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Lecture: 1


4CV005: Professional Skills

Ground rules

• Silent Mobile Phones

• Non silence for Questions
• No chatting among colleges
• Write own notes
• Present on time
• Review by few participants
• Interval (10.30, 12.15 & 2.30)
Outline of the Presentation

Introduction to module

What is engineering?

What is civil Engineering ?

Civil Engineering disciplines

Civil Engineers traits

The Civil Engineering: the past and present

Introduction to the module
Module title: Professional Skills and Management
Module code: 4CV005
Module aim: The aim of the module is to equip the students with academic, practical
and interpersonal skills that underpin the Civil Engineering discipline. The module covers a
wide variety of topics including health and safety, sustainability, and introduction to
computing tools. By engaging with the module, the students will develop written and oral
presentation skills.

Learning outcomes:
General Transferable Skills (GT) and Engineering Analysis Skills (EA)
• GT2,3,4,6: Develop the necessary skills that will underpin their education in civil
engineering including, IT, communication, team-working and planning self-learning

• GT5: Develop proficiency in academic related skills including information retrieval,

technical and academic writing and oral presentations.

• EA4: Develop the necessary skills to apply quantitative methods and computer software
relevant to civil and structural engineering, in order to solve engineering problems.
Introduction to the module
Learning outcomes:
LO2: Economic, Social and Environmental Context Skills (ES)
ES4: Show awareness of the framework of relevant legal requirements governing
engineering activities, including personnel, health, safety, and risk (including
environmental risk) issues.

LO3: Knowledge and Understanding skills (KU)

KU2: Demonstrate an appreciation of the wider multidisciplinary engineering context and

its underlying principles.
Introduction to the module
Key references:
1. Cottrell, S. (2008) The study skills handbook; Palgrave Macmillan,
Basingstoke, UK.
2. McCarter, S. and Whitby, N. (2007) Writing skills, Macmillan, Oxford,
3. Ellis, R. (2002) Communication skills - stepladders to success for the
professional, Intellect, Oxford, UK.
4. Bowden, J. (2004) Writing a report : how to prepare, write and
present effective reports, How To Books, Oxford, UK.
5. Grigg, N. S., Criswell, M. E., Fontan, D. G., and Siller, T. J. (2001) Civil
Engineering Practice in the Twenty-First Century: Knowledge and
Skills for design and management, American Society Of Civil
Engineers publisher, USA.
6. Illston, J. M. and Domone, P.L. (2007) Construction Materials, Spon
Press, UK.
Introduction to the module
Assessment information:
Assignment 1 – Technical report (50%)

Assignment 2 – Portfolio of group and individual work (50%)

(Group presentation & Essay, Lab report + Auto cad drawing + Presentation +Field visit
Professional Skills and Management
Time Table – Full Time Civil Batch (12) 2017/2018
Date Lecture No Topic
12/11/2017 Lecture 1 Introduction, Module Guide, and Health & Safety

18/11/2017 Lecture 2 Professional Institutions, Presentation Skills, Technical Report Writing

25/11/2017 Lecture 3 Reinforcement Concrete , Timber, Steel & Etc

10/12/2017 Lecture 4 Brickwork, Library & Research Skills using IT facilities, General and written Communication Skills etc
Lecture 5 Laboratory workshop – Sieve Analysis practical (Assignment - 02)
17/12/2017 Lecture 6 Discussion of Assignment -1 (Discussion of Submitted technical reports & presentation (Practice))
Week day of
second week of Individual Presentation
January 2018
31/12/2018 Lecture 7 Auto Cad Work Shop, (Assignment – 03)

07/01/2018 Lecture 8 Construction Site visit (Assignment – 04)

14/01/2018 Lecture 9 Business and management skills, Graphical communication skills & Team working skills

21/01/2018 Lecture 10 Discussion of Submitted essay (Assignment no - 05) &Sustainable development and professional ethics

28/01/2018 Lecture 11 Group Presentations

04/02/2017 Lecture 12 Health and safety issues in civil engineering industry

Introduction to the module
Assignment 1: 50% overall module weighting

Individual presentation 30%

Technical report 70%
Introduction to the module
Assignment 1: Individual presentation (30% of overall Assignment1
• Working with your designated topic you need to discuss the findings of your
research and prepare a presentation.

