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M. Soron
ESAB AB Welding Equipment (Sweden)


Robotic Friction Stir Welding (FSW) of complex seams involves a chain of tasks in which the process undergoes
several stages. At first, a planning stage in which a proper path is planned and the welding parameters are adjusted.
Secondly, the actual welding in which the emphasis lies on control, but also including monitoring. At the end of the
task chain we find evaluation, which may include techniques using the collected data during the run to determine
the manipulator’s performance. In this paper we propose an overall strategy towards a flexible FSW solution using
an industrial robot, including welding equipment and software to support all three stages in the system.

IIW-Thesaurus Keywords: Controls; Friction stir welding; Friction welding; Robots; Reference lists.

1 INTRODUCTION proven its value, are in the aerospace industry and in

nuclear waste management [5]. In such applications,
the joint quality must meet extreme demands, due to
Friction Stir Welding (FSW) is a welding technology,
invented at TWI (The Welding Institute, Cambridge, UK) safety reasons. And another important aspect, within
in 1991 [1]. It is a welding process, which is distin- this application area, is high repeatability. Obviously,
guished by being a solid-state joining technology. The since an unsatisfactory weld in such application most
superiority compared to traditional fusion welding tech- likely would result in high costs.
niques in terms of joint quality, especially in aluminium A typical welding approach, in order to draw bene-
alloys such as 7xxx and 2xxx, have created a good fits from FSW, have been to apply this technique on
reputation for FSW within the welding community. Pro- straight, preferably long, butt-joint geometries. In such
blems often associated with aluminium welding, such cases, the FSW process has been proven to decrease
as shrinkage, porosity and distortions are eliminated to production time and thereby the costs, due to minimi-
a great extent, since the material is not melted nor is zed joint preparations as well as limited finishing work
any filler material added [2, 3]. [6]. The previously mentioned marine industry has typi-
Since the commercial introduction on the market a cally gained productivity by using the FSW process,
decade ago, the main interest for FSW has been in due to these reasons.
joining either extruded material or large plates. Typical Another welding geometry, often associated with FSW,
application areas have been the marine [4] and railway is circumferential welding. In such application a sym-
industries, in which joining of aluminium panels is a metric object is rotated, while a fixed (or with a limited
common operation. Other industries, in which FSW has motion capability) welding head is performing the weld.
This approach has been applied in production of rocket
Doc. IIW-1870-07 (ex-doc. III-1432r1-07) recommended fuel tanks as well as in similar applications.
for publication by Commission III “Resistance welding, The one thing in common with almost all production
solid state welding and allied joining processes”. implementations of FSW, is the lack of a (or heavily
Welding in the World, Vol. 52, n° 9/10, 2008 – Research Supplement

