Assignment 3 Door and Window Lock Assessment Template 1

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Assignment 3: Door and Window Lock Assessment

Assignment 3: Door and Window Lock Assessment

Abubaker Syed

School of Computer and Information Sciences, University of the Cumberlands

ISOL634 Physical Security

Dr. Danny Barnes


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Assignment 3: Door and Window Lock Assessment
Table of Contents

Door Locks

Types of Door Locks Found..........................................................................................................3

Handle Locks..................................................................................................................................3

Cam Locks......................................................................................................................................3

Deadbolt Lock Types.....................................................................................................................4


Mortise Locks.................................................................................................................................4

Types of Window Locks Found....................................................................................................5


Folding Lock...................................................................................................................................5

Window Pin Lock...........................................................................................................................5

Improvements for Door Lock security.........................................................................................4

Upgrading Locks............................................................................................................................6

Utilizing Security Screens.............................................................................................................6

Ensuring Lock Hardware.............................................................................................................7

Window Lock Improvement.........................................................................................................7

Add window security pins.............................................................................................................7

Use security bars............................................................................................................................7

Overhaul windows.........................................................................................................................8



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Assignment 3: Door and Window Lock Assessment
Door locks are fundamental. They give wellbeing and security like no other apparatus or

device. They go about as the boundary to keep your office and workspace safe and help look

after protection. Viability is crucial when searching out locks for your office.

Around 2 million homes are broken into every year, so understanding the critical

contrasts between the kinds of Door locks causes you settle on better decisions for your office.

Or on the other hand, on the off chance that you are a locksmith or in the lock establishment

business, realizing these subtleties will assist you with settling on more educated decisions for

your clients. Investigate our manual for find out around five kinds of Door bolts, their best

applications and the means to introduce every one of them. [ CITATION Gra181 \l 1033 ]

Types of Door Locks

Handle Locks

Handle locks are the most widely recognized sort of Door lock and the main technique

for security for most Doors. The lock chamber is situated in the handle rather than the Door.

Consequently, handle locks ought not be utilized on outer Doors, as they can be broken into with

essential apparatuses like a sledge or wrench. [ CITATION Gra181 \l 1033 ]

Cam Locks

Cam locks are a kind of clasp that permits stockpiling to be kept unblemished and do as

such in an idle manner, in order to not influence the general appearance. They are generally

imperceptible in completely developed cupboards. Cam bolts ordinarily accompany sets of

furniture and bureau packs. These kinds of Door locks are barrel shaped and are arranged in the

wooden part. A metal cylinder with an opening in one side helps position the jolt that is

embedded. Certain cam locks secure bureau Doors totally, which make them alluring measures

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Assignment 3: Door and Window Lock Assessment
for keeping delicate materials. Cam locks utilize different rear ends or "cams" to make a locking


Deadbolt Lock Types

Deadbolts offer the best assurance against a robbery or break-in. Lock jolts are moved by

turning a handle or key without the utilization of a spring. Deadbolts include an interesting

locking instrument that opposes actual assaults, battering and exhausting. They can't be opened

with a blade or hand apparatus. Deadbolt secures come three sorts: single, twofold and C.

Single chamber deadbolts are the most straightforward ones and can be actuated from one

side by means of a key. A twofold chamber deadbolt can be utilized with a key from the two

sides. A solitary, twofold and lockable thumb turn deadbolt includes a thumb turn inside that can

be bolted with a key. This sort of deadbolt gives the best adaptability and security. [ CITATION

Joh2013 \l 1033 ]


Padlocks have a place in the unsupported lock gathering. They are convenient, which

means dissimilar to other lock types, they are not for all time appended to an Door or anything

that utilizes it. Padlocks arrive in an assortment of models that are assembled into two primary

classes: keyed and mix. Keyed Padlocks alone are accessible in various subtypes, as keyed the

same, keyed unique and keyable. Padlocks are anything but difficult to perceive, not simply

because of their portable nature, yet in addition due to their circled handle shackle shape. They

contain a carried shackle, a section wherein the latch shoulders raise the sides of the shackle to

repress jolt cutters from slicing through it.

Mortise Locks

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Assignment 3: Door and Window Lock Assessment
Mortise locks are amazing locks utilized on outside Doors. In any case, they are

accessible in both light and hard-core models. They are involved an inner framework which

makes them a greater number of locksets than just bolts. These locksets can house either handles

or switches and are frequently contained a tube-shaped body. They are strung and use mortise

parts added inside the Door. A case lock is set inside the mortise, which is a profound break in

the edge of the Door. Mortise locksets remain secure by utilizing a set screw and a cam which

makes the locking system. The chamber segment comes in different statures and lengths for

various kinds of Doors.

Types of Window Locks Found

Window locks help secure your home and keep your possessions and family safe from

thieves and interlopers. While all windows accompany some type of lock, there are a wide range

of types. In case you're not kidding about security or on the off chance that you live in a horror

zone, additional locks can help protect you. [ CITATION Mic1979 \l 1033 ]


A window Latch is a standard lock found on twofold and single hung windows. This

straightforward component associates the two bands of the window and forestalls either from

moving. While Latchs do hold the bands set up, hence viably "locking" the window, the scarves

are not a powerful window lock and ought not be the main lock on your windows at home.

