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NABL 223

National Accreditation Board for

Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Assessment Forms and Checklist

(Based on ISO 15189:2022)

Issue No.: 01 Amendment No.: --

Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amendment Date: --

S. Amendment Page Clause Date of Amendmen Reasons Signature Signature

No. No. No. No. Amendment t QA Team Competent










National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 1 of 80

SI. Title Page No.

Amendment Sheet 1

Contents 2

1. NAF 1 - Assessment Schedule 3

2. NAF 1A - Attendance Sheet (Opening & Closing Meeting) 4

3. NAF 3A - Details of Testing/Re-Testing Witnessed During Assessment 5

4. NAF 4 - Summary on Non-Conformities 6

5. NAF 6 - Assessment Summary 7

6. Form 72 - Recommended Scope of Accreditation 8

7. Form 74- Declaration of Impartiality & Confidentiality 9

8. Assessor Checklist - 1 For Lead Assessor 10

9. Assessor Checklist - 2 For Technical Assessor 44

10. Assessor Checklist - 3 For Medical Laboratory Collection Centres / Facilities 72

11. Assessor Checklist - 4 For Medical Imaging-Conformity Assessment Bodies 76

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 2 of 80
NAF – 1


Name of the Laboratory:

Head of the Laboratory (how so ever named): Date(s) of Visit:

Type of Assessment: Initial assessment / Onsite Surveillance / Reassessment / Supplementary Visit

Field: Medical Discipline (s):

Facility (s): Permanent / POCT / Mobile/ Site Facility

Assessment Standard: ISO 15189: 2022
Specific Criteria of NABL (If applicable):

Assessment Timings Opening/Closing Meeting Date/Time Daily Debriefing Date / Time

(at the end of each day)
Day 1:
Morning: AM to PM Opening Meeting:
Day 2:
Afternoon: PM to PM Closing Meeting:
Day 3:

Schedule of Department/ Section/ Activity to be Assessed (date wise)

Name and Expertise Day 1 Day 2
of the Assessor Morning Afternoon Morning Afternoon
Lead Assessor

Assessor 1

Assessor 2

Assessor 3

Assessor 4

Assessor 5

Assessor 6

Assessor 7

(only for observation)

I declare that the assessment plan has been prepared after discussing with the assessment team members.

Signature of Lead Assessor

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 3 of 80
NAF – 1A

Name of the Laboratory:

Date of Opening Meeting: Date of Closing Meeting:

Time of Opening Meeting: Time of Closing Meeting:

SI. Assessors / Laboratory Capacity / Designation Signature

Personnel Present Opening meeting Closing meeting

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 4 of 80


(To be filled in by the Technical Assessor)
Name of the Laboratory:
Discipline(s): Facility (Permanent/ POCT/ Mobile/ Date(s) of Assessment:
Site facility):

Materials or Products tested

Component, parameter or
characteristic tested/ Specific Test
Performed/ Tests or type of tests
Test Method Specification against
which tests are performed and/or
the techniques/ equipment used
Range of Testing / Limits of
% CV/Measurement Uncertainty
expressed as () of Observed Value

1. Fresh Sample
Sample ID
Tested by
Results of Test Witnessed

2. Re-testing/replicate testing of Retained Sample

Sample ID

Date of Earlier Testing

Earlier Tested by

Earlier Reported Results

Results of Test Witnessed

Test conducted by
(same person)
Test conducted by
(different person)

3. Testing of CRM / SRM

Reference Material

Specified Value

Results of Test Witnessed

Deviations observed, if any
Conclusion on the technical
competence of the lab for the test
(Enclose/upload all supporting data sheets for tests witnessed)

(Signature & Name of Technical Assessor)

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 5 of 80
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories
Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 6 of 80
Summary on Non-Conformities
(Please use separate sheet for raising each Non-Conformity)

Name of the Laboratory

Name of the Assessor

Date(s) of Assessment Discipline:


Cl. No. of ISO 15189:2022 / Cl. No. of NABL 133/ NABL Specific criteria (If applicable):

(Signature of laboratory’s representative and propose the
required corrective actions) Signature & Name of Assessor

Signature & Name of the Authorized Representative of Laboratory

(Root cause analysis to be submitted along with the evidences of corrective actions)

