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Assignment 1 by Akshay Srivastava

Date of Submission: 09/13/20

Social Media Diary and Analysis

This assignment will be your first step in understanding consumer behavior in social
media. To do that, you will be monitoring your own social media behavior for one
week and analyze the results to determine any key insights about why you engage
with certain posts. After you identify the key insights about your social media
engagement, you will design an ideal post from a company/organization that is
most likely to gain your engagement.

Part 1- Diary
For the first part of the assignment, you will record your engagements with posts on
from the following:
Facebook Instagram LinkedIn Pinterest Reddit, Swarm Snapchat Twitter Tumblr
You will be focusing on posts with which you like, share, comment, RT (retweet),
repin, etc. Use the diary template to record your interactions.
Use the following guide to assist in filling out the diary.
Diary Categories
Social Network Site: Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Snapchat, Google+, or
Post Author: Was the post created by a friend, acquaintance, celebrity,
Time: Exact time of the interaction
Device Used: Computer, Tablet, Phone, Etc.
Type of Interaction: Like, Share, Comment, RT, Repin, Favorite, etc.
Post Description: Give a brief description of the post. Was the post personal (friend)
or professional (what type of business/organization)? What is the
post (generally) about? What was the tone (friendly, funny, sad,
inspiration, etc.)? Was there a Call-to-Action?
Additional Content: Is there anything beside the text of the post such as a video or gif,
picture, hyperlink, tag, hashtag, etc.?
Why did you interact? Briefly describe why you choose to interact with the post.
Part 2 – Analysis
For the second part of the assignment, you will write a 2-3 page analysis of the data
you collected. You should write 1-2 paragraphs for each data category that identifies
key insights that you gained about your social media engagement behavior. Ex: For
time, you may notice that that there are specific times of day when you interact most
For two data categories of your choice, create an information graphic such as a pie
chart, bar graph, or any other type of visual representation of your data. You can
easily create a graphic using the Charts tab in MS Word, but you may also use online
services such as and to create more sophisticated infographics.
Give your graph a clear title that describes the information of the graphic.

Part 3 – An Ideal Post

From the insights you gained about your social media interactions, you will complete
the included form
to describe an ideal post from a company/organization that would be most likely to
gain a social
interaction from you. Your description should include:
1) The social network site on which the post will appear
2) Name of company/organization making the post
3) Exact time of post
4) Mock-up of the post including text, any visual content, and additional content such
as hyperlinks or
5) Provide a short defense for why you would be likely to interact with the post. Use
key insights from
your social media analysis to support your defense.

Part 1 – Dairy

After tracking my social media activity, I realized I only use Facebook, LinkedIn and
Instagram to interact with my friends, professional contacts and other sources.

Post Type of Post Additional Reason for
Network Time Device
Author Interaction Description Content Interaction
Site Used

10:22 like and

Facebook Friend PM mobile comment video Personal funny
Facebook Friend PM mobile like video Personal Funny
Facebook Friend 10:40AM mobile like video Personal Funny

Table 1. Facebook diary from 09/09/20 to 09/13/20

Post Type of Post Additional Reason for
Network Time Device
Author Interaction Description Content Interaction
Site Used

Linkedin celebrity 9:59AM Mobile like prodessiona

Friend /
Linkedin Friend 10:03PM Mobile like Achievement
Linkedin brand 9:55PM Mobile like news

Curiosity, as
LVMH was
(Fashion Hyperlink to
Linkedin magazine 5:59 AM Mobile Like going to buy
News) / the article
tiffany but
pulled out.

News, new
(Fashion Picture /
Linkedin Brand 6:15 AM Mobile Like added to the
News) / hyperlink

News about
(Fashion Picture /
Linkedin magazine 6:16 AM Mobile Like Thom
News) / hyperlink

News about
a friends
Like and Personal / Picture /
Linkedin Friend Mobile interview
share exciting hyperlink
with a
6:20 AM

Linkedin Celebrity Mobile Like / Picture
6:30 AM
Personal / Picture / educational
Linkedin magazine Mobile like
exciting hyperlink post
6:35 AM

news about
professional Picture /
Linkedin Brand Mobile like top
/news hyperlink

Professional Picture /
Linkedin magazine Mobile Like government
/news hyperlink
10:41 regulation
The hut
Professiona Picture
Linkedin magazine 10:40 Mobile like group
/ news /hyperlink
PM finances

professional Picture / Fashion

Linkedin Friend Mobile like
/ news hyperlink bankruptcy
10:30 Mobile like Friend /
Linkedin Friend Picture Achievement
PM news
fashion /
Linkedin brand Mobile like picture Awards won
22:29 news
Table 2. Linkedin interaction between 09/09/20 to 09/13/20

