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Engineering Department Daily work report for December -2023

Number of Quantity and % of Work

1 Improvement, 42, 22%

4 Routine Work, 100, 2 Preventive

52% Maintenance, 13, 7%

3 Maintenance, 38, 19%

1 Improvement 2 Preventive Maintenance 3 Maintenance 4 Routine Work

Sr No Work Category No of Qty of the Work

1 Improvement 42
2 Preventive Maintenance 13
3 Maintenance 38
4 Routine Work 100

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Engineering Department Daily work report for December -2023
Cont. Electrician Cont. Fitter Operator
Date Work Work status Category First Second third General First Second Third General First General Second
Routing RO, softner plant operate, flush and backwash work done R
Process pump 1-2 suction strainer cleaning work done P
boiler and air compressor oprate work done R
RO pump outlet line union leakage arresting work done M 1 1 1 2 2 1
RD manhole and inlet hood bottom nozzle open and fititng backafter inspectiion work done R

Raw water pump strainer cleaning and pump-2 found jammed, make it free and
work done M
boxup. Pump change over to pump-02
ETP operatIon work done R
Routing RO, softner plant operate, flush and backwash work done R
Chiller and compressor opration work done R
Chiller pump base frame coloured work work done I 1 1 1 1 2 1
acm 60 MILL top cover open and try to dismental it work continue R
Chiller operate for cooling in CT-4 work done R
Routing RO, softner plant operate, flush and backwash work done R
04-12-2023 Operate compressor, boiler and RO work done R
Chiller primary pump not started ,check electrical side, emergency push button
work odne M
problem solved
APFC panel 3 nos 50 Kvar capacitor On in manual mode. work done R 1 1 1 2 2 1
BDc discharge hopper vibrator solenoid valve coil replace work done M
Raw water pump 2 change with pump-01 work done R
Toilet exhaust fan frame fabrication work done I
Scada system work started by precise and one pc working ok work done M
Raw tank float valve change work done M
BDC air tapping AFR cleaning work done M
1Kl pp tank bottom nozzle hole cutting and top manhole cutting . 2.5" upvc
work done I
nozzle fitting
DT-01 1Kl pp tank to Rww pump and pump to DT-01 line fititng work done I
Routing RO, softner plant operate, flush and backwash work done R 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
ACM 60 mill one Belt B100 change work done M
BDC vibrator nutbolt tighting work done M
CIP line union leakage arresting near BDC work done M
DT-01 material charging flexible line chocked , open ,clean and fitting back work done R
boiler and air compressor oprate work done R
Routing RO, softner plant operate, flush and backwash work done R 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
ledies toilet lighting and ventilation fan connetion done work done I
New light fitting done work done I
07-12-2023 ct 03 to pump 02 flexible hose line fitting work done R
stenar cleaning 2 time work done P
bolier and chiller opreation work done R 1 1 1 2 1 1 1

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Cont. Electrician Cont. Fitter Operator
Date Work Work status Category First Second third General First Second Third General First General Second
mill blow fitting work done M
cooling tower pump 2 and pump 1 spayder change work done M
regeuletar change work done R
chiller and air compressor oprate work done R
08-12-2023 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
BDC fram open and cleaning work done R
New light fitting done work done I
rotry drayer tuble light fitting work done I
mill classifier housing removing work triad work done M
rotry drayer blower manual start work work done R
ro water tank cleaning work done p
09-12-2023 DT tank flexible pipe remove work done R 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
pump 2 and ct 3 line fitting work done R
ro , softner , air compressor , chiller oprate work done R
10-12-2023 Electrical System & tank Agitator Monitoring work done R 1 1
Ro to boiler tank new pvc line fitting work done I
boiler feed tank new pump trail work done I
mill clean and fitting work done R
11-12-2023 1 1 1 1 2 1 1
ledies toilet lighting interchange with sifter room light work done I
lug and cable fitting for main imcomer dgvcl line for do work done i
main incomer dgvcl line do change work done M
RO to boiler tank new pump connection done work done I
ct 3 pump starter fault slove work done M
Scada system work started by precise and one pc working ok work done M
12-12-2023 bolier feed water tank pump fitting work done I 1 1 1 1 2 1 1 1
BDC water line leakage done work done M
flexible pipe fitting in dt area work done R
air compressor and chiller oprate work done R
RO, Boiler, Air compressor, Chiller oprate work done R
Mill belt fitting work done M
13-12-2023 Rotery dyer cleaning work work done R 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1
Rotery dyer burner auto, maunal not fault slove work done M
scada room pc tagging work work done I
light shifting in Mcc room work done I
new hours meter connection done in ro pump panel work done I
boiler triping work done work done M
bolier and air compressor oprate work done R
14-12-2023 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
flexible pipe fitting in dt area work done R
process pump 2 line fitting work done R
DT PUMP line fitting work done R
engineer workshop cleaning work work done I
ELECTRICAL store cleaning work work done I
boiler tube light siftting work work done I
first floor step light connection done work done I
softner panel new hours meter connection done work done I
Btp 1 pump line remove work done I
15-12-2023 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
CT tank 1 pump row water tank line fitting work done I
rotry dayer outlet line open and fitting work done R
ct 4 material transfor line ct 2 tank line complete work done R
rotry dayer main hole and outline fitting work done R

