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Emotional visit of overseas Vietnamese to Truong Sa archipelago

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Emotional visit of overseas Vietnamese H a n o i t a rg e t s d i s b u r s i n g a t

least 95% of public
to Truong Sa archipelago in ves tme n t funds in 20 24

Ha An
S p r i n g C a l l i g ra p h y F e s t i v a l
kicks off in Hanoi

After 8 years of implementation, the Truong Sa movement has strongly

L e s s - e m i s s i o n p ro d u c t i o n
progressed, especially among the countries where large numbers fuels Vietnam’s sustainable
Vietnamese people are living. a g r i c u l t u re

More than 50 overseas Vietnamese from 19 countries shared their

H a n o i e n s u re s s a fe t y a n d
pride and emotion as they travelled more than 1,000 nautical miles to visit Truong Sa e n v i ro n m e n t a l h yg i e n e o n
(Spratly) archipelago in the East Sea, the nation’s sacred territory, according to Lunar New Year 's Eve
The eighth trip of its kind was held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Committee for Vietnam news in brief -
Overseas Vietnamese Affairs (SCOV) in mid-April and lasted for 9 days. Fe b r u a r y 5
In the occasion, ship KN 490 of the Vietnam Fisheries Resources Surveillance carried
the delegation of ministries and government officials as well as overseas compatriots to
V i e t n a m e s e o v e r s e a s : Ke y
visit five islands and the DK1/20 offshore platform.
f a c to r i n p e o p l e - to - p e o p l e
The delegates offered their incense to General Vo Nguyen Giap and attended two diplomacy
commemorations of the heroic martyrs who lost their lives in the Gac Ma naval battle.

Cu Lao Cham: Typical model

The delegation and soldiers join in an art exchange at the Truong Sa in bi odiversi t y an d h armo ny
w i t h n a t u re
Archipelago's Truong Sa Dong island. Photo by Anh Ngoc/Vnexpress.
The delegation and soldiers join an art exchange at the Truong Sa Archipelago's
Truong Sa Dong island. Photo by Anh Ngoc/Vnexpress. Ngoc Son Temple night tour
launched in Hanoi
Cao Thi Sau, 68, who is living in Thailand’s Sakhon Nakhon province, overcame the
seasickness and the health condition to visit soldiers in the islands.
“I was born overseas and on this occasion, I have chance to visit Truong Sa and meet Vietnam’s aviation industr y
eye s f u l l re c ove r y by 2 0 2 4
with other compatriots who speak the same mother language, I consider this the
greatest honor of my life", Sau shared her feelings.
She also expressed her gratitude toward the Vietnamese forefathers who fought to their
last breath to protect every inch of the land and today’s soldier generation who are
holding their guns tightly to defend Vietnam’s sovereignty.
Hong Kiem emotionally wiped her tears when visiting Son Ca island, the first
destination of the sea journey, saying that making the trip and being accompanied by
her husband Pham Van Dan to Truong Sa was meaningful to her because both of them
were soldiers in Vietnam before settling down in Ukraine.
"I was surprised and moved to witness the beauty of Truong Sa with the soldier’s
bravery and youth despite the scarcity of everything. We hope that the Vietnamese
community in Ukraine would be more united after the trip,” Kiem said.

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Emotional visit of overseas Vietnamese to Truong Sa archipelago

Thailand overseas Vietnamese delegation poses at the sovereign landmark on

Sinh Tac Dong island of Truong Sa archipelago. Photo by Anh Ngoc/Vnexpress
The Thailand overseas Vietnamese delegation poses at the sovereign landmark on
Sinh Tac Dong island of the Truong Sa archipelago. Photo by Anh Ngoc/Vnexpress

Phan Van Tung from Berlin recalled his feelings when he first left the country 32 years
ago. “The overseas compatriots just know in general that Truong Sa (Spratly) and
Hoang Sa (Paracel) belong to Vietnam. However, not until I had visited here did I see
our Spratly is sacred. I hope we have practical and concrete actions to protect the
This year, Tung and other overseas Vietnamese presented gifts including essential
foods and multi-purpose exercise machines for soldiers and people on the islands.
Vietnamese from abroad have a huge demand for visiting Truong Sa, however, there
are only 50 to 80 people allowed to join each trip due to harsh weather and long
distance, said Vice Chairman of the SCOV Luong Thanh Nghi.
“The trip is a good chance for people to better their knowledge of Vietnam's maritime
sovereignty and creates beautiful memory among people who live far from the Mother’s
Land. After the trip, each person would become a herald of spreading patriotism and
further the determination to protect the country’s sovereignty”, said Nghi.
The official also mentioned that after 8 years of implementation, the Truong Sa
movement has strongly progressed, especially among the countries where large
numbers Vietnamese people are living. This year, the overseas Vietnamese delegation
continued to donate many gifts of essential food, equipment and cash with a total value
of about VND1.2 billion (US$51,000) to the soldiers and people in Truong Sa.
Last year, the project of “Truong Sa and DK1 platforms - a journey of the heart”
implemented by SCOV and other overseas compatriots released 5,000 calendars with
the most authentic images of Truong Sa, drawing the support of the overseas
Vietnamese communities across 5 continents.
After this journey, the aforementioned project will continue to be implemented. Thus,
the proceeds from the calendars sale will be donated to purchase equipment for the
islands along with 32 scholarships to children of naval soldiers in Truong Sa
archipelago and the platform DK1, who are braving harsh circumstances in the midst of
the sea.



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Emotional visit of overseas Vietnamese to Truong Sa archipelago

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