Acceptance/Signature of Technical Assessor


Acceptance/Signature & Name of Lead Assessor

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 7 of 80

SI. Item Details

1. Name of the
2. Date(s) of
3. Field

4. Discipline(s)

5. Facility Permanent/ POCT/ Mobile/ Site facility

6. Type of Assessment Initial Assessment/ Onsite Surveillance/ Reassessment / Supplementary visit

7. Assessment Team/

8. Date of earlier visit:

Non-Conformities during earlier onsite assessment have/ have not been discharged.
(Yes or No)
9. Total no. of Non- Number of NC(s)
conformities Clause 4
Clause 5
Clause 6
Clause 7
Clause 8
10. Comment(s) of Assessment Team on compliance of CAB to:
NABL 133*
NABL 142*
NABL 163*
NABL 112*
*(Lead Assessor to comment on the basis of observations of Technical Assessor(s))
11. Assessment Summary
12. Recommendation of
assessment team as per
ISO 15189: 2022
13. Only if accreditation is recommended, date by which the corrective Action & root cause analysis to be
submitted by the laboratory for the above Non-conformities (Max. 30 days):
14. The requirements of NABL
133 have been explained by
the Lead Assessor and
understood by the laboratory
Enclosur NA NA NA NA NA Chec Chec Chec For For For TA/ PT/ Comment Any
es F6 F4 F F1 F k list k list k list m m m DA ILC s on the othe
3A 1A 1 2 3 72 74 45 Form record competen r
s s cy of doc
personnel s.
No. of

Acknowledgement by Authorised Representative of

Laboratory & Date Signature of Lead Assessor & Date

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 8 of 80
Form 72


Name of the Laboratory: Date(s) of assessment:

Discipline: Address: Facility (Permanent /POCT/ Mobile/ Site

SI. Materials or Component, *Test Method Range of % CV / Assessment
Products parameter or Specification Testing/ Measurement Technique
tested characteristic against which Limits of Uncertainty used by
tested / tests are detection expressed as Assessor(s)
Specific performed () of
(Test Witness / Document
Test and/or the Observed
review /Interviewing / File
Performed / techniques/ Value** Review (Record Review)
Tests or type equipment
of used

* Kindly mention publications like IFCC, CLSI etc., wherever applicable.

The value at which uncertainty of measurement estimated shall also be specified.
** The laboratories are required to maintain records of estimation of % CV / Measurement Uncertainty (MU)

Signature, Date & Name Signature, Date & Name Signature, Date & Name
of Laboratory of Technical Assessor(s) of Lead Assessor

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 9 of 80
Form 74


(to be filled in by each Assessor and enclosed with the Assessment report)

Name Assessor ID:

(To be filled in by NABL Sect.)



Capacity Lead Assessor / Technical Assessor / Technical Expert / Observer

CAB* Assessed

Date of
Type of Document Review / Pre-Assessment / Initial assessment / Onsite Surveillance /
Assessment Reassessment / Supplementary visit

*CAB – Conformity Assessment Body (Testing / Medical / Calibration laboratory / Proficiency Testing Provider
(PTP) / Reference Material Producer (RMP))

I _______________________________________________________, hereby declare that I have not offered any

consultancy, guidance, supervision or other services to the CAB (e.g. internal audit), in any way.

I am / am not* an ex-employee of the CAB and am/ am not* related to any person of the management of the CAB.

I got an opportunity to go through various documents like Quality Manual/Management System document,
Procedural Manuals, Work instructions, Internal reports etc. of the above CAB and other related information that
might have been given by NABL. I undertake to maintain strict confidentiality of the information acquired in course
of discharge of my responsibility and shall not disclose to any person other than that required by NABL.

*Strike out which is not applicable


Place: Signature

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 10 of 80
Assessor Checklist 1 - For Lead Assessor


(To be filled in by the Lead Assessor)

The following pages present a checklist of the criteria from ISO 15189: 2022, which is the basis for NABL to decide
accreditation for laboratories. The laboratory’s policies and procedures must meet full requirements of ISO
15189:2022, NABL 133, NABL 142, NABL 163 and NABL specific criteria where ever applicable. The actual
standard must be referred for the definitive language and interpretation.
The Lead Assessor must complete this checklist, put initials on each page. The following symbols may be used for
completing this checklist.


The Lead Assessor must review the laboratory’s documented system to verify compliance with the requirements of
ISO 15189: 2022 assess to verify that the documented management system is indeed implemented as described,
record conclusion/comments related to any requirements. All non-conformity(ies) must be identified and reported
separately on NAF a4. This checklist be submitted as a part of the assessment report.

Name of the Laboratory

City/ Town

Date(s) of Assessment

Lead Assessor’s Name


#-Applicable for Offline Assessments

Assessor shall enter comment in “REMARK” box for each sub clause.

