Nationaslism and Patriotism

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I. How do you feel now for the country? Do you now feel a
sense of pride for her knowing how “powerful”
Filipinos are as people? How would you show your love
for her? How much do you care about her?
Nationalism and Patriotism are used interchangeably. However they
are of different meanings. Patriotism is the appreciation of to one’s country
and its values while Nationalism implies nation’s superiority.

I am Filipino, a proud one. I suppose you are one too. Philippines, a

country full of wonderful places with great people who are hospitable, that
even if you are a foreigner or stranger, we can make time to smile to you and
ask if you’re feeling alright.

I can show my love and care for my country by adhering to the agency
policy for the preservation of electricity not only in our office but in our
houses. It can really make a difference to simply turn off appliances. We are
already facing shortage of electricity supply in our country and is
experiencing power rotation brown out to suffice to, with these, it will be a
great eye opener for us to improve our way of living by conserving electricity
as long as we could. I will also participate in the activities being made by our
authorities in promoting their advocacies such as 60 hour program, where
we are voluntarily encouraged to stop electric consumption. This is being
done around the world, if all of us will adhere with it, it will have great
impact. Discipline to be adhered will be one way for me to show my love to
Philippines, my country.
II. Enumerate eight (8) things you can be proud about
Filipinos or about the Filipinos.

Description Why Do You Say So?

1. Filipinos are hospitable. We are very friendly, even if you are
a foreigner or stranger, we can
make time to smile to you and ask if
you’re feeling alright.

2. Filipinos are religious. In every city or town and even

barangays, there will always be a
chapel or church and in every home
of most Filipinos, the altar will
never be missed.

3. Filipinos are respectful. Children are taught to say "po" and

"opo" at a very young age to show
deference for the elders. Young and
old, they are bound to give respect
to people older than them, a quality
that I am really proud of.

4. Filipinos are joyous. Filipinos would find themselves

laughing over their problems in life.
I love smiling and laughing too. It is
a stress reliever for me

5. Filipinos are hardworking. Philippines as an archipelago,

farming became the main source of
living of Filipinos. Farming depicts
diligence and hard work, We are
also known for our dedication in
doing our best.

6. Philippines is fun We are rich of beautiful places to

visit and adventures to enjoy. We
are also being visited by foreigners
for our breath taking tourist

7. Filipinos value traditions. We believe on superficial beliefs

which in places are considered
as their traditions and cultures.
We do respect our own beliefs
and no one do have the right to
judge it.

8. Filipinos value love for family. The family as a basic unit of the
society is highly preserved by the

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