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There was once a boy named Jokobo who lived in a village in Africa.

He was very clever but he had one

problem. He didn’t always tell the truth. Sometimes, when he was bored, Jokobo told lies. He thought it made life more
interesting. During the day, Jokobo looked after his parents’ goat. Every morning, he took the goats up the hill to eat
grass. Then, he climbed to the top of a tall tree and watched over them. It was a very boring job.

Jokobo Oh…. It’s so boring. What should I do?........ Aha ….. I got an idea.
Help….. Help….. It’s a lion

Father It’s like Jokobo.

Mother There’s a lion. It might hurt him. Quick, we need to go

Jokobo’s parents ran up the hill. When they got to the top, , they saw Jokobo sitting in the tree laughing…..

Jokobo Ha……Ha……. Ha……..

Father ( very angry……)

A few weeks later, Jokobo was bored again. ….

Jokobo It’s a lion……..

Father That’s Jokobo.

Mother Quick. It’s a lion. It could attack the goats

They ran up the hill

Jokobo Ha…… Ha…… Ha…….

Father (furious).. Jokobo, if you tell lies, people will never believe you again.’

The next day, Jokobo was in the tree. He saw a lion coming towards his goats………..

Jokobo Help……It’s a lion…….. It’s really is a lion….. Help…..

Father That’s Jokobo again.

Mother Yes, but he just playing a trick on us again.

Jokobo’s parents didn’t go to help him. The lion scared away all the goats. Jokobo hid in the tree all day.
He was to scared to come down. In the evening, when Jokobo didn’t go home, his parents walked up the
hill to look for him. They found him in the tree all hungry and frightened. Jokobo was very sorry and
never told lies again.
One day, Jokobo decided to play a trick. He shouted as loud as he could. ‘Help…. Its a lion. His parents heard him
in the village. It’s like Jokobo. There’s a lion. It might hurt him. Quick, we need to go. Jokobo’s parents ran up the
hill. When they got to the top, they saw Jokobo sitting in the tree laughing. They realized it was just a trick.
There wasn’t a lion. They were very angry.

A few weeks later, Jokobo was bored again. So, he shouted, ‘It’s a lion. His parents heard him in the
village. ‘That’s Jokobo.’ ‘ Quick. It’s a lion. It could attack the goats. They ran up the hill. Once again they
found Jokobo sitting in the tree laughing. They were furious. “Jokobo, if you tell lies, people will never believe
you again.’

The next day, Jokobo was in a tree. g

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