restrained) multidimensional workspace. Due to high other words, lack of stiffness. This results in inaccu-
forces, most FSW machines are constructed using rate position control when the robot is in contact with
prismatic (linear) axes, which results in a very limited an object. These conclusions were also drawn in [11]
dextrous workspace. To overcome this limitation to using a KUKA KR500, which has called for advanced
some extent, there exists a possibility to use a specially force control techniques to be implemented in order to
designed tool, which may be oriented perpendicular to perform FSW using such a type of robot design.
the work object’s surface to weld 2-dimensional paths The control solution proposed for this type of appli-
and overcome the missing rotational capability of the cation is typically a force/position hybrid control [12],
machine. But in many cases a slight tilt angle of the in which one or more motion directions are to be
tool (compared to the surface normal) may increase the controlled by force while the others are controlled by
performance by preventing too much heat to be gene- position. The ability to apply a desired axial force on
rated at the leading edge of the tool. And for objects the object, while moving along the weld seam, is the
having a curved surface, the tilt capacity is needed in preferred solution for FSW. Cook et al. [13] also pro-
order to apply a proper trajectory. pose this strategy to effectively handle the compliance
One approach used to overcome the limited workspace issues, confronted with a robot solution.
of a linear axes machine, is to simply add rotational A force control solution may add robustness to FSW,
axes. A five axes machine based on a linear gantry and disregarding the machine issues. Even if the path is
two rotational axes is commonly used. Such machine programmed correctly and the machine is performing
may theoretically have enough dexterity to access the its motion accurately, the material surface may contain
complete 3-dimensional workspace for FSW. The main small deflections due to irregularities. Such surface
issue with such solution is instead that the dextrous deviations may have a unique pattern, varying from
workspace is dependent on the configuration of the piece to piece and therefore call for an adaptive motion
linear axes. This implies that there is often only one way to maintain a precise contact with the object, which is
to achieve a desired location and orientation, which obtained using the proposed force feedback solution.
may interfere with the layout of the application. It can
also be noted that many of these solutions have a hea-
vily limited rotational capacity, but the combination of a
rigid machine with a 3-dimensional workspace may be 2 IMPLEMENTING
a sound solution for e.g. complex planar welds. THE FSW ROBOT SYSTEM
To gain access to a greater 3-dimensional workspace,
The proposed implementation of the FSW robot system
one needs a more complex mechanical solution.
consists of both a modified mechanical unit and soft-
This has led to several implementations using indu-
ware to control, plan and evaluate the system’s perfor-
strial robots for FSW. A standard industrial robot has
mance. By integrating all parts into a system solution,
a 3-dimensional workspace, it is normally considered
rather than keeping them separate, a higher level of
as cost-effective and it has a highly developed user
flexibility may be achieved. That is, by including rela-
interface for rapid programming adjustments. The
ted tasks, such as e.g. robot path planning, within the
major drawback however, with a robot application is
FSW process, the adaptiveness to rapid changes in
the lack of force/load capability. And since the forces
production could increase. And by including evalua-
involved with FSW are known to be high, a standard
tion feedback, errors could be corrected at a planning
robot might not have the capacity for FSW or have only
stage based on analytic conclusions rather than the
a very limited usage without undergoing changes in
operator’s intuition.
both the mechanical design as well as with the control
system software. Below three stages are proposed for welding with the
FSW robot system:
The research efforts in this area during recent years have
shown that FSW using a standard or slightly modified 1. Planning, which consists of path generation as well
robot is feasible. In [7] a parallel kinematics robot, Neos as a weld parameter setup.
Tricept 600, showed successful results. The mecha- 2. Welding, with emphasis on control (force control)
nical design of the Tricept robot is well-known for its and signal monitoring.
stiffness and accuracy, which can increase the limited 3. Evaluation of the welded sample by destructive or
application area for robots and add robustness. The non-destructive methods as well as evaluation of the
main issue with such robot is the relatively small and control by the stored signal data.
complex workspace due to its design [8]. And another
drawback is the high cost, which may limit the pos- The system required to fulfil such demands, consists
sibilities for a widespread usage. The serial designed of both a mechanical part and several software imple-
industrial robot, the type commonly referred to when mentations.
discussing industrial robots, has been implemented The robot used in this implementation is an ABB
by several. In [9] an ABB IRB-6400 was used, later IRB7600-500, which has a 500 kg payload capacity
switched to an IRB-7600 in [10], which has a higher and is based on the serial design, as discussed in the
payload capacity. The main issue with this type of previous section. The compliance issue is compensated
robot, due to its design, is the compliance or said in for by force control, but to minimize the unstable beha-
Welding in the World, Vol. 52, n° 9/10, 2008 – Research Supplement

