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Task 2024

G04 ~ Life Skills

TASK 1: Personal and social wellbeing – Case study (Give and receive


Read the case study below and answer the questions that follow.


Lerato and Jenny have been best friends since they were five years old. They do everything
together and visit each other every weekend.

There is a new girl, Kylie, in their class. She comes from Cape Town. Jenny tried to make Kylie
feel welcome, so she invited her to sit with them during break. Jenny also invited Kylie to her house
over the weekend. She also invited Lerato, but Lerato does not want to go if Kylie is going to be
there. Lerato is scared that Kylie will replace her.

Lerato decided to go and sit with other friends during break time and does not talk to Jenny

Jenny does not understand why Lerato is so unhappy. She really wants to talk to Lerato about the
problem, but Lerato refuses.

1. How does conflict develop? (1)

2. Who, in this case study, handled the conflict situation in a negative way?
Motivate your answer. (2)

3. Explain in a paragraph what negative conflict resolution is. (9)

4. Discuss in a paragraph how that person should have reacted to avoid conflict. (6)

5. Would you say that Jenny handled the conflict situation better?
Motivate your answer. (1)

6. Explain in a paragraph the term ‘positive conflict resolution’. (10)

7. What do you think can be the possible solution to their problem? (1)


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