Social Type of Post Addition

Post Devi
Networ Time Interacti Descript al Reason for Interaction
Author ce
k Site on ion Content
Instagr 9:53A mobi
friend like Picture cute
am M le
Instagr Celebri 6:01P mobi Informat
like video
am ty M le ion
Instagr Magazi 11:11 mobi Informat
like Picture
am ne AM le ion
Instagr 10:40 mobi
friend like video funny
am AM le
Instagr 10:01 mobi
friend Like Picture funny
am AM le
Instagr 11:47 mobi Informat
friend Like video
am AM le ion
Instagr Magazi 6:34P mobi Informat
am ne M le Like Picture ion Information about an article
Instagr 3:31P mobi Informat
am Brand M le like video ion New fashion line
Instagr 2:22P mobi
am Brand M le like picture cute Art and politics
Instagr 2:21P mobi Informat spreading news about a new
am friend M le like picture ion watch insurance firm
Instagr 2:21P mobi Informat
am friend M le like Picture ion New collection of a friend
Instagr 2:20P mobi Informat New food grocery delivery
am ad M le like Picture ion service
Instagr Magazi 11:14 mobi Informat Nicholas and LVMH ending
am ne AM le Like Picture ion their partnership
Instagr 11:10 mobi Informat
am Brand AM le LIKE Picture ion new product
Instagr 11:01 mobi Informat
am friend AM le like Picture ion new article about my firend
Instagr 10:59 mobi
am friend AM le like Picture personal friend's photoshoot pics
Instagr Celebri 10:22 mobi
am ty AM le like Picture pretty
Instagr 11:01P mobi gruesom
am friend M le like video e fires in californoa
Instagr 11:01P mobi
am friend M le like video personal music video
Instagr 10:53P mobi
am friend M le Like Picture personal
Instagr 10:47P mobi
am friend M le Like Picture personal
Instagr 9:57P mobi
am Brand M le Like Picture cute
Instagr 5:55P mobi
am friend M le Like video fun
Instagr 4:48P mobi
am Brand M le Like video fun
Instagr Celebri 2:12P mobi
am ty M le Like video funny
Instagr Magazi 1:25P mobi Informat
am ne M le Like Picture ion
Instagr 11:21 mobi
am friend AM le Like Picture cute
Instagr 10:56 mobi Informat
am Brand AM le Like Picture ion
Instagr Celebri 10:21 mobi
am ty AM le Like Picture funny
Instagr Magazi 10:09 mobi Informat
am ne AM le Like Picture ion
Instagr Celebri 10:22P mobi Informat
am ty M le Like Picture ion
Instagr 10:19P mobi
am friend M le Like Picture fun
Table 3. Instagram interaction from 09/09/20 to 09/13/20

Part 2 – Analysis

This exercise was a very useful one in looking at my social media behavior. I do all
interactions with all social media sites/apps through my phone and rarely make any
comments, all my activity in the past 3 days have been all likes.


The first social media sight that I use is Facebook. Ever since I started tracking my
activity for the past few days, I’ve realized I’m very conscious of what I do on it. For
this assignment I’ve broken my usage on Facebook in the following categories:-

1. Real estate search – there are a lot of groups in facebook where people sublet or
lease apartments, I’ve been looking for a new place and my primary search is
on facebook. Just to be able to protect my identity I don’t comment or like the
posts but send them a private message on the app.
2. Videos – After a long day or a lazy weekend morning when I don’t have
anything on my schedule I just like to scroll on the suggested videos. I have to
say Facebook has the knowledge of what I like and they cater to me very well. I
don’t know why but I hardly like or share any of these.
3. Posts – I don’t think I’ve posted anything on Facebook in the last 2 years but I
do see posts from others. I’m very conservative in liking or commenting on
others post, if it is a friend I just communicate with them directly. I just feel it
to be more personal rather than having a conversation on the comments. But I
do share posts in messages to people and have a conversation on chat.


The next social media sight that I use almost everyday for several hours if not minutes
is Linkedin. For me linkedin is the perfect social media site for the professional side.
Similarly to my activity on Facebook, I’m very conservative of my activity but
definitely give more likes on Instagram. My activity can be broken down into the

1. Brands – Being part of the fashion industry, it is a good place to interact with
the top management of brands. I would say half of the posts on Linkedin are to
do about the financial and management side. My interaction is with posts about
new opening in a brand or achievements
2. Magazine – I follow a lot of fashion and finance magazines on linkedin like
Business of Fashion and The Walstreet journal. I get all my industry news from
these sources.
3. Friends and colleagues – I like achievements or articles of my friends in the
media, most of my friends are designers and other entrepreneurs. Part of my
interaction is with people looking for help and I try and connect them to
someone on my network who could help them achieve


I think Instagram is the most used social media site for me, I usually spend about an
hour on this app everyday. My interaction can be broken down into the following:

1. Friends – I’m very liberal in liking or interacting with posts made by my

friends be it personal or professional. It has became the place where people
make announcements like marriage, kids, moving to a different country, etc. I
don’t think people posts their travel posts on facebook anymore, everything is
on Instagram
2. Brands – More than half of my interactions on Instagram are with watch
brands, I’ve just started watch collecting recently and there is a big community
on this app. The other half is with Atelier brands like drop of a new collection,
a new collab etc.
3. Celebrities – Instagram is the only place where I interact with celebrities like
models, musicians and tech people.
Count of Post Author on Linkedin

brand celebrity Friend magazine

Fig1. Number of likes characterized into the author type on Linkedin

Count of Time by Post Author Instagram





ad Brand Celebrity friend Magazine

Fig1. Number of likes characterized into the author type on Instagram

Part 3 – An Ideal Post

From the insights you gained about your social media interactions, you will complete
the included form to describe an ideal post from a company/organization that would
be most likely to gain a social interaction from you. Your description should include:
1) The social network site on which the post will appear – Instagram
2) Name of company/organization making the post – Hodinkee
3) Exact time of post – 8 pm
4) Mock-up of the post including text, any visual content, and additional content such
as hyperlinks or hashtags. – The post will have pictures and a call to action to check
the website for the latest review or the purchase section
5) Provide a short defense for why you would be likely to interact with the post. Use
key insights your social media analysis to support your defense. from – In the past
few months, I’ve read almost all the articles from them and I’m notified of the new
article from their Instagram post.

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