viour of the manipulator, the mechanical configuration In FSW the surface determines the orientation of the
is re-arranged. In FSW the 6th axis of the robot is red- welding tool. Either the tool is to be oriented perpen-
undant and may be replaced with welding equipment dicular to the surface or with a slight tilt, by which the
(Figure 1). By applying this approach the distance from surface may act as a reference geometry. On a flat
the TCP (tool centre point) to the body of the robot surface, only the orientation of the workobject plane
is minimized, which implies a reduced torque applied is needed. But on a complex surface the orientation
on the robot’s axes. This implementation is discussed of the tool is to be calculated aligned (or tilted) to the
in details by Soron et al. in [14], in which the welding surface normal, as:
package consists of a motor, an angular gearbox, a f f
spindle and a force/torque sensor. The sensor reads u v,
nˆ ( u, v ) (1)
not only the z-axis component, but also the perpendi- f f
cular components, x and y, which are transmitted to the u v
control system. The latter components may be used to where
compensate for path deviations caused during the weld
f(u,v) denotes the parameterized surface.
as a result of the side forces.
To access this information with a minimum amount of
The force/position hybrid used to control the axial force
effort, the topological relation between edges and faces
in this solution is based on the force control option
are used. By using the edge as a path reference and its
from ABB, which is embedded on the IRC5 control-
parent face for the tool orientation definition, the desi-
ler. This solution is well suited for FSW, having a high
sampling frequency (approximately 2 kHz), even though red information may be extracted from the object model
the actual purpose of this implementation aims for a into a path model. The edge is originally modelled (at
different application area. To complement the axial the design stage of the object) as either a straight line,
set-point controller, an implementation handling the an arc, a spline curve or a combination of such. The
XY-plane deviations discussed earlier has been added. path is then designed based on these underlying seg-
In this case a high sampling frequency is not needed ments, to match the real object with high accuracy.
since the response does not aim to minimize a measu- The next important step is to simulate the weld or at
red error. Instead the measurement may be used as least simulate the motion of the welding tool. This to
an input to a compliance model which calculates the make sure that the path is planned accordingly and
approximate correction needed to compensate for the that the robot is capable of executing it. When the path
produced deviation. is simulated and approved the system automatically
By reviewing the earlier statement in which three tasks creates executable code for the robot controller. And
were classified, planning should be the initial stage. By by using an Ethernet service, in this case ftp, the pro-
planning the weld properly, we may minimize the trial gram is uploaded on the controller, ready to be laun-
and error process, which is likely present in complex ched by the operator.
scenarios. The task is initialized with an object for online During the weld, a background task is monitoring a set
planning or even more preferably a geometric model of of signals on the controller. The values of these signals
the object (CAD), matching the real object’s geometric are displayed in an HMI (human-machine-interface) on
characteristics for off-line planning. Such model consists the robot’s TeachPendant. And in parallel with the dis-
of topological features among which nodes are founded, play, the values are stored by a logging service. The
connecting as edges, edges connecting to wires and signals available are:
wires connecting to frames, which bounds the corre- – current frame (position and orientation);
sponding geometries such as curves and surfaces. By – current joint vector;
extracting this information, significant reference know- – current force measurement;
ledge is gained to build a detailed path without putting – current torque measurement;
trust to the skills of the human operator. – path correction vector;
– spindle motor current;
which are monitored at a selected sampling interval
limited to a maximum value of 10 Hz. The monitor has
two different setups which
i) store the data in a local buffer on the controller, or
ii) transmit the data via TCP/IP to a remote computer.
In the first alternative a buffer of a pre-defined size is
used to store the values. At the end of a weld, the buf-
fer is stored to a file on the controller’s memory, which
later may be transferred to a remote computer via ftp.
Since this approach does not involve an online network
connection nor a transmission protocol, it may be con-
sidered a reliable solution. The main drawback, howe-
Figure 1 – FSW robot with integrated welding ver, is that the buffer must be allocated in advance due
equipment as a replacement of the 6th axis to the lack of dynamically allocated arrays in the RAPID
Welding in the World, Vol. 52, n° 9/10, 2008 – Research Supplement

