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Information and Communication Technology Scheme of Work

The Curriculum
The curriculum has been developed by using and widening the National Curriculum in order to produce a broad and balanced progressive, sequential long term
plan with consideration of the local area and resource. All aspects of which comply with legislation and national guidance, this includes the teaching of Careers
Education, Information, Advice and Guidance (CEIAG) across school.

Information Communication Technology

The intent of our ICT curriculum is to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and will inspire happy confident independent learners who are
prepared for adulthood. As a result of this they will:
● Develop and understand how to use ICT safely
● Develop competence and confidence in the use of ICT
● Develop competence and confidence in keeping safe online
● Understand how to report concerns of inappropriate behaviour online
● Communicate effectively and positively online and in all modes of communication
● Understand the importance of keeping personal information safe and how to keep it safe
● Understand the importance of accurate and reliable information and how to source this information
● Have a creative approach to ICT lessons where they have opportunities to express themselves and develop their thoughts and ideas
● Understand how to use ICT for the best and in the most effective way for a healthy adult lifestyle
From the long term plan a scheme of work has been produced and implemented which has high and equal aspirations for all learners and incorporates:

● PFA links
● Cultural Capital links
● Reading opportunities
● Key Vocabulary
● Planned differentiation, Resource, Support or activity

Class groups are based upon English ability; therefore,each ICT group has a wide range of abilities. With this in mind, each unit planned has a set of progressive
and sequenced skills and knowledge objectives at three levels - logging on, connected, cyber genius. This allows us to differentiate, challenge and extend
all of our children in each class no matter their ability. These have been renamed to reflect the subject terminology
Long Term Information Technology and Communication plan
The curriculum that is in place is based upon two things:

1) ICT and Computing activities that lead to achieving the school’s intent - to deliver a curriculum which is accessible to all and will inspire happy,
confident, independent learners who are prepared for adulthood.
2) ICT and Computing that is relevant, usable and supports individual learning needs of students at Epinay School.

In order for us to achieve this, we have based our scheme of work on the following 3 Key statements across the academic year.

1. To use technology effectively both now and as adults in all settings.

2. To equip students with the knowledge to access and use technology safely.
3. To use the creative aspects of technology to promote and support mental health and well being through hobbies and
interests and provide skills for pathways.

Overview Phase 2 and 3

Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Spring 1 Spring 2 Summer 1 Summer 2

Keeping Safe Communication Communication Programming Keeping Safe Creativity

Technology and Technology and
Skills Skills

At Epinay school there are a range of students with complex needs. 100% of students are diagnosed as having a learning difficulty/disability, within this a large
% of students are diagnosed as having ASD, MLD and SLD (May, 2022). These developmental disabilities can cause significant social, communication and
behavioural challenges. They affect how a person acts and interacts with others, communicates, and learns.
For this reason information technology and communication activities have been carefully chosen to reflect this. students generally have difficulties in the
following areas:

● Processing information - organising ,sequencing and prioritising.

● Social and Communication Skills - students may have difficulty understanding and accessing social norms such as social media
Because of this, the scheme of work has been designed to ensure students can develop these areas, while also ensuring that information technology and
communication at Epinay is inclusive for all learners, and that they can take part in all lessons with a varied degree of differentiation and support.
A rationale as to why each element of information technology and communication is included, whilst also looking at progression of skills and knowledge
throughout each phase. We are mindful that in mixed ability classes there are students of varying abilities in ICT, therefore students will progress through the
skills and knowledge at an appropriate and challenging pace, with the overall intent being that they are working towards the 3 key ICT statements and are
ultimately prepared for accreditation at phase 4 and on into adulthood.
Progression of skills and knowledge
Phase 1 - Students work towards meeting phase 1 targets based on child initiated learning and good practice.
Phase 2 & 3 - Students build on the skills knowledge gained in phase 1 and work through progressive objectives
Phase 4 - Students are in a place to use the skills and knowledge gained in Phase 2 and 3 to begin a chosen qualification route, this may be Entry level
certificate, Functional Skills or GCSE dependent upon ability.
Phase 5 - Students are in a place to use the skills and knowledge gained in Phase 4 to achieve a higher level of qualification if it is their chosen pathway but
do not access core ICT sessions.