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Cont. Electrician Cont. Fitter Operator
Date Work Work status Category First Second third General First Second Third General First General Second
ETP AIR COMPRESSOR new belt installed work done M
ETP final discharge line heandle support fitting work done I
packing room conver belt fault clear (NC Contact Change) work done I
16-12-2023 RD manhole open and Fitting work done R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Compressor new belt installed in ETP work done M
CT 01 bottam wall likege control work done M
DT 02 pump line fitting work done R
17-12-2023 Electrical System & tank Agitator Monitoring work done R 1 1
filter press gauge likege slove work done M
RD bagfilter rotary valve air control work done M
DT pump 1 stainer check work done R
DT to CIP pump flexible line fitting work done R
CIP pump to DT tank line fitting work done R
18-12-2023 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
DT 01 to pump flexible line cleaning and fitting work done R
CT 3 to pump flexible line cleaning and fitting work done R
RD panal fan filter cleaning work done P
ACM 60 panal tube light and fan working ok work done I
ACM 60 hemer bag problrm slove work done M
DT pump 1 stainer check work done R
CT 4 to DT 2 tank flexible line fitting work done R
DT 01 to nain gate materal transfer line fitting work done R
19-12-2023 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
ro , softner , air compressor ,boiler, chiller oprate work done R
cooling tower tank filling work done R
cooling tower panal fan manual and auto mode on work done R

ELECTRICAL store and engineering store material shifting and cleaning work work done I
CIP pump to DT tank line fitting work done R
apfc panal manual mode on work done R
20-12-2023 Extention board table connection in office work done I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
AC drain water line extand work done I
cooling tower pump 1 stenar cleaning work done P
ct 04 to DT area flexible line fitting work done R
ro , softner , air compressor ,boiler, chiller oprate work done R
cooling tower pump 2 stenar cleaning work done P
CT 4 flexible line remove work done R
damping tank flexible line remove work done R
office and scada room cleaning and box shifting work done I
21-12-2023 ro , softner , air compressor ,boiler, chiller oprate work done R
electrician help to fitter work done R
seal cooling mcb off work done R
starter box cleaning work done R
CT 3 Azitator motor trail reverse and forward work done I 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
PC board mounting done work done I
electrician help to fitter work done R
apfc panal manual mode on work done R
DT 1 and DT 2 auto mode ON in VFD work done M
22-12-2023 CT 1,CT 2 And CT 4 MANUAL MODE ON in VFD work done R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
CT 4 to Damping tank flexible pipe line fitting work done R
damping tank to process pump 1 line fitting work done R
DT 2 PUMP Staner cleaning work done R
ro , softner , air compressor ,boiler, chiller oprate work done R

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Cont. Electrician Cont. Fitter Operator
Date Work Work status Category First Second third General First Second Third General First General Second
Process pump stainer and pump to filter press line chocked with material
work done R
RO , boiler feed tank filled up work done R
cooling tower tank filling work done R
23-12-2023 ro , softner , air compressor ,boiler, chiller oprate work done R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
VFD, BDC and CP 100 panal air filter cleaning work done p
ACM 60 panal mf meter reading status showing work work done p
electric stacker shifting and covering work work done I
apfc panal manual mode on work done R
24-12-2023 Electrical System & tank Agitator Monitoring work done R 1 1
changeover capacitor feeder in APFC panal work done R
packing room weight balance power problem slove work done M
ro plant starter triping slove work done M
25-12-2023 RD main hole open for cleaning work done R 1 1 1 2 1
ACM 60 classifier fitting work done M
hammer conntion check , supply check work done M
RWW Pump uniuon likage slove work done M
cooling tower pump 1 stenar cleaning work done P
ro to boiler feed tank pump line fitting work done P
shifter dismantal and cleaning work done M
ro , softner , air compressor ,boiler, chiller oprate work done R
26-12-2023 1 1 1 1 2 1
changeover capacitor feeder in APFC panal work done R
electric stacker charging point switch and socket fiting work done I
Packing room tube light remove and new fitting work done I
office corridor new tube light fitting work done I
changeover capacitor feeder in APFC panal work done R
ALL electrical consumption reading taken work done R
ETP and Electrical store room new tube light fitting work done I

electric stacker put in charging and obverve how much time in full charge work done I
27-12-2023 electrician help to fitter work done R 1 1 1 1 1 2 1
damping tank to pump line fitting work done R
CT 1 to damping tank flexible line fitting work done R
CT 4 pump air vent tapping ball valve change work done I
process pump 1 staner cleaning work done R
ro , softner , air compressor ,boiler, chiller oprate work done R
CT-03 jacket cooling line of bottom disk blind fitting work done I
Dt to filterpress pump strainer cleaning 5 time during batch filtaration work done R
DT tank CIP pump NRv cleaning and fitting work done P
Boiler, chiller,air compressor, cooling tower, Ro oprate work done R
APFC, MCC,PCC, CP20,CP30,CP90 panel air filter cleaning work done P
DT to filter press water circulation for cleaning purpose work done R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Ct04 to Ct01 RWw transfer flexible line fitting and transfer ml work done R
Sfiter clamp lighting and inlet bellow plastic fititng work done M
Dt pump strainer cleaning work done R
Ct03 bottom valve chock up clear and stating feed to BDC work done R
RWW Pump union joint leakage control work done M
Oprate chiller, air compressor, RO, cooling tower and boiler work done R 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

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Cont. Electrician Cont. Fitter Operator
Date Work Work status Category First Second third General First Second Third General First General Second
filter press to ct 1 valve likege slove work done M
seal cooling tank cleaning work done P
ct 3 line likege slove work done M
ro , softner , air compressor ,boiler, chiller oprate work done R
dt 2 flexible line remove work done R
30-12-2023 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
dt 1 flexible line fitting work done R
Rotary dryer burner temp observtion work done I
apfc panal manual mode on work done R
electrician help to fitter work done R
ROW water sub maraisible pump tripping problem slove work done M
31-12-2023 Electrical System & tank Agitator Monitoring work done R 1 1 1

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