language. This simply means that the buffer size needs the microstructure [16] or inspection using ultrasonic
to be determined in advance, based on the sampling phased array techniques [17]. Yet another evaluation
interval and time needed to complete the weld. The performed, is on the force error. That is, how much the
second alternative offers a little bit more, as it allows us measured force values deviate from the desired values.
to monitor the signals on an external computer connec- This is rather an evaluation on the machine, but as the
ted via Ethernet. To apply this strategy a software has heat input model for FSW highly depends on the axial
been developed, which includes an interface to con- force [18], weld error may be derived through force
troller as well as a graphical monitoring context. The error. And since one of the drawbacks using an indu-
solution is based on a client/server approach using a strial robot for FSW is the high compliance and limited
TCP/IP socket, in which the remote computer acts as a force capability, the force error evaluation becomes an
server. As a client (the controller) attempts to connect, important performance measure of the robot system.
a new monitoring session is launched on the server (if The force evaluation in the monitor system is presented
accepted). When receiving an <INITIALIZE/> request as the mean square error (MSE) [19]:
from the client, the server automatically creates a new m
window frame in the monitoring software, in which the MSE ( xi T ) 2, (2)
streaming data is presented. The transmission protocol m i 1
in the application is based on XML (Extensible Markup where
Language [15]), which is a standard for representing
T is the target value,
and transmitting data over the internet. This standard
allows us to transmit text based messages using a xi is the i:th sample in the total collection of m values.
pre-defined structure of elements. Below an example In order to avoid measurements (to some extent) which
structure is displayed in which the service has been are not a part of the actual weld, the MSE evaluation is
initialized to transmit the current frame and the force triggered based on the desired value. As the measure-
measurement. ment is launched, the MSE evaluation disregards the
<INITIALIZE/> readings until a threshold value is obtained, based on
<PARAMS> the desired force value (or portion of it).
<FORCED unit=”N”>2500</FORCED>
<SPEED unit=”mmpsec”>8</SPEED>
<TILT unit=”deg”>2</TILT>
<PLUNGESPEED unit=”mmpsec”>0.2</PLUNGESPEED>
The implementation of the system, as proposed in the
<DWELL unit=”sec”>0</DWELL>
earlier section, may be evaluated as a case study in
which a weld is performed on a typical object. As the
procedure is initialized, a CAD model of the object is
<LOGP unit=”mm”>[100.0,25.0,250.0]</LOGP>
obtained as in Figure 2. The object, consisting of two
<LOGQ unit=”qat”>[1.000,0.000,0.000,0.000]</LOGQ>
parts where the bottom hollow part is made out of
<LOGF unit=”N”>[100,-250,1100]</LOGF>
die-cast aluminium and the lid out of AA5xxx, has a
length of 500 mm, a width of 100 mm and a height of

10 mm.
To generate a proper path for the application the lid of
When reviewing the XML transmission, it is found that
the weld object is imported into the path generating
the session is started with the <INITIALIZE/> request from
software. The lid’s outer boundaries represent the weld
the client and that the welding parameters were sub-
seam exactly, which makes it an excellent reference
mitted. One feature available in XML is the ability to
geometry for the weld path. When imported into the
use attributes for the tags. In the parameter list, the
software’s context, the topological data structure is
attributes define which units are used, e.g. in <FORCE
extracted and the upper surface is selected as a refe-
unit=”N”>, the N defines that the unit Newton is used for
rence plane. Within the frame identified by the face,
the desired force value. By using such approach both
8 edges are found representing the four sides and the
flexibility, since optional units may be used, as well as
four radius corners. In this case the planning stage is
reliability is gained, as the units used on the controller
simple since
are verified by the monitoring system.
i) the path is to be located exactly on the edge of the
After a weld is performed, an evaluation procedure plate, and
takes place. Depending on the application, different
strategies are performed in order to evaluate. Tradi- ii) the edges are represented as executable segments,
tionally the operator visually inspects the weld seam that is as linear or arc shaped segments.
and in standard trials a few samples undergo a more By selecting the edges one-by-one from the topological
careful inspection, e.g. with bend test etc. There exists, list and exporting them as path segments, the positio-
of course, a variety of seam inspection methods, both nal definition of the weld is completed. When exported
destructive and non-destructive, where among the previously, the edges included their topological parent
common approaches include optical examination of (face) and its geometry in order to apply tool orientation
Welding in the World, Vol. 52, n° 9/10, 2008 – Research Supplement