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 11 of 80



a) Laboratory activities shall be undertaken impartially. The

laboratory shall be structured and managed to safeguard
b) The laboratory management shall be committed to

c) The laboratory shall be responsible for the impartiality of its

laboratory activities and shall not allow commercial,
financial or other pressures to compromise impartiality.
d) The laboratory shall monitor its activities and its
relationships to identify threats to its impartiality. This
monitoring shall include relationships of its personnel.

NOTE A relationship that threatens the impartiality of the

laboratory can be based on ownership, governance,
management, personnel, shared resources, finances, contracts,
marketing (including branding), and payment of a sales
commission or other inducement for the referral of new laboratory
users, etc. Such relationships do not necessarily present the
laboratory with a threat to impartiality.
e) If a threat to impartiality is identified, the effect shall be
eliminated or minimized so that the impartiality is not
compromised. The laboratory shall be able to demonstrate
how it mitigates such threat.
4.2 Confidentiality
4.2.1 Management of information

The laboratory shall be responsible, through legally

enforceable agreements, for the management of all patient
information obtained or created during the performance of
laboratory activities. Management of patient information
shall include privacy and confidentiality. The laboratory
shall inform the user and/or the patient in advance, of the
information it intends to place in the public domain. Except
for information that the user and/or the patient makes
publicly available, or when agreed between the laboratory
and the patient (e.g. for the purpose of responding to
complaints), all other information is considered proprietary
information and shall be regarded as confidential.
4.2.2 Release of information

When the laboratory is required by law or authorized by

contractual arrangements to release confidential
information, the patient concerned shall be notified of the
information released, unless prohibited by law.

Information about the patient from a source other than the

patient (e.g. complainant, regulator) shall be kept
confidential by the laboratory. The identity of the source
shall be kept confidential by the laboratory and shall not be
shared with the patient, unless agreed by the source.

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Personnel
4.2.3 responsibility
Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 12 of 80
Personnel, including any committee members, contractors,
Comments of Assessor on compliance against: -

NABL 133  Assessor to comment on compliance of NABL 133 by verifying few test report / test certificates
 Assessor to also verify if any test reports/certificates has been issued by the laboratory during the non-accredited period (i.e
break in accreditation cycle, if any)
 If lab uses NABL Accredited CAB Combined ILAC MRA Mark, assessor to verify its agreement with NABL.
 If any NC raised during previous onsite assessment for misuse of NABL symbol / Claim of Accreditation and/ or any complaint
registered by NABL related to misuse of NABL symbol, Assessor to give a comment regarding the same.
NABL 142
NABL 163
Specific Criteria (Wherever applicable)

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 13 of 80
Assessor Checklist 2 - For Technical Assessor


(To be filled in by the Technical Assessor)

The following pages present a checklist of the criteria from ISO 15189: 2022, which is the basis for NABL to decide
accreditation for laboratories. The laboratory’s policies and procedures must meet full requirements of ISO15189:
2022 and specific criteria where ever applicable. The actual standard must be referred for the definitive
language and interpretation. The Technical Assessor must complete this checklist.
The Technical Assessor must complete this checklist, put initials on each page. The following symbols may be
used for completing this checklist.


The Technical Assessor must review the laboratory’s documented system to verify compliance with the
requirements of ISO 15189: 2022 assess to verify that the documented management system is indeed
implemented as described, record conclusion/comments related to any requirements. All non-conformity (ies) must
be identified and reported separately on NAF-4. This checklist be submitted as a part of the assessment report.

Laboratory Assessed

City/ Town

Assessment Date (S)

Technical Assessor’s Name


#-Applicable for Offline Assessments

Assessor shall enter comment in “REMARK” box for each sub clause

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 14 of 80


4.1 Impartiality
a) Laboratory activities shall be undertaken impartially.
The laboratory shall be structured and managed to
safeguard impartiality.
b) The laboratory management shall be committed to
c) The laboratory shall be responsible for the impartiality
of its laboratory activities and shall not allow
commercial, financial or other pressures to
compromise impartiality.
d) The laboratory shall monitor its activities and its
relationships to identify threats to its impartiality. This
monitoring shall include relationships of its personnel.