• You must use as wide variety of information sources as possible (i.e. refereed
journals, books, conference proceedings, professional body and governmental
reports, web search engines, CD ROM etc.) to prepare your presentation slides.

• The presentations will be 5 minutes, followed by a 3-minute question-and-

answer session. Your presentation must be focused sharp to the topic.

• All students must be present and must contribute to the success of the
Introduction to the module
Assignment 1: Individual presentation (30% of overall Assignment1

• In order to achieve an A (highest pass grade) students must present their piece
of work focusing and synthesizing of a body of knowledge relevant to the topic.

• The content of the presentation must be related to the title and/or purpose of
the topic. Also, presentation content must cover sufficient breadth and depth of
the topic.

• Furthermore, students will be assessed based on their presentation skills,

structure of the presentation, sufficient evidence given to support their
arguments, evidence of appropriate critical thinking, audience engaged,
personal organisation of the presenter, and time keeping skills.

• Date of presentation: will be inform

Introduction to the module
Assignment 1: Individual presentation (30% of overall Assignment1
Marking scheme Marks
Technical content of the presentation 50%

Logic and structure of the presentation 10%

Evidence of appropriate critical thinking 10%

Evidence given to support their arguments 10%

Overall style, presentation, organisation, etc. 10%

Ability to deal with questions 10%

Introduction to the module
Assignment 1: Technical Report (70% of overall Assignment1

• Working with your designated topic you need to write a comprehensive

technical report.

• The report must be between 2000-2500 words with the use of a minimum of 8
references (of which 4 must be journal papers).

• In order to achieve an A (highest pass grade) students must produce a word-

processed report expressing highly competent understanding and synthesis of
a body of knowledge relevant to the topic.

• You need to adopt the Harvard Referencing System as part of your report.
Introduction to the module
Assignment 1: Technical Report (70% of overall Assignment1
Marking scheme Marks
Overall technical quality of the topic explored, context and challenges 25%

Evidence of understanding of the reasons for selecting the topic, 25%

comprehensive background information, demonstrating background
Discussion of topic covered in a way which shows a depth of 20%
understanding, exploration and synthesis of information
Conclusion 10%

Excellent report presentation, clear structure and grammar 10%

Quality and relevance of reference sources cited, and referencing in 10%

Harvard style
Date of submission: a formal technical report is to be submitted no later than …….
Introduction to the module
Assignment 2,3,4,5:

You must develop and submit a portfolio of work composed of individual and
Group-work elements. The different tasks are defined below:

Task 1: Research essay & Group presentation 30%

Task 2: Laboratory report (10%) + Auto Cad
drawing (5%) + Field visit report (5%)
Introduction to the module
Task2: Research Essay (50% of overall Assignment 5 weighting)
• You need to carry out research and identify a minimum of 5 journal papers
related to either “Sustainable development practices in civil engineering
projects”, “Competence framework for developing twenty-first century Civil
Engineers”, “Impact of recent economic recession on civil engineering industry”,
“Leadership skills for implementing mega infrastructure projects”, “Health and
safety risk assessment in civil engineering projects”, and “Outlook of the global
civil engineering industry”.

• After reading the papers you need to write an essay (between 800-1000 words)
summarising the key findings from your research.

• In order to achieve an A (highest pass grade) students must produce a word-

processed essay expressing highly competent understanding and synthesis of a
body of knowledge relevant to the topic.

• You need to adopt the Harvard Referencing System as part of your essay.
Introduction to the module
Task2: Research Essay (50 % of overall Assignment 5 weighting)
Marking scheme Marks
Evidence of understanding of the reasons for selecting the essay
topic, comprehensive background information, demonstrating 35%
background reading/research
Discussion of topic covered in a way which shows a depth of
understanding, exploration and synthesis of information

Conclusion 15%

Excellent essay presentation, clear structure and grammar 10%

Quality and relevance of reference sources cited, and referencing in

Harvard style
Introduction to the module
Task2: Research Essay (50 % of overall Assignment 5 weighting)

Date of submission: a formal essay report is to be submitted no later

Introduction to the module
Task2: Group presentation (50 % of overall Assignment 5 weighting)

• Working with your designated group you need to discuss the findings of your
research and prepare a presentation.