relations, are removed automatically, as they represent

the exact same target.
The data format used in the RAPID language consists
not only of the pose values (positions and orientations)
given by the model context, but also of axes configura-
tion and external axes values. The external axes values
are used to synchronize the TCP motion with up to six
Figure 2 – The case study weld object consisting external axes, e.g. positioners. This feature is at this
of two pieces where the lid is AA5xxx stage not used, which results in a default value setup.
and the box is die-cast aluminium The configuration values, on the other hand, cannot
be neglected. These values are used in order to avoid
normal reference. If a Frenet frame [20] is considered, the ambiguity of the multiple axes configuration corre-
describing the tool’s moving coordinate system, then sponding to the same Cartesian pose. For a six axes
Eq. (1) may define the frame’s normal, . The frame’s manipulator (still considering the robot having six axes
tangent, , is easily extracted from the edges as: from a control point of view) the maximum solutions
dC( u ) dx ( u ) dy ( u ) dz ( u ) for the inverse kinematics are 16 solutions [21]. This
t , , issue is solved by defining the configuration quadrants
du du du du , (3)
for axes 1, 4 and 6 (denoted cf1, cf4 and cf6) as well
tˆ as the robot’s position relative three different singula-
rity configurations (denoted cfx). To resolve this (to a
where satisfactory extent) a few assumptions about our envi-
C(u) is the parametric curve representing the edge. ronment have to be made. First, the weld is normally
We may now form the bi-normal: applied within a bounded space in which the robot may
produce its largest amount of force, which implies that
bˆ tˆ nˆ , (4)
the cfx variable should be set to 0. The cf6 values may
to be used for re-orienting the frame by a tilt angle, be neglected in this case and set to a default value.
θ. By calculating the quaternion vector q = <η, ε >, Finally the two remaining values need to be calculated
where: via an inverse kinematics strategy, which in this case
cos , may be simplified in order just to resolve the 1st and
2 4th axes.
sin bˆ
b̂ The segment type to be implemented is inherited from
the modelling context without any difficulties. In this
and case being constructed by arcs and lines, the controller
υ=π-θ (6) implementation of the segment may be defined without
for each segment end-point. any further interpretation. The RAPID motion instruction
The path is then evaluated through simulation where also relies on information about the TCP speed, zone,
the FSW tool is included (Figure 3). If the path is misin- tool and coordinate system, which have to be defined
terpreted by any reason, e.g. flipped due to surface explicitly. And the FSW motion instruction does also
parameterization, this will show on the simulation. The include a force definition as well as optional data to
one thing not evaluated at this stage by the system, is handle XY-plane deviations, which may also be defined
the robot’s kinematics. Instead issues, such as reach- if needed. The variables that actually affect the welding
ability and singularities, have to be avoided using a motion are in this case included in one data record, the
priori knowledge. It is, however, possible to use a robot welding parameter list, which may be defined either in
motion simulator, e.g. ABB’s Robot Studio to verify the the path modelling context or online on the controller.
path from a kinematics point of view at a later stage. The tools and coordinate systems used are pre-defined
The path is verified by the path planning system and on the controller and accessed through their variable
needs to be represented as executable code for the names. In case that the tool is not included in advance,
robot controller. Due to the sound geometric definition it may be converted based on its geometric layout and
of the path on the modelling context, the correspon- be included in the module created by the path planning
ding end-points may be converted to the RAPID pose system.
format directly. Any duplicates, due to end-start point In the next step the RAPID module is transferred to the
control system via FTP and ready to be executed. One
issue that often comes in play for all off-line program-
ming is the calibration or rather the computer model vs.
real world. It is not unlikely that the real work object’s
location and orientation does not exactly match the
computer model, it therefore requires a calibration pro-
cedure, which in this case is not too demanding since
Figure 3 – The path simulated in an off-line it is only one robot and one work object that requires
environment using a FSW tool to verify the path calibration.
Welding in the World, Vol. 52, n° 9/10, 2008 – Research Supplement

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Welding in the World, Vol. 52, n° 9/10, 2008 – Research Supplement

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