BMGT 2309 Chapter 4 Assignment Answers

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Chapter 4

1.Extroversion is often considered a “good” quality for a leader to have. Why might
introversion be considered an equally positive quality?

Not all effective leaders have a high degree of extroversion. A high

degree of dominance, associated with extroversion, could even be detrimental to
effective leadership if not tempered by other qualities, such as agreeableness or
emotional stability. A person may have be introverted, that is, quiet, withdrawn, and
unassertive, and be an effective leader as long as some of the other Big Five dimensions
are present.

A person may have a low, moderate, or high degree of each of these general
dimension. An introverted leader, high in agreeableness, openness to experience, and
conscientiousness could be very effective. Situational factors play a role in
determining which traits are the most important. A leader’s intelligence, knowledge of
the business, values and attitudes, and problem-solving styles, which are not measured
by the Big Five, also play a role in leadership effectiveness.

3. The chapter suggests that one way to work effectively with different personalities is to
treat everyone with respect. How might a leader deal with a subordinate who is
perpetually rude, insensitive, and disrespectful to others?

A good approach to take with a subordinate whose personality type is widely different
from the leader’s (e.g., rude, insensitive, and disrespectful) is to clarify questions every
time there’s a potential for miscommunication. The leader should follow up each
question or request with a statement explaining why the question was asked and how it
will benefit the organization as well as the individual. The leader should remember that
everyone wants to fit in. No matter their personalities, people typically take on behavior
patterns that are the norm for their environment. Leaders can create norms that keep
everyone focused on positive interactions and high performance .

9. Why do you think thinking and judging are the two characteristics from the Myers
Briggs Type Indicator that are most strongly associated with effective leadership?

Thinking types rely on logic and tend to be very objective in decision making. This
is important for a leader who must treat all subordinates fairly and not show
favoritism based on personal feelings. People with a judging preference like
certainty and closure. They enjoy having goals and deadlines and tend to make

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decisions quickly based on available data. In the fast­paced global economy,
leaders must make decisions quickly and then move on to the next decision.
II. Synopsis: Environmental Designs International

Carver was a highly skilled architect and responsible for managing a team of
in Environmental Designs International’s (EDI) Chicago office. Although his abrupt
personality had helped him climb the corporate ladder, his intimidating communication
style was beginning to create problems and hamper his ability to get results. Carver learned
in his performance review that his work relationships were suffering and the complaints
about him were increasing. Even his longtime peers were avoiding him as much as possible
and finding ways to work around him. Sensitive to the growing animosity toward him,
Carver began to reconsider how he interacted with his staff and peers. He felt motivated to
begin using some
of the tools he had recently learned in the executive education course he had just

Case questions and answers

1. At the senior management level, you get hired for competence. You get fired for
In your opinion, is this statement true or false? How does it relate to Barry Carver and
his current leadership style?

The statement is true. Once a person assumes a senior management position, it

is imperative to get followers on board to carry out the mission of the organization.
If there are personality problems at the senior leadership level, it is impossible to get
the employees headed in the same direction and accomplish the tasks necessary to
make the organization successful. Although his abrupt personality had helped him
climb the corporate ladder, Carver’s intimidating communication style created
problems and hampered his ability to get results.

2. Identify the behaviors described in this case that were damaging to Barry Carver’s
work relationships. Why would a manager behave this way? What negative
did these behaviors have on his peers and subordinates?

The behaviors that were damaging to Barry Carver’s work relationships were as follows:

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abruptness, intimidation, insensitivity, alienating his peers, and displaying anger.
A manger with the personality attribute of authoritarianism would behave
this way. Individuals, like Barry Carver, who have a high degree of this personality trait
tend to adhere to conventional rules and values, obey established authority, respect
power and toughness, judge others critically, and disapprove of the expression of
personal feelings. Leaders, like Carver, should also understand that the degree to which
followers possess authoritarianism influences how they react to the leader’s use of
power and authority. The negative consequences of these behaviors is that when leaders
and followers differ in their degree of authoritarianism, effective leadership is more
difficult to achieve. This explains why relationships were suffering and the complaints
about Carver were increasing. Even his longtime peers were avoiding him as much as
possible and finding ways to work around him.

3. How realistic is it that Carver (or anyone) can change his own leadership skills?
What kind of help might he need?

If an individual is made aware of his leadership skills, it is possible to change them

particularly with management education or an executive coach. Carver can soften
his image. Sensitive to the growing animosity toward him, Carver reconsidered
how he interacted with his staff and peers. In an executive education course, he
had learned that he could get better results by communicating more gently,
building consensus, and working in a more team-oriented manner. He realized he
had to find ways to handle his anger. Carver wondered if he could soften his

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