• You must use as wide variety of information sources as possible (i.e. refereed
journals, books, conference proceedings, professional body and governmental
reports, web search engines, CD ROM etc.) to prepare your presentation slides.

• As a group, you are required to keep minutes and progress reports from your
meetings and include them as part of your presentation.

• The presentations will be 15 minutes, followed by a 5-minute question-and-

answer session. Your presentation must be focused sharp to the topic.

• All members of each group must be present and must contribute to the
presentation. If there are problems, the tutor should be informed as soon as
possible. In such a case appropriate actions will be taken against those
individual students.
Introduction to the module
Task2: Group presentation (50% of overall Assignment 5 weighting)

• In order to achieve an A (highest pass grade) students must present their piece
of work focusing and synthesising of a body of knowledge relevant to the topic.

• The content of the presentation must be related to the title and/or purpose of
the topic. Also, presentation content must cover sufficient breadth and depth of
the topic.

• Furthermore, students will be assessed based on their presentation skills,

structure of the presentation, sufficient evidence given to support their
arguments, evidence of appropriate critical thinking, audience engaged,
personal organisation of the presenter, and time keeping skills.

• Date of presentation: will be inform….

Introduction to the module
Task2: Group presentation (50% of overall Assignment 5 weighting)
Marking scheme Marks
Content of the presentation 50%

Logic and structure of the presentation 10%

Evidence of appropriate critical thinking 10%

Evidence given to support their arguments 10%

Overall style, presentation, organisation, etc. 10%

Ability to deal with questions 10%

Introduction to the module
Task3: Laboratory report (10%)

• You must prepare a laboratory report using data from practical on the Sive Analysis

• You must include relevant calculations
Introduction to the module
Task3: Laboratory report
• You need to provide a discussion (approx. 200 words) comparing the
“Theoretical Results” with the “Lab Data Results”.

Task4: Auto Cad Drawing (5%)

Task5: Field Visit Report (5%)

Thank you !
Lecture: 1
What is Engineering

4CV005: Civil Engineering Skills

What is engineering

• Your views!

• Team work

• Form a group of size 3

• Each group need to define the term engineering?

What is engineering?
Engineers apply math and science for the
Betterment of society through:
According to Webster’s

The application of math Design Manufacturing Research &
and science by which the Development
of matter and the
sources of energy in
nature are made useful
to people. Management Continual Logistics

Above all, engineers are problem solvers who make

things work better, more efficiently, quicker and
What is engineering
Engineering Disciplines

Major Disciplines Other Disciplines

• Mechanical • Automotive
• Electrical • Aerospace
• Chemical • Agricultural
• Civil • Biomedical
• Industrial • Computer
• Environmental
• Materials
• Nuclear
• Robotics
• Safety
Mechanical Engineering
Concerned with design, manufacture &
operation of a wide range of components,
devices, or systems:
• microscopic parts (nanotechnology) to
gigantic gears
• heating, ventilation, refrigeration
• manufacturing equipment (tanks,
motors, pumps)
• laser technology
• biomedical applications
• automotive industry
• computer-aided design, automation,

Broadest of all the engineering disciplines in its range of activities

Chemical Engineering
• Plastic
• Energy (natural gas, oil heating, coal)
• Adhesives
• Clothing
• Building Materials

Applying chemistry to the solution of practical problems

Electrical Engineering
Play a role in almost everything we
interact with on a daily basis. They
design smaller, cheaper, and better:
• cell phones
• computers
• power systems
• appliances
• robots

Apply specialized skill to the design, manufacture, application, installation,

and operation of electrical products and systems.
Industrial Engineering
Design data processing systems
• Integrate activities of finance,
engineering and management
• Develop systems for planning,
cost analysis, production and
quality of products

Stresses design, improvement, and installation of integrated systems of

people, material, and equipment for the effective production of goods or
services in all types of industries
Civil Engineering
Create solutions to cope with:
• air quality issues
• decaying cities, roadways and
• clogged airports and highways
• polluted streams, rivers and lakes

Design solutions to cope with many of our planet’s most serious problems.
What is civil engineering
• Your views!

• Team work

• Form a group of size 5

• Each group need to define the term civil

What is civil engineering
Public perception

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