Information and Communication Technology Scheme of Work

Autumn 1 and Summer 2 - Keeping Safe
Rationale: Benefits for our students are:
● Reminds and prepares students at the start of the academic year for safe ICT use
● Reminds and equips students with the knowledge and skills to keep themselves safe in ICT during the summer break
● Develops the skills to identify inappropriate content, messages, images etc online.
● Provides students with the knowledge of how to report anything which makes them worried or concerned
● Provides students with the skills to be kind online and the use the communication and technology for positive reasons
● Develops an awareness and an understanding of real life situations and terms (e.g. upskirting)
The objectives that children meet are logged electronically. Termly progress data is collected, analysed and reported on.
Planned PFA Visit from Clennels for bespoke e-safety talk/presentation
Links/SMSC Northumbria Police personal safety workshop
Access to the Word (ICT in Schools)
Visit to the word to access purpose built facilities and to engage technology
E-Safety Day (Annually in February)
Planned Reading Reading of SMART Rules for online safety
To identify reading opportunities linked to the school reading spine; Pie Corbett which draws upon comprehension, a love of reading
and subject knowledge links.

Planned Key E-Safety, safety, personal, password, secure, private, communicate, personal information, kind, unkind, online, weak, strong, dangers,
Vocabulary - digital footprint, choices, upskirting, grooming, consent, self help and consequences
Subject specific

Logging on Connected Cyber Genius Logging on Connected Cyber Genius

Keeping Safe - Autumn 1 and Summer 1

1.Students can log on 1.Students log on 1.Students can change 1.Students can identify 1.Students can change 1.Students can change
with support and independently and passwords with support weak and strong password independently passwords independently
understand the discuss the importance and use upper and passwords. on a range of programs on different devices using
importance of a of keeping passwords lower case 2.Students identify and using upper and upper and lower case
password private. 2.Students are aware of understand the term lowercase letters and letters, numbers and
2.Students 2.Students identify kind different ways to cyber bullying numbers symbols.
understand how and and unkind behaviour communicate online and 2.Students understand 2.Students make right
why to communicate online and who to tell are aware of what the impact of choices and help others
safely online cyberbullying is. cyberbullying and how to make the right choices
to report informing others how to
3.Students have a 3.Students understand 3.Students can identify 3.Students can discuss 3.Students understand keep safe.
basic understanding the term personal the difference between the dangers of revealing the term digital footprint 3.Students understand
of personal information (name up to personal information personal information and the impact of how to remove digital
information (name up 5 piece of information) and information revealing personal footprint
to 3 pieces of information
4.Students will 4.Students understand 4.Students understand 4.Students understand 4.Students are aware of 4.Students are aware of
understand that they that they need the consequences of how to report the age of consent for the consequences of
need permission to permission to share an taking and sending inappropriate images accessing pornography sharing pornographic and
take an image image images without they may receive inapprorpiate images in
permission line with the age of
5.Students understand 5.Students have an 5.Students understand
why “upskirting” is understanding of the the consequences of
5.Students have an 5.Students can discuss inappropriate and who image of “upskirting” on 5.Students are aware of “upskirting” for the
awareness of the what the term to report too a victim how to report offender
term “upskirting” “upskirting” means 6.Students can identify 6.Students are aware of “upskirting” online 6.Students have solid
upto 5 ways a person what to look out for knowledge of what
6.Students are aware 6.Students can identify might try and “groom”, incase friends are being 6.Students understand grooming is, the
of the term upto 3 ways a person the dangers of meeting “groomed” and where to the consequences of consequences, how to
“grooming” might try and “groom” people met online how report too. grooming for victim and report and how to help
and the dangers of to report offender others.
talking to strangers 7.Students are aware of 7.Students know to how 7.Students are able to
online the age of consent to keep profile private on use a range of social
7.Students can identify have a profile and what social media and 7.Students are aware of media safely and know
7.Students are aware forms of social media is a safe profile understand why social the latest social media how to make profiles
of the term “social media has an age of and how to report and private, how to block and
media” 8.Students understand consent block on the site. report on all sites.
the importance of “self 8.Students can assist a 8. Students understand
8.Students know how to help” friend with getting “self the importance of looking
access “self help” help” information 8.Students know how to after mental health,
8.Students are aware guidance report mental health others mental health and
of who and what and safeguarding where to access help and
services can provide concerns in school and support.
“self help” guidance online

Information and Communication Technology Scheme of Work

Communication Technology and Skills- Autumn 2 and Spring 1
Rationale: Benefits for our students are:
● Knowledge to search for and access college, training or job application forms
● Skills to download, complete and upload applications
● Organise documents, files and folders.
● Knowledge and skills to access and complete forms online
● Understand the term copyright, plarigims and why it is important.
● Transferable skills to other subject areas when using ICT.
The objectives that children meet are logged electronically. Termly progress data is collected, analysed and reported on.