NOTE A relationship that threatens the impartiality of the

laboratory can be based on ownership, governance,
management, personnel, shared resources, finances,
contracts, marketing (including branding), and payment of a
sales commission or other inducement for the referral of
new laboratory users, etc. Such relationships do not
necessarily present the laboratory with a threat to
e) If a threat to impartiality is identified, the effect shall be
eliminated or minimized so that the impartiality is not
compromised. The laboratory shall be able to
demonstrate how it mitigates such threat.
4.2 Confidentiality
Management of information
The laboratory shall be responsible, through legally
enforceable agreements, for the management of all
patient information obtained or created during the
performance of laboratory activities. Management of
patient information shall include privacy and
confidentiality. The laboratory shall inform the user
and/or the patient in advance, of the information it
intends to place in the public domain. Except for
information that the user and/or the patient makes
publicly available, or when agreed between the
laboratory and the patient (e.g. for the purpose of
responding to complaints), all other information is
considered proprietary information and shall be
regarded as confidential.
4.2.2 Release of information
When the laboratory is required by law or authorized
by contractual arrangements to release confidential
information, the patient concerned shall be notified of
the information released, unless prohibited by law.

Information about the patient from a source other than

the patient (e.g. complainant, regulator) shall be kept
confidential by the laboratory. The identity of the
source shall be kept confidential by the laboratory and
National Accreditation Board
shall not be sharedfor Testing
with andunless
the patient, Calibration
agreed byLaboratories
Doc. No.: NABL 223 theAssessment
source. Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 15 of 80
4.2.3 Personnel responsibility
Comments of Assessor on compliance against: -

NABL 133  Assessor to comment on compliance of NABL 133 by verifying few test report / test certificates
 Assessor to also verify if any test reports/certificates has been issued by the laboratory during the non-accredited period (i.e break in
accreditation cycle, if any)
 If lab uses NABL Accredited CAB Combined ILAC MRA Mark, assessor to verify its agreement with NABL.
 If any NC raised during previous onsite assessment for misuse of NABL symbol / Claim of Accreditation and/ or any complaint
registered by NABL related to misuse of NABL symbol, Assessor to give a comment regarding the same.
NABL 142
NABL 163
Specific Criteria (Wherever applicable)

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 16 of 80
Assessor Checklist - 3

Assessor Checklist 3: For Medical Laboratory Collection Centres / Facilities

(To be filled in by the Technical Assessor)

Collection Centre / Facility: __________________________________________________________

Premises: _________________________________________________________________________


1. Type of the Collection Centre / source of Owned / Managed /

sample Franchise/Any other source
of sample collection which
is not categorized above

2. Size of premises Adequate / Inadequate

3. Average Number of patients per day

4. Does it meet the requirement of the Yes / No


5. Reception and waiting area separate from Yes / No

collection area

6. Hand washing facility Yes / No

7. Clean toilet facility on site Yes / No

8. Provision of privacy during collections Yes / No

9. Hours of operation have been displayed Yes / No

Accommodation and Environmental Conditions

1. Is it adequately lit and clean Yes / No

2. Is the humidity and temperature suitable Yes / No

3. Are cleaning policies available Yes / No

4. Is it adequately ventilated and prevented Yes / No

from dust
5. Does it have adequate space & separation Yes / No
to avoid cross contamination
6. Is the house keeping adequate Yes / No

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 17 of 80


1. Refrigerator (temp. record; calibrated temp. recording Yes / No


2. Centrifuge (Calibration records) Yes / No

3. Proper storage of supplies Yes / No

4. Suitable chair and/ or couch for collection of blood, etc. Yes / No

5. Basic first-aid material Yes / No

6. Telephone Yes / No

7. Air conditioning, if applicable Yes / No

8. Power backup for equipment Yes / No



1. Material required for specimen collection e.g. evacuated Yes / No

blood collection tubes, syringes, tubes, swabs etc.

2. Presence of expired supplies Yes / No



1. Staff members Yes / No

2. Number of phlebotomists Yes / No

3. Is manpower appropriate to the workload? Yes / No

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 18 of 80
4. Training records Yes / No

5. Does the staff possess knowledge of first-aid measures Yes / No

to deal with situations they are likely to encounter in the
course of specimen collection?



