting statements in a text?

A. By asking "What key point does the author want me to know about?"

B. By asking "Who is this all about?"

C. By asking "What is this all about?"

D. By asking for reasons, examples, facts or statistics.

____ 20. According to the evidence listed below, what is its general statement?

• Monchey loves to play

• He loves it when I pretend to be dead and licks me.

• He follows me around the house with a toy in his mouth.

A. Monchey is so much fun to play with C. Monchey is a trained dog.

B. Monchey can catch anything D. Monchey is a sick dog.

Test II. TRUE OR FALSE (For items 21-30)

Directions: Read each statement below carefully. Write T on the line if the statement it TRUE; F if it is

_____ 21. An opinion is not supported by evidence.

_____ 22. A fact is an information that can be proved with evidence.

_____ 23. If an article is described as "subjective", the article has an unbalanced treatment of the topic
influenced by personal opinion.

_____ 24. Invalid means to be credible and trustworthy.

_____ 25.The 5W's help us determine whether information can be trustworthy or not.

_____ 26. When you raise a sensible and thought-provoking questions, you are enabling the discussion to
be more in-depth and comprehensible.

_____ 27. Asking a question not related to the topic being discussed is acceptable as long as the question is

_____ 28. Using sentence or phrase starters to provide evidence is one way of finding evidence in a text.

_____ 29. Note facts, examples, descriptions, analogy, causes and effects are NOT used to support general
_____ 30. Understanding the general statements and supporting evidence in reading helps you easily
comprehend the main message of a text.

Test III. FILL IN THE BLANKS (For items 31-35)

DIRECTIONS:Complete each question below by writing the appropriate word. Choose your answer from the list of
words in the word cloud.

What Where When

Who How

31.__________ color is your hair? It is black.

32.__________ are my glasses? They are on your head.

33.__________ do you visit your friends? On Sundays.

34. __________ is the Colombian President? Mr. Duque.

35.__________ old is your father/ He is 60 years old.

Test IV. Sequence of Events: Prince Bantugan (For items 36-40)

DIRECTIONS: Arrange the sentences in the proper sequence by numbering them in the blanks as they happened
in the story.

_____ 36. Prince Bantugan was a good, brave, and handsome prince.
_____ 37.. Prince Bantugan travelled to the Kingdom-Between-Two-Seas and, due to weariness, died at the
palace gates.
_____38.Prince Madali and the king brought back Bantugan’s soul from the land of the dead.
_____39.The parrot told Princess Datimbang that the dead man was Bantugan.
_____40. All the people were happy when Prince Bantugan came to life again.

Prepared by: Checked by:


Teacher III English Coordinator


Teacher I
Mainit National High School


School Principal III
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region XI – Davao de Oro
Schools Division of Davao de Oro
Nabunturan East District

First Quarter Examination


Answer Key

1. A 21. T
2. A 22. T
3. D 23. T
4. D 24. F
5. A 25. T
6. B 26. T
7. B 27. F
8. D 28. T
9. A 29. F
10. B 30. T
11. C 31. What
12. C 32. Where
13. B 33. When
14. A 34. Who
15. C 35. How
16. D 36. 1
17. B 37. 2
18. D 38. 4
19. D 39. 3
20. C 40. 5

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