Work experience opportunities and encounters in job roles using ICT e.g. companies offering roles in administration,
operations, logistics etc.
Planned PFA Links/SMSC Interview employees who use communication technology in a job role. E.g teacher, school support, etc.
Careers Education sessions with DwP to use skills to produce CV and covering letters/emails
Use skills to apply for post 16 and 18 destination (complete applications, download, attach)
Visit to a website developer (e.g. Urban River)
Visit to workplaces using communication technology e.g. companies offering roles in administration, operations,
logistics etc.
History of computers and communication technology exhibition (The word/Centre for Life/Discovery Museum)
Planned Reading Opportunities Re-drafting of work, editing, typing.
Read and reply to emails
SMART e-safety rules
To identify reading opportunities linked to the school reading spine; Pie Corbett which draws upon comprehension, a
love of reading and subject knowledge links.
Planned Key Vocabulary - Subject Document, open, save, file, folder, rename, keyboard, function, symbol, shortcut, select, format, bullet points, edit,
specific Word, Powerpoint, Email, Internet, website, app, password, sent, receive, attachment, compose, reply, download,
contact, location, consent, copyright, plagiarism.

Logging on Connected Cyber Genius Logging on Connected Cyber Genius

Communication Technology and Skills- Autumn 2 and Spring 1

Key Students can open a new Students can save Students can open Students can create Students can Students can zip
skills for document the document into saved document a new folder to save rename folders files and understand
commun the correct location from folders and by work too and and understand why this would be
ication using recent understand the the importance of used
documents on importance of appropriate
specific programs appropriate folder filenames
Word Students know the functions Students can type Students can edit text Select and format Students add Students can add
of and can type on a access and use using mouse and text header, footer, an table and other
keyboard keyboard symbols keyboard date and page features such as
and shortcuts numbers bullet points
PP Students can open a new Students can Students can add Students can add Students can link Students can add
powerpoint and add a new change text type an image to a slide animation and slides, add sound clips, timings
slide with basic text and format and add through copy and transitions to slides hyperlinks and add to presentation
background paste in an a photo through
appropriate place on saving the file and
the slide opening from file
Email 1.Students can log into emails 1.Students can open 1.Students can 1.Students understand 1.Students 1.Students
with support email website/app access emails the importance of an understand and can understand how to
with support independently appropriate email apply a secure independently change
address for the future password in email password on email
settings account and how
often to change
2.Students understand they 2.Student know that 2.Students can 2.Students can 2.Students can 2.Students
can share information online email is a method of identify the difference participate in a class independently and understand how to
via email or school learning sending and in communicating via forum discussion with kindly communicate report unkind
platform (google classroom) receiving messages email and online support on a forum (google behaviours in online
through the internet forums class chat) forums
3.Students are able to open an 3.Students are able 3.Students are able to 3.Students are able to 3.Students 3.Students
email sent to them with to open an email compose a new compose a new email understand CC in understand BCC in
support sent to them email with support independently emails emails
4.Student can delete emails 4.Students can 4.Students are able to 4.Students are able to 4.Students are able 4.Students are able to
with support delete emails delete emails without identify junk emails to block email delete from other
independently opening. from subject line and addresses folders (spam and
delete junk) and discuss
what these folders
5.Students can identify reply 5.Students can send 5.Students can send 5.Students reply to an 5.Students are 5.Students will
and use send buttons a reply to an email a reply to an email email copying a new aware of reply and understand “schedule
with support independently email address into the reply all and when email” and will use
reply these should be the icon to schedule
used. Students will an email to send.
read email and
choose which is
6.Students can identify the 6.Students have an 6.Students have an 6.Students can appropriate. 6.Students
icon for an attachment. understanding of the understanding of what download an 6.Students can understand the
term attachments can be attached to attachment from an download an image importance of
and can identify emails email, edit attachment from the internet antivirus to scan
when an email has and return and save in a folder attachments and not
an attachment or send a file from a to open unknown
7.Students can identify a email 7.Students can folder as an attachments.
