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9.0. Received Php1,000 from Paciano; paid P300 to Viola for the loan
9.1. Toured at the Dresden (visited Dr. Adolph Meyer) and at Leitmeritz (met Dr. Jagor)
9.2. First meeting with Blumentritt—railroad station and stayed at the Blumentritt
residence May 13-16, 1887; in fluent German
9.3. Leitmeritz – with wife Rosa (and children Dolores, Conrad & Fritz); introduced to
burgomaster (mayor); talk at the Tourists’ Club of Leitmeritz (L) (Blumentritt is
secretary); painted a portrait; concern for Dorita in his letter
9.4. Prague: met Dr. Wilkomm, prof of Natural History in the University of Prague at
Blumentritt’s recommendation; visited tomb of Copernicus (astronomer), cave where St
John Nepomucene was imprisoned
9.5. Vienna – “Queen of the Danube”; capital of Austria-Hungary; met Norfenfals (great
European novelist); received the diamond stickpin (which he lost at Hotel Krebs); stayed
at Hotel Metropole
9.6. Travels: Vienna → Lintz → Salzburg → Munich (best beer in Germany) →
Nuremberg (horrible torture machines used by the Inquisition); (dolls – biggest industry)
→ Ulm → (largest & tallest cathedral in Germany) → Stuttgart → Baden → Rheinfall
→ Bern → Lausanne → Geneva (Fr., Ger., Italian languages) (15 days); Viola returned
to Barcelona, Rizal to Italy
9.7. Resented Exhibition of Igorots in 1887 Madrid Exposition (side by side with animals
and plants – some of whom died); Spanish press mocked at them except El Liberal
9.8. Italy: Rome – Eternal city; the City of the Caesars; “I am in Rome! Everything I step
on is the dust of heroes… I salute every statue with reverence, and to me… I am in a
sanctuary” (to Blumentritt, June 27, 1887); visited Amphitheatre, Roman Forum… Santa
Maria Maggiore; Vatican – City of the Popes

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