1. List of services provided Yes / No

2. Sample collection manual available Yes / No

3. Records of Internal audit Yes / No

Health and Safety


1. Collection staff to observe universal precautions (to wear Yes / No

gloves, lab coat & protective mask)

2. Vaccinated against Hepatitis B Yes / No

Safety and Waste Disposal

1. Approved receptacles for sharps and for Yes / No

contaminated waste available
2. Transport and disposal of waste is in Yes / No
accordance with applicable regulatory

Transport of Pathology Specimens


National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 19 of 80
1. Does the collection centre follow national / Yes / No
international regulations for the transport of
infectious and other diagnostic specimens
by air and by surface so that in the event of
an accident, courier staff and the general
public may not be exposed to blood and
body fluids
2. Has the specimen collection staff Yes / No
participated in training in specimen
collection, transport, handling of
emergencies etc?
3. Has the staff participated in retraining within Yes / No
two years interval?
4. Is the parcel of infectious substances Yes / No
attached with a plastic envelope containing
‘Bio-hazard’ label



1. Is the primary container leak proof? Yes / No

2. Does the secondary container possess Yes / No

sufficient absorbent material to absorb the
contents if the primary container leaks?

3. Are both the above containers properly Yes / No


4. Is the secondary container packed into Yes / No

appropriate outer packing and labeled

5. Is cooling agent included in the outer Yes / No

package if cold chain is to be maintained?

6. Monitoring the transport condition by Yes / No

electronic data loggers (wherever

7. Is the outer package labeled, addressed Yes / No

and taped securely

8. Are slides mailed in rigid slide container to Yes / No

prevent breakage

Complaints / Feedback

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 20 of 80

1. Does the collection centre have provision Yes / No

for receiving of complaints / feedback

2. Are the complaints / feedback reviewed and Yes / No

resolved by the laboratory

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 21 of 80
Assessor Checklist - 4

Assessor Checklist 4: For Medical Imaging-Conformity Assessment Bodies

(To be filled in by the Technical Assessor)

Name of the laboratory: _____________________________________________________________

Address: __________________________________________________________________________

Accommodation and Environmental Condition

SI. Requirements Status Remark

1. General

All medical imaging services should be expected to adequately provide for at least the following items
relevant to accommodation:

i. Patient waiting area, Yes / No / NA

ii. Patient interview and preparation areas Yes / No / NA

iii. Patient change cubicles Yes / No / NA

iv. Facilities for secure storage of patient belongings Yes / No / NA

v. Signage as per the requirements Yes / No / NA

vi. Equipment console and operating areas Yes / No / NA

vii. Facilities for the performance of administrative duties Yes / No / NA

viii. Film development, viewing and reporting areas Yes / No / NA

ix. Temperature and humidity control Yes / No / NA

x. Resuscitation and Revival Equipment and Medication Yes / No / NA

xi. Facilities for data storage Yes / No / NA

xii. Areas for storage of equipment accessories and Yes / No / NA


xiii. Provision for the safe emergency exit, and Yes / No / NA

xiv. Fire Safety Arrangement Yes / No / NA

xv. Arrangement for Radiation dosages measured & Yes / No / NA


xvi. Biomedical Waste Disposal Yes/No/NA

xvii. Personal Protective Equipment such as Lead Apron, Yes / No / NA

Gloves, Thyroid Shields

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 22 of 80
2. Radiology Applicable / Not Applicable

i. Building plan as per AERB Yes / No

ii. Valid AERB Certificate Yes / No

iii. Signages and indicators for restricted entry Yes / No

iv. Facility for processing of film Yes / No

v. Dark room with adequate ventilation Yes / No

vi. Dedicated are for barium preparation Yes / No

vii. Attached Toilet facilities Yes / No

viii. Resuscitation and Revival Equipment and Medication Yes / No

ix. Radiopharmaceutical (wherever applicable) Disposal Yes / No

3. Ultrasound Applicable / Not Applicable

i. Valid pc-PNDT Certificate Yes / No

ii. Signage in accordance with PNDT act Yes / No

iii. Arrangement for privacy for patients Yes / No

iv. Emergency recovery facility Yes / No

v. Separate toilet facilities Yes / No

4. Mammography Applicable / Not Applicable

i. Changing Room Yes / No

ii. Hygienic Patient’s cloth to be used during procedure Yes / No

5. Bone Mineral Densitometry Applicable / Not Applicable

i. Changing Room Yes / No

ii. Hygienic Patient’s cloth to be used during procedure Yes / No

6. Nuclear Medicine Applicable / Not Applicable

i. Hot Lab Yes / No

ii. Radiopharmaceutical administration area Yes / No

iii. AERB Approved Radioactive Scanning facilities Yes / No

iv. Delay Tanks and Separate ward (in case of I131 Yes / No

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 23 of 80
v. Patient recovery area Yes / No