address discuss what is 7.Students can type 7.Students can access attachment 7.Students can create
unique about an an email address email address book 7.Students can add a group of contacts in
email address provided into an email and send an email via a contact to the the address book and
the address book address book and understand when
share a contact via these will be used
email and if BCC should be
used when
communicating as a
Using 1.Students can recognise 1.Students can use 1.Students can 1.Students understand 1.Students can 1.Students can
and symbols of connectivity to the icons to check discuss how to internet speeds and compare internet identify the best
applying internet connectivity and restore connectivity internet providers and providers speed, providers for their
skills on recognise when no on device and using a how to report issues cost and other location, budget and
connectivity router and who to with internet speed. elements of internet requirements.
contact if problems packages e.g Students also
persist support, equipment understand internet
etc. can be classes as
essential (WFH) for
some and non
essential expenditure
for others (leisure
2.Students can navigate safe 2.Students can 2.Students can open 2.Students can 2.Students can 2.Students can
provided websites with support identify a web and navigate identify features of a Discuss features of discuss how to
and begin to understand the browser, and websites webpage websites to identify identify trustworthy
difference between real and inavigate age independently accuracy and trust and reliable websites.
online experiences appropriate websites (e,g padlock)
3.With support students can 3.Students 3. Students can 3.Students can
search for an image with independently 3.Students can 3.Students can create discuss the function discuss search
keyword provided search for images identify a search own keywords to of a search engine results and have an
with keywords engine open complete search and awareness of adverts
provided independently and search independently at the top of search
search purposefully results (paid adverts)
for answers to
4.Copyright awareness - specific questions 4. Students can 4.Students can copy,
Students understand 4.Student have an provided 4.Students have an discuss the paste and edit
importance of naming work awareness of the 4.Students identify awareness of the term consequences of information without
and understand the terms fact term copyright ands features of trusted plagiarism and plagiarism and how committing
and opinion can give/research websites.and understand how to to use information plagiarism.
examples of facts students can discuss identify reliable and from websites
5.Students identify devices and opinions the term copyright accurate facts 5. Students 5.Students
which involves screen time 5.Students have an examples 5.Students understand understand the understand the
awareness of screen what is an appropriate impact of screen importance of limiting
time 5.Students amount of screen time time screen time,
understand the term implement a plan to
screen time limit screen time or
have an awareness of
apps to aid limiting
screen time.
6. Students 6. Students
6.Students are aware of the 6.Students 6.Students 6.Students understand understand the understand the
term age of consent understand film understand game age why films and games importance of film consequences for
ratings P-18 ratings (PEGI) have age ratings and age ratings mental health and
other factors of
viewing/playing age
7. Students 7.Students can
7.Students are aware of the 7.Students 7.Students have a 7.Students understand understand the discuss the
term location sharing understand what the basic understanding how to enable and positives around consequences of
term location sharing of the dangers of disable location parental tracker location sharing and
means location sharing sharing on various differentiate between
devices and social location sharing and
media parental trackers.
Information and Communication Technology Scheme of Work
Programming Spring 2
Rationale: Benefits for our students are:
● Develop logical thinking skills
● Develops an understanding of the importance of direction, following instructions and sequence of instructions
● Develops problem solving skills
● Build resilience when solving problems
● Develops team working and communication skills through programming
The objectives that children meet are logged electronically. Termly progress data is collected, analysed and reported on.

Planned PFA Links/SMSC Interview employees working in roles involving programming e.g. traffic light control, Nexus metro control
Use of lifeskills hub to see how programming is commonplace in everyday life e.g. washing machine
Visit a control room to see how programming operates e.g. nexus control room for metro
The Word - to access programming software not available in school
Planned Reading Opportunities To identify reading opportunities linked to the school reading spine; Pie Corbett which draws upon
comprehension, a love of reading and subject knowledge links.

Programming, instructions, forward, backwards, left, right, rotate, repest, degrees, events, timed events,
sequence, debug, solution, algorithm.
Planned Key Vocabulary - Subject specific