Folding Lock

Folding secures are discovered implanted casement window outlines. At the point when

turned down, Folding locks keep the scarves bolted, and when turned up, the lock is delivered.

Folding locks are the standard component that goes ahead casement windows upon buy

Window Pin Lock

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Assignment 3: Door and Window Lock Assessment
Window pin locks resemble chain locks for Doors. One portion of the lock connects to

the scarf, the other to the edge. The parts are associated by a link or a chain that keeps the

window from opening wide. Window pin locks are anything but difficult to introduce yet require

a drill to append the two closures. These locks are one of only a handful not many that can be

utilized on casements. [ CITATION Mic1979 \l 1033 ]

Improvements for Door Lock security

Upgrading Locks

These techniques for front Door security improvement are proposed to get you the most

ideal outcomes. You ought to make certain to layer your security, and not simply center around

one method of ensuring your front Door. Know about the give and take that accompanies

overlooking specific parts of front Door security, and the means you should take so as to make

up for specific choices. Here are the nuts and bolts you have to know to about building better

front Door security.[ CITATION Ral17 \l 1033 ]

The most fundamental piece of front Door security is the lock that you use. Locks can

change remarkably as far as the degree of security they offer a home. Therefore, it is absolutely

critical that you ensure you are not utilizing some unacceptable lock for your front Door security.

Picking some unacceptable lock for the employment is just one of the worries. You likewise must

know about what your lock is helpless against. Does it secure against knock keys? Is the metal

feeble so it tends to be broken with gruff power or penetrated into? What steps has it taken to

invigorate itself against secret and fierce section?

Utilizing Security Screens

Two Doors are in every case in a way that is better than one. To improve your front Door

security, placed another Door before your Door. Security screens are punctured metal

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Assignment 3: Door and Window Lock Assessment
obstructions that have space for extra bolts. They are fitted to open out toward the purpose of

entrance, so kicking assaults that depend on pushing the Door open are less inclined to work. The

extra bolts are likewise bound to demoralize secret section, as you will have an extra deadbolt

and keyed handle as a component of your front Door security. Furthermore, because of the holes,

you will have the option to open your Door and see everything outside without setting yourself in

danger to any anticipating hurt. You will see more than you would through a peephole, while as

yet being fairly clouded to anybody outwardly.

Ensuring Lock Hardware

The equipment of a lock is all that is embedded into the Door. One of the powerless

focuses in front Door security is the place where the lock is introduced. This is on the grounds

that openings have been bored near one another, eliminating a lot of material. On the off chance

that the eliminated parts of the Door are not fortified by the introduced lock equipment, there

will be a requirement for additional insurance. You will realize the amount you have to ensure

your lock equipment by sorting out what the general quality is. In particular, you should know

the measure of power your deadbolt can withstand. [ CITATION Ral17 \l 1033 ]

Window Lock Improvement

Add window security pins

In the event that you have more established wood-outlined, twofold hung windows,

introduce window security pins on the window outline. They're accessible at home improvement

shops. Placing pins in the upper band permits you to open a window around six inches, however

keeps gatecrashers out.

Use security bars

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Assignment 3: Door and Window Lock Assessment
Introduce bars or barbecues on your windows, particularly in the storm cellar. Ensure

they're safely appended. Note of alert: If you're adding security bars or pins, ensure you can

without much of a stretch delivery them in the event that you have to make a brisk departure

during a fire or other crisis.

Overhaul windows

On the off chance that your windows are old, think about supplanting them. Pick

tempered or security glass, which is more enthusiastically to break than different glass types.

More up to date windows will in general be more energy-productive and have more up to date

style locks. Remember that, over the long haul, window locks wear out, so the more current the



There is a ton of upgrades that you can make to your front Door security. Indeed, even

inside these nine techniques, there are apparently unlimited varieties and approaches. Also, this

isn't all that you can do to ensure your front Door. There is in every case more that should be

possible. However, what you need to consider is now overpowering enough without me heaping

on another approach to improve your front Door security. When you discover the strategy you

might want to seek after, you have to choose if you should redesign your security yourself or

enroll the assistance of an expert. On the off chance that you don't have the foggiest idea where

you would begin with your front Door security, it may be justified, despite any trouble to start

this cycle with a nearby locksmith. Remain safe and secure your front Door.[ CITATION Gra181

\l 1033 ]

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Assignment 3: Door and Window Lock Assessment


Grainger. (2018, Sep 1). Types of Door Locks and Their Security Level. Retrieved from

Peterson, J. (2020, Mar 20). Types of Window Locks. Which Are the Safest? Retrieved from

Peterson, M. (2019, May 12). 7 Tips to Increase Window Security. Retrieved from

Ralph. (2017, Nov 1). 9 Ways To Improve Your Front Door Security. Retrieved from

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