Grade 2 Length - Quizizz

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Grade 2 Length
Total pertanyaan: 10
Estimasi pengerjaan: 12menit
Disusun oleh Teacher ADC

1. Which one of these is the shortest?

a) 1m b) 1cm

c) 1mm d) 1km

2. Which one of these is the longest?

a) 1mm b) 1cm

c) 1m d) 1km

3. A room is about ___________ high.

a) 1km b) 1m

c) 5m d) 5cm

4. The distance between countries is measured in __________.

a) millimetres b) metres

c) centimitres d) kilometres


Look at the picture. The length of the pencil is

_________ centimeters.

a) 6 b) 5

c) 4 d) 3

The length of the pen is

______ centimeters.

a) 6 b) 7

c) 8 d) 9


What are you measuring when using a ruler?

a) length b) mass

c) volume d) weight

8. What would you use to measure the

length of a small piece of paper?

a) Kilogram b) Litre

c) centimeter d) meter

What is a reasonable height for a cereal box?

a) 3 centimeters b) 30 centimeters

c) 60 centimeters d) 10 centimeters


Choose the best unit for measurement.

a) cm b) m

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