Logging on Connected Cyber Genius Logging on Connected Cyber Genius

Programming Spring 2
1.Understand 1.Understand 1.Understand repeat 1.Understand 1.Understand 1.Understand
instructions forward and instructions and 90/180/360degree instructions involving instructions involving instructions involving
backwards and turn to forward/backward/tur turn instruction to move events (e.g when arrive timed events (after 3 events and timed events
move around the n/rotate left and right around the classroom at destination collect seconds turn)
classroom to move around the book)
2.Follow a given/basic 2.Follow a more 2.Understand a set of 2.Follow a set of 2.Follow a set of 2.Follow a set of
set of instructions complex set of instructions are an instructions involving instructions involving instructions involving
instructions algorithm and put events timed events events and timed events
instructions in a
3.Create a simple/basic 3.Create a set of sequence 3.Create a basic set of 3.Create a more 3.Create a complex set
set of instructions for a instructions for a toy 3.Create a complex instructions for a advanced set of of instructions for a
toy (e.g. beetbot) using set of instructions for a computer program instructions for a computer program
turn/rotate/left/right toy using degree turns computer program
4.Create a simple/basic 4.Create a set of and repeat 4.Create a simple/basic 4.Create a simple/basic 4.Create a simple/basic
set of instructions for a instructions for a 4.Create a set of set of instructions for a set of instructions for a set of instructions for a
person person using instructions for a person using events person using timed person using events and
turn/rotate/left/right person using degree events timed
5.Identify an error in a 5.Acknowledge turns and repeat 5.Understand the 5.Understand the 5.Understand the
basic set of instructions mistakes in a set of 5.Understand the importance of precision importance of precision importance of precision
(forward and back only) instructions and importance of precision with instructions and with instructions and with instructions and
attempt to debug with instructions and debug mistakes with debug mistakes with debug mistakes with
debug mistakes events timed events events and timed events
6.Debug a set of 6.Debug a complex set 6.Debug a complex set 6.Debug a complex set
6.Create a basic instructions involving 6.Debug a complex set of instructions with of instructions with timed of instructions with
solution to a basic error urn/rotate/left/right of instructions (degree events events events and timed events
in instructions (forward turns and repeat)
and back only)

Information and Communication Technology Scheme of Work

Creativity Summer 2
Rationale: Benefits for our students are:
● Use ICT to develop and access hobbies
● Develop skills in creative business development
● Develop the use of technology to aid creativity
● Understand the importance of evaluation working and evaluating others work
● Understand the importance of accepting critique and developing work.
The objectives that children meet are logged electronically. Termly progress data is collected by the outcomes lead and reported on.

Work experience/encounters with designers/web developers

Visits to creative businesses/marketing advertising agencies
Planned PFA Links/SMSC What jobs involve creativity? E.g. fashion, media content, artist, music etc
Art galleries - South Shields Museum & Art Gallery, Laing Art Gallery, Northern Gallery for Contemporary
Visit to a website developer (e.g. Urban River)
Arts4Wellbeing South Shields
Planned Reading Opportunities To identify reading opportunities linked to the school reading spine; Pie Corbett which draws upon
comprehension, a love of reading and subject knowledge links.

Planned Key Vocabulary - Subject specific Paint, colours, palettes, shade, effects, edits, brushes, tools, width, fill, text, shape, layout, assess,
evaluate, draw, images, 3D, recreate.

Logging on Connected Cyber Genius Logging on Connected Cyber Genius

Creativity Summer 2
1.With support students 1.Students can paint 1.Students can mix 1.Students can change 1.Students can edit 1.Students can edit work
can paint with different with different colours colours using a palette shade and effects work and discuss why they
colours made the edits (colours)
2.With support students 2.Students can paint 2.Students can paint 2.Students can use a 2.Students can choose 2.Students can edit work
can paint with different with different brushes using different tools range of tools to a style of art from a and discuss why they
brushes reproduce a style of art selection and recreate made the edits (tools)
3.With support students 3.Students can create 3.Students can change 3.Students can use 3.Students can use 3d 3.Students can edit work
can create shapes and shapes and use fill border thickness of combine shapes to shapes in art and discuss why they
use fill shape and line colour make images made the edits (shape)
4.With support students 4.Students can use 4.Students can change 4.Students can combine 4.Students can combine 4.Students can edit work
can draw with lines lines to draw line colour and thickness lines to write name lines to draw images and discuss why they
made the edits (lines)
5.With support students 5.Students can add 5.Students can add 5.Students have an 5.Students have a good 5.Students can combine
can add a text box text effects to text understanding of understanding of an objects effectively
combining images and effective layout
6.With support students 6.students can create 6.students can plan 6.Students can transfer 6.Students can transfer 6.Students can self and
can create a piece of a piece of art using all create a piece of art skills to an alternative skills to an alternative peer assess/evaluate a
art using all skills above skills above using all skills above art package provided by art package of their piece of work.
teacher choice. (animation?)

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