vi. Sedation and general anesthesia facilities Yes / No

vii. Separate toilet facilities for nuclear medicine’s patient Yes / No

7. Magnetic Resonance Imaging Applicable / Not Applicable

i. Definition of 5 gauss line Yes / No

ii. Signage informing patient and staff Yes / No

about magnet sensitive objects/devices

iii. Indications for detection of helium boil-off and/or oxygen Yes / No


iv. Adequate communication equipment Yes / No

v. MR compatible patient transfer and support system Yes / No

vi. MR Compatible equipment for patient monitoring during Yes / No


vii. Resuscitation and Revival Equipment and Medication Yes / No

viii. Provision To deal with the emergency like Helium Boil Off Yes / No

Computed Tomography Applicable / Not Applicable

i. Valid AERB Certificate Yes / No

ii. Adequate communication equipment Yes / No

iii. Facility for patient monitoring during sedation Yes / No

iv. Pipelined gases and suction Yes / No

v. Resuscitation and Revival Equipment and Medication Yes / No


SI. Requirements Status Remarks

1. Qualified Authorised signatories ____ nos.

2. Trained anaesthetists ____ nos.

3. No. of Radiographer/Mammography technician ____ nos.

4. No. of Ultra Sonographer/ Sonographer ____ nos.

5. No. of MR Radiographer ____ nos.

6. No. of CT Radiographer ____ nos.

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 24 of 80
7. No. of Nuclear Medicine Radiographer ____ nos.

8. No. of Nursing Staff ____ nos.

9. Qualified Radiological Safety Officer Yes/No

10. Is manpower appropriate to the workload? Yes / No

11. Adequately trained staff in CPR, appropriate management of contrast Yes / No

reaction and the use of resuscitation equipment.

Labeling of Medical Images

SI Requirements Status Remarks


1. The labelling of medical images must be sufficiently comprehensive to ensure that they be unequivocally
traced to the patient and to enable their interpretation. Films must be labelled with a permanent
identification label, preferably a “flash” label, rather than a stick-on label which details

i. Practice name Yes / No

ii. Site name Yes / No

iii. Patient’s full name Yes / No

iv. Patient identification Yes / No

v. Examination date Yes / No

Medical Imaging Protocols

SI. Requirements Status Remarks

1. Medical Imaging protocols shall be documented describing the performance of all procedures performed
by the practice. These protocols shall include all necessary information including that for:

i. Patient management Yes / No

ii. Imaging procedures appropriate to Yes / No
specific clinical indications
iii. Deviations from standard imaging Yes / No
iv. Operation of equipment Yes / No

v. Quality control procedures Yes / No

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 25 of 80
vi. Necessary remedial action e.g. adverse Yes / No
event management
vii. Records to be kept, and Yes / No

viii. Safety issues/ Precautionary issues Yes / No


SI. Requirements Status Remarks

1. The following must be included in the test report in addition to Clause 7.4.1 of ISO 15189: 2022.

i. Patient’s name and other Identifier Yes / No

ii. Requesting practitioner’s name Yes / No

iii. Type of imaging procedure performed Yes / No

as identified in the practice procedure
manual and, where necessary, an
explanation of any modification to the

iv. Type, activity, route and injection site of Yes / No

any radioactive or nonradioactive
substance (such as contrast agents)
administered to the patient

v. Name of radiographer and specialists Yes / No

performing the procedure

vi. Date of procedure, Yes / No

vii. Description of findings Yes / No

viii. Interpretative information, including, if Yes / No

appropriate, Background on the
predictive value of the procedure or
expected values on a reference
population, to assist referring
practitioners in understanding the
results of the procedure, and

ix. Identification of the responsible Yes / No


x. description of any unusual features prior

to, during or following the study,

xi. Supplementary information e.g. Yes / No

evidence of previous surgery, to include
sketch and use of radioactive markers,
when the interpretation of the study may

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 26 of 80
be influenced by the results of the study

xii. Comments on the quality of the study Yes / No

xiii. Deviation(s) from the procedure as Yes / No

described in the procedure manual

xiv. Drugs used for sedation and further Yes / No

instruction of patient management

National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories

Doc. No.: NABL 223 Assessment Forms and Checklist (based on ISO 15189: 2022)
Issue No.: 01 Issue Date: 21-Jun-2023 Amend. No.: -- Amend. Date: -- Page 27 of 80
National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL)
NABL House
Plot No. 45, Sector 44,
Gurugram - 122003, Haryana
Tel. no.: 91-124-4679700 (30 lines)
Fax